. /** * Strings for component 'report_event', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_27_STABLE' * * @package report_eventlist * @copyright 2014 Adrian Greeve * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['abstractclass'] = 'Abstract class'; $string['action'] = 'Action'; $string['affectedtable'] = 'Affected table'; $string['all'] = 'All'; $string['clear'] = 'Clear'; $string['component'] = 'Component'; $string['create'] = 'create'; $string['crud'] = 'Database query type'; $string['delete'] = 'delete'; $string['details'] = 'Details'; $string['dname'] = 'Name'; $string['edulevel'] = 'Education level'; $string['errorinvalidevent'] = 'The event provided is not a valid event.'; $string['errorinvaliddirectory'] = 'The event directory does not exist or is invalid.'; $string['eventcode'] = 'Event Code'; $string['eventexplanation'] = 'Explanation of the event'; $string['eventname'] = 'Event name'; $string['filter'] = 'Filter'; $string['legacyevent'] = 'Legacy event'; $string['name'] = 'Name'; $string['objecttable'] = 'Object table'; $string['other'] = 'Other'; $string['otherinformation'] = 'Other information:'; $string['othereventparameters'] = 'Other event parameters'; $string['parentevent'] = 'Parent Event'; $string['participating'] = 'Participating'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Events list'; $string['read'] = 'read'; $string['relatedobservers'] = 'Plugins observing this event'; $string['since'] = 'Since'; $string['teaching'] = 'Teaching'; $string['typedeclaration'] = 'Other event parameters'; $string['update'] = 'update'; $string['yes'] = 'yes'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Events list plugin does not store any personal data.';