. /** * Search subsystem manager. * * @package core_search * @copyright Prateek Sachan {@link http://prateeksachan.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_search; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/accesslib.php'); /** * Search subsystem manager. * * @package core_search * @copyright Prateek Sachan {@link http://prateeksachan.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class manager { /** * @var int Text contents. */ const TYPE_TEXT = 1; /** * @var int File contents. */ const TYPE_FILE = 2; /** * @var int User can not access the document. */ const ACCESS_DENIED = 0; /** * @var int User can access the document. */ const ACCESS_GRANTED = 1; /** * @var int The document was deleted. */ const ACCESS_DELETED = 2; /** * @var int Maximum number of results that will be retrieved from the search engine. */ const MAX_RESULTS = 100; /** * @var int Number of results per page. */ const DISPLAY_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 10; /** * @var int The id to be placed in owneruserid when there is no owner. */ const NO_OWNER_ID = 0; /** * @var float If initial query takes longer than N seconds, this will be shown in cron log. */ const DISPLAY_LONG_QUERY_TIME = 5.0; /** * @var float Adds indexing progress within one search area to cron log every N seconds. */ const DISPLAY_INDEXING_PROGRESS_EVERY = 30.0; /** * @var int Context indexing: normal priority. */ const INDEX_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 100; /** * @var int Context indexing: low priority for reindexing. */ const INDEX_PRIORITY_REINDEXING = 50; /** * @var string Core search area category for all results. */ const SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_ALL = 'core-all'; /** * @var string Core search area category for course content. */ const SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSE_CONTENT = 'core-course-content'; /** * @var string Core search area category for courses. */ const SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSES = 'core-courses'; /** * @var string Core search area category for users. */ const SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_USERS = 'core-users'; /** * @var string Core search area category for results that do not fit into any of existing categories. */ const SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_OTHER = 'core-other'; /** * @var \core_search\base[] Enabled search areas. */ protected static $enabledsearchareas = null; /** * @var \core_search\base[] All system search areas. */ protected static $allsearchareas = null; /** * @var \core_search\area_category[] A list of search area categories. */ protected static $searchareacategories = null; /** * @var \core_search\manager */ protected static $instance = null; /** * @var array IDs (as keys) of course deletions in progress in this requuest, if any. */ protected static $coursedeleting = []; /** * @var \core_search\engine */ protected $engine = null; /** * Note: This should be removed once possible (see MDL-60644). * * @var float Fake current time for use in PHPunit tests */ protected static $phpunitfaketime = 0; /** * @var int Result count when used with mock results for Behat tests. */ protected $behatresultcount = 0; /** * Constructor, use \core_search\manager::instance instead to get a class instance. * * @param \core_search\base The search engine to use */ public function __construct($engine) { $this->engine = $engine; } /** * @var int Record time of each successful schema check, but not more than once per 10 minutes. */ const SCHEMA_CHECK_TRACKING_DELAY = 10 * 60; /** * @var int Require a new schema check at least every 4 hours. */ const SCHEMA_CHECK_REQUIRED_EVERY = 4 * 3600; /** * Returns an initialised \core_search instance. * * While constructing the instance, checks on the search schema may be carried out. The $fast * parameter provides a way to skip those checks on pages which are used frequently. It has * no effect if an instance has already been constructed in this request. * * @see \core_search\engine::is_installed * @see \core_search\engine::is_server_ready * @param bool $fast Set to true when calling on a page that requires high performance * @throws \core_search\engine_exception * @return \core_search\manager */ public static function instance($fast = false) { global $CFG; // One per request, this should be purged during testing. if (static::$instance !== null) { return static::$instance; } if (empty($CFG->searchengine)) { throw new \core_search\engine_exception('enginenotselected', 'search'); } if (!$engine = static::search_engine_instance()) { throw new \core_search\engine_exception('enginenotfound', 'search', '', $CFG->searchengine); } // Get time now and at last schema check. $now = (int)self::get_current_time(); $lastschemacheck = get_config($engine->get_plugin_name(), 'lastschemacheck'); // On pages where performance matters, tell the engine to skip schema checks. $skipcheck = false; if ($fast && $now < $lastschemacheck + self::SCHEMA_CHECK_REQUIRED_EVERY) { $skipcheck = true; $engine->skip_schema_check(); } if (!$engine->is_installed()) { throw new \core_search\engine_exception('enginenotinstalled', 'search', '', $CFG->searchengine); } $serverstatus = $engine->is_server_ready(); if ($serverstatus !== true) { // Skip this error in Behat when faking seach results. if (!defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING') || !get_config('core_search', 'behat_fakeresult')) { // Clear the record of successful schema checks since it might have failed. unset_config('lastschemacheck', $engine->get_plugin_name()); // Error message with no details as this is an exception that any user may find if the server crashes. throw new \core_search\engine_exception('engineserverstatus', 'search'); } } // If we did a successful schema check, record this, but not more than once per 10 minutes // (to avoid updating the config db table/cache too often in case it gets called frequently). if (!$skipcheck && $now >= $lastschemacheck + self::SCHEMA_CHECK_TRACKING_DELAY) { set_config('lastschemacheck', $now, $engine->get_plugin_name()); } static::$instance = new \core_search\manager($engine); return static::$instance; } /** * Returns whether global search is enabled or not. * * @return bool */ public static function is_global_search_enabled() { global $CFG; return !empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch); } /** * Returns the search URL for course search * * @return moodle_url */ public static function get_course_search_url() { if (self::is_global_search_enabled()) { $searchurl = '/search/index.php'; } else { $searchurl = '/course/search.php'; } return new \moodle_url($searchurl); } /** * Returns whether indexing is enabled or not (you can enable indexing even when search is not * enabled at the moment, so as to have it ready for students). * * @return bool True if indexing is enabled. */ public static function is_indexing_enabled() { global $CFG; return !empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch) || !empty($CFG->searchindexwhendisabled); } /** * Returns an instance of the search engine. * * @return \core_search\engine */ public static function search_engine_instance() { global $CFG; $classname = '\\search_' . $CFG->searchengine . '\\engine'; if (!class_exists($classname)) { return false; } return new $classname(); } /** * Returns the search engine. * * @return \core_search\engine */ public function get_engine() { return $this->engine; } /** * Returns a search area class name. * * @param string $areaid * @return string */ protected static function get_area_classname($areaid) { list($componentname, $areaname) = static::extract_areaid_parts($areaid); return '\\' . $componentname . '\\search\\' . $areaname; } /** * Returns a new area search indexer instance. * * @param string $areaid * @return \core_search\base|bool False if the area is not available. */ public static function get_search_area($areaid) { // We have them all here. if (!empty(static::$allsearchareas[$areaid])) { return static::$allsearchareas[$areaid]; } $classname = static::get_area_classname($areaid); if (class_exists($classname) && static::is_search_area($classname)) { return new $classname(); } return false; } /** * Return the list of available search areas. * * @param bool $enabled Return only the enabled ones. * @return \core_search\base[] */ public static function get_search_areas_list($enabled = false) { // Two different arrays, we don't expect these arrays to be big. if (static::$allsearchareas !== null) { if (!$enabled) { return static::$allsearchareas; } else { return static::$enabledsearchareas; } } static::$allsearchareas = array(); static::$enabledsearchareas = array(); $searchclasses = \core_component::get_component_classes_in_namespace(null, 'search'); foreach ($searchclasses as $classname => $classpath) { $areaname = substr(strrchr($classname, '\\'), 1); $componentname = strstr($classname, '\\', 1); if (!static::is_search_area($classname)) { continue; } $areaid = static::generate_areaid($componentname, $areaname); $searchclass = new $classname(); static::$allsearchareas[$areaid] = $searchclass; if ($searchclass->is_enabled()) { static::$enabledsearchareas[$areaid] = $searchclass; } } if ($enabled) { return static::$enabledsearchareas; } return static::$allsearchareas; } /** * Return search area category instance by category name. * * @param string $name Category name. If name is not valid will return default category. * * @return \core_search\area_category */ public static function get_search_area_category_by_name($name) { if (key_exists($name, self::get_search_area_categories())) { return self::get_search_area_categories()[$name]; } else { return self::get_search_area_categories()[self::get_default_area_category_name()]; } } /** * Return a list of existing search area categories. * * @return \core_search\area_category[] */ public static function get_search_area_categories() { if (!isset(static::$searchareacategories)) { $categories = self::get_core_search_area_categories(); // Go through all existing search areas and get categories they are assigned to. $areacategories = []; foreach (self::get_search_areas_list() as $searcharea) { foreach ($searcharea->get_category_names() as $categoryname) { if (!key_exists($categoryname, $areacategories)) { $areacategories[$categoryname] = []; } $areacategories[$categoryname][] = $searcharea; } } // Populate core categories by areas. foreach ($areacategories as $name => $searchareas) { if (key_exists($name, $categories)) { $categories[$name]->set_areas($searchareas); } else { throw new \coding_exception('Unknown core search area category ' . $name); } } // Get additional categories. $additionalcategories = self::get_additional_search_area_categories(); foreach ($additionalcategories as $additionalcategory) { if (!key_exists($additionalcategory->get_name(), $categories)) { $categories[$additionalcategory->get_name()] = $additionalcategory; } } // Remove categories without areas. foreach ($categories as $key => $category) { if (empty($category->get_areas())) { unset($categories[$key]); } } // Sort categories by order. uasort($categories, function($category1, $category2) { return $category1->get_order() > $category2->get_order(); }); static::$searchareacategories = $categories; } return static::$searchareacategories; } /** * Get list of core search area categories. * * @return \core_search\area_category[] */ protected static function get_core_search_area_categories() { $categories = []; $categories[self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_ALL] = new area_category( self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_ALL, get_string('core-all', 'search'), 0, self::get_search_areas_list(true) ); $categories[self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSE_CONTENT] = new area_category( self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSE_CONTENT, get_string('core-course-content', 'search'), 1 ); $categories[self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSES] = new area_category( self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSES, get_string('core-courses', 'search'), 2 ); $categories[self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_USERS] = new area_category( self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_USERS, get_string('core-users', 'search'), 3 ); $categories[self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_OTHER] = new area_category( self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_OTHER, get_string('core-other', 'search'), 4 ); return $categories; } /** * Gets a list of additional search area categories. * * @return \core_search\area_category[] */ protected static function get_additional_search_area_categories() { $additionalcategories = []; // Allow plugins to add custom search area categories. if ($pluginsfunction = get_plugins_with_function('search_area_categories')) { foreach ($pluginsfunction as $plugintype => $plugins) { foreach ($plugins as $pluginfunction) { $plugincategories = $pluginfunction(); // We're expecting a list of valid area categories. if (is_array($plugincategories)) { foreach ($plugincategories as $plugincategory) { if (self::is_valid_area_category($plugincategory)) { $additionalcategories[] = $plugincategory; } else { throw new \coding_exception('Invalid search area category!'); } } } else { throw new \coding_exception($pluginfunction . ' should return a list of search area categories!'); } } } } return $additionalcategories; } /** * Check if provided instance of area category is valid. * * @param mixed $areacategory Area category instance. Potentially could be anything. * * @return bool */ protected static function is_valid_area_category($areacategory) { return $areacategory instanceof area_category; } /** * Clears all static caches. * * @return void */ public static function clear_static() { static::$enabledsearchareas = null; static::$allsearchareas = null; static::$instance = null; static::$searchareacategories = null; base_block::clear_static(); engine::clear_users_cache(); } /** * Generates an area id from the componentname and the area name. * * There should not be any naming conflict as the area name is the * class name in component/classes/search/. * * @param string $componentname * @param string $areaname * @return void */ public static function generate_areaid($componentname, $areaname) { return $componentname . '-' . $areaname; } /** * Returns all areaid string components (component name and area name). * * @param string $areaid * @return array Component name (Frankenstyle) and area name (search area class name) */ public static function extract_areaid_parts($areaid) { return explode('-', $areaid); } /** * Parse a search area id and get plugin name and config name prefix from it. * * @param string $areaid Search area id. * @return array Where the first element is a plugin name and the second is config names prefix. */ public static function parse_areaid($areaid) { $parts = self::extract_areaid_parts($areaid); if (empty($parts[1])) { throw new \coding_exception('Trying to parse invalid search area id ' . $areaid); } $component = $parts[0]; $area = $parts[1]; if (strpos($component, 'core') === 0) { $plugin = 'core_search'; $configprefix = str_replace('-', '_', $areaid); } else { $plugin = $component; $configprefix = 'search_' . $area; } return [$plugin, $configprefix]; } /** * Returns information about the areas which the user can access. * * The returned value is a stdClass object with the following fields: * - everything (bool, true for admin only) * - usercontexts (indexed by area identifier then context * - separategroupscontexts (contexts within which group restrictions apply) * - visiblegroupscontextsareas (overrides to the above when the same contexts also have * 'visible groups' for certain search area ids - hopefully rare) * - usergroups (groups which the current user belongs to) * * The areas can be limited by course id and context id. If specifying context ids, results * are limited to the exact context ids specified and not their children (for example, giving * the course context id would result in including search items with the course context id, and * not anything from a context inside the course). For performance, you should also specify * course id(s) when using context ids. * * @param array|false $limitcourseids An array of course ids to limit the search to. False for no limiting. * @param array|false $limitcontextids An array of context ids to limit the search to. False for no limiting. * @return \stdClass Object as described above */ protected function get_areas_user_accesses($limitcourseids = false, $limitcontextids = false) { global $DB, $USER; // All results for admins (unless they have chosen to limit results). Eventually we could // add a new capability for managers. if (is_siteadmin() && !$limitcourseids && !$limitcontextids) { return (object)array('everything' => true); } $areasbylevel = array(); // Split areas by context level so we only iterate only once through courses and cms. $searchareas = static::get_search_areas_list(true); foreach ($searchareas as $areaid => $unused) { $classname = static::get_area_classname($areaid); $searcharea = new $classname(); foreach ($classname::get_levels() as $level) { $areasbylevel[$level][$areaid] = $searcharea; } } // This will store area - allowed contexts relations. $areascontexts = array(); // Initialise two special-case arrays for storing other information related to the contexts. $separategroupscontexts = array(); $visiblegroupscontextsareas = array(); $usergroups = array(); if (empty($limitcourseids) && !empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_SYSTEM])) { // We add system context to all search areas working at this level. Here each area is fully responsible of // the access control as we can not automate much, we can not even check guest access as some areas might // want to allow guests to retrieve data from them. $systemcontextid = \context_system::instance()->id; if (!$limitcontextids || in_array($systemcontextid, $limitcontextids)) { foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_SYSTEM] as $areaid => $searchclass) { $areascontexts[$areaid][$systemcontextid] = $systemcontextid; } } } if (!empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_USER])) { if ($usercontext = \context_user::instance($USER->id, IGNORE_MISSING)) { if (!$limitcontextids || in_array($usercontext->id, $limitcontextids)) { // Extra checking although only logged users should reach this point, guest users have a valid context id. foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_USER] as $areaid => $searchclass) { $areascontexts[$areaid][$usercontext->id] = $usercontext->id; } } } } if (is_siteadmin()) { $allcourses = $this->get_all_courses($limitcourseids); } else { $allcourses = $mycourses = $this->get_my_courses((bool)get_config('core', 'searchallavailablecourses')); if (self::include_all_courses()) { $allcourses = $this->get_all_courses($limitcourseids); } } if (empty($limitcourseids) || in_array(SITEID, $limitcourseids)) { $allcourses[SITEID] = get_course(SITEID); if (isset($mycourses)) { $mycourses[SITEID] = get_course(SITEID); } } // Keep a list of included course context ids (needed for the block calculation below). $coursecontextids = []; $modulecms = []; foreach ($allcourses as $course) { if (!empty($limitcourseids) && !in_array($course->id, $limitcourseids)) { // Skip non-included courses. continue; } $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id); $hasgrouprestrictions = false; if (!empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_COURSE]) && (!$limitcontextids || in_array($coursecontext->id, $limitcontextids))) { // Add the course contexts the user can view. foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_COURSE] as $areaid => $searchclass) { if (!empty($mycourses[$course->id]) || \core_course_category::can_view_course_info($course)) { $areascontexts[$areaid][$coursecontext->id] = $coursecontext->id; } } } // Skip module context if a user can't access related course. if (isset($mycourses) && !key_exists($course->id, $mycourses)) { continue; } $coursecontextids[] = $coursecontext->id; // Info about the course modules. $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course); if (!empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_MODULE])) { // Add the module contexts the user can view (cm_info->uservisible). foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_MODULE] as $areaid => $searchclass) { // Removing the plugintype 'mod_' prefix. $modulename = substr($searchclass->get_component_name(), 4); $modinstances = $modinfo->get_instances_of($modulename); foreach ($modinstances as $modinstance) { // Skip module context if not included in list of context ids. if ($limitcontextids && !in_array($modinstance->context->id, $limitcontextids)) { continue; } if ($modinstance->uservisible) { $contextid = $modinstance->context->id; $areascontexts[$areaid][$contextid] = $contextid; $modulecms[$modinstance->id] = $modinstance; if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modinstance->context) && ($searchclass instanceof base_mod) && $searchclass->supports_group_restriction()) { if ($searchclass->restrict_cm_access_by_group($modinstance)) { $separategroupscontexts[$contextid] = $contextid; $hasgrouprestrictions = true; } else { // Track a list of anything that has a group id (so might get // filtered) and doesn't want to be, in this context. if (!array_key_exists($contextid, $visiblegroupscontextsareas)) { $visiblegroupscontextsareas[$contextid] = array(); } $visiblegroupscontextsareas[$contextid][$areaid] = $areaid; } } } } } } // Insert group information for course (unless there aren't any modules restricted by // group for this user in this course, in which case don't bother). if ($hasgrouprestrictions) { $groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id, 0, 'g.id'); foreach ($groups as $group) { $usergroups[$group->id] = $group->id; } } } // Chuck away all the 'visible groups contexts' data unless there is actually something // that does use separate groups in the same context (this data is only used as an // 'override' in cases where the search is restricting to separate groups). foreach ($visiblegroupscontextsareas as $contextid => $areas) { if (!array_key_exists($contextid, $separategroupscontexts)) { unset($visiblegroupscontextsareas[$contextid]); } } // Add all supported block contexts, in a single query for performance. if (!empty($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_BLOCK])) { // Get list of all block types we care about. $blocklist = []; foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_BLOCK] as $areaid => $searchclass) { $blocklist[$searchclass->get_block_name()] = true; } list ($blocknamesql, $blocknameparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($blocklist)); // Get list of course contexts. list ($contextsql, $contextparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($coursecontextids); // Get list of block context (if limited). $blockcontextwhere = ''; $blockcontextparams = []; if ($limitcontextids) { list ($blockcontextsql, $blockcontextparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($limitcontextids); $blockcontextwhere = 'AND x.id ' . $blockcontextsql; } // Query all blocks that are within an included course, and are set to be visible, and // in a supported page type (basically just course view). This query could be // extended (or a second query added) to support blocks that are within a module // context as well, and we could add more page types if required. $blockrecs = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT x.*, bi.blockname AS blockname, bi.id AS blockinstanceid FROM {block_instances} bi JOIN {context} x ON x.instanceid = bi.id AND x.contextlevel = ? LEFT JOIN {block_positions} bp ON bp.blockinstanceid = bi.id AND bp.contextid = bi.parentcontextid AND bp.pagetype LIKE 'course-view-%' AND bp.subpage = '' AND bp.visible = 0 WHERE bi.parentcontextid $contextsql $blockcontextwhere AND bi.blockname $blocknamesql AND bi.subpagepattern IS NULL AND (bi.pagetypepattern = 'site-index' OR bi.pagetypepattern LIKE 'course-view-%' OR bi.pagetypepattern = 'course-*' OR bi.pagetypepattern = '*') AND bp.id IS NULL", array_merge([CONTEXT_BLOCK], $contextparams, $blockcontextparams, $blocknameparams)); $blockcontextsbyname = []; foreach ($blockrecs as $blockrec) { if (empty($blockcontextsbyname[$blockrec->blockname])) { $blockcontextsbyname[$blockrec->blockname] = []; } \context_helper::preload_from_record($blockrec); $blockcontextsbyname[$blockrec->blockname][] = \context_block::instance( $blockrec->blockinstanceid); } // Add the block contexts the user can view. foreach ($areasbylevel[CONTEXT_BLOCK] as $areaid => $searchclass) { if (empty($blockcontextsbyname[$searchclass->get_block_name()])) { continue; } foreach ($blockcontextsbyname[$searchclass->get_block_name()] as $context) { if (has_capability('moodle/block:view', $context)) { $areascontexts[$areaid][$context->id] = $context->id; } } } } // Return all the data. return (object)array('everything' => false, 'usercontexts' => $areascontexts, 'separategroupscontexts' => $separategroupscontexts, 'usergroups' => $usergroups, 'visiblegroupscontextsareas' => $visiblegroupscontextsareas); } /** * Returns requested page of documents plus additional information for paging. * * This function does not perform any kind of security checking for access, the caller code * should check that the current user have moodle/search:query capability. * * If a page is requested that is beyond the last result, the last valid page is returned in * results, and actualpage indicates which page was returned. * * @param stdClass $formdata * @param int $pagenum The 0 based page number. * @return object An object with 3 properties: * results => An array of \core_search\documents for the actual page. * totalcount => Number of records that are possibly available, to base paging on. * actualpage => The actual page returned. */ public function paged_search(\stdClass $formdata, $pagenum) { $out = new \stdClass(); if (self::is_search_area_categories_enabled() && !empty($formdata->cat)) { $cat = self::get_search_area_category_by_name($formdata->cat); if (empty($formdata->areaids)) { $formdata->areaids = array_keys($cat->get_areas()); } else { foreach ($formdata->areaids as $key => $areaid) { if (!key_exists($areaid, $cat->get_areas())) { unset($formdata->areaids[$key]); } } } } $perpage = static::DISPLAY_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; // Make sure we only allow request up to max page. $pagenum = min($pagenum, (static::MAX_RESULTS / $perpage) - 1); // Calculate the first and last document number for the current page, 1 based. $mindoc = ($pagenum * $perpage) + 1; $maxdoc = ($pagenum + 1) * $perpage; // Get engine documents, up to max. $docs = $this->search($formdata, $maxdoc); $resultcount = count($docs); if ($resultcount < $maxdoc) { // This means it couldn't give us results to max, so the count must be the max. $out->totalcount = $resultcount; } else { // Get the possible count reported by engine, and limit to our max. $out->totalcount = $this->engine->get_query_total_count(); if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING') && $this->behatresultcount) { // Override results when using Behat mock results. $out->totalcount = $this->behatresultcount; } $out->totalcount = min($out->totalcount, static::MAX_RESULTS); } // Determine the actual page. if ($resultcount < $mindoc) { // We couldn't get the min docs for this page, so determine what page we can get. $out->actualpage = floor(($resultcount - 1) / $perpage); } else { $out->actualpage = $pagenum; } // Split the results to only return the page. $out->results = array_slice($docs, $out->actualpage * $perpage, $perpage, true); return $out; } /** * Returns documents from the engine based on the data provided. * * This function does not perform any kind of security checking, the caller code * should check that the current user have moodle/search:query capability. * * It might return the results from the cache instead. * * Valid formdata options include: * - q (query text) * - courseids (optional list of course ids to restrict) * - contextids (optional list of context ids to restrict) * - context (Moodle context object for location user searched from) * - order (optional ordering, one of the types supported by the search engine e.g. 'relevance') * - userids (optional list of user ids to restrict) * * @param \stdClass $formdata Query input data (usually from search form) * @param int $limit The maximum number of documents to return * @return \core_search\document[] */ public function search(\stdClass $formdata, $limit = 0) { // For Behat testing, the search results can be faked using a special step. if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) { $fakeresult = get_config('core_search', 'behat_fakeresult'); if ($fakeresult) { // Clear config setting. unset_config('core_search', 'behat_fakeresult'); // Check query matches expected value. $details = json_decode($fakeresult); if ($formdata->q !== $details->query) { throw new \coding_exception('Unexpected search query: ' . $formdata->q); } // Create search documents from the JSON data. $docs = []; foreach ($details->results as $result) { $doc = new \core_search\document($result->itemid, $result->componentname, $result->areaname); foreach ((array)$result->fields as $field => $value) { $doc->set($field, $value); } foreach ((array)$result->extrafields as $field => $value) { $doc->set_extra($field, $value); } $area = $this->get_search_area($doc->get('areaid')); $doc->set_doc_url($area->get_doc_url($doc)); $doc->set_context_url($area->get_context_url($doc)); $docs[] = $doc; } // Store the mock count, and apply the limit to the returned results. $this->behatresultcount = count($docs); if ($this->behatresultcount > $limit) { $docs = array_slice($docs, 0, $limit); } return $docs; } } $limitcourseids = $this->build_limitcourseids($formdata); $limitcontextids = false; if (!empty($formdata->contextids)) { $limitcontextids = $formdata->contextids; } // Clears previous query errors. $this->engine->clear_query_error(); $contextinfo = $this->get_areas_user_accesses($limitcourseids, $limitcontextids); if (!$contextinfo->everything && !$contextinfo->usercontexts) { // User can not access any context. $docs = array(); } else { // If engine does not support groups, remove group information from the context info - // use the old format instead (true = admin, array = user contexts). if (!$this->engine->supports_group_filtering()) { $contextinfo = $contextinfo->everything ? true : $contextinfo->usercontexts; } // Execute the actual query. $docs = $this->engine->execute_query($formdata, $contextinfo, $limit); } return $docs; } /** * Build a list of course ids to limit the search based on submitted form data. * * @param \stdClass $formdata Submitted search form data. * * @return array|bool */ protected function build_limitcourseids(\stdClass $formdata) { $limitcourseids = false; if (!empty($formdata->mycoursesonly)) { $limitcourseids = array_keys($this->get_my_courses(false)); } if (!empty($formdata->courseids)) { if (empty($limitcourseids)) { $limitcourseids = $formdata->courseids; } else { $limitcourseids = array_intersect($limitcourseids, $formdata->courseids); } } return $limitcourseids; } /** * Merge separate index segments into one. */ public function optimize_index() { $this->engine->optimize(); } /** * Index all documents. * * @param bool $fullindex Whether we should reindex everything or not. * @param float $timelimit Time limit in seconds (0 = no time limit) * @param \progress_trace|null $progress Optional class for tracking progress * @throws \moodle_exception * @return bool Whether there was any updated document or not. */ public function index($fullindex = false, $timelimit = 0, \progress_trace $progress = null) { global $DB; // Cannot combine time limit with reindex. if ($timelimit && $fullindex) { throw new \coding_exception('Cannot apply time limit when reindexing'); } if (!$progress) { $progress = new \null_progress_trace(); } // Unlimited time. \core_php_time_limit::raise(); // Notify the engine that an index starting. $this->engine->index_starting($fullindex); $sumdocs = 0; $searchareas = $this->get_search_areas_list(true); if ($timelimit) { // If time is limited (and therefore we're not just indexing everything anyway), select // an order for search areas. The intention here is to avoid a situation where a new // large search area is enabled, and this means all our other search areas go out of // date while that one is being indexed. To do this, we order by the time we spent // indexing them last time we ran, meaning anything that took a very long time will be // done last. uasort($searchareas, function(\core_search\base $area1, \core_search\base $area2) { return (int)$area1->get_last_indexing_duration() - (int)$area2->get_last_indexing_duration(); }); // Decide time to stop. $stopat = self::get_current_time() + $timelimit; } foreach ($searchareas as $areaid => $searcharea) { $progress->output('Processing area: ' . $searcharea->get_visible_name()); // Notify the engine that an area is starting. $this->engine->area_index_starting($searcharea, $fullindex); $indexingstart = (int)self::get_current_time(); $elapsed = self::get_current_time(); // This is used to store this component config. list($componentconfigname, $varname) = $searcharea->get_config_var_name(); $prevtimestart = intval(get_config($componentconfigname, $varname . '_indexingstart')); if ($fullindex === true) { $referencestarttime = 0; // For full index, we delete any queued context index requests, as those will // obviously be met by the full index. $DB->delete_records('search_index_requests'); } else { $partial = get_config($componentconfigname, $varname . '_partial'); if ($partial) { // When the previous index did not complete all data, we start from the time of the // last document that was successfully indexed. (Note this will result in // re-indexing that one document, but we can't avoid that because there may be // other documents in the same second.) $referencestarttime = intval(get_config($componentconfigname, $varname . '_lastindexrun')); } else { $referencestarttime = $prevtimestart; } } // Getting the recordset from the area. $recordset = $searcharea->get_recordset_by_timestamp($referencestarttime); $initialquerytime = self::get_current_time() - $elapsed; if ($initialquerytime > self::DISPLAY_LONG_QUERY_TIME) { $progress->output('Initial query took ' . round($initialquerytime, 1) . ' seconds.', 1); } // Pass get_document as callback. $fileindexing = $this->engine->file_indexing_enabled() && $searcharea->uses_file_indexing(); $options = array('indexfiles' => $fileindexing, 'lastindexedtime' => $prevtimestart); if ($timelimit) { $options['stopat'] = $stopat; } $options['progress'] = $progress; $iterator = new skip_future_documents_iterator(new \core\dml\recordset_walk( $recordset, array($searcharea, 'get_document'), $options)); $result = $this->engine->add_documents($iterator, $searcharea, $options); $recordset->close(); if (count($result) === 5) { list($numrecords, $numdocs, $numdocsignored, $lastindexeddoc, $partial) = $result; } else { throw new coding_exception('engine::add_documents() should return $partial (4-value return is deprecated)'); } if ($numdocs > 0) { $elapsed = round((self::get_current_time() - $elapsed), 1); $partialtext = ''; if ($partial) { $partialtext = ' (not complete; done to ' . userdate($lastindexeddoc, get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'langconfig')) . ')'; } $progress->output('Processed ' . $numrecords . ' records containing ' . $numdocs . ' documents, in ' . $elapsed . ' seconds' . $partialtext . '.', 1); } else { $progress->output('No new documents to index.', 1); } // Notify the engine this area is complete, and only mark times if true. if ($this->engine->area_index_complete($searcharea, $numdocs, $fullindex)) { $sumdocs += $numdocs; // Store last index run once documents have been committed to the search engine. set_config($varname . '_indexingstart', $indexingstart, $componentconfigname); set_config($varname . '_indexingend', (int)self::get_current_time(), $componentconfigname); set_config($varname . '_docsignored', $numdocsignored, $componentconfigname); set_config($varname . '_docsprocessed', $numdocs, $componentconfigname); set_config($varname . '_recordsprocessed', $numrecords, $componentconfigname); if ($lastindexeddoc > 0) { set_config($varname . '_lastindexrun', $lastindexeddoc, $componentconfigname); } if ($partial) { set_config($varname . '_partial', 1, $componentconfigname); } else { unset_config($varname . '_partial', $componentconfigname); } } else { $progress->output('Engine reported error.'); } if ($timelimit && (self::get_current_time() >= $stopat)) { $progress->output('Stopping indexing due to time limit.'); break; } } if ($sumdocs > 0) { $event = \core\event\search_indexed::create( array('context' => \context_system::instance())); $event->trigger(); } $this->engine->index_complete($sumdocs, $fullindex); return (bool)$sumdocs; } /** * Indexes or reindexes a specific context of the system, e.g. one course. * * The function returns an object with field 'complete' (true or false). * * This function supports partial indexing via the time limit parameter. If the time limit * expires, it will return values for $startfromarea and $startfromtime which can be passed * next time to continue indexing. * * @param \context $context Context to restrict index. * @param string $singleareaid If specified, indexes only the given area. * @param float $timelimit Time limit in seconds (0 = no time limit) * @param \progress_trace|null $progress Optional class for tracking progress * @param string $startfromarea Area to start from * @param int $startfromtime Timestamp to start from * @return \stdClass Object indicating success */ public function index_context($context, $singleareaid = '', $timelimit = 0, \progress_trace $progress = null, $startfromarea = '', $startfromtime = 0) { if (!$progress) { $progress = new \null_progress_trace(); } // Work out time to stop, if limited. if ($timelimit) { // Decide time to stop. $stopat = self::get_current_time() + $timelimit; } // No PHP time limit. \core_php_time_limit::raise(); // Notify the engine that an index starting. $this->engine->index_starting(false); $sumdocs = 0; // Get all search areas, in consistent order. $searchareas = $this->get_search_areas_list(true); ksort($searchareas); // Are we skipping past some that were handled previously? $skipping = $startfromarea ? true : false; foreach ($searchareas as $areaid => $searcharea) { // If we're only processing one area id, skip all the others. if ($singleareaid && $singleareaid !== $areaid) { continue; } // If we're skipping to a later area, continue through the loop. $referencestarttime = 0; if ($skipping) { if ($areaid !== $startfromarea) { continue; } // Stop skipping and note the reference start time. $skipping = false; $referencestarttime = $startfromtime; } $progress->output('Processing area: ' . $searcharea->get_visible_name()); $elapsed = self::get_current_time(); // Get the recordset of all documents from the area for this context. $recordset = $searcharea->get_document_recordset($referencestarttime, $context); if (!$recordset) { if ($recordset === null) { $progress->output('Skipping (not relevant to context).', 1); } else { $progress->output('Skipping (does not support context indexing).', 1); } continue; } // Notify the engine that an area is starting. $this->engine->area_index_starting($searcharea, false); // Work out search options. $options = []; $options['indexfiles'] = $this->engine->file_indexing_enabled() && $searcharea->uses_file_indexing(); if ($timelimit) { $options['stopat'] = $stopat; } // Construct iterator which will use get_document on the recordset results. $iterator = new \core\dml\recordset_walk($recordset, array($searcharea, 'get_document'), $options); // Use this iterator to add documents. $result = $this->engine->add_documents($iterator, $searcharea, $options); if (count($result) === 5) { list($numrecords, $numdocs, $numdocsignored, $lastindexeddoc, $partial) = $result; } else { // Backward compatibility for engines that don't support partial adding. list($numrecords, $numdocs, $numdocsignored, $lastindexeddoc) = $result; debugging('engine::add_documents() should return $partial (4-value return is deprecated)', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $partial = false; } if ($numdocs > 0) { $elapsed = round((self::get_current_time() - $elapsed), 3); $progress->output('Processed ' . $numrecords . ' records containing ' . $numdocs . ' documents, in ' . $elapsed . ' seconds' . ($partial ? ' (not complete)' : '') . '.', 1); } else { $progress->output('No documents to index.', 1); } // Notify the engine this area is complete, but don't store any times as this is not // part of the 'normal' search index. if (!$this->engine->area_index_complete($searcharea, $numdocs, false)) { $progress->output('Engine reported error.', 1); } if ($partial && $timelimit && (self::get_current_time() >= $stopat)) { $progress->output('Stopping indexing due to time limit.'); break; } } if ($sumdocs > 0) { $event = \core\event\search_indexed::create( array('context' => $context)); $event->trigger(); } $this->engine->index_complete($sumdocs, false); // Indicate in result whether we completed indexing, or only part of it. $result = new \stdClass(); if ($partial) { $result->complete = false; $result->startfromarea = $areaid; $result->startfromtime = $lastindexeddoc; } else { $result->complete = true; } return $result; } /** * Resets areas config. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @param string $areaid * @return void */ public function reset_config($areaid = false) { if (!empty($areaid)) { $searchareas = array(); if (!$searchareas[$areaid] = static::get_search_area($areaid)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorareanotavailable', 'search', '', $areaid); } } else { // Only the enabled ones. $searchareas = static::get_search_areas_list(true); } foreach ($searchareas as $searcharea) { list($componentname, $varname) = $searcharea->get_config_var_name(); $config = $searcharea->get_config(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { // We reset them all but the enable/disabled one. if ($key !== $varname . '_enabled') { set_config($key, 0, $componentname); } } } } /** * Deletes an area's documents or all areas documents. * * @param string $areaid The area id or false for all * @return void */ public function delete_index($areaid = false) { if (!empty($areaid)) { $this->engine->delete($areaid); $this->reset_config($areaid); } else { $this->engine->delete(); $this->reset_config(); } } /** * Deletes index by id. * * @param int Solr Document string $id */ public function delete_index_by_id($id) { $this->engine->delete_by_id($id); } /** * Returns search areas configuration. * * @param \core_search\base[] $searchareas * @return \stdClass[] $configsettings */ public function get_areas_config($searchareas) { $vars = array('indexingstart', 'indexingend', 'lastindexrun', 'docsignored', 'docsprocessed', 'recordsprocessed', 'partial'); $configsettings = []; foreach ($searchareas as $searcharea) { $areaid = $searcharea->get_area_id(); $configsettings[$areaid] = new \stdClass(); list($componentname, $varname) = $searcharea->get_config_var_name(); if (!$searcharea->is_enabled()) { // We delete all indexed data on disable so no info. foreach ($vars as $var) { $configsettings[$areaid]->{$var} = 0; } } else { foreach ($vars as $var) { $configsettings[$areaid]->{$var} = get_config($componentname, $varname .'_' . $var); } } // Formatting the time. if (!empty($configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun)) { $configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun = userdate($configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun); } else { $configsettings[$areaid]->lastindexrun = get_string('never'); } } return $configsettings; } /** * Triggers search_results_viewed event * * Other data required: * - q: The query string * - page: The page number * - title: Title filter * - areaids: Search areas filter * - courseids: Courses filter * - timestart: Time start filter * - timeend: Time end filter * * @since Moodle 3.2 * @param array $other Other info for the event. * @return \core\event\search_results_viewed */ public static function trigger_search_results_viewed($other) { $event = \core\event\search_results_viewed::create([ 'context' => \context_system::instance(), 'other' => $other ]); $event->trigger(); return $event; } /** * Checks whether a classname is of an actual search area. * * @param string $classname * @return bool */ protected static function is_search_area($classname) { if (is_subclass_of($classname, 'core_search\base')) { return (new \ReflectionClass($classname))->isInstantiable(); } return false; } /** * Requests that a specific context is indexed by the scheduled task. The context will be * added to a queue which is processed by the task. * * This is used after a restore to ensure that restored items are indexed, even though their * modified time will be older than the latest indexed. It is also used by the 'Gradual reindex' * admin feature from the search areas screen. * * @param \context $context Context to index within * @param string $areaid Area to index, '' = all areas * @param int $priority Priority (INDEX_PRIORITY_xx constant) */ public static function request_index(\context $context, $areaid = '', $priority = self::INDEX_PRIORITY_NORMAL) { global $DB; // Check through existing requests for this context or any parent context. list ($contextsql, $contextparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal( $context->get_parent_context_ids(true)); $existing = $DB->get_records_select('search_index_requests', 'contextid ' . $contextsql, $contextparams, '', 'id, searcharea, partialarea, indexpriority'); foreach ($existing as $rec) { // If we haven't started processing the existing request yet, and it covers the same // area (or all areas) then that will be sufficient so don't add anything else. if ($rec->partialarea === '' && ($rec->searcharea === $areaid || $rec->searcharea === '')) { // If the existing request has the same (or higher) priority, no need to add anything. if ($rec->indexpriority >= $priority) { return; } // The existing request has lower priority. If it is exactly the same, then just // adjust the priority of the existing request. if ($rec->searcharea === $areaid) { $DB->set_field('search_index_requests', 'indexpriority', $priority, ['id' => $rec->id]); return; } // The existing request would cover this area but is a lower priority. We need to // add the new request even though that means we will index part of it twice. } } // No suitable existing request, so add a new one. $newrecord = [ 'contextid' => $context->id, 'searcharea' => $areaid, 'timerequested' => (int)self::get_current_time(), 'partialarea' => '', 'partialtime' => 0, 'indexpriority' => $priority ]; $DB->insert_record('search_index_requests', $newrecord); } /** * Processes outstanding index requests. This will take the first item from the queue (taking * account the indexing priority) and process it, continuing until an optional time limit is * reached. * * If there are no index requests, the function will do nothing. * * @param float $timelimit Time limit (0 = none) * @param \progress_trace|null $progress Optional progress indicator */ public function process_index_requests($timelimit = 0.0, \progress_trace $progress = null) { global $DB; if (!$progress) { $progress = new \null_progress_trace(); } $before = self::get_current_time(); if ($timelimit) { $stopat = $before + $timelimit; } while (true) { // Retrieve first request, using fully defined ordering. $requests = $DB->get_records('search_index_requests', null, 'indexpriority DESC, timerequested, contextid, searcharea', 'id, contextid, searcharea, partialarea, partialtime', 0, 1); if (!$requests) { // If there are no more requests, stop. break; } $request = reset($requests); // Calculate remaining time. $remainingtime = 0; $beforeindex = self::get_current_time(); if ($timelimit) { $remainingtime = $stopat - $beforeindex; // If the time limit expired already, stop now. (Otherwise we might accidentally // index with no time limit or a negative time limit.) if ($remainingtime <= 0) { break; } } // Show a message before each request, indicating what will be indexed. $context = \context::instance_by_id($request->contextid, IGNORE_MISSING); if (!$context) { $DB->delete_records('search_index_requests', ['id' => $request->id]); $progress->output('Skipped deleted context: ' . $request->contextid); continue; } $contextname = $context->get_context_name(); if ($request->searcharea) { $contextname .= ' (search area: ' . $request->searcharea . ')'; } $progress->output('Indexing requested context: ' . $contextname); // Actually index the context. $result = $this->index_context($context, $request->searcharea, $remainingtime, $progress, $request->partialarea, $request->partialtime); // Work out shared part of message. $endmessage = $contextname . ' (' . round(self::get_current_time() - $beforeindex, 1) . 's)'; // Update database table and continue/stop as appropriate. if ($result->complete) { // If we completed the request, remove it from the table. $DB->delete_records('search_index_requests', ['id' => $request->id]); $progress->output('Completed requested context: ' . $endmessage); } else { // If we didn't complete the request, store the partial details (how far it got). $DB->update_record('search_index_requests', ['id' => $request->id, 'partialarea' => $result->startfromarea, 'partialtime' => $result->startfromtime]); $progress->output('Ending requested context: ' . $endmessage); // The time limit must have expired, so stop looping. break; } } } /** * Gets information about the request queue, in the form of a plain object suitable for passing * to a template for rendering. * * @return \stdClass Information about queued index requests */ public function get_index_requests_info() { global $DB; $result = new \stdClass(); $result->total = $DB->count_records('search_index_requests'); $result->topten = $DB->get_records('search_index_requests', null, 'indexpriority DESC, timerequested, contextid, searcharea', 'id, contextid, timerequested, searcharea, partialarea, partialtime, indexpriority', 0, 10); foreach ($result->topten as $item) { $context = \context::instance_by_id($item->contextid); $item->contextlink = \html_writer::link($context->get_url(), s($context->get_context_name())); if ($item->searcharea) { $item->areaname = $this->get_search_area($item->searcharea)->get_visible_name(); } if ($item->partialarea) { $item->partialareaname = $this->get_search_area($item->partialarea)->get_visible_name(); } switch ($item->indexpriority) { case self::INDEX_PRIORITY_REINDEXING : $item->priorityname = get_string('priority_reindexing', 'search'); break; case self::INDEX_PRIORITY_NORMAL : $item->priorityname = get_string('priority_normal', 'search'); break; } } // Normalise array indices. $result->topten = array_values($result->topten); if ($result->total > 10) { $result->ellipsis = true; } return $result; } /** * Gets current time for use in search system. * * Note: This should be replaced with generic core functionality once possible (see MDL-60644). * * @return float Current time in seconds (with decimals) */ public static function get_current_time() { if (PHPUNIT_TEST && self::$phpunitfaketime) { return self::$phpunitfaketime; } return microtime(true); } /** * Check if search area categories functionality is enabled. * * @return bool */ public static function is_search_area_categories_enabled() { return !empty(get_config('core', 'searchenablecategories')); } /** * Check if all results category should be hidden. * * @return bool */ public static function should_hide_all_results_category() { return get_config('core', 'searchhideallcategory'); } /** * Returns default search area category name. * * @return string */ public static function get_default_area_category_name() { $default = get_config('core', 'searchdefaultcategory'); if (empty($default)) { $default = self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_ALL; } if ($default == self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_ALL && self::should_hide_all_results_category()) { $default = self::SEARCH_AREA_CATEGORY_COURSE_CONTENT; } return $default; } /** * Get a list of all courses limited by ids if required. * * @param array|false $limitcourseids An array of course ids to limit the search to. False for no limiting. * @return array */ protected function get_all_courses($limitcourseids) { global $DB; if ($limitcourseids) { list ($coursesql, $courseparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($limitcourseids); $coursesql = 'id ' . $coursesql; } else { $coursesql = ''; $courseparams = []; } // Get courses using the same list of fields from enrol_get_my_courses. return $DB->get_records_select('course', $coursesql, $courseparams, '', 'id, category, sortorder, shortname, fullname, idnumber, startdate, visible, ' . 'groupmode, groupmodeforce, cacherev'); } /** * Get a list of courses as user can access. * * @param bool $allaccessible Include courses user is not enrolled in, but can access. * @return array */ protected function get_my_courses($allaccessible) { return enrol_get_my_courses(array('id', 'cacherev'), 'id', 0, [], $allaccessible); } /** * Check if search all courses setting is enabled. * * @return bool */ public static function include_all_courses() { return !empty(get_config('core', 'searchincludeallcourses')); } /** * Cleans up non existing search area. * * 1. Remove all configs from {config_plugins} table. * 2. Delete all related indexed documents. * * @param string $areaid Search area id. */ public static function clean_up_non_existing_area($areaid) { global $DB; if (!empty(self::get_search_area($areaid))) { throw new \coding_exception("Area $areaid exists. Please use appropriate search area class to manipulate the data."); } $parts = self::parse_areaid($areaid); $plugin = $parts[0]; $configprefix = $parts[1]; foreach (base::get_settingnames() as $settingname) { $name = $configprefix. $settingname; $DB->delete_records('config_plugins', ['name' => $name, 'plugin' => $plugin]); } $engine = self::instance()->get_engine(); $engine->delete($areaid); } /** * Informs the search system that a context has been deleted. * * This will clear the data from the search index, where the search engine supports that. * * This function does not usually throw an exception (so as not to get in the way of the * context deletion finishing). * * This is called for all types of context deletion. * * @param \context $context Context object that has just been deleted */ public static function context_deleted(\context $context) { if (self::is_indexing_enabled()) { try { // Hold on, are we deleting a course? If so, and this context is part of the course, // then don't bother to send a delete because we delete the whole course at once // later. if (!empty(self::$coursedeleting)) { $coursecontext = $context->get_course_context(false); if ($coursecontext && array_key_exists($coursecontext->instanceid, self::$coursedeleting)) { // Skip further processing. return; } } $engine = self::instance()->get_engine(); $engine->delete_index_for_context($context->id); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { debugging('Error deleting search index data for context ' . $context->id . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * Informs the search system that a course is about to be deleted. * * This prevents it from sending hundreds of 'delete context' updates for all the individual * contexts that are deleted. * * If you call this, you must call course_deleting_finish(). * * @param int $courseid Course id that is being deleted */ public static function course_deleting_start(int $courseid) { self::$coursedeleting[$courseid] = true; } /** * Informs the search engine that a course has now been deleted. * * This causes the search engine to actually delete the index for the whole course. * * @param int $courseid Course id that no longer exists */ public static function course_deleting_finish(int $courseid) { if (!array_key_exists($courseid, self::$coursedeleting)) { // Show a debug warning. It doesn't actually matter very much, as we will now delete // the course data anyhow. debugging('course_deleting_start not called before deletion of ' . $courseid, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } unset(self::$coursedeleting[$courseid]); if (self::is_indexing_enabled()) { try { $engine = self::instance()->get_engine(); $engine->delete_index_for_course($courseid); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { debugging('Error deleting search index data for course ' . $courseid . ': ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } }