. /** * This is the squared theme. * * * The squared theme makes uses a custom version of squared blocks * * @package theme_squared * @copyright 2018 onwards Onlinecampus Virtuelle PH * www.virtuelle-ph.at, David Bogner www.edulabs.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace theme_squared; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; class toolbox { protected static $instance; protected $squaredconfig; protected $boostparent; private function __construct() { } public static function get_instance() { if (!is_object(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); self::$instance->boostparent = \theme_config::load('boost'); self::$instance->squaredconfig = \theme_config::load('squared'); } return self::$instance; } public function get_extra_scss($theme) { global $CFG; $scss = theme_boost_get_extra_scss($this->boostparent); $categorytree = \core_course_category::get(0)->get_children(); // Navbar Colours. foreach ($categorytree as $cid => $value) { $setting = 'bgcolor'.$cid; if (isset($theme->settings->$setting)) { $scss .= ' @media (min-width: @screen-sm) { .navbar-default .navbar-nav .catcolour'.$cid.' { @include menu_item('.$theme->settings->$setting.'); } } '; $scss .= ' .category-'.$cid.' { #block-region-side-pre { @media (min-width: $screen-breakpoint) { .single-row, .two-rows { background-color: '.$theme->settings->$setting.'; } } .blockheader, .block .card-heading { background-color: '.$theme->settings->$setting.'; @include gradient-directional(lighten('.$theme->settings->$setting.', 15%), darken('.$theme->settings->$setting.', 5%)); } .block .card-heading .icon-container { background-color: darken('.$theme->settings->$setting.', 20%); } .card-group { background-color: '.$theme->settings->$setting.'; } } .course-content .sectionname .sqheadingicon, #page-header .context-header-settings-menu { background-color: '.$theme->settings->$setting.'; } &.path-mod-forum { .forumpost { .row .left.picture { background-color: '.$theme->settings->$setting.'; } } } .bg-messageheader { background-color: '.$theme->settings->$setting.'; } } @media (max-width: $screen-breakpoint) { .category-'.$cid.' { #block-region-side-pre .card-group { background-color: transparent; } } } '; } } $showbgcolor = true; if (isset($theme->settings->nologobgcolor) && $theme->settings->nologobgcolor == 1) { $showbgcolor = false; } if ($showbgcolor && isset($theme->settings->logobgcolor)) { $scss .= ' .headerimages .logoimg { background-color: '.$theme->settings->logobgcolor.'; }'; } $customscss = $this->get_setting('customscss'); if (!empty($customscss)) { $scss .= $customscss; } return $scss; } public function get_main_scss_content($theme) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/theme/boost/lib.php'); $scss = $this->import_scss('squared_preset'); $scss .= theme_boost_get_main_scss_content($this->boostparent); $scss .= $this->import_scss('squared'); return $scss; } public function get_pre_scss($theme) { $scss = theme_boost_get_pre_scss($this->boostparent); if (!empty($theme->settings->bgcolordefault)) { $scss .= '$sq-bgc-default: '.$theme->settings->bgcolordefault.';'.PHP_EOL; } $prescss = $this->get_setting('prescss'); if (!empty($prescss)) { $scss .= $prescss; } return $scss; } /** * Finds the given scss file in the theme. * @param string $filename Filename without extension to get. * @return string SCSS import statement for the file if it exists otherwise an empty string. */ protected function import_scss($filename) { $content = ''; $thefile = $this->get_scss_file($filename); if (!empty($thefile)) { $content .= file_get_contents($thefile); } return $content; } protected function get_scss_file($filename) { global $CFG; $filename .= '.scss'; if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/theme/squared/scss/$filename")) { return "$CFG->dirroot/theme/squared/scss/$filename"; } else if (!empty($CFG->themedir) and file_exists("$CFG->themedir/squared/scss/$filename")) { return "$CFG->themedir/squared/scss/$filename"; } else { return dirname(__FILE__) . "/$filename"; } } /** * Gets the theme config. * * @return theme_config object. */ public function get_theme_config() { return self::$instance->squaredconfig; } /** * Gets the specified setting. * * @param string $settingname The name of the setting. * @return boolean|mixed false if not found or setting value. */ public function get_setting($settingname) { $settingvalue = false; $theconfig = self::$instance->squaredconfig; if ($theconfig != null) { $settingvalue = $theconfig->settings->$settingname; } return $settingvalue; } /** * Finds the given setting in the theme using the get_config core function for when the * theme_config object has not been created. * @param string $setting Setting name. * @return any false|value of setting. */ static public function get_config_setting($setting) { return \get_config('theme_squared', $setting); } /** * Gets the setting moodle_url for the given setting if it exists and set. * * See: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=371252#p1516474 and change if theme_config::setting_file_url * changes. */ public function get_setting_moodle_url($setting) { $settingurl = null; $thesetting = self::get_config_setting($setting); if (!empty($thesetting)) { global $CFG; $itemid = \theme_get_revision(); $syscontext = \context_system::instance(); $settingurl = \moodle_url::make_file_url("$CFG->wwwroot/pluginfile.php", "/$syscontext->id/theme_squared/$setting/$itemid".$thesetting); $settingurl = preg_replace('|^https?://|i', '//', $settingurl->out(false)); } return $settingurl; } /** * States if course content search can be used. Will now work if theme is in $CFG->themedir. * @return boolean false|true if course content search can be used. */ static public function course_content_search() { global $PAGE; $squaredsearch = new \moodle_url('/course/index.php'); $squaredsearch->param('sesskey', sesskey()); $inspectorscourerdata = array('data' => array('theme' => $squaredsearch->out(false))); $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('theme_squared/inspector_scourer', 'init', $inspectorscourerdata); return true; } /** * Helper method for the default layout file. */ public function default_ajax() { global $CFG, $PAGE; $courseautocompletesearchterm = optional_param('term', '', PARAM_TEXT); $categorycoursesearch = optional_param('ccs', 0, PARAM_INT); $frontpageavailablecourses = optional_param('sqfac', 0, PARAM_INT); $frontpagemycourses = optional_param('sqfmc', 0, PARAM_INT); if (($courseautocompletesearchterm) || ($categorycoursesearch) || ($frontpageavailablecourses) || ($frontpagemycourses)) { // AJAX calls to have a sesskey and use the course renderer. // Might be overkill but would probably stop DOS attack from lots of DB reads. \require_sesskey(); if ($CFG->forcelogin) { \require_login(); } $courserenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'course'); if ($courseautocompletesearchterm) { echo json_encode($courserenderer->inspector_ajax($courseautocompletesearchterm)); } else if ($frontpageavailablecourses) { echo $courserenderer->frontpage_available_courses(); } else if ($frontpagemycourses) { echo $courserenderer->frontpage_my_courses(); } else { // Must be $categorycoursesearch. $catid = optional_param('categoryid', -1, PARAM_INT); // Zero is for all courses. Also look at /course/index.php if ($catid != -1) { echo $courserenderer->category_courses_from_search($catid); } else { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); die('Category id not sent.'); } } die(); } } /** * Gets the default H5P fonts as supplied by the theme. * * @return string The font CSS. */ public function gethvpdefaultfonts() { return " @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 200; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-ExtraLight.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: italic; font-weight: 200; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-Light.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: italic; font-weight: 300; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-LightIt.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-Regular.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: italic; font-weight: 400; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-It.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-Semibold.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: italic; font-weight: 600; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-Bold.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-BoldIt.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-Black.otf]]'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: italic; font-weight: 900; src: url('[[font:theme|SourceSansPro-BlackIt.otf]]'); } "; } public function get_fa5_from_fa4($icon, $hasprefix = false) { $icontofind = ($hasprefix) ? $icon : 'fa-'.$icon; // Ref: fa-v4-shims.js. static $icons = array( 'fa-glass' => 'fas fa-glass-martini', 'fa-meetup' => 'fab fa-meetup', 'fa-star-o' => 'far fa-star', 'fa-remove' => 'fas fa-times', 'fa-close' => 'fas fa-times', 'fa-gear' => 'fas fa-cog', 'fa-trash-o' => 'far fa-trash-alt', 'fa-file-o' => 'far fa-file', 'fa-clock-o' => 'far fa-clock', 'fa-arrow-circle-o-down' => 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down', 'fa-arrow-circle-o-up' => 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up', 'fa-play-circle-o' => 'far fa-play-circle', 'fa-repeat' => 'fas fa-redo', 'fa-rotate-right' => 'fas fa-redo', 'fa-refresh' => 'fas fa-sync', 'fa-list-alt' => 'far fa-list-alt', 'fa-dedent' => 'fas fa-outdent', 'fa-video-camera' => 'fas fa-video', 'fa-picture' => 'fas fa-image', 'fa-picture-o' => 'far fa-image', 'fa-photo' => 'far fa-image', 'fa-image' => 'far fa-image', 'fa-pencil' => 'fas fa-pencil-alt', 'fa-map-marker' => 'fas fa-map-marker-alt', 'fa-pencil-square-o' => 'far fa-edit', 'fa-share-square-o' => 'far fa-share-square', 'fa-check-square-o' => 'far fa-check-square', 'fa-arrows' => 'fas fa-arrows-alt', 'fa-times-circle-o' => 'far fa-times-circle', 'fa-check-circle-o' => 'far fa-check-circle', 'fa-mail-forward' => 'fas fa-share', 'fa-eye-slash' => 'far fa-eye-slash', 'fa-warning' => 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', 'fa-calendar' => 'fas fa-calendar-alt', 'fa-arrows-v' => 'fas fa-arrows-alt-v', 'fa-arrows-h' => 'fas fa-arrows-alt-h', 'fa-bar-chart' => 'far fa-chart-bar', 'fa-bar-chart-o' => 'far fa-chart-bar', 'fa-twitter-square' => 'fab fa-twitter-square', 'fa-facebook-square' => 'fab fa-facebook-square', 'fa-gears' => 'fas fa-cogs', 'fa-thumbs-o-up' => 'far fa-thumbs-up', 'fa-thumbs-o-down' => 'far fa-thumbs-down', 'fa-heart-o' => 'far fa-heart', 'fa-sign-out' => 'fas fa-sign-out-alt', 'fa-linkedin-square' => 'fab fa-linkedin', 'fa-thumb-tack' => 'fas fa-thumbtack', 'fa-external-link' => 'fas fa-external-link-alt', 'fa-sign-in' => 'fas fa-sign-in-alt', 'fa-github-square' => 'fab fa-github-square', 'fa-lemon-o' => 'far fa-lemon', 'fa-square-o' => 'far fa-square', 'fa-bookmark-o' => 'far fa-bookmark', 'fa-twitter' => 'fab fa-twitter', 'fa-facebook' => 'fab fa-facebook-f', 'fa-facebook-f' => 'fab fa-facebook-f', 'fa-github' => 'fab fa-github', 'fa-credit-card' => 'far fa-credit-card', 'fa-feed' => 'fas fa-rss', 'fa-hdd-o' => 'far fa-hdd', 'fa-hand-o-right' => 'far fa-hand-point-right', 'fa-hand-o-left' => 'far fa-hand-point-left', 'fa-hand-o-up' => 'far fa-hand-point-up', 'fa-hand-o-down' => 'far fa-hand-point-down', 'fa-arrows-alt' => 'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt', 'fa-group' => 'fas fa-users', 'fa-chain' => 'fas fa-link', 'fa-scissors' => 'fas fa-cut', 'fa-files-o' => 'far fa-copy', 'fa-floppy-o' => 'far fa-save', 'fa-navicon' => 'fas fa-bars', 'fa-reorder' => 'fas fa-bars', 'fa-pinterest' => 'fab fa-pinterest', 'fa-pinterest-square' => 'fab fa-pinterest-square', 'fa-google-plus-square' => 'fab fa-google-plus-square', 'fa-google-plus' => 'fab fa-google-plus-g', 'fa-money' => 'far fa-money-bill-alt', 'fa-unsorted' => 'fas fa-sort', 'fa-sort-desc' => 'fas fa-sort-down', 'fa-sort-asc' => 'fas fa-sort-up', 'fa-linkedin' => 'fab fa-linkedin-in', 'fa-rotate-left' => 'fas fa-undo', 'fa-legal' => 'fas fa-gavel', 'fa-tachometer' => 'fas fa-tachometer-alt', 'fa-dashboard' => 'fas fa-tachometer-alt', 'fa-comment-o' => 'far fa-comment', 'fa-comments-o' => 'far fa-comments', 'fa-flash' => 'fas fa-bolt', 'fa-clipboard' => 'far fa-clipboard', 'fa-paste' => 'far fa-clipboard', 'fa-lightbulb-o' => 'far fa-lightbulb', 'fa-exchange' => 'fas fa-exchange-alt', 'fa-cloud-download' => 'fas fa-cloud-download-alt', 'fa-cloud-upload' => 'fas fa-cloud-upload-alt', 'fa-bell-o' => 'far fa-bell', 'fa-cutlery' => 'fas fa-utensils', 'fa-file-text-o' => 'far fa-file-alt', 'fa-building-o' => 'far fa-building', 'fa-hospital-o' => 'far fa-hospital', 'fa-tablet' => 'fas fa-tablet-alt', 'fa-mobile' => 'fas fa-mobile-alt', 'fa-mobile-phone' => 'fas fa-mobile-alt', 'fa-circle-o' => 'far fa-circle', 'fa-mail-reply' => 'fas fa-reply', 'fa-github-alt' => 'fab fa-github-alt', 'fa-folder-o' => 'far fa-folder', 'fa-folder-open-o' => 'far fa-folder-open', 'fa-smile-o' => 'far fa-smile', 'fa-frown-o' => 'far fa-frown', 'fa-meh-o' => 'far fa-meh', 'fa-keyboard-o' => 'far fa-keyboard', 'fa-flag-o' => 'far fa-flag', 'fa-mail-reply-all' => 'fas fa-reply-all', 'fa-star-half-o' => 'far fa-star-half', 'fa-star-half-empty' => 'far fa-star-half', 'fa-star-half-full' => 'far fa-star-half', 'fa-code-fork' => 'fas fa-code-branch', 'fa-chain-broken' => 'fas fa-unlink', 'fa-shield' => 'fas fa-shield-alt', 'fa-calendar-o' => 'far fa-calendar', 'fa-maxcdn' => 'fab fa-maxcdn', 'fa-html5' => 'fab fa-html5', 'fa-css3' => 'fab fa-css3', 'fa-ticket' => 'fas fa-ticket-alt', 'fa-minus-square-o' => 'far fa-minus-square', 'fa-level-up' => 'fas fa-level-up-alt', 'fa-level-down' => 'fas fa-level-down-alt', 'fa-pencil-square' => 'fas fa-pen-square', 'fa-external-link-square' => 'fas fa-external-link-square-alt', 'fa-compass' => 'far fa-compass', 'fa-caret-square-o-down' => 'far fa-caret-square-down', 'fa-toggle-down' => 'far fa-caret-square-down', 'fa-caret-square-o-up' => 'far fa-caret-square-up', 'fa-toggle-up' => 'far fa-caret-square-up', 'fa-caret-square-o-right' => 'far fa-caret-square-right', 'fa-toggle-right' => 'far fa-caret-square-right', 'fa-eur' => 'fas fa-euro-sign', 'fa-euro' => 'fas fa-euro-sign', 'fa-gbp' => 'fas fa-pound-sign', 'fa-usd' => 'fas fa-dollar-sign', 'fa-dollar' => 'fas fa-dollar-sign', 'fa-inr' => 'fas fa-rupee-sign', 'fa-rupee' => 'fas fa-rupee-sign', 'fa-jpy' => 'fas fa-yen-sign', 'fa-cny' => 'fas fa-yen-sign', 'fa-rmb' => 'fas fa-yen-sign', 'fa-yen' => 'fas fa-yen-sign', 'fa-rub' => 'fas fa-ruble-sign', 'fa-ruble' => 'fas fa-ruble-sign', 'fa-rouble' => 'fas fa-ruble-sign', 'fa-krw' => 'fas fa-won-sign', 'fa-won' => 'fas fa-won-sign', 'fa-btc' => 'fab fa-btc', 'fa-bitcoin' => 'fab fa-btc', 'fa-file-text' => 'fas fa-file-alt', 'fa-sort-alpha-asc' => 'fas fa-sort-alpha-down', 'fa-sort-alpha-desc' => 'fas fa-sort-alpha-up', 'fa-sort-amount-asc' => 'fas fa-sort-amount-down', 'fa-sort-amount-desc' => 'fas fa-sort-amount-up', 'fa-sort-numeric-asc' => 'fas fa-sort-numeric-down', 'fa-sort-numeric-desc' => 'fas fa-sort-numeric-up', 'fa-youtube-square' => 'fab fa-youtube-square', 'fa-youtube' => 'fab fa-youtube', 'fa-xing' => 'fab fa-xing', 'fa-xing-square' => 'fab fa-xing-square', 'fa-youtube-play' => 'fab fa-youtube', 'fa-dropbox' => 'fab fa-dropbox', 'fa-stack-overflow' => 'fab fa-stack-overflow', 'fa-instagram' => 'fab fa-instagram', 'fa-flickr' => 'fab fa-flickr', 'fa-adn' => 'fab fa-adn', 'fa-bitbucket' => 'fab fa-bitbucket', 'fa-bitbucket-square' => 'fab fa-bitbucket', 'fa-tumblr' => 'fab fa-tumblr', 'fa-tumblr-square' => 'fab fa-tumblr-square', 'fa-long-arrow-down' => 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down', 'fa-long-arrow-up' => 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up', 'fa-long-arrow-left' => 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left', 'fa-long-arrow-right' => 'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right', 'fa-apple' => 'fab fa-apple', 'fa-windows' => 'fab fa-windows', 'fa-android' => 'fab fa-android', 'fa-linux' => 'fab fa-linux', 'fa-dribbble' => 'fab fa-dribble', 'fa-skype' => 'fab fa-skype', 'fa-foursquare' => 'fab fa-foursquare', 'fa-trello' => 'fab fa-trello', 'fa-gratipay' => 'fab fa-gratipay', 'fa-gittip' => 'fab fa-gratipay', 'fa-sun-o' => 'far fa-sun', 'fa-moon-o' => 'far fa-moon', 'fa-vk' => 'fab fa-vk', 'fa-weibo' => 'fab fa-weibo', 'fa-renren' => 'fab fa-renren', 'fa-pagelines' => 'fab fa-pagelines', 'fa-stack-exchange' => 'fab fa-stack-exchange', 'fa-arrow-circle-o-right' => 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right', 'fa-arrow-circle-o-left' => 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left', 'fa-caret-square-o-left' => 'far fa-caret-square-left', 'fa-toggle-left' => 'far fa-caret-square-left', 'fa-dot-circle-o' => 'far fa-dot-circle', 'fa-vimeo-square' => 'fab fa-vimeo-square', 'fa-try' => 'fas fa-lira-sign', 'fa-turkish-lira' => 'fas fa-lira-sign', 'fa-plus-square-o' => 'far fa-plus-square', 'fa-slack' => 'fab fa-slack', 'fa-wordpress' => 'fab fa-wordpress', 'fa-openid' => 'fab fa-openid', 'fa-institution' => 'fas fa-university', 'fa-bank' => 'fas fa-university', 'fa-mortar-board' => 'fas fa-graduation-cap', 'fa-yahoo' => 'fab fa-yahoo', 'fa-google' => 'fab fa-google', 'fa-reddit' => 'fab fa-reddit', 'fa-reddit-square' => 'fab fa-reddit-square', 'fa-stumbleupon-circle' => 'fab fa-stumbleupon-circle', 'fa-stumbleupon' => 'fab fa-stumbleupon', 'fa-delicious' => 'fab fa-delicious', 'fa-digg' => 'fab fa-digg', 'fa-pied-piper-pp' => 'fab fa-pied-piper-pp', 'fa-pied-piper-alt' => 'fab fa-pied-piper-alt', 'fa-drupal' => 'fab fa-drupal', 'fa-joomla' => 'fab fa-joomla', 'fa-spoon' => 'fas fa-utensil-spoon', 'fa-behance' => 'fab fa-behance', 'fa-behance-square' => 'fab fa-behance-square', 'fa-steam' => 'fab fa-steam', 'fa-steam-square' => 'fab fa-steam-square', 'fa-automobile' => 'fas fa-car', 'fa-cab' => 'fas fa-taxi', 'fa-spotify' => 'fab fa-spotify', 'fa-envelope-o' => 'far fa-envelope', 'fa-soundcloud' => 'fab fa-soundcloud', 'fa-file-pdf-o' => 'far fa-file-pdf', 'fa-file-word-o' => 'far fa-file-word', 'fa-file-excel-o' => 'far fa-file-excel', 'fa-file-powerpoint-o' => 'far fa-file-powerpoint', 'fa-file-image-o' => 'far fa-file-image', 'fa-file-photo-o' => 'far fa-file-image', 'fa-file-picture-o' => 'far fa-file-image', 'fa-file-archive-o' => 'far fa-file-archive', 'fa-file-zip-o' => 'far fa-file-archive', 'fa-file-audio-o' => 'far fa-file-audio', 'fa-file-sound-o' => 'far fa-file-audio', 'fa-file-video-o' => 'far fa-file-video', 'fa-file-movie-o' => 'far fa-file-video', 'fa-file-code-o' => 'far fa-file-code', 'fa-vine' => 'fab fa-vine', 'fa-codepen' => 'fab fa-codepen', 'fa-jsfiddle' => 'fab fa-jsfiddle', 'fa-life-ring' => 'far fa-life-ring', 'fa-life-bouy' => 'far fa-life-ring', 'fa-life-buoy' => 'far fa-life-ring', 'fa-life-saver' => 'far fa-life-ring', 'fa-support' => 'far fa-life-ring', 'fa-circle-o-notch' => 'fas fa-circle-notch', 'fa-rebel' => 'fab fa-rebel', 'fa-ra' => 'fab fa-rebel', 'fa-resistance' => 'fab fa-rebel', 'fa-empire' => 'fab fa-empire', 'fa-ge' => 'fab fa-empire', 'fa-git-square' => 'fab fa-git-square', 'fa-git' => 'fab fa-git', 'fa-hacker-news' => 'fab fa-hacker-news', 'fa-y-combinator-square' => 'fab fa-hacker-news', 'fa-yc-square' => 'fab fa-hacker-news', 'fa-tencent-weibo' => 'fab fa-tencent-weibo', 'fa-qq' => 'fab fa-gg', 'fa-weixin' => 'fab fa-weixin', 'fa-wechat' => 'fab fa-weixin', 'fa-send' => 'fas fa-paper-plane', 'fa-paper-plane-o' => 'far fa-paper-plane', 'fa-send-o' => 'far fa-paper-plane', 'fa-circle-thin' => 'far fa-circle', 'fa-header' => 'fas fa-heading', 'fa-sliders' => 'fas fa-sliders-h', 'fa-futbol-o' => 'far fa-futbol', 'fa-soccer-ball-o' => 'far fa-futbol', 'fa-slideshare' => 'fab fa-slideshare', 'fa-twitch' => 'fab fa-twitch', 'fa-yelp' => 'fab fa-yelp', 'fa-newspaper-o' => 'far fa-newspaper', 'fa-paypal' => 'fab fa-paypal', 'fa-google-wallet' => 'fab fa-google-wallet', 'fa-cc-visa' => 'fab fa-cc-visa', 'fa-cc-mastercard' => 'fab fa-cc-mastercard', 'fa-cc-discover' => 'fab fa-cc-discover', 'fa-cc-amex' => 'fab fa-cc-amex', 'fa-cc-paypal' => 'fab fa-cc-paypal', 'fa-cc-stripe' => 'fab fa-cc-stripe', 'fa-bell-slash-o' => 'far fa-bell-slash', 'fa-trash' => 'fas fa-trash-alt', 'fa-copyright' => 'far fa-copyright', 'fa-eyedropper' => 'fas fa-eye-dropper', 'fa-area-chart' => 'fas fa-chart-area', 'fa-pie-chart' => 'fas fa-chart-pie', 'fa-line-chart' => 'fas fa-chart-line', 'fa-lastfm' => 'fab fa-lastfm', 'fa-lastfm-square' => 'fab fa-lastfm-square', 'fa-ioxhost' => 'fab fa-ioxhost', 'fa-angellist' => 'fab fa-angellist', 'fa-cc' => 'far fa-closed-captioning', 'fa-ils' => 'fas fa-shekel-sign', 'fa-shekel' => 'fas fa-shekel-sign', 'fa-sheqel' => 'fas fa-shekel-sign', 'fa-meanpath' => 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=> 'far fa-user-circle', 'fa-user-o' => 'far fa-user', 'fa-id-badge' => 'far fa-id-badge', 'fa-drivers-license' => 'fas fa-id-card', 'fa-id-card-o' => 'far fa-id-card', 'fa-drivers-license-o' => 'far fa-id-card', 'fa-quora' => 'fab fa-quora', 'fa-free-code-camp' => 'fab fa-free-code-camp', 'fa-telegram' => 'fab fa-telegram', 'fa-thermometer-4' => 'fas fa-thermometer-full', 'fa-thermometer' => 'fas fa-thermometer-full', 'fa-thermometer-3' => 'fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters', 'fa-thermometer-2' => 'fas fa-thermometer-half', 'fa-thermometer-1' => 'fas fa-thermometer-quarter', 'fa-thermometer-0' => 'fas fa-thermometer-empty', 'fa-bathtub' => 'fas fa-bath', 'fa-s15' => 'fas fa-bath', 'fa-window-maximize' => 'far fa-window-maximize', 'fa-window-restore' => 'far fa-window-restore', 'fa-times-rectangle' => 'fas fa-window-close', 'fa-window-close-o' => 'far fa-window-close', 'fa-times-rectangle-o' => 'far fa-window-close', 'fa-bandcamp' => 'fab fa-bandcamp', 'fa-grav' => 'fab fa-gray', 'fa-etsy' => 'fab fa-etsy', 'fa-imdb' => 'fab fa-imdb', 'fa-ravelry' => 'fab fa-ravelry', 'fa-eercast' => 'fab fa-sellcast', 'fa-snowflake-o' => 'far fa-snowflake', 'fa-superpowers' => 'fab fa-superpowers', 'fa-wpexplorer' => 'fab fa-wpexplorer', 'fa-deviantart' => 'fab fa-deviantart' ); if (isset($icons[$icontofind])) { return $icons[$icontofind]; } else { // Guess. return 'fas '.$icontofind; } } }