. /** * Squared theme. * * @package theme * @subpackage squared * @copyright © 2015-onwards G J Barnard in respect to modifications of the Clean theme. * @copyright © 2015-onwards Work undertaken for David Bogner of Edulabs.org. * @author G J Barnard - gjbarnard at gmail dot com and {@link http://moodle.org/user/profile.php?id=442195} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class theme_squared_block_navigation_renderer extends block_navigation_renderer { /** * Produces a navigation node for the navigation tree * * @param navigation_node[] $items * @param array $attrs * @param int $expansionlimit * @param array $options * @param int $depth * @return string */ protected function navigation_node($items, $attrs=array(), $expansionlimit=null, array $options = array(), $depth=1) { // Exit if empty, we don't want an empty ul element. if (count($items) === 0) { return ''; } // Turn our navigation items into list items. $lis = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!$item->display && !$item->contains_active_node()) { continue; } $content = $item->get_content(); $title = $item->get_title(); $isexpandable = (empty($expansionlimit) || ($item->type > navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY || $item->type < $expansionlimit) || ($item->contains_active_node() && $item->children->count() > 0)); $isbranch = $isexpandable && ($item->children->count() > 0 || ($item->has_children() && (isloggedin() || $item->type <= navigation_node::TYPE_CATEGORY))); // Skip elements which have no content and no action - no point in showing them if (!$isexpandable && empty($item->action)) { continue; } $hasicon = ((!$isbranch || $item->type == navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY || $item->type == navigation_node::TYPE_RESOURCE) && $item->icon instanceof renderable); if ($hasicon) { $icon = $this->output->render($item->icon); // Because an icon is being used we're going to wrap the actual content in a span. // This will allow designers to create columns for the content, as we've done in styles.css. $content = $icon . html_writer::span($content, 'item-content-wrap'); } else { $icon = ''; } if ($item->helpbutton !== null) { $content = trim($item->helpbutton).html_writer::tag('span', $content, array('class' => 'clearhelpbutton')); } if ($content === '') { continue; } $attributes = array(); if ($title !== '') { $attributes['title'] = $title; } if ($item->hidden) { $attributes['class'] = 'dimmed_text'; } if (is_string($item->action) || empty($item->action) || (($item->type === navigation_node::TYPE_CATEGORY || $item->type === navigation_node::TYPE_MY_CATEGORY) && empty($options['linkcategories']))) { $attributes['tabindex'] = '0'; // Add tab support to span but still maintain character stream sequence. $content = html_writer::tag('span', $content, $attributes); } else if ($item->action instanceof action_link) { // TODO: to be replaced with something else. $link = $item->action; $link->text = $icon.html_writer::span($link->text, 'item-content-wrap'); $link->attributes = array_merge($link->attributes, $attributes); $content = $this->output->render($link); } else if ($item->action instanceof moodle_url) { $content = html_writer::link($item->action, $content, $attributes); } // This applies to the li item which contains all child lists too. $liclasses = array($item->get_css_type(), 'depth_'.$depth); // Class attribute on the div item which only contains the item content. $divclasses = array('tree_item'); $liexpandable = array(); if ($item->has_children() && (!$item->forceopen || $item->collapse)) { $liclasses[] = 'collapsed'; } if ($isbranch) { if ((!in_array('collapsed', $liclasses)) && ($depth > 1)) { $liclasses[] = 'collapsed'; } $liclasses[] = 'contains_branch'; $liexpandable = array('aria-expanded' => in_array('collapsed', $liclasses) ? "false" : "true"); $divclasses[] = 'branch'; } else { $divclasses[] = 'leaf'; } if ($hasicon) { // Add this class if the item has an icon, whether it is a branch or not. $liclasses[] = 'item_with_icon'; $divclasses[] = 'hasicon'; } if ($item->isactive === true) { $liclasses[] = 'current_branch'; } if (!empty($item->classes) && count($item->classes) > 0) { $divclasses[] = join(' ', $item->classes); } // Now build attribute arrays. $liattr = array('class' => join(' ', $liclasses)) + $liexpandable; $divattr = array('class' => join(' ', $divclasses)); if (!empty($item->id)) { $divattr['id'] = $item->id; } // Create the structure. $content = html_writer::tag('p', $content, $divattr); if ($isexpandable) { $content .= $this->navigation_node($item->children, array(), $expansionlimit, $options, $depth + 1); } if (!empty($item->preceedwithhr) && $item->preceedwithhr === true) { $content = html_writer::empty_tag('hr') . $content; } $content = html_writer::tag('li', $content, $liattr); $lis[] = $content; } if (count($lis) === 0) { // There is still a chance, despite having items, that nothing had content and no list items were created. return ''; } // We used to separate using new lines, however we don't do that now, instead we'll save a few chars. // The source is complex already anyway. return html_writer::tag('ul', implode('', $lis), $attrs); } }