@core @core_tag Feature: Users can edit tags to add description or rename In order to use tags As a manager I need to be able to edit tags Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | interests | | manager1 | Manager | 1 | manager1@example.com | | | user1 | User | 1 | user1@example.com | Cat,Dog,Turtle | | editor1 | Editor | 1 | editor1@example.com | | Given the following "roles" exist: | name | shortname | | Tag editor | tageditor | And the following "system role assigns" exist: | user | course | role | | manager1 | Acceptance test site | manager | | editor1 | Acceptance test site | tageditor | And the following "tags" exist: | name | isstandard | | Neverusedtag | 1 | @javascript Scenario: User with tag editing capability can change tag description Given I log in as "admin" And I set the following system permissions of "Tag editor" role: | capability | permission | | moodle/tag:edit | Allow | | moodle/site:viewparticipants | Allow | | moodle/user:viewdetails | Allow | And I log out When I log in as "editor1" And I press "Customise this page" # TODO MDL-57120 site "Tags" link not accessible without navigation block. And I add the "Navigation" block if not present And I click on "Site pages" "list_item" in the "Navigation" "block" And I click on "Tags" "link" in the "Navigation" "block" And I follow "Turtle" And I follow "User 1" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "Edit this tag" And I should not see "Tag name" And I should not see "Standard" And I set the following fields to these values: | Description | Description of tag 1 | | Related tags | Dog, Turtle,Fish | And I press "Update" Then "Cat" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And "Description of tag 1" "text" should exist in the ".tag-description" "css_element" And I should see "Related tags:" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Dog" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Turtle" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Fish" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Manager can change tag description, related tags and rename the tag from tag view page When I log in as "manager1" And I press "Customise this page" # TODO MDL-57120 site "Tags" link not accessible without navigation block. And I add the "Navigation" block if not present And I click on "Site pages" "list_item" in the "Navigation" "block" And I click on "Tags" "link" in the "Navigation" "block" And I follow "Turtle" And I follow "User 1" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "Edit this tag" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | Kitten | | Description | Description of tag 1 | | Related tags | Dog, Turtle,Fish | | Standard | 0 | And I press "Update" Then "Kitten" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And "Description of tag 1" "text" should exist in the ".tag-description" "css_element" And I should see "Related tags:" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Dog" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Turtle" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Fish" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I follow "Edit this tag" And I click on "× Dog" "text" And I press "Update" Then "Kitten" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And "Description of tag 1" "text" should exist in the ".tag-description" "css_element" And I should see "Related tags:" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Turtle" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Fish" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should not see "Dog" And I log out Scenario: Renaming the tag from tag view page When I log in as "manager1" And I press "Customise this page" # TODO MDL-57120 site "Tags" link not accessible without navigation block. And I add the "Navigation" block if not present And I click on "Tags" "link" in the "Navigation" "block" And I follow "Turtle" And I follow "User 1" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "Edit this tag" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | DOG | And I press "Update" And I should see "Tag names already being used" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | Kitten | And I press "Update" Then "Kitten" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And I follow "Edit this tag" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | KITTEN | And I press "Update" And "KITTEN" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Manager can change tag description and rename the tag from tag manage page When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Appearance > Manage tags" in site administration And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Edit this tag" "link" in the "Cat" "table_row" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | Kitten | | Description | Description of tag 1 | | Related tags | Dog, Turtle,Fish | | Standard | 0 | And I press "Update" Then "Default collection" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And I follow "Kitten" And "Description of tag 1" "text" should exist in the ".tag-description" "css_element" And I should see "Related tags:" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Dog" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Turtle" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I should see "Fish" in the ".tag_list" "css_element" And I log out Scenario: Renaming the tag in edit tag form from tag manage page When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Appearance > Manage tags" in site administration And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Edit this tag" "link" in the "Cat" "table_row" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | DOG | And I press "Update" And I should see "Tag names already being used" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | Kitten | And I press "Update" Then "Default collection" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And I click on "Edit this tag" "link" in the "Kitten" "table_row" And I set the following fields to these values: | Tag name | KITTEN | And I press "Update" And "Default collection" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element" And I should see "KITTEN" And I should not see "Kitten" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Renaming the tag using quick edit field on tag manage page When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Appearance > Manage tags" in site administration And I follow "Default collection" # Renaming tag to a valid name And I click on "Edit tag name" "link" in the "Cat" "table_row" And I set the field "New name for tag Cat" to "Kitten" And I press key "13" in the field "New name for tag Cat" Then I should not see "Cat" And "New name for tag" "field" should not exist And I wait until "Kitten" "link" exists And I follow "Default collection" And I should see "Kitten" And I should not see "Cat" # Renaming tag to an invalid name And I click on "Edit tag name" "link" in the "Turtle" "table_row" And I set the field "New name for tag Turtle" to "DOG" And I press key "13" in the field "New name for tag Turtle" And I should see "The tag name is already in use. Do you want to combine these tags?" And I click on "Cancel" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue" And "New name for tag" "field" should not exist And I should see "Turtle" And I should see "Dog" And I should not see "DOG" And I follow "Default collection" And I should see "Turtle" And I should see "Dog" And I should not see "DOG" # Cancel tag renaming And I click on "Edit tag name" "link" in the "Dog" "table_row" And I set the field "New name for tag Dog" to "Penguin" And I press key "27" in the field "New name for tag Dog" And "New name for tag" "field" should not exist And I should see "Turtle" And I should not see "Penguin" And I follow "Default collection" And I should see "Turtle" And I should not see "Penguin" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Combining tags when renaming When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Appearance > Manage tags" in site administration And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Edit tag name" "link" in the "Turtle" "table_row" And I set the field "New name for tag Turtle" to "DOG" And I press key "13" in the field "New name for tag Turtle" And I should see "The tag name is already in use. Do you want to combine these tags?" And I press "Yes" Then I should not see "Turtle" And I should not see "DOG" And I should see "Dog" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Combining multiple tags When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Appearance > Manage tags" in site administration And I follow "Default collection" And I set the following fields to these values: | Select tag Dog | 1 | | Select tag Neverusedtag | 1 | | Select tag Turtle | 1 | And I press "Combine selected" And I should see "Select the tag that will be used after combining" And I click on "Turtle" "radio" in the "#combinetags_form" "css_element" And I press "Continue" Then I should see "Tags are combined" And I should not see "Dog" And I should not see "Neverusedtag" And I should see "Turtle" # Even though Turtle was not standard but at least one of combined tags was (Neverusedtag). Now Turtle is also standard. And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Turtle" "table_row" And I log out Scenario: Filtering tags When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Appearance > Manage tags" in site administration And I follow "Default collection" And I should not see "Reset filter" And I set the field "Search" to "t" And I press "Search" Then the field "Search" matches value "t" And I should not see "Dog" And I should see "Cat" And I should see "Turtle" And I follow "Reset filter" And I should see "Dog" And I should see "Cat" And I should see "Turtle" And I log out