. /** * Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag. * * @package core_tag * @copyright 2018 Zig Tan * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_tag\privacy; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use \core_privacy\local\metadata\collection; use core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist; use core_privacy\local\request\contextlist; use core_privacy\local\request\transform; use core_privacy\local\request\writer; use core_privacy\local\request\userlist; use core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist; /** * Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag. * * @copyright 2018 Zig Tan * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class provider implements // Tags store user data. \core_privacy\local\metadata\provider, // The tag subsystem provides data to other components. \core_privacy\local\request\subsystem\plugin_provider, // This plugin is capable of determining which users have data within it. \core_privacy\local\request\core_userlist_provider, // The tag subsystem may have data that belongs to this user. \core_privacy\local\request\plugin\provider, \core_privacy\local\request\shared_userlist_provider { /** * Returns meta data about this system. * * @param collection $collection The initialised collection to add items to. * @return collection A listing of user data stored through this system. */ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection { // The table 'tag' contains data that a user has entered. // It is currently linked with a userid, but this field will hopefulyl go away. // Note: The userid is not necessarily 100% accurate. See MDL-61555. $collection->add_database_table('tag', [ 'name' => 'privacy:metadata:tag:name', 'rawname' => 'privacy:metadata:tag:rawname', 'description' => 'privacy:metadata:tag:description', 'flag' => 'privacy:metadata:tag:flag', 'timemodified' => 'privacy:metadata:tag:timemodified', 'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:tag:userid', ], 'privacy:metadata:tag'); // The table 'tag_instance' contains user data. // It links the user of a specific tag, to the item which is tagged. // In some cases the userid who 'owns' the tag is also stored. $collection->add_database_table('tag_instance', [ 'tagid' => 'privacy:metadata:taginstance:tagid', 'ordering' => 'privacy:metadata:taginstance:ordering', 'timecreated' => 'privacy:metadata:taginstance:timecreated', 'timemodified' => 'privacy:metadata:taginstance:timemodified', 'tiuserid' => 'privacy:metadata:taginstance:tiuserid', ], 'privacy:metadata:taginstance'); // The table 'tag_area' does not contain any specific user data. // It links components and item types to collections and describes how they can be associated. // The table 'tag_coll' does not contain any specific user data. // It describes a list of tag collections configured by the administrator. // The table 'tag_correlation' does not contain any user data. // It is a cache for other data already stored. return $collection; } /** * Store all tags which match the specified component, itemtype, and itemid. * * In most situations you will want to specify $onlyuser as false. * This will fetch only tags where the user themselves set the tag, or where tags are a shared resource. * * If you specify $onlyuser as true, only the tags created by that user will be included. * * @param int $userid The user whose information is to be exported * @param \context $context The context to export for * @param array $subcontext The subcontext within the context to export this information * @param string $component The component to fetch data from * @param string $itemtype The itemtype that the data was exported in within the component * @param int $itemid The itemid within that tag * @param bool $onlyuser Whether to only export ratings that the current user has made, or all tags */ public static function export_item_tags( int $userid, \context $context, array $subcontext, string $component, string $itemtype, int $itemid, bool $onlyuser = false ) { global $DB; // Ignore mdl_tag.userid here because it only reflects the user who originally created the tag. $sql = "SELECT t.rawname FROM {tag} t INNER JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid = t.id WHERE ti.component = :component AND ti.itemtype = :itemtype AND ti.itemid = :itemid "; if ($onlyuser) { $sql .= "AND ti.tiuserid = :userid"; } else { $sql .= "AND (ti.tiuserid = 0 OR ti.tiuserid = :userid)"; } $params = [ 'component' => $component, 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'userid' => $userid, ]; if ($tags = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params)) { $writer = \core_privacy\local\request\writer::with_context($context) ->export_related_data($subcontext, 'tags', $tags); } } /** * Deletes all tag instances for given context, component, itemtype, itemid * * In most situations you will want to specify $userid as null. Per-user tag instances * are possible in Tags API, however there are no components or standard plugins that actually use them. * * @param \context $context The context to export for * @param string $component Tagarea component * @param string $itemtype Tagarea item type * @param int $itemid The itemid within that component and itemtype (optional) * @param int $userid Only delete tag instances made by this user, per-user tags must be enabled for the tagarea */ public static function delete_item_tags(\context $context, $component, $itemtype, $itemid = null, $userid = null) { global $DB; $params = ['contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => $component, 'itemtype' => $itemtype]; if ($itemid) { $params['itemid'] = $itemid; } if ($userid) { $params['tiuserid'] = $userid; } $DB->delete_records('tag_instance', $params); } /** * Deletes all tag instances for given context, component, itemtype using subquery for itemids * * In most situations you will want to specify $userid as null. Per-user tag instances * are possible in Tags API, however there are no components or standard plugins that actually use them. * * @param \context $context The context to export for * @param string $component Tagarea component * @param string $itemtype Tagarea item type * @param string $itemidstest an SQL fragment that the itemid must match. Used * in the query like WHERE itemid $itemidstest. Must use named parameters, * and may not use named parameters called contextid, component or itemtype. * @param array $params any query params used by $itemidstest. */ public static function delete_item_tags_select(\context $context, $component, $itemtype, $itemidstest, $params = []) { global $DB; $params += ['contextid' => $context->id, 'component' => $component, 'itemtype' => $itemtype]; $DB->delete_records_select('tag_instance', 'contextid = :contextid AND component = :component AND itemtype = :itemtype AND itemid ' . $itemidstest, $params); } /** * Get the list of contexts that contain user information for the specified user. * * @param int $userid The user to search. * @return contextlist $contextlist The contextlist containing the list of contexts used in this plugin. */ public static function get_contexts_for_userid(int $userid) : contextlist { $contextlist = new contextlist(); $contextlist->add_from_sql("SELECT c.id FROM {context} c JOIN {tag} t ON t.userid = :userid WHERE contextlevel = :contextlevel", ['userid' => $userid, 'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_SYSTEM]); return $contextlist; } /** * Get the list of users within a specific context. * * @param userlist $userlist The userlist containing the list of users who have data in this context/plugin combination. */ public static function get_users_in_context(userlist $userlist) { $context = $userlist->get_context(); if (!$context instanceof \context_system) { return; } $sql = "SELECT userid FROM {tag}"; $userlist->add_from_sql('userid', $sql, []); } /** * Export all user data for the specified user, in the specified contexts. * * @param approved_contextlist $contextlist The approved contexts to export information for. */ public static function export_user_data(approved_contextlist $contextlist) { global $DB; $context = \context_system::instance(); if (!$contextlist->count() || !in_array($context->id, $contextlist->get_contextids())) { return; } $user = $contextlist->get_user(); $sql = "SELECT id, userid, tagcollid, name, rawname, isstandard, description, descriptionformat, flag, timemodified FROM {tag} WHERE userid = ?"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, [$user->id]); foreach ($rs as $record) { $subcontext = [get_string('tags', 'tag'), $record->id]; $tag = (object)[ 'id' => $record->id, 'userid' => transform::user($record->userid), 'name' => $record->name, 'rawname' => $record->rawname, 'isstandard' => transform::yesno($record->isstandard), 'description' => writer::with_context($context)->rewrite_pluginfile_urls($subcontext, 'tag', 'description', $record->id, strval($record->description)), 'descriptionformat' => $record->descriptionformat, 'flag' => $record->flag, 'timemodified' => transform::datetime($record->timemodified), ]; writer::with_context($context)->export_data($subcontext, $tag); writer::with_context($context)->export_area_files($subcontext, 'tag', 'description', $record->id); } $rs->close(); } /** * Delete all data for all users in the specified context. * * We do not delete tag instances in this method - this should be done by the components that define tagareas. * We only delete tags themselves in case of system context. * * @param context $context The specific context to delete data for. */ public static function delete_data_for_all_users_in_context(\context $context) { global $DB; // Tags can only be defined in system context. if ($context->id == \context_system::instance()->id) { $DB->delete_records('tag_instance'); $DB->delete_records('tag', []); } } /** * Delete multiple users within a single context. * * @param approved_userlist $userlist The approved context and user information to delete information for. */ public static function delete_data_for_users(approved_userlist $userlist) { global $DB; $context = $userlist->get_context(); if ($context instanceof \context_system) { // Do not delete tags themselves in case they are used by somebody else. // If the user is the only one using the tag, it will be automatically deleted anyway during the // next cron cleanup. list($usersql, $userparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userlist->get_userids(), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $DB->set_field_select('tag', 'userid', 0, "userid {$usersql}", $userparams); } } /** * Delete all user data for the specified user, in the specified contexts. * * @param approved_contextlist $contextlist The approved contexts and user information to delete information for. */ public static function delete_data_for_user(approved_contextlist $contextlist) { global $DB; $context = \context_system::instance(); if (!$contextlist->count() || !in_array($context->id, $contextlist->get_contextids())) { return; } // Do not delete tags themselves in case they are used by somebody else. // If the user is the only one using the tag, it will be automatically deleted anyway during the next cron cleanup. $DB->set_field_select('tag', 'userid', 0, 'userid = ?', [$contextlist->get_user()->id]); } }