. /** * This is the squared theme. * * * The squared theme makes uses a custom version of squared blocks * * @package theme_squared * @copyright 2018 onwards Onlinecampus Virtuelle PH * www.virtuelle-ph.at, David Bogner www.edulabs.org * @author G J Barnard - {@link http://moodle.org/user/profile.php?id=442195} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $definitions = array( // Used to store data for course categories visible to current user. Helps to browse list of categories. 'coursecat' => array( 'mode' => cache_store::MODE_SESSION, 'invalidationevents' => array( 'changesincoursecat', 'changesincourse', ), 'ttl' => 600, ), // Caches font awesome icons. 'fontawesome5iconmapping' => array( 'mode' => cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION, 'simplekeys' => true, 'simpledata' => true, 'staticacceleration' => true, 'staticaccelerationsize' => 1 ) );