. /** * Mustache helper to load a theme configuration. * * @package theme_moove * @copyright 2017 Willian Mano - http://conecti.me * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace theme_moove\util; use theme_config; use stdClass; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Helper to load a theme configuration. * * @package theme_moove * @copyright 2017 Willian Mano - http://conecti.me * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class theme_settings { /** * Get config theme footer itens * * @return array */ public function footer_items() { $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); $templatecontext = []; $footersettings = [ 'facebook', 'twitter', 'whatsapp', 'linkedin', 'youtube', 'instagram', 'getintouchcontent', 'website', 'mobile', 'mail' ]; foreach ($footersettings as $setting) { if (!empty($theme->settings->$setting)) { $templatecontext[$setting] = $theme->settings->$setting; } } $templatecontext['disablebottomfooter'] = false; if (!empty($theme->settings->disablebottomfooter)) { $templatecontext['disablebottomfooter'] = true; } return $templatecontext; } /** * Get config theme slideshow * * @return array */ public function slideshow() { global $OUTPUT; $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); $templatecontext['sliderenabled'] = $theme->settings->sliderenabled; if (empty($templatecontext['sliderenabled'])) { return $templatecontext; } $slidercount = $theme->settings->slidercount; for ($i = 1, $j = 0; $i <= $slidercount; $i++, $j++) { $sliderimage = "sliderimage{$i}"; $slidertitle = "slidertitle{$i}"; $slidercap = "slidercap{$i}"; $templatecontext['slides'][$j]['key'] = $j; $templatecontext['slides'][$j]['active'] = false; $image = $theme->setting_file_url($sliderimage, $sliderimage); if (empty($image)) { $image = $OUTPUT->image_url('slide_default', 'theme'); } $templatecontext['slides'][$j]['image'] = $image; $templatecontext['slides'][$j]['title'] = $theme->settings->$slidertitle; $templatecontext['slides'][$j]['caption'] = $theme->settings->$slidercap; if ($i === 1) { $templatecontext['slides'][$j]['active'] = true; } } return $templatecontext; } /** * Get config theme marketing itens * * @return array */ public function marketing_items() { global $OUTPUT; $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); $templatecontext = []; for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $marketingicon = 'marketing' . $i . 'icon'; $marketingheading = 'marketing' . $i . 'heading'; $marketingsubheading = 'marketing' . $i . 'subheading'; $marketingcontent = 'marketing' . $i . 'content'; $marketingurl = 'marketing' . $i . 'url'; $templatecontext[$marketingicon] = $OUTPUT->image_url('icon_default', 'theme'); if (!empty($theme->settings->$marketingicon)) { $templatecontext[$marketingicon] = $theme->setting_file_url($marketingicon, $marketingicon); } $templatecontext[$marketingheading] = ''; if (!empty($theme->settings->$marketingheading)) { $templatecontext[$marketingheading] = theme_moove_get_setting($marketingheading, true); } $templatecontext[$marketingsubheading] = ''; if (!empty($theme->settings->$marketingsubheading)) { $templatecontext[$marketingsubheading] = theme_moove_get_setting($marketingsubheading, true); } $templatecontext[$marketingcontent] = ''; if (!empty($theme->settings->$marketingcontent)) { $templatecontext[$marketingcontent] = theme_moove_get_setting($marketingcontent, true); } $templatecontext[$marketingurl] = ''; if (!empty($theme->settings->$marketingurl)) { $templatecontext[$marketingurl] = $theme->settings->$marketingurl; } } return $templatecontext; } /** * Get the frontpage numbers * * @return array */ public function numbers() { global $DB; $templatecontext['numberusers'] = $DB->count_records('user', array('deleted' => 0, 'suspended' => 0)) - 1; $templatecontext['numbercourses'] = $DB->count_records('course', array('visible' => 1)) - 1; $templatecontext['numberactivities'] = $DB->count_records('course_modules'); return $templatecontext; } /** * Get config theme sponsors logos and urls * * @return array */ public function sponsors() { $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); $templatecontext['sponsorstitle'] = $theme->settings->sponsorstitle; $templatecontext['sponsorssubtitle'] = $theme->settings->sponsorssubtitle; $sponsorscount = $theme->settings->sponsorscount; for ($i = 1, $j = 0; $i <= $sponsorscount; $i++, $j++) { $sponsorsimage = "sponsorsimage{$i}"; $sponsorsurl = "sponsorsurl{$i}"; $image = $theme->setting_file_url($sponsorsimage, $sponsorsimage); if (empty($image)) { continue; } $templatecontext['sponsors'][$j]['image'] = $image; $templatecontext['sponsors'][$j]['url'] = $theme->settings->$sponsorsurl; } return $templatecontext; } /** * Get config theme clients logos and urls * * @return array */ public function clients() { $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); $templatecontext['clientstitle'] = $theme->settings->clientstitle; $templatecontext['clientssubtitle'] = $theme->settings->clientssubtitle; $clientscount = $theme->settings->clientscount; for ($i = 1, $j = 0; $i <= $clientscount; $i++, $j++) { $clientsimage = "clientsimage{$i}"; $clientsurl = "clientsurl{$i}"; $image = $theme->setting_file_url($clientsimage, $clientsimage); if (empty($image)) { continue; } $templatecontext['clients'][$j]['image'] = $image; $templatecontext['clients'][$j]['url'] = $theme->settings->$clientsurl; } return $templatecontext; } }