. $string['alternateloginurl'] = 'Alternate MNET login url'; $string['alternateloginurldesc'] = 'Select an alternate MNET Login host for direct login on the selected MNET host'; $string['basicsettings'] = 'General settings'; $string['blockperrowlimit'] = 'Show 2 blocks per row limit'; $string['blockperrowlimitdesc'] = 'Show 2 blocks per row when there are more than x blocks on the page, else default to one block per row'; $string['bgcolor'] = 'Category color for'; $string['bgcolorcat'] = 'Background color of category blocks'; $string['bgcolorcatdesc'] = 'Background color of category blocks'; $string['bgcolordesc'] = 'Set the background color of the blocks and headings for the displayed category'; $string['bgcolorheading'] = 'Choose a background color for the category below'; $string['bgcolorheadingdesc'] = 'This background color is used for special elements on pages within the specified category. It serves as a color guide.'; $string['catcolorsettings'] = 'Course category colorguide and course header'; $string['choosereadme'] = '



Squared is the theme containing more squares than any other Moodle theme. Some even say it is the most beautiful theme for Moodle.


This theme is built upon both Base and Canvas, and therefore it is not yet responsive. It is the official theme of "Onlinecampus Virtuelle PH" www.virtuelle-ph.at. It was created by David Bogner www.edulabs.org - E-Learning Solutions and John Stabinger (programming). The design was created by Contemas Web Solutions

Free Software

The theme is provided for you for free, nevertheless it did cost some thousand Euros. So if you want to make customizations, please contract us. Especially for creating a responsive version based on bootsrap, we accept any help. We are working on it, but you can accelerate the process.
'; $string['configtitle'] = 'squared theme'; $string['customcss'] = 'Custom CSS'; $string['customcssdesc'] = 'Any CSS you enter here will be added to every page allowing your to easily customise this theme.'; $string['facebooklink'] = 'Link to your facebook page (optional)'; $string['facebooklinkdesc'] = 'The link should look like this: http://www.facebook.com/yourpage'; $string['footertext'] = 'Footer links'; $string['footertextdesc'] = 'Description followed by link, separeted by comma, next item separated by semicolon: Über sqa, http://www.sqa.at; Für Lehrpersonen,/; Für die Schulleitung,/; Für die Schulaufsicht,/;'; $string['instagramlink'] = 'Link to your Instagram page (optional)'; $string['instagramlinkdesc'] = 'The link should look like this: https://www.instagram.com/youracount'; $string['headerbg'] = 'Background image'; $string['headerbgdesc'] = 'Please upload your custom background image here for the header. The logo and background must be the same height. For the \'On top\' layout, the background should be have a width of 1400px, the logo can be any width. For the \'Side\' layout, the logo and background should have a combined width of 1400px.'; $string['headerbgsmall'] = 'Background image for small devices'; $string['headerbgsmalldesc'] = 'Please upload your custom background image here for the header on small devices. The logo and background must be the same height. For the \'On top\' layout, the background should be have a width of 960px, the logo can be any width. For the \'Side\' layout, the logo and background should have a combined width of 960px.'; $string['logo'] = 'Logo'; $string['logodesc'] = 'Please upload your custom logo here for the header. The logo and background must be the same height. For the \'On top\' layout, the background should be have a width of {$a->pagewidthmax}px, the logo can be any width. For the \'Side\' layout, the logo and background should have a combined width of {$a->pagewidthmax}px.'; $string['headerlayout'] = 'Layout'; $string['headerlayoutdesc'] = 'Logo on top or to the side as set by the logo position.'; $string['hlogoside'] = 'Side'; $string['hlogotop'] = 'Top'; $string['logoposition'] = 'Logo Position'; $string['logopositiondesc'] = 'Set the logo position'; $string['logosmall'] = 'Logo for small devices'; $string['logosmalldesc'] = 'Please upload your custom logo here for the header on small devices. The logo and background must be the same height. For the \'On top\' layout, the background should be have a width of 960px, the logo can be any width. For the \'Side\' layout, the logo and background should have a combined width of 960px.'; $string['numberofslides'] = 'Number of slides'; $string['numberofslidesdesc'] = 'Number of slides to use for the slideshow on the frontpage'; $string['pageheadersettings'] = 'Seitenkopf -Einstellungen'; $string['pluginname'] = 'squared'; $string['region-side-pre'] = 'Left'; $string['twitterlink'] = 'Link to your twitter account (optional)'; $string['twitterlinkdesc'] = 'The link should look like this: https://www.twitter.com/youraccount'; $string['youtubelink'] = 'Link to your YouTube channel (optional)'; $string['youtubelinkdesc'] = 'The link should look like this: http://www.youtube.com/yourchannel';