. $string['alternateloginurl'] = 'Alternate MNET login url'; $string['alternateloginurldesc'] = 'Select an alternate MNET Login host for direct login on the selected MNET host'; $string['basicsettings'] = 'General settings'; $string['blockperrowlimit'] = 'Show 2 blocks per row limit'; $string['blockperrowlimitdesc'] = 'Show 2 blocks per row when there are more than x blocks on the page, else default to one block per row'; $string['bgcolor'] = 'Category color for'; $string['bgcolorcat'] = 'Background color of category blocks'; $string['bgcolorcatdesc'] = 'Background color of category blocks'; $string['bgcolordesc'] = 'Set the background color of the blocks and headings for the displayed category'; $string['bgcolorheading'] = 'Choose a background color for the category below'; $string['bgcolorheadingdesc'] = 'This background color is used for special elements on pages within the specified category. It serves as a color guide.'; $string['catcolorsettings'] = 'Course category colorguide and course header'; $string['choosereadme'] = '
Squared is the theme containing more squares than any other Moodle theme. Some even say it is the most beautiful theme for Moodle.
This theme is built upon both Base and Canvas, and therefore it is not yet responsive. It is the official theme of "Onlinecampus Virtuelle PH" www.virtuelle-ph.at. It was created by David Bogner www.edulabs.org - E-Learning Solutions and John Stabinger (programming). The design was created by Contemas Web Solutions