. /** * Overriden theme boost core renderer. * * @package theme_moove * @copyright 2017 Willian Mano - http://conecti.me * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace theme_moove\output; use html_writer; use custom_menu; use action_menu_filler; use action_menu_link_secondary; use stdClass; use moodle_url; use action_menu; use pix_icon; use theme_config; use core_text; use help_icon; use context_system; use core_course_list_element; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * Renderers to align Moodle's HTML with that expected by Bootstrap * * @package theme_moove * @copyright 2017 Willian Mano - http://conecti.me * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_renderer extends \theme_boost\output\core_renderer { /** * Renders the custom menu * * @param custom_menu $menu * @return mixed */ protected function render_custom_menu(custom_menu $menu) { if (!$menu->has_children()) { return ''; } $content = ''; foreach ($menu->get_children() as $item) { $context = $item->export_for_template($this); $content .= $this->render_from_template('core/custom_menu_item', $context); } return $content; } /** * Renders the lang menu * * @return mixed */ public function render_lang_menu() { $langs = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(); $haslangmenu = $this->lang_menu() != ''; $menu = new custom_menu; if ($haslangmenu) { $strlang = get_string('language'); $currentlang = current_language(); if (isset($langs[$currentlang])) { $currentlang = $langs[$currentlang]; } else { $currentlang = $strlang; } $this->language = $menu->add($currentlang, new moodle_url('#'), $strlang, 10000); foreach ($langs as $langtype => $langname) { $this->language->add($langname, new moodle_url($this->page->url, array('lang' => $langtype)), $langname); } foreach ($menu->get_children() as $item) { $context = $item->export_for_template($this); } if (isset($context)) { return $this->render_from_template('theme_moove/lang_menu', $context); } } } /** * Wrapper for header elements. * * @return string HTML to display the main header. */ public function mydashboard_admin_header() { $html = html_writer::start_div('row'); $html .= html_writer::start_div('col-xs-12 p-a-1'); $pageheadingbutton = $this->page_heading_button(); if (empty($this->page->layout_options['nonavbar'])) { $html .= html_writer::start_div('clearfix w-100 pull-xs-left', array('id' => 'page-navbar')); $html .= html_writer::tag('div', $this->navbar(), array('class' => 'breadcrumb-nav')); $html .= html_writer::div($pageheadingbutton, 'breadcrumb-button'); $html .= html_writer::end_div(); } else if ($pageheadingbutton) { $html .= html_writer::div($pageheadingbutton, 'breadcrumb-button nonavbar pull-xs-right m-r-1'); } $html .= html_writer::end_div(); // End .row. $html .= html_writer::end_div(); // End .col-xs-12. return $html; } /** * Renders the login form. * * @param \core_auth\output\login $form The renderable. * @return string */ public function render_login(\core_auth\output\login $form) { global $CFG, $SITE; $context = $form->export_for_template($this); // Override because rendering is not supported in template yet. if ($CFG->rememberusername == 0) { $context->cookieshelpiconformatted = $this->help_icon('cookiesenabledonlysession'); } else { $context->cookieshelpiconformatted = $this->help_icon('cookiesenabled'); } $context->errorformatted = $this->error_text($context->error); $context->logourl = $this->get_logo(); $context->sitename = format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['context' => \context_course::instance(SITEID), "escape" => false]); return $this->render_from_template('core/loginform', $context); } /** * Render the login signup form into a nice template for the theme. * * @param mform $form * @return string */ public function render_login_signup_form($form) { global $SITE; $context = $form->export_for_template($this); $context['logourl'] = $this->get_logo(); $context['sitename'] = format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['context' => \context_course::instance(SITEID), "escape" => false]); return $this->render_from_template('core/signup_form_layout', $context); } /** * Gets the logo to be rendered. * * The priority of get log is: 1st try to get the theme logo, 2st try to get the theme logo * If no logo was found return false * * @return mixed */ public function get_logo() { if ($this->should_display_theme_logo()) { return $this->get_theme_logo_url(); } $url = $this->get_logo_url(); if ($url) { return $url->out(false); } return false; } /** * Outputs the pix url base * * @return string an URL. */ public function get_pix_image_url_base() { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . "/theme/moove/pix"; } /** * Whether we should display the main theme logo in the navbar. * * @return bool */ public function should_display_theme_logo() { $logo = $this->get_theme_logo_url(); return !empty($logo); } /** * Returns the moodle_url for the favicon. * * @since Moodle 2.5.1 2.6 * @return moodle_url The moodle_url for the favicon */ public function favicon() { global $CFG; $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); $favicon = $theme->setting_file_url('favicon', 'favicon'); if (!empty(($favicon))) { $urlreplace = preg_replace('|^https?://|i', '//', $CFG->wwwroot); $favicon = str_replace($urlreplace, '', $favicon); return new moodle_url($favicon); } return parent::favicon(); } /** * Get the main logo URL. * * @return string */ public function get_theme_logo_url() { $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); return $theme->setting_file_url('logo', 'logo'); } /** * Return the site identity providers * * @return mixed */ public function get_identity_providers() { global $CFG; $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/authlib.php'); $identityproviders = \auth_plugin_base::get_identity_providers($authsequence); return $identityproviders; } /** * Verify whether the site has identity providers * * @return mixed */ public function has_identity_providers() { global $CFG; $authsequence = get_enabled_auth_plugins(true); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/authlib.php'); $identityproviders = \auth_plugin_base::get_identity_providers($authsequence); return !empty($identityproviders); } /** * Construct a user menu, returning HTML that can be echoed out by a * layout file. * * @param stdClass $user A user object, usually $USER. * @param bool $withlinks true if a dropdown should be built. * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function user_menu($user = null, $withlinks = null) { global $USER, $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php'); if (is_null($user)) { $user = $USER; } // Note: this behaviour is intended to match that of core_renderer::login_info, // but should not be considered to be good practice; layout options are // intended to be theme-specific. Please don't copy this snippet anywhere else. if (is_null($withlinks)) { $withlinks = empty($this->page->layout_options['nologinlinks']); } // Add a class for when $withlinks is false. $usermenuclasses = 'usermenu'; if (!$withlinks) { $usermenuclasses .= ' withoutlinks'; } $returnstr = ""; // If during initial install, return the empty return string. if (during_initial_install()) { return $returnstr; } $loginpage = $this->is_login_page(); $loginurl = get_login_url(); // If not logged in, show the typical not-logged-in string. if (!isloggedin()) { $returnstr = ''; if (!$loginpage) { $returnstr .= "" . get_string('login') . ''; } $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); if (!$theme->settings->disablefrontpageloginbox) { return html_writer::tag( 'li', html_writer::span( $returnstr, 'login' ), array('class' => $usermenuclasses) ); } $context = [ 'loginurl' => $loginurl, 'logintoken' => \core\session\manager::get_login_token(), 'canloginasguest' => $CFG->guestloginbutton and !isguestuser(), 'canloginbyemail' => !empty($CFG->authloginviaemail), 'cansignup' => $CFG->registerauth == 'email' || !empty($CFG->registerauth) ]; return $this->render_from_template('theme_moove/frontpage_guest_loginbtn', $context); } // If logged in as a guest user, show a string to that effect. if (isguestuser()) { $returnstr = get_string('loggedinasguest'); if (!$loginpage && $withlinks) { $returnstr .= " (".get_string('login').')'; } return html_writer::tag( 'li', html_writer::span( $returnstr, 'login' ), array('class' => $usermenuclasses) ); } // Get some navigation opts. $opts = user_get_user_navigation_info($user, $this->page); $avatarclasses = "avatars"; $avatarcontents = html_writer::span($opts->metadata['useravatar'], 'avatar current'); $usertextcontents = ''; // Other user. if (!empty($opts->metadata['asotheruser'])) { $avatarcontents .= html_writer::span( $opts->metadata['realuseravatar'], 'avatar realuser' ); $usertextcontents = $opts->metadata['realuserfullname']; $usertextcontents .= html_writer::tag( 'span', get_string( 'loggedinas', 'moodle', html_writer::span( $opts->metadata['userfullname'], 'value' ) ), array('class' => 'meta viewingas') ); } // Role. if (!empty($opts->metadata['asotherrole'])) { $role = core_text::strtolower(preg_replace('#[ ]+#', '-', trim($opts->metadata['rolename']))); $usertextcontents .= html_writer::span( $opts->metadata['rolename'], 'meta role role-' . $role ); } // User login failures. if (!empty($opts->metadata['userloginfail'])) { $usertextcontents .= html_writer::span( $opts->metadata['userloginfail'], 'meta loginfailures' ); } // MNet. if (!empty($opts->metadata['asmnetuser'])) { $mnet = strtolower(preg_replace('#[ ]+#', '-', trim($opts->metadata['mnetidprovidername']))); $usertextcontents .= html_writer::span( $opts->metadata['mnetidprovidername'], 'meta mnet mnet-' . $mnet ); } $returnstr .= html_writer::span( html_writer::span($usertextcontents, 'usertext') . html_writer::span($avatarcontents, $avatarclasses), 'userbutton' ); // Create a divider (well, a filler). $divider = new action_menu_filler(); $divider->primary = false; $actionmenu = new action_menu(); $actionmenu->set_menu_trigger( $returnstr ); $actionmenu->set_alignment(action_menu::TR, action_menu::BR); $actionmenu->set_nowrap_on_items(); if ($withlinks) { $navitemcount = count($opts->navitems); $idx = 0; // Adds username to the first item of usermanu. $userinfo = new stdClass(); $userinfo->itemtype = 'text'; $userinfo->title = $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname; $userinfo->url = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $user->id)); $userinfo->pix = 'i/user'; array_unshift($opts->navitems, $userinfo); foreach ($opts->navitems as $value) { switch ($value->itemtype) { case 'divider': // If the nav item is a divider, add one and skip link processing. $actionmenu->add($divider); break; case 'invalid': // Silently skip invalid entries (should we post a notification?). break; case 'text': $amls = new action_menu_link_secondary( $value->url, $pix = new pix_icon($value->pix, $value->title, null, array('class' => 'iconsmall')), $value->title, array('class' => 'text-username') ); $actionmenu->add($amls); break; case 'link': // Process this as a link item. $pix = null; if (isset($value->pix) && !empty($value->pix)) { $pix = new pix_icon($value->pix, $value->title, null, array('class' => 'iconsmall')); } else if (isset($value->imgsrc) && !empty($value->imgsrc)) { $value->title = html_writer::img( $value->imgsrc, $value->title, array('class' => 'iconsmall') ) . $value->title; } $amls = new action_menu_link_secondary( $value->url, $pix, $value->title, array('class' => 'icon') ); if (!empty($value->titleidentifier)) { $amls->attributes['data-title'] = $value->titleidentifier; } $actionmenu->add($amls); break; } $idx++; // Add dividers after the first item and before the last item. if ($idx == 1 || $idx == $navitemcount) { $actionmenu->add($divider); } } } return html_writer::tag( 'li', $this->render($actionmenu), array('class' => $usermenuclasses) ); } /** * Secure login info. * * @return string */ public function secure_login_info() { return $this->login_info(false); } /** * Implementation of user image rendering. * * @param help_icon $helpicon A help icon instance * @return string HTML fragment */ public function render_help_icon(help_icon $helpicon) { $context = $helpicon->export_for_template($this); // Solving the issue - "Your progress" help tooltip in course home page displays in outside the screen display. // Check issue https://github.com/willianmano/moodle-theme_moove/issues/5. if ($helpicon->identifier === 'completionicons' && $helpicon->component === 'completion') { $context->ltr = right_to_left(); } return $this->render_from_template('core/help_icon', $context); } /** * Returns a search box. * * @param string $identifier The search box wrapper div id, defaults to an autogenerated one. * @return string HTML with the search form hidden by default. */ public function search_box($identifier = false) { global $CFG; // Accessing $CFG directly as using \core_search::is_global_search_enabled would // result in an extra included file for each site, even the ones where global search // is disabled. if (empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch) || !has_capability('moodle/search:query', context_system::instance())) { return ''; } if ($identifier == false) { $identifier = uniqid(); } else { // Needs to be cleaned, we use it for the input id. $identifier = clean_param($identifier, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); } // JS to animate the form. $this->page->requires->js_call_amd('core/search-input', 'init', array($identifier)); $iconattrs = array( 'class' => 'slicon-magnifier', 'title' => get_string('search', 'search'), 'aria-label' => get_string('search', 'search'), 'aria-hidden' => 'true'); $searchicon = html_writer::tag('i', '', $iconattrs); $formattrs = array('class' => 'search-input-form', 'action' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/search/index.php'); $inputattrs = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'q', 'placeholder' => get_string('search', 'search'), 'size' => 13, 'tabindex' => -1, 'id' => 'id_q_' . $identifier, 'class' => 'form-control'); $contents = html_writer::tag('label', get_string('enteryoursearchquery', 'search'), array('for' => 'id_q_' . $identifier, 'class' => 'accesshide')) . html_writer::tag('input', '', $inputattrs); $btnclose = ''; $searchinput = html_writer::tag('form', $contents . $btnclose, $formattrs); return html_writer::tag('div', $searchicon . $searchinput, array('class' => 'moove-search-input nav-link', 'id' => $identifier)); } /** * The standard tags (meta tags, links to stylesheets and JavaScript, etc.) * that should be included in the
tag. Designed to be called in theme * layout.php files. * * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function standard_head_html() { $output = parent::standard_head_html(); // Add google analytics code. $googleanalyticscode = " "; $theme = theme_config::load('moove'); if (!empty($theme->settings->googleanalytics)) { $output .= str_replace("GOOGLE-ANALYTICS-CODE", trim($theme->settings->googleanalytics), $googleanalyticscode); } return $output; } /** * Try to return the first image on course summary files, otherwise returns a default image. * * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function courseheaderimage() { global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB; $course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $COURSE->id]); $course = new core_course_list_element($course); $courseimage = ''; $imageindex = 1; foreach ($course->get_course_overviewfiles() as $file) { $isimage = $file->is_valid_image(); $url = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/pluginfile.php" . '/'. $file->get_contextid(). '/'. $file->get_component(). '/'. $file->get_filearea(). $file->get_filepath(). $file->get_filename(), ['forcedownload' => !$isimage]); if ($isimage) { $courseimage = $url; } if ($imageindex == 2) { break; } $imageindex++; } if (empty($courseimage)) { $courseimage = $this->get_pix_image_url_base() . "/default_coursesummary.jpg"; } // Create html for header. $html = html_writer::start_div('headerbkg'); $html .= html_writer::start_div('withimage', array( 'style' => 'background-image: url("' . $courseimage . '"); background-size: cover; background-position:center; width: 100%; height: 100%;' )); $html .= html_writer::end_div(); // End withimage inline style div. $html .= html_writer::end_div(); return $html; } /** * The standard tags (typically performance information and validation links, * if we are in developer debug mode) that should be output in the footer area * of the page. Designed to be called in theme layout.php files. * * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function standard_footer_html() { global $CFG, $SCRIPT; $output = ' '; return $output; } /** * Returns the dataprivacy url * * @return string * * @throws \coding_exception * @throws \dml_exception * @throws \moodle_exception */ private function get_dataprivacyurl() { $output = ''; // A returned 0 means that the setting was set and disabled, false means that there is no value for the provided setting. $showsummary = get_config('tool_dataprivacy', 'showdataretentionsummary'); if ($showsummary === false) { // This means that no value is stored in db. We use the default value in this case. $showsummary = true; } if ($showsummary) { $url = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/dataprivacy/summary.php'); $output = html_writer::link($url, " " . get_string('dataretentionsummary', 'tool_dataprivacy'), ['class' => 'btn btn-default'] ); $output = html_writer::div($output, 'tool_dataprivacy mb-2'); } return $output; } /** * Returns the mobile app url * * @return string * * @throws \coding_exception */ private function get_mobileappurl() { global $CFG; $output = ''; if (!empty($CFG->enablemobilewebservice) && $url = tool_mobile_create_app_download_url()) { $url = html_writer::link($url, " ".get_string('getmoodleonyourmobile', 'tool_mobile'), ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']); $output .= html_writer::div($url, 'mobilefooter mb-2'); } return $output; } /** * Wrapper for breadcrumb elements. * * @return string HTML to display the main header. * * @throws \coding_exception * @throws \moodle_exception */ public function breadcrumb_header() { $header = new stdClass(); $header->hasnavbar = empty($this->page->layout_options['nonavbar']); $header->navbar = $this->navbar(); $header->contextheader = $this->context_header(); if ($this->page->pagelayout == 'mypublic') { $header->contextheader = "