. /** * This plugin is used to access flickr pictures * * @since Moodle 2.0 * @package repository_flickr_public * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/flickrlib.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/image.php'); /** * repository_flickr_public class * This one is used to create public repository * You can set up a public account in admin page, so everyone can access * flickr photos from this plugin * * @since Moodle 2.0 * @package repository_flickr_public * @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class repository_flickr_public extends repository { private $flickr; public $photos; /** * Stores sizes of images to prevent multiple API call */ static private $sizes = array(); /** * constructor method * * @global object $CFG * @global object $SESSION * @param int $repositoryid * @param int $context * @param array $options * @param boolean $readonly */ public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SYSCONTEXTID, $options = array(), $readonly=0) { global $CFG, $SESSION; parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options,$readonly); $this->api_key = $this->get_option('api_key'); $this->flickr = new phpFlickr($this->api_key); $this->flickr_account = $this->get_option('email_address'); $this->usewatermarks = $this->get_option('usewatermarks'); $account = optional_param('flickr_account', '', PARAM_RAW); $fulltext = optional_param('flickr_fulltext', '', PARAM_RAW); if (empty($fulltext)) { $fulltext = optional_param('s', '', PARAM_RAW); } $tag = optional_param('flickr_tag', '', PARAM_RAW); $license = optional_param('flickr_license', '', PARAM_RAW); $this->sess_account = 'flickr_public_'.$this->id.'_account'; $this->sess_tag = 'flickr_public_'.$this->id.'_tag'; $this->sess_text = 'flickr_public_'.$this->id.'_text'; if (!empty($account) or !empty($fulltext) or !empty($tag) or !empty($license)) { $SESSION->{$this->sess_tag} = $tag; $SESSION->{$this->sess_text} = $fulltext; $SESSION->{$this->sess_account} = $account; } } /** * save api_key in config table * @param array $options * @return boolean */ public function set_option($options = array()) { if (!empty($options['api_key'])) { set_config('api_key', trim($options['api_key']), 'flickr_public'); } unset($options['api_key']); return parent::set_option($options); } /** * get api_key from config table * * @param string $config * @return mixed */ public function get_option($config = '') { if ($config==='api_key') { return trim(get_config('flickr_public', 'api_key')); } else { $options['api_key'] = trim(get_config('flickr_public', 'api_key')); } return parent::get_option($config); } /** * is global_search available? * * @return boolean */ public function global_search() { if (empty($this->flickr_account)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * check if flickr account * @return boolean */ public function check_login() { return !empty($this->flickr_account); } /** * construct login form * * @param boolean $ajax * @return array */ public function print_login() { if ($this->options['ajax']) { $ret = array(); $fulltext = new stdClass(); $fulltext->label = get_string('fulltext', 'repository_flickr_public').': '; $fulltext->id = 'el_fulltext'; $fulltext->type = 'text'; $fulltext->name = 'flickr_fulltext'; $tag = new stdClass(); $tag->label = get_string('tag', 'repository_flickr_public').': '; $tag->id = 'el_tag'; $tag->type = 'text'; $tag->name = 'flickr_tag'; $email_field = new stdClass(); $email_field->label = get_string('username', 'repository_flickr_public').': '; $email_field->id = 'account'; $email_field->type = 'text'; $email_field->name = 'flickr_account'; $commercial = new stdClass(); $commercial->label = get_string('commercialuse', 'repository_flickr_public').': '; $commercial->id = 'flickr_commercial_id'; $commercial->type = 'checkbox'; $commercial->name = 'flickr_commercial'; $commercial->value = 'yes'; $modification = new stdClass(); $modification->label = get_string('modification', 'repository_flickr_public').': '; $modification->id = 'flickr_modification_id'; $modification->type = 'checkbox'; $modification->name = 'flickr_modification'; $modification->value = 'yes'; $ret['login'] = array($fulltext, $tag, $email_field, $commercial, $modification); $ret['login_btn_label'] = get_string('search'); $ret['login_btn_action'] = 'search'; return $ret; } else { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; } } /** * destroy session * * @return object */ public function logout() { global $SESSION; unset($SESSION->{$this->sess_tag}); unset($SESSION->{$this->sess_text}); unset($SESSION->{$this->sess_account}); return $this->print_login(); } public function license4moodle ($license_id) { $license = array( '0' => 'allrightsreserved', '1' => 'cc-nc-sa', '2' => 'cc-nc', '3' => 'cc-nc-nd', '4' => 'cc', '5' => 'cc-sa', '6' => 'cc-nd', '7' => 'other' ); return $license[$license_id]; } /** * search images on flickr * * @param string $search_text * @return array */ public function search($search_text, $page = 0) { global $SESSION; $ret = array(); if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } if (!empty($this->flickr_account)) { $people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($this->flickr_account); $this->nsid = $people['nsid']; } if (!empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_account})) { $people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($SESSION->{$this->sess_account}); $this->nsid = $people['nsid']; } if (empty($this->nsid)) { $this->nsid = null; // user specify a flickr account, but it is not valid if (!empty($this->flickr_account) or !empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_account})) { $ret['e'] = get_string('invalidemail', 'repository_flickr_public'); return $ret; } } // including all licenses by default $licenses = array(1=>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); $commercial = optional_param('flickr_commercial', '', PARAM_RAW); $modification = optional_param('flickr_modification', '', PARAM_RAW); if ($commercial == 'yes') { // including // 4: Attribution License // 5: Attribution ShareAlike // 6: Attribution NoDerives // 7: unknown license unset($licenses[1], $licenses[2], $licenses[3]); } if ($modification == 'yes') { // including // 1: Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike // 2: Attribution NonCommercial // 4: Attribution License // 5: Attribution ShareAlike // 7: unknown license unset($licenses[3], $licenses[6]); } //if ($modification == 'sharealike') { // including // 1: Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike // 5: Attribution ShareAlike //unset($licenses[2], $licenses[3], $licenses[4], $licenses[6], $licenses[7]); //} $licenses = implode(',', $licenses); $tag = !empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_tag}) ? $SESSION->{$this->sess_tag} : null; $text = !empty($SESSION->{$this->sess_text}) ? $SESSION->{$this->sess_text} : null; $nsid = !empty($this->nsid) ? $this->nsid : null; $photos = $this->flickr->photos_search( array( 'tags' => $tag, 'page' => $page, 'per_page' => 24, 'user_id' => $nsid, 'license' => $licenses, 'text' => $text, 'media' => 'photos' ) ); $ret['total'] = $photos['total']; $ret['perpage'] = $photos['perpage']; if (empty($photos)) { $ret['list'] = array(); return $ret; } $ret = $this->build_list($photos, $page, $ret); $ret['list'] = array_filter($ret['list'], array($this, 'filter')); return $ret; } /** * return an image list * * @param string $path * @param int $page * @return array */ public function get_listing($path = '', $page = 1) { $people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($this->flickr_account); $this->nsid = $people['nsid']; $photos = $this->flickr->people_getPublicPhotos($people['nsid'], 'original_format', 24, $page); $ret = array(); return $this->build_list($photos, $page, $ret); } /** * build an image list * * @param array $photos * @param int $page * @return array */ private function build_list($photos, $page = 1, &$ret) { global $OUTPUT; if (!empty($this->nsid)) { $photos_url = $this->flickr->urls_getUserPhotos($this->nsid); $ret['manage'] = $photos_url; } $ret['list'] = array(); $ret['nosearch'] = true; $ret['norefresh'] = true; $ret['logouttext'] = get_string('backtosearch', 'repository_flickr_public'); $ret['pages'] = $photos['pages']; if (is_int($page) && $page <= $ret['pages']) { $ret['page'] = $page; } else { $ret['page'] = 1; } if (!empty($photos['photo'])) { foreach ($photos['photo'] as $p) { if(empty($p['title'])) { $p['title'] = get_string('notitle', 'repository_flickr'); } if (isset($p['originalformat'])) { $format = $p['originalformat']; } else { $format = 'jpg'; } $format = '.'.$format; if (substr($p['title'], strlen($p['title'])-strlen($format)) != $format) { // append author id // $p['title'] .= '-'.$p['owner']; // append file extension $p['title'] .= $format; } // Get the thumbnail source URL. $thumbnailsource = $this->flickr->buildPhotoURL($p, 'Square'); if (!@getimagesize($thumbnailsource)) { // Use the file extension icon as a thumbnail if the original thumbnail does not exist to avoid // displaying broken thumbnails in the repository. $thumbnailsource = $OUTPUT->image_url(file_extension_icon($p['title'], 90))->out(false); } $ret['list'][] = array( 'title' => $p['title'], 'source' => $p['id'], 'id' => $p['id'], 'thumbnail' => $thumbnailsource, 'date' => '', 'size' => 'unknown', 'url' => 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/' . $p['owner'] . '/' . $p['id'], 'haslicense' => true, 'hasauthor' => true ); } } return $ret; } /** * Print a search form * * @return string */ public function print_search() { $str = ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= '

'; $str .= '

'; return $str; } /** * Return photo url by given photo id * @param string $photoid * @return string */ private function build_photo_url($photoid) { $bestsize = $this->get_best_size($photoid); if (!isset($bestsize['source'])) { throw new repository_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository'); } return $bestsize['source']; } /** * Returns the best size for a photo * * @param string $photoid the photo identifier * @return array of information provided by the API */ protected function get_best_size($photoid) { if (!isset(self::$sizes[$photoid])) { // Sizes are returned from smallest to greatest. self::$sizes[$photoid] = $this->flickr->photos_getSizes($photoid); } $sizes = self::$sizes[$photoid]; $bestsize = array(); if (is_array($sizes)) { while ($bestsize = array_pop($sizes)) { // Make sure the source is set. Exit the loop if found. if (isset($bestsize['source'])) { break; } } } return $bestsize; } public function get_link($photoid) { return $this->build_photo_url($photoid); } /** * * @global object $CFG * @param string $photoid * @param string $file * @return string */ public function get_file($photoid, $file = '') { global $CFG; $info = $this->flickr->photos_getInfo($photoid); // If we can read the original secret, it means that we have access to the original picture. if (isset($info['originalsecret'])) { $source = $this->flickr->buildPhotoURL($info, 'original'); } else { $source = $this->build_photo_url($photoid); } // Make sure the source image exists. if (!@getimagesize($source)) { throw new moodle_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository'); } if ($info['owner']['realname']) { $author = $info['owner']['realname']; } else { $author = $info['owner']['username']; } $copyright = get_string('author', 'repository') . ': ' . $author; $result = parent::get_file($source, $file); $path = $result['path']; if (!empty($this->usewatermarks)) { $img = new moodle_image($path); $img->watermark($copyright, array(10,10), array('ttf'=>true, 'fontsize'=>12))->saveas($path); } return array('path'=>$path, 'author'=>$info['owner']['realname'], 'license'=>$this->license4moodle($info['license'])); } /** * Add Instance settings input to Moodle form * @param object $mform */ public static function instance_config_form($mform) { $mform->addElement('text', 'email_address', get_string('emailaddress', 'repository_flickr_public')); $mform->setType('email_address', PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED); // This is for sending to flickr. Not our job to validate it. $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'usewatermarks', get_string('watermark', 'repository_flickr_public')); $mform->setDefault('usewatermarks', 0); } /** * Names of the instance settings * @return array */ public static function get_instance_option_names() { return array('email_address', 'usewatermarks'); } /** * Add Plugin settings input to Moodle form * @param object $mform */ public static function type_config_form($mform, $classname = 'repository') { $api_key = get_config('flickr_public', 'api_key'); if (empty($api_key)) { $api_key = ''; } $strrequired = get_string('required'); $mform->addElement('text', 'api_key', get_string('apikey', 'repository_flickr_public'), array('value'=>$api_key,'size' => '40')); $mform->setType('api_key', PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED); $mform->addRule('api_key', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('information','repository_flickr_public')); } /** * Names of the plugin settings * @return array */ public static function get_type_option_names() { return array('api_key', 'pluginname'); } /** * is run when moodle administrator add the plugin */ public static function plugin_init() { //here we create a default instance for this type $id = repository::static_function('flickr_public','create', 'flickr_public', 0, context_system::instance(), array('name'=>'', 'email_address' => null, 'usewatermarks' => false), 0); if (empty($id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public function supported_filetypes() { return array('web_image'); } public function supported_returntypes() { return (FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL); } /** * Return the source information * * @param string $photoid photo id * @return string|null */ public function get_file_source_info($photoid) { return $this->build_photo_url($photoid); } /** * Is this repository accessing private data? * * @return bool */ public function contains_private_data() { return false; } }