<?php // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * Web services utility functions and classes * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2009 Jerome Mouneyrac <jerome@moodle.com> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->libdir.'/externallib.php'); /** * WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME - username/password authentication (also called simple authentication) */ define('WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME', 0); /** * WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN - most common token authentication (external app, mobile app...) */ define('WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN', 1); /** * WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_SESSION_TOKEN - token for embedded application (requires Moodle session) */ define('WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_SESSION_TOKEN', 2); /** * General web service library * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2010 Jerome Mouneyrac <jerome@moodle.com> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class webservice { /** * Only update token last access once per this many seconds. (This constant controls update of * the external tokens last access field. There is a similar define LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS * which controls update of the web site last access fields.) * * @var int */ const TOKEN_LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS = 60; /** * Authenticate user (used by download/upload file scripts) * * @param string $token * @return array - contains the authenticated user, token and service objects */ public function authenticate_user($token) { global $DB, $CFG; // web service must be enabled to use this script if (!$CFG->enablewebservices) { throw new webservice_access_exception('Web services are not enabled in Advanced features.'); } // Obtain token record if (!$token = $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('token' => $token))) { //client may want to display login form => moodle_exception throw new moodle_exception('invalidtoken', 'webservice'); } $loginfaileddefaultparams = array( 'other' => array( 'method' => WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN, 'reason' => null, 'tokenid' => $token->id ) ); // Validate token date if ($token->validuntil and $token->validuntil < time()) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'token_expired'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('tokenauthlog', 'webservice'), '', get_string('invalidtimedtoken', 'webservice'), 0)); $event->trigger(); $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('token' => $token->token)); throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid token - token expired - check validuntil time for the token'); } // Check ip if ($token->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $token->iprestriction)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'ip_restricted'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('tokenauthlog', 'webservice'), '', get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice') . ": " . getremoteaddr(), 0)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid token - IP:' . getremoteaddr() . ' is not supported'); } //retrieve user link to the token $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $token->userid, 'deleted' => 0), '*', MUST_EXIST); // let enrol plugins deal with new enrolments if necessary enrol_check_plugins($user); // setup user session to check capability \core\session\manager::set_user($user); set_login_session_preferences(); //assumes that if sid is set then there must be a valid associated session no matter the token type if ($token->sid) { if (!\core\session\manager::session_exists($token->sid)) { $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('sid' => $token->sid)); throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid session based token - session not found or expired'); } } // Cannot authenticate unless maintenance access is granted. $hasmaintenanceaccess = has_capability('moodle/site:maintenanceaccess', context_system::instance(), $user); if (!empty($CFG->maintenance_enabled) and !$hasmaintenanceaccess) { //this is usually temporary, client want to implement code logic => moodle_exception throw new moodle_exception('sitemaintenance', 'admin'); } //retrieve web service record $service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('id' => $token->externalserviceid, 'enabled' => 1)); if (empty($service)) { // will throw exception if no token found throw new webservice_access_exception('Web service is not available (it doesn\'t exist or might be disabled)'); } //check if there is any required system capability if ($service->requiredcapability and !has_capability($service->requiredcapability, context_system::instance(), $user)) { throw new webservice_access_exception('The capability ' . $service->requiredcapability . ' is required.'); } //specific checks related to user restricted service if ($service->restrictedusers) { $authoriseduser = $DB->get_record('external_services_users', array('externalserviceid' => $service->id, 'userid' => $user->id)); if (empty($authoriseduser)) { throw new webservice_access_exception( 'The user is not allowed for this service. First you need to allow this user on the ' . $service->name . '\'s allowed users administration page.'); } if (!empty($authoriseduser->validuntil) and $authoriseduser->validuntil < time()) { throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid service - service expired - check validuntil time for this allowed user'); } if (!empty($authoriseduser->iprestriction) and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $authoriseduser->iprestriction)) { throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid service - IP:' . getremoteaddr() . ' is not supported - check this allowed user'); } } //only confirmed user should be able to call web service if (empty($user->confirmed)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'user_unconfirmed'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', 'user unconfirmed', '', $user->username)); $event->trigger(); throw new moodle_exception('usernotconfirmed', 'moodle', '', $user->username); } //check the user is suspended if (!empty($user->suspended)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'user_suspended'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', 'user suspended', '', $user->username)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Refused web service access for suspended username: ' . $user->username); } //check if the auth method is nologin (in this case refuse connection) if ($user->auth == 'nologin') { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'nologin'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', 'nologin auth attempt with web service', '', $user->username)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Refused web service access for nologin authentication username: ' . $user->username); } //Check if the user password is expired $auth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth); if (!empty($auth->config->expiration) and $auth->config->expiration == 1) { $days2expire = $auth->password_expire($user->username); if (intval($days2expire) < 0) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'password_expired'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', 'expired password', '', $user->username)); $event->trigger(); throw new moodle_exception('passwordisexpired', 'webservice'); } } // log token access self::update_token_lastaccess($token); return array('user' => $user, 'token' => $token, 'service' => $service); } /** * Updates the last access time for a token. * * @param \stdClass $token Token object (must include id, lastaccess fields) * @param int $time Time of access (0 = use current time) * @throws dml_exception If database error */ public static function update_token_lastaccess($token, int $time = 0) { global $DB; if (!$time) { $time = time(); } // Only update the field if it is a different time from previous request, // so as not to waste database effort. if ($time >= $token->lastaccess + self::TOKEN_LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS) { $DB->set_field('external_tokens', 'lastaccess', $time, array('id' => $token->id)); } } /** * Allow user to call a service * * @param stdClass $user a user */ public function add_ws_authorised_user($user) { global $DB; $user->timecreated = time(); $DB->insert_record('external_services_users', $user); } /** * Disallow a user to call a service * * @param stdClass $user a user * @param int $serviceid */ public function remove_ws_authorised_user($user, $serviceid) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('external_services_users', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid, 'userid' => $user->id)); } /** * Update allowed user settings (ip restriction, valid until...) * * @param stdClass $user */ public function update_ws_authorised_user($user) { global $DB; $DB->update_record('external_services_users', $user); } /** * Return list of allowed users with their options (ip/timecreated / validuntil...) * for a given service * * @param int $serviceid the service id to search against * @return array $users */ public function get_ws_authorised_users($serviceid) { global $DB, $CFG; $params = array($CFG->siteguest, $serviceid); $sql = " SELECT u.id as id, esu.id as serviceuserid, u.email as email, u.firstname as firstname, u.lastname as lastname, esu.iprestriction as iprestriction, esu.validuntil as validuntil, esu.timecreated as timecreated FROM {user} u, {external_services_users} esu WHERE u.id <> ? AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.confirmed = 1 AND esu.userid = u.id AND esu.externalserviceid = ?"; $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); return $users; } /** * Return an authorised user with their options (ip/timecreated / validuntil...) * * @param int $serviceid the service id to search against * @param int $userid the user to search against * @return stdClass */ public function get_ws_authorised_user($serviceid, $userid) { global $DB, $CFG; $params = array($CFG->siteguest, $serviceid, $userid); $sql = " SELECT u.id as id, esu.id as serviceuserid, u.email as email, u.firstname as firstname, u.lastname as lastname, esu.iprestriction as iprestriction, esu.validuntil as validuntil, esu.timecreated as timecreated FROM {user} u, {external_services_users} esu WHERE u.id <> ? AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.confirmed = 1 AND esu.userid = u.id AND esu.externalserviceid = ? AND u.id = ?"; $user = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params); return $user; } /** * Generate all tokens of a specific user * * @param int $userid user id */ public function generate_user_ws_tokens($userid) { global $CFG, $DB; // generate a token for non admin if web service are enable and the user has the capability to create a token if (!is_siteadmin() && has_capability('moodle/webservice:createtoken', context_system::instance(), $userid) && !empty($CFG->enablewebservices)) { // for every service than the user is authorised on, create a token (if it doesn't already exist) // get all services which are set to all user (no restricted to specific users) $norestrictedservices = $DB->get_records('external_services', array('restrictedusers' => 0)); $serviceidlist = array(); foreach ($norestrictedservices as $service) { $serviceidlist[] = $service->id; } // get all services which are set to the current user (the current user is specified in the restricted user list) $servicesusers = $DB->get_records('external_services_users', array('userid' => $userid)); foreach ($servicesusers as $serviceuser) { if (!in_array($serviceuser->externalserviceid,$serviceidlist)) { $serviceidlist[] = $serviceuser->externalserviceid; } } // get all services which already have a token set for the current user $usertokens = $DB->get_records('external_tokens', array('userid' => $userid, 'tokentype' => EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT)); $tokenizedservice = array(); foreach ($usertokens as $token) { $tokenizedservice[] = $token->externalserviceid; } // create a token for the service which have no token already foreach ($serviceidlist as $serviceid) { if (!in_array($serviceid, $tokenizedservice)) { // create the token for this service $newtoken = new stdClass(); $newtoken->token = md5(uniqid(rand(),1)); // check that the user has capability on this service $newtoken->tokentype = EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT; $newtoken->userid = $userid; $newtoken->externalserviceid = $serviceid; // TODO MDL-31190 find a way to get the context - UPDATE FOLLOWING LINE $newtoken->contextid = context_system::instance()->id; $newtoken->creatorid = $userid; $newtoken->timecreated = time(); // Generate the private token, it must be transmitted only via https. $newtoken->privatetoken = random_string(64); $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $newtoken); } } } } /** * Return all tokens of a specific user * + the service state (enabled/disabled) * + the authorised user mode (restricted/not restricted) * * @param int $userid user id * @return array */ public function get_user_ws_tokens($userid) { global $DB; //here retrieve token list (including linked users firstname/lastname and linked services name) $sql = "SELECT t.id, t.creatorid, t.token, u.firstname, u.lastname, s.id as wsid, s.name, s.enabled, s.restrictedusers, t.validuntil FROM {external_tokens} t, {user} u, {external_services} s WHERE t.userid=? AND t.tokentype = ".EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT." AND s.id = t.externalserviceid AND t.userid = u.id"; $tokens = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array( $userid)); return $tokens; } /** * Return a token that has been created by the user (i.e. to created by an admin) * If no tokens exist an exception is thrown * * The returned value is a stdClass: * ->id token id * ->token * ->firstname user firstname * ->lastname * ->name service name * * @param int $userid user id * @param int $tokenid token id * @return stdClass */ public function get_created_by_user_ws_token($userid, $tokenid) { global $DB; $sql = "SELECT t.id, t.token, u.firstname, u.lastname, s.name FROM {external_tokens} t, {user} u, {external_services} s WHERE t.creatorid=? AND t.id=? AND t.tokentype = " . EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT . " AND s.id = t.externalserviceid AND t.userid = u.id"; //must be the token creator $token = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($userid, $tokenid), MUST_EXIST); return $token; } /** * Return a token of an arbitrary user by tokenid, including details of the associated user and the service name. * If no tokens exist an exception is thrown * * The returned value is a stdClass: * ->id token id * ->token * ->firstname user firstname * ->lastname * ->name service name * * @param int $tokenid token id * @return stdClass */ public function get_token_by_id_with_details($tokenid) { global $DB; $sql = "SELECT t.id, t.token, u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, s.name, t.creatorid FROM {external_tokens} t, {user} u, {external_services} s WHERE t.id=? AND t.tokentype = ? AND s.id = t.externalserviceid AND t.userid = u.id"; $token = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($tokenid, EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT), MUST_EXIST); return $token; } /** * Return a database token record for a token id * * @param int $tokenid token id * @return object token */ public function get_token_by_id($tokenid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('id' => $tokenid)); } /** * Delete a token * * @param int $tokenid token id */ public function delete_user_ws_token($tokenid) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('id'=>$tokenid)); } /** * Delete all the tokens belonging to a user. * * @param int $userid the user id whose tokens must be deleted */ public static function delete_user_ws_tokens($userid) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('userid' => $userid)); } /** * Delete a service * Also delete function references and authorised user references. * * @param int $serviceid service id */ public function delete_service($serviceid) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('external_services_users', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid)); $DB->delete_records('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid)); $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid)); $DB->delete_records('external_services', array('id' => $serviceid)); } /** * Get a full database token record for a given token value * * @param string $token * @throws moodle_exception if there is multiple result */ public function get_user_ws_token($token) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('token'=>$token), '*', MUST_EXIST); } /** * Get the functions list of a service list (by id) * * @param array $serviceids service ids * @return array of functions */ public function get_external_functions($serviceids) { global $DB; if (!empty($serviceids)) { list($serviceids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($serviceids); $sql = "SELECT f.* FROM {external_functions} f WHERE f.name IN (SELECT sf.functionname FROM {external_services_functions} sf WHERE sf.externalserviceid $serviceids) ORDER BY f.name ASC"; $functions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); } else { $functions = array(); } return $functions; } /** * Get the functions of a service list (by shortname). It can return only enabled functions if required. * * @param array $serviceshortnames service shortnames * @param bool $enabledonly if true then only return functions for services that have been enabled * @return array functions */ public function get_external_functions_by_enabled_services($serviceshortnames, $enabledonly = true) { global $DB; if (!empty($serviceshortnames)) { $enabledonlysql = $enabledonly?' AND s.enabled = 1 ':''; list($serviceshortnames, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($serviceshortnames); $sql = "SELECT f.* FROM {external_functions} f WHERE f.name IN (SELECT sf.functionname FROM {external_services_functions} sf, {external_services} s WHERE s.shortname $serviceshortnames AND sf.externalserviceid = s.id " . $enabledonlysql . ")"; $functions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); } else { $functions = array(); } return $functions; } /** * Get functions not included in a service * * @param int $serviceid service id * @return array functions */ public function get_not_associated_external_functions($serviceid) { global $DB; $select = "name NOT IN (SELECT s.functionname FROM {external_services_functions} s WHERE s.externalserviceid = :sid )"; $functions = $DB->get_records_select('external_functions', $select, array('sid' => $serviceid), 'name'); return $functions; } /** * Get list of required capabilities of a service, sorted by functions * Example of returned value: * Array * ( * [core_group_create_groups] => Array * ( * [0] => moodle/course:managegroups * ) * * [core_enrol_get_enrolled_users] => Array * ( * [0] => moodle/user:viewdetails * [1] => moodle/user:viewhiddendetails * [2] => moodle/course:useremail * [3] => moodle/user:update * [4] => moodle/site:accessallgroups * ) * ) * @param int $serviceid service id * @return array */ public function get_service_required_capabilities($serviceid) { $functions = $this->get_external_functions(array($serviceid)); $requiredusercaps = array(); foreach ($functions as $function) { $functioncaps = explode(',', $function->capabilities); if (!empty($functioncaps) and !empty($functioncaps[0])) { foreach ($functioncaps as $functioncap) { $requiredusercaps[$function->name][] = trim($functioncap); } } } return $requiredusercaps; } /** * Get user capabilities (with context) * Only useful for documentation purpose * WARNING: do not use this "broken" function. It was created in the goal to display some capabilities * required by users. In theory we should not need to display this kind of information * as the front end does not display it itself. In pratice, * admins would like the info, for more info you can follow: MDL-29962 * * @param int $userid user id * @return array */ public function get_user_capabilities($userid) { global $DB; //retrieve the user capabilities $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rc.id, rc.capability FROM {role_capabilities} rc, {role_assignments} ra WHERE rc.roleid=ra.roleid AND ra.userid= ? AND rc.permission = ?"; $dbusercaps = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($userid, CAP_ALLOW)); $usercaps = array(); foreach ($dbusercaps as $usercap) { $usercaps[$usercap->capability] = true; } return $usercaps; } /** * Get missing user capabilities for a given service * WARNING: do not use this "broken" function. It was created in the goal to display some capabilities * required by users. In theory we should not need to display this kind of information * as the front end does not display it itself. In pratice, * admins would like the info, for more info you can follow: MDL-29962 * * @param array $users users * @param int $serviceid service id * @return array of missing capabilities, keys being the user ids */ public function get_missing_capabilities_by_users($users, $serviceid) { global $DB; $usersmissingcaps = array(); //retrieve capabilities required by the service $servicecaps = $this->get_service_required_capabilities($serviceid); //retrieve users missing capabilities foreach ($users as $user) { //cast user array into object to be a bit more flexible if (is_array($user)) { $user = (object) $user; } $usercaps = $this->get_user_capabilities($user->id); //detect the missing capabilities foreach ($servicecaps as $functioname => $functioncaps) { foreach ($functioncaps as $functioncap) { if (!array_key_exists($functioncap, $usercaps)) { if (!isset($usersmissingcaps[$user->id]) or array_search($functioncap, $usersmissingcaps[$user->id]) === false) { $usersmissingcaps[$user->id][] = $functioncap; } } } } } return $usersmissingcaps; } /** * Get an external service for a given service id * * @param int $serviceid service id * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING, MUST_EXIST... * @return stdClass external service */ public function get_external_service_by_id($serviceid, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) { global $DB; $service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('id' => $serviceid), '*', $strictness); return $service; } /** * Get an external service for a given shortname * * @param string $shortname service shortname * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING, MUST_EXIST... * @return stdClass external service */ public function get_external_service_by_shortname($shortname, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) { global $DB; $service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('shortname' => $shortname), '*', $strictness); return $service; } /** * Get an external function for a given function id * * @param int $functionid function id * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING, MUST_EXIST... * @return stdClass external function */ public function get_external_function_by_id($functionid, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) { global $DB; $function = $DB->get_record('external_functions', array('id' => $functionid), '*', $strictness); return $function; } /** * Add a function to a service * * @param string $functionname function name * @param int $serviceid service id */ public function add_external_function_to_service($functionname, $serviceid) { global $DB; $addedfunction = new stdClass(); $addedfunction->externalserviceid = $serviceid; $addedfunction->functionname = $functionname; $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $addedfunction); } /** * Add a service * It generates the timecreated field automatically. * * @param stdClass $service * @return serviceid integer */ public function add_external_service($service) { global $DB; $service->timecreated = time(); $serviceid = $DB->insert_record('external_services', $service); return $serviceid; } /** * Update a service * It modifies the timemodified automatically. * * @param stdClass $service */ public function update_external_service($service) { global $DB; $service->timemodified = time(); $DB->update_record('external_services', $service); } /** * Test whether an external function is already linked to a service * * @param string $functionname function name * @param int $serviceid service id * @return bool true if a matching function exists for the service, else false. * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function service_function_exists($functionname, $serviceid) { global $DB; return $DB->record_exists('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid, 'functionname' => $functionname)); } /** * Remove a function from a service * * @param string $functionname function name * @param int $serviceid service id */ public function remove_external_function_from_service($functionname, $serviceid) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid' => $serviceid, 'functionname' => $functionname)); } /** * Return a list with all the valid user tokens for the given user, it only excludes expired tokens. * * @param string $userid user id to retrieve tokens from * @return array array of token entries * @since Moodle 3.2 */ public static function get_active_tokens($userid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT t.*, s.name as servicename FROM {external_tokens} t JOIN {external_services} s ON t.externalserviceid = s.id WHERE t.userid = :userid AND (t.validuntil IS NULL OR t.validuntil > :now)'; $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'now' => time()); return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); } } /** * Exception indicating access control problem in web service call * This exception should return general errors about web service setup. * Errors related to the user like wrong username/password should not use it, * you should not use this exception if you want to let the client implement * some code logic against an access error. * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class webservice_access_exception extends moodle_exception { /** * Constructor * * @param string $debuginfo the debug info */ function __construct($debuginfo) { parent::__construct('accessexception', 'webservice', '', null, $debuginfo); } } /** * Check if a protocol is enabled * * @param string $protocol name of WS protocol ('rest', 'soap', 'xmlrpc'...) * @return bool true if the protocol is enabled */ function webservice_protocol_is_enabled($protocol) { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->enablewebservices)) { return false; } $active = explode(',', $CFG->webserviceprotocols); return(in_array($protocol, $active)); } /** * Mandatory interface for all test client classes. * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface webservice_test_client_interface { /** * Execute test client WS request * * @param string $serverurl server url (including the token param) * @param string $function web service function name * @param array $params parameters of the web service function * @return mixed */ public function simpletest($serverurl, $function, $params); } /** * Mandatory interface for all web service protocol classes * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface webservice_server_interface { /** * Process request from client. */ public function run(); } /** * Abstract web service base class. * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class webservice_server implements webservice_server_interface { /** @var string Name of the web server plugin */ protected $wsname = null; /** @var string Name of local user */ protected $username = null; /** @var string Password of the local user */ protected $password = null; /** @var int The local user */ protected $userid = null; /** @var integer Authentication method one of WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_* */ protected $authmethod; /** @var string Authentication token*/ protected $token = null; /** @var stdClass Restricted context */ protected $restricted_context; /** @var int Restrict call to one service id*/ protected $restricted_serviceid = null; /** * Constructor * * @param integer $authmethod authentication method one of WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_* */ public function __construct($authmethod) { $this->authmethod = $authmethod; } /** * Authenticate user using username+password or token. * This function sets up $USER global. * It is safe to use has_capability() after this. * This method also verifies user is allowed to use this * server. */ protected function authenticate_user() { global $CFG, $DB; if (!NO_MOODLE_COOKIES) { throw new coding_exception('Cookies must be disabled in WS servers!'); } $loginfaileddefaultparams = array( 'other' => array( 'method' => $this->authmethod, 'reason' => null ) ); if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) { //we check that authentication plugin is enabled //it is only required by simple authentication if (!is_enabled_auth('webservice')) { throw new webservice_access_exception('The web service authentication plugin is disabled.'); } if (!$auth = get_auth_plugin('webservice')) { throw new webservice_access_exception('The web service authentication plugin is missing.'); } $this->restricted_context = context_system::instance(); if (!$this->username) { throw new moodle_exception('missingusername', 'webservice'); } if (!$this->password) { throw new moodle_exception('missingpassword', 'webservice'); } if (!$auth->user_login_webservice($this->username, $this->password)) { // Log failed login attempts. $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'password'; $params['other']['username'] = $this->username; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('simpleauthlog', 'webservice'), '' , get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice').": ".$this->username."/".$this->password." - ".getremoteaddr() , 0)); $event->trigger(); throw new moodle_exception('wrongusernamepassword', 'webservice'); } $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$this->username, 'mnethostid'=>$CFG->mnet_localhost_id), '*', MUST_EXIST); } else if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN){ $user = $this->authenticate_by_token(EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT); } else { $user = $this->authenticate_by_token(EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED); } // Cannot authenticate unless maintenance access is granted. $hasmaintenanceaccess = has_capability('moodle/site:maintenanceaccess', context_system::instance(), $user); if (!empty($CFG->maintenance_enabled) and !$hasmaintenanceaccess) { throw new moodle_exception('sitemaintenance', 'admin'); } //only confirmed user should be able to call web service if (!empty($user->deleted)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'user_deleted'; $params['other']['username'] = $user->username; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, '', '', '', get_string('wsaccessuserdeleted', 'webservice', $user->username) . " - ".getremoteaddr(), 0, $user->id)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Refused web service access for deleted username: ' . $user->username); } //only confirmed user should be able to call web service if (empty($user->confirmed)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'user_unconfirmed'; $params['other']['username'] = $user->username; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, '', '', '', get_string('wsaccessuserunconfirmed', 'webservice', $user->username) . " - ".getremoteaddr(), 0, $user->id)); $event->trigger(); throw new moodle_exception('wsaccessuserunconfirmed', 'webservice', '', $user->username); } //check the user is suspended if (!empty($user->suspended)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'user_unconfirmed'; $params['other']['username'] = $user->username; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, '', '', '', get_string('wsaccessusersuspended', 'webservice', $user->username) . " - ".getremoteaddr(), 0, $user->id)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Refused web service access for suspended username: ' . $user->username); } //retrieve the authentication plugin if no previously done if (empty($auth)) { $auth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth); } // check if credentials have expired if (!empty($auth->config->expiration) and $auth->config->expiration == 1) { $days2expire = $auth->password_expire($user->username); if (intval($days2expire) < 0 ) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'password_expired'; $params['other']['username'] = $user->username; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, '', '', '', get_string('wsaccessuserexpired', 'webservice', $user->username) . " - ".getremoteaddr(), 0, $user->id)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Refused web service access for password expired username: ' . $user->username); } } //check if the auth method is nologin (in this case refuse connection) if ($user->auth=='nologin') { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'login'; $params['other']['username'] = $user->username; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, '', '', '', get_string('wsaccessusernologin', 'webservice', $user->username) . " - ".getremoteaddr(), 0, $user->id)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Refused web service access for nologin authentication username: ' . $user->username); } // now fake user login, the session is completely empty too enrol_check_plugins($user); \core\session\manager::set_user($user); set_login_session_preferences(); $this->userid = $user->id; if ($this->authmethod != WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_SESSION_TOKEN && !has_capability("webservice/$this->wsname:use", $this->restricted_context)) { throw new webservice_access_exception('You are not allowed to use the {$a} protocol (missing capability: webservice/' . $this->wsname . ':use)'); } external_api::set_context_restriction($this->restricted_context); } /** * User authentication by token * * @param string $tokentype token type (EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED or EXTERNAL_TOKEN_PERMANENT) * @return stdClass the authenticated user * @throws webservice_access_exception */ protected function authenticate_by_token($tokentype){ global $DB; $loginfaileddefaultparams = array( 'other' => array( 'method' => $this->authmethod, 'reason' => null ) ); if (!$token = $DB->get_record('external_tokens', array('token'=>$this->token, 'tokentype'=>$tokentype))) { // Log failed login attempts. $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'invalid_token'; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('tokenauthlog', 'webservice'), '' , get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice').": ".$this->token. " - ".getremoteaddr() , 0)); $event->trigger(); throw new moodle_exception('invalidtoken', 'webservice'); } if ($token->validuntil and $token->validuntil < time()) { $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('token'=>$this->token, 'tokentype'=>$tokentype)); throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid token - token expired - check validuntil time for the token'); } if ($token->sid){//assumes that if sid is set then there must be a valid associated session no matter the token type if (!\core\session\manager::session_exists($token->sid)){ $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('sid'=>$token->sid)); throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid session based token - session not found or expired'); } } if ($token->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $token->iprestriction)) { $params = $loginfaileddefaultparams; $params['other']['reason'] = 'ip_restricted'; $params['other']['tokenid'] = $token->id; $event = \core\event\webservice_login_failed::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('external_tokens', $token); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', get_string('tokenauthlog', 'webservice'), '' , get_string('failedtolog', 'webservice').": ".getremoteaddr() , 0)); $event->trigger(); throw new webservice_access_exception('Invalid service - IP:' . getremoteaddr() . ' is not supported - check this allowed user'); } $this->restricted_context = context::instance_by_id($token->contextid); $this->restricted_serviceid = $token->externalserviceid; $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$token->userid), '*', MUST_EXIST); // log token access webservice::update_token_lastaccess($token); return $user; } /** * Intercept some moodlewssettingXXX $_GET and $_POST parameter * that are related to the web service call and are not the function parameters */ protected function set_web_service_call_settings() { global $CFG; // Default web service settings. // Must be the same XXX key name as the external_settings::set_XXX function. // Must be the same XXX ws parameter name as 'moodlewssettingXXX'. $externalsettings = array( 'raw' => array('default' => false, 'type' => PARAM_BOOL), 'fileurl' => array('default' => true, 'type' => PARAM_BOOL), 'filter' => array('default' => false, 'type' => PARAM_BOOL), 'lang' => array('default' => '', 'type' => PARAM_LANG), ); // Load the external settings with the web service settings. $settings = external_settings::get_instance(); foreach ($externalsettings as $name => $settingdata) { $wsparamname = 'moodlewssetting' . $name; // Retrieve and remove the setting parameter from the request. $value = optional_param($wsparamname, $settingdata['default'], $settingdata['type']); unset($_GET[$wsparamname]); unset($_POST[$wsparamname]); $functioname = 'set_' . $name; $settings->$functioname($value); } } } /** * Web Service server base class. * * This class handles both simple and token authentication. * * @package core_webservice * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class webservice_base_server extends webservice_server { /** @var array The function parameters - the real values submitted in the request */ protected $parameters = null; /** @var string The name of the function that is executed */ protected $functionname = null; /** @var stdClass Full function description */ protected $function = null; /** @var mixed Function return value */ protected $returns = null; /** @var array List of methods and their information provided by the web service. */ protected $servicemethods; /** @var array List of struct classes generated for the web service methods. */ protected $servicestructs; /** * This method parses the request input, it needs to get: * 1/ user authentication - username+password or token * 2/ function name * 3/ function parameters */ abstract protected function parse_request(); /** * Send the result of function call to the WS client. */ abstract protected function send_response(); /** * Send the error information to the WS client. * * @param exception $ex */ abstract protected function send_error($ex=null); /** * Process request from client. * * @uses die */ public function run() { global $CFG, $SESSION; // we will probably need a lot of memory in some functions raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_EXTRA); // set some longer timeout, this script is not sending any output, // this means we need to manually extend the timeout operations // that need longer time to finish external_api::set_timeout(); // set up exception handler first, we want to sent them back in correct format that // the other system understands // we do not need to call the original default handler because this ws handler does everything set_exception_handler(array($this, 'exception_handler')); // init all properties from the request data $this->parse_request(); // authenticate user, this has to be done after the request parsing // this also sets up $USER and $SESSION $this->authenticate_user(); // find all needed function info and make sure user may actually execute the function $this->load_function_info(); // Log the web service request. $params = array( 'other' => array( 'function' => $this->functionname ) ); $event = \core\event\webservice_function_called::create($params); $event->set_legacy_logdata(array(SITEID, 'webservice', $this->functionname, '' , getremoteaddr() , 0, $this->userid)); $event->trigger(); // Do additional setup stuff. $settings = external_settings::get_instance(); $sessionlang = $settings->get_lang(); if (!empty($sessionlang)) { $SESSION->lang = $sessionlang; } setup_lang_from_browser(); if (empty($CFG->lang)) { if (empty($SESSION->lang)) { $CFG->lang = 'en'; } else { $CFG->lang = $SESSION->lang; } } // finally, execute the function - any errors are catched by the default exception handler $this->execute(); // send the results back in correct format $this->send_response(); // session cleanup $this->session_cleanup(); die; } /** * Specialised exception handler, we can not use the standard one because * it can not just print html to output. * * @param exception $ex * $uses exit */ public function exception_handler($ex) { // detect active db transactions, rollback and log as error abort_all_db_transactions(); // some hacks might need a cleanup hook $this->session_cleanup($ex); // now let the plugin send the exception to client $this->send_error($ex); // not much else we can do now, add some logging later exit(1); } /** * Future hook needed for emulated sessions. * * @param exception $exception null means normal termination, $exception received when WS call failed */ protected function session_cleanup($exception=null) { if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) { // nothing needs to be done, there is no persistent session } else { // close emulated session if used } } /** * Fetches the function description from database, * verifies user is allowed to use this function and * loads all paremeters and return descriptions. */ protected function load_function_info() { global $DB, $USER, $CFG; if (empty($this->functionname)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Missing function name'); } // function must exist $function = external_api::external_function_info($this->functionname); if ($this->restricted_serviceid) { $params = array('sid1'=>$this->restricted_serviceid, 'sid2'=>$this->restricted_serviceid); $wscond1 = 'AND s.id = :sid1'; $wscond2 = 'AND s.id = :sid2'; } else { $params = array(); $wscond1 = ''; $wscond2 = ''; } // now let's verify access control // now make sure the function is listed in at least one service user is allowed to use // allow access only if: // 1/ entry in the external_services_users table if required // 2/ validuntil not reached // 3/ has capability if specified in service desc // 4/ iprestriction $sql = "SELECT s.*, NULL AS iprestriction FROM {external_services} s JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 0 AND sf.functionname = :name1) WHERE s.enabled = 1 $wscond1 UNION SELECT s.*, su.iprestriction FROM {external_services} s JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 1 AND sf.functionname = :name2) JOIN {external_services_users} su ON (su.externalserviceid = s.id AND su.userid = :userid) WHERE s.enabled = 1 AND (su.validuntil IS NULL OR su.validuntil < :now) $wscond2"; $params = array_merge($params, array('userid'=>$USER->id, 'name1'=>$function->name, 'name2'=>$function->name, 'now'=>time())); $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); // now make sure user may access at least one service $remoteaddr = getremoteaddr(); $allowed = false; foreach ($rs as $service) { if ($service->requiredcapability and !has_capability($service->requiredcapability, $this->restricted_context)) { continue; // cap required, sorry } if ($service->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet($remoteaddr, $service->iprestriction)) { continue; // wrong request source ip, sorry } $allowed = true; break; // one service is enough, no need to continue } $rs->close(); if (!$allowed) { throw new webservice_access_exception( 'Access to the function '.$this->functionname.'() is not allowed. There could be multiple reasons for this: 1. The service linked to the user token does not contain the function. 2. The service is user-restricted and the user is not listed. 3. The service is IP-restricted and the user IP is not listed. 4. The service is time-restricted and the time has expired. 5. The token is time-restricted and the time has expired. 6. The service requires a specific capability which the user does not have. 7. The function is called with username/password (no user token is sent) and none of the services has the function to allow the user. These settings can be found in Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Web services > External services and Manage tokens.'); } // we have all we need now $this->function = $function; } /** * Execute previously loaded function using parameters parsed from the request data. */ protected function execute() { // validate params, this also sorts the params properly, we need the correct order in the next part $params = call_user_func(array($this->function->classname, 'validate_parameters'), $this->function->parameters_desc, $this->parameters); $params = array_values($params); // Allow any Moodle plugin a chance to override this call. This is a convenient spot to // make arbitrary behaviour customisations, for example to affect the mobile app behaviour. // The overriding plugin could call the 'real' function first and then modify the results, // or it could do a completely separate thing. $callbacks = get_plugins_with_function('override_webservice_execution'); foreach ($callbacks as $plugintype => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $callback) { $result = $callback($this->function, $params); if ($result !== false) { // If the callback returns anything other than false, we assume it replaces the // real function. $this->returns = $result; return; } } } // execute - yay! $this->returns = call_user_func_array(array($this->function->classname, $this->function->methodname), $params); } /** * Load the virtual class needed for the web service. * * Initialises the virtual class that contains the web service functions that the user is allowed to use. * The web service function will be available if the user: * - is validly registered in the external_services_users table. * - has the required capability. * - meets the IP restriction requirement. * This virtual class can be used by web service protocols such as SOAP, especially when generating WSDL. */ protected function init_service_class() { global $USER, $DB; // Initialise service methods and struct classes. $this->servicemethods = array(); $this->servicestructs = array(); $params = array(); $wscond1 = ''; $wscond2 = ''; if ($this->restricted_serviceid) { $params = array('sid1' => $this->restricted_serviceid, 'sid2' => $this->restricted_serviceid); $wscond1 = 'AND s.id = :sid1'; $wscond2 = 'AND s.id = :sid2'; } $sql = "SELECT s.*, NULL AS iprestriction FROM {external_services} s JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 0) WHERE s.enabled = 1 $wscond1 UNION SELECT s.*, su.iprestriction FROM {external_services} s JOIN {external_services_functions} sf ON (sf.externalserviceid = s.id AND s.restrictedusers = 1) JOIN {external_services_users} su ON (su.externalserviceid = s.id AND su.userid = :userid) WHERE s.enabled = 1 AND (su.validuntil IS NULL OR su.validuntil < :now) $wscond2"; $params = array_merge($params, array('userid' => $USER->id, 'now' => time())); $serviceids = array(); $remoteaddr = getremoteaddr(); // Query list of external services for the user. $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); // Check which service ID to include. foreach ($rs as $service) { if (isset($serviceids[$service->id])) { continue; // Service already added. } if ($service->requiredcapability and !has_capability($service->requiredcapability, $this->restricted_context)) { continue; // Cap required, sorry. } if ($service->iprestriction and !address_in_subnet($remoteaddr, $service->iprestriction)) { continue; // Wrong request source ip, sorry. } $serviceids[$service->id] = $service->id; } $rs->close(); // Generate the virtual class name. $classname = 'webservices_virtual_class_000000'; while (class_exists($classname)) { $classname++; } $this->serviceclass = $classname; // Get the list of all available external functions. $wsmanager = new webservice(); $functions = $wsmanager->get_external_functions($serviceids); // Generate code for the virtual methods for this web service. $methods = ''; foreach ($functions as $function) { $methods .= $this->get_virtual_method_code($function); } $code = <<<EOD /** * Virtual class web services for user id $USER->id in context {$this->restricted_context->id}. */ class $classname { $methods } EOD; // Load the virtual class definition into memory. eval($code); } /** * Generates a struct class. * * @param external_single_structure $structdesc The basis of the struct class to be generated. * @return string The class name of the generated struct class. */ protected function generate_simple_struct_class(external_single_structure $structdesc) { global $USER; $propeties = array(); $fields = array(); foreach ($structdesc->keys as $name => $fieldsdesc) { $type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($fieldsdesc); $propertytype = array('type' => $type); if (empty($fieldsdesc->allownull) || $fieldsdesc->allownull == NULL_ALLOWED) { $propertytype['nillable'] = true; } $propeties[$name] = $propertytype; $fields[] = ' /** @var ' . $type . ' $' . $name . '*/'; $fields[] = ' public $' . $name .';'; } $fieldsstr = implode("\n", $fields); // We do this after the call to get_phpdoc_type() to avoid duplicate class creation. $classname = 'webservices_struct_class_000000'; while (class_exists($classname)) { $classname++; } $code = <<<EOD /** * Virtual struct class for web services for user id $USER->id in context {$this->restricted_context->id}. */ class $classname { $fieldsstr } EOD; // Load into memory. eval($code); // Prepare struct info. $structinfo = new stdClass(); $structinfo->classname = $classname; $structinfo->properties = $propeties; // Add the struct info the the list of service struct classes. $this->servicestructs[] = $structinfo; return $classname; } /** * Returns a virtual method code for a web service function. * * @param stdClass $function a record from external_function * @return string The PHP code of the virtual method. * @throws coding_exception * @throws moodle_exception */ protected function get_virtual_method_code($function) { $function = external_api::external_function_info($function); // Parameters and their defaults for the method signature. $paramanddefaults = array(); // Parameters for external lib call. $params = array(); $paramdesc = array(); // The method's input parameters and their respective types. $inputparams = array(); // The method's output parameters and their respective types. $outputparams = array(); foreach ($function->parameters_desc->keys as $name => $keydesc) { $param = '$' . $name; $paramanddefault = $param; if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_OPTIONAL) { // It does not make sense to declare a parameter VALUE_OPTIONAL. VALUE_OPTIONAL is used only for array/object key. throw new moodle_exception('erroroptionalparamarray', 'webservice', '', $name); } else if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_DEFAULT) { // Need to generate the default, if there is any. if ($keydesc instanceof external_value) { if ($keydesc->default === null) { $paramanddefault .= ' = null'; } else { switch ($keydesc->type) { case PARAM_BOOL: $default = (int)$keydesc->default; break; case PARAM_INT: $default = $keydesc->default; break; case PARAM_FLOAT; $default = $keydesc->default; break; default: $default = "'$keydesc->default'"; } $paramanddefault .= " = $default"; } } else { // Accept empty array as default. if (isset($keydesc->default) && is_array($keydesc->default) && empty($keydesc->default)) { $paramanddefault .= ' = array()'; } else { // For the moment we do not support default for other structure types. throw new moodle_exception('errornotemptydefaultparamarray', 'webservice', '', $name); } } } $params[] = $param; $paramanddefaults[] = $paramanddefault; $type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($keydesc); $inputparams[$name]['type'] = $type; $paramdesc[] = '* @param ' . $type . ' $' . $name . ' ' . $keydesc->desc; } $paramanddefaults = implode(', ', $paramanddefaults); $paramdescstr = implode("\n ", $paramdesc); $serviceclassmethodbody = $this->service_class_method_body($function, $params); if (empty($function->returns_desc)) { $return = '* @return void'; } else { $type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($function->returns_desc); $outputparams['return']['type'] = $type; $return = '* @return ' . $type . ' ' . $function->returns_desc->desc; } // Now create the virtual method that calls the ext implementation. $code = <<<EOD /** * $function->description. * $paramdescstr $return */ public function $function->name($paramanddefaults) { $serviceclassmethodbody } EOD; // Prepare the method information. $methodinfo = new stdClass(); $methodinfo->name = $function->name; $methodinfo->inputparams = $inputparams; $methodinfo->outputparams = $outputparams; $methodinfo->description = $function->description; // Add the method information into the list of service methods. $this->servicemethods[] = $methodinfo; return $code; } /** * Get the phpdoc type for an external_description object. * external_value => int, double or string * external_single_structure => object|struct, on-fly generated stdClass name. * external_multiple_structure => array * * @param mixed $keydesc The type description. * @return string The PHP doc type of the external_description object. */ protected function get_phpdoc_type($keydesc) { $type = null; if ($keydesc instanceof external_value) { switch ($keydesc->type) { case PARAM_BOOL: // 0 or 1 only for now. case PARAM_INT: $type = 'int'; break; case PARAM_FLOAT; $type = 'double'; break; default: $type = 'string'; } } else if ($keydesc instanceof external_single_structure) { $type = $this->generate_simple_struct_class($keydesc); } else if ($keydesc instanceof external_multiple_structure) { $type = 'array'; } return $type; } /** * Generates the method body of the virtual external function. * * @param stdClass $function a record from external_function. * @param array $params web service function parameters. * @return string body of the method for $function ie. everything within the {} of the method declaration. */ protected function service_class_method_body($function, $params) { // Cast the param from object to array (validate_parameters except array only). $castingcode = ''; $paramsstr = ''; if (!empty($params)) { foreach ($params as $paramtocast) { // Clean the parameter from any white space. $paramtocast = trim($paramtocast); $castingcode .= " $paramtocast = json_decode(json_encode($paramtocast), true);\n"; } $paramsstr = implode(', ', $params); } $descriptionmethod = $function->methodname . '_returns()'; $callforreturnvaluedesc = $function->classname . '::' . $descriptionmethod; $methodbody = <<<EOD $castingcode if ($callforreturnvaluedesc == null) { $function->classname::$function->methodname($paramsstr); return null; } return external_api::clean_returnvalue($callforreturnvaluedesc, $function->classname::$function->methodname($paramsstr)); EOD; return $methodbody; } } /** * Early WS exception handler. * It handles exceptions during setup and returns the Exception text in the WS format. * If a raise function is found nothing is returned. Throws Exception otherwise. * * @param Exception $ex Raised exception. * @throws Exception */ function early_ws_exception_handler(Exception $ex): void { if (function_exists('raise_early_ws_exception')) { raise_early_ws_exception($ex); die; } throw $ex; }