. /** * Value select filter. * * @package core_user * @category user * @copyright 1999 Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/filters/lib.php'); /** * Generic filter based on a list of values. * @copyright 1999 Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class user_filter_select extends user_filter_type { /** * options for the list values * @var array */ public $_options; /** @var string */ public $_field; /** @var mixed|null */ public $_default; /** * Constructor * @param string $name the name of the filter instance * @param string $label the label of the filter instance * @param boolean $advanced advanced form element flag * @param string $field user table filed name * @param array $options select options * @param mixed $default option */ public function __construct($name, $label, $advanced, $field, $options, $default=null) { parent::__construct($name, $label, $advanced); $this->_field = $field; $this->_options = $options; $this->_default = $default; } /** * Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. * * @deprecated since Moodle 3.1 */ public function user_filter_select($name, $label, $advanced, $field, $options, $default=null) { debugging('Use of class name as constructor is deprecated', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); self::__construct($name, $label, $advanced, $field, $options, $default=null); } /** * Returns an array of comparison operators * @return array of comparison operators */ public function get_operators() { return array(0 => get_string('isanyvalue', 'filters'), 1 => get_string('isequalto', 'filters'), 2 => get_string('isnotequalto', 'filters')); } /** * Adds controls specific to this filter in the form. * @param moodleform $mform a MoodleForm object to setup */ public function setupForm(&$mform) { $objs = array(); $objs['limiter'] = $mform->createElement('select', $this->_name.'_op', null, $this->get_operators()); $objs['limiter']->setLabel(get_string('limiterfor', 'filters', $this->_label)); $objs['country'] = $mform->createElement('select', $this->_name, null, $this->_options); $objs['country']->setLabel(get_string('valuefor', 'filters', $this->_label)); $grp =& $mform->addElement('group', $this->_name.'_grp', $this->_label, $objs, '', false); $mform->disabledIf($this->_name, $this->_name.'_op', 'eq', 0); if (!is_null($this->_default)) { $mform->setDefault($this->_name, $this->_default); } if ($this->_advanced) { $mform->setAdvanced($this->_name.'_grp'); } } /** * Retrieves data from the form data * @param stdClass $formdata data submited with the form * @return mixed array filter data or false when filter not set */ public function check_data($formdata) { $field = $this->_name; $operator = $field.'_op'; if (property_exists($formdata, $field) and !empty($formdata->$operator)) { return array('operator' => (int)$formdata->$operator, 'value' => (string)$formdata->$field); } return false; } /** * Returns the condition to be used with SQL where * @param array $data filter settings * @return array sql string and $params */ public function get_sql_filter($data) { static $counter = 0; $name = 'ex_select'.$counter++; $operator = $data['operator']; $value = $data['value']; $field = $this->_field; $params = array(); switch($operator) { case 1: // Equal to. $res = "=:$name"; $params[$name] = $value; break; case 2: // Not equal to. $res = "<>:$name"; $params[$name] = $value; break; default: return array('', array()); } return array($field.$res, $params); } /** * Returns a human friendly description of the filter used as label. * @param array $data filter settings * @return string active filter label */ public function get_label($data) { $operators = $this->get_operators(); $operator = $data['operator']; $value = $data['value']; if (empty($operator)) { return ''; } $a = new stdClass(); $a->label = $this->_label; $a->value = '"'.s($this->_options[$value]).'"'; $a->operator = $operators[$operator]; return get_string('selectlabel', 'filters', $a); } }