. /** * Tests of the upgrade to the new Moodle question engine for attempts at * truefalse questions. * * @package qtype * @subpackage truefalse * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/upgrade/tests/helper.php'); /** * Testing the upgrade of truefalse question attempts. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_truefalse_attempt_upgrader_test extends question_attempt_upgrader_test_base { public function test_truefalse_deferredfeedback_history620() { $quiz = (object) array( 'id' => '203', 'course' => '2359', 'name' => 'Quiz 1', 'intro' => '', 'introformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'timeopen' => '0', 'timeclose' => '0', 'preferredbehaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', 'attempts' => '0', 'attemptonlast' => '1', 'grademethod' => '1', 'decimalpoints' => '2', 'review' => '71760879', 'questionsperpage' => '2', 'questiondecimalpoints' => '-1', 'showuserpicture' => '1', 'showblocks' => '1', 'shufflequestions' => '0', 'shuffleanswers' => '0', 'sumgrades' => '50', 'grade' => '50', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1176461532', 'password' => '', 'subnet' => '', 'popup' => '0', 'delay1' => '0', 'delay2' => '0', 'timelimit' => '0', ); $attempt = (object) array( 'id' => '3795', 'uniqueid' => '3795', 'quiz' => '203', 'userid' => '1888', 'attempt' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '40', 'timestart' => '1177841172', 'timefinish' => '1177841409', 'timemodified' => '1177841394', 'layout' => '3859,3860,0,3861,3862,0,3863,3864,0,3865,3866,0,3867,3868,0', 'preview' => '0', ); $question = (object) array( 'id' => '3865', 'category' => '187', 'parent' => '0', 'name' => 'Question 7', 'questiontext' => '

The term ‘integration server’ is another name for an application server, true or false?

', 'questiontextformat' => '1', 'defaultmark' => '1', 'penalty' => '0', 'qtype' => 'truefalse', 'length' => '1', 'stamp' => 'learn.open.ac.uk+070404143040+oLimmG', 'version' => 'learn.open.ac.uk+070405112705+DLhORU', 'hidden' => '0', 'generalfeedback' => '

', 'generalfeedbackformat' => '1', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '0', 'createdby' => null, 'modifiedby' => null, 'unlimited' => null, 'maxmark' => '5', 'options' => (object) array( 'id' => '98', 'question' => '3865', 'trueanswer' => '11693', 'falseanswer' => '11694', 'answers' => array( 11693 => (object) array( 'question' => '3865', 'answer' => 'True', 'fraction' => '0', 'feedback' => '', 'id' => 11693, ), 11694 => (object) array( 'question' => '3865', 'answer' => 'False', 'fraction' => '1', 'feedback' => '', 'id' => 11694, ), ), ), 'hints' => false, ); $qsession = (object) array( 'id' => '35137', 'attemptid' => '3795', 'questionid' => '3865', 'newest' => '84791', 'newgraded' => '84791', 'sumpenalty' => '0', 'manualcomment' => '', 'manualcommentformat' => '1', 'flagged' => '1', ); $qstates = array( 84771 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '3795', 'question' => '3865', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '0', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1177841172', 'event' => '0', 'grade' => '0', 'raw_grade' => '0', 'penalty' => '0', 'id' => 84771, ), 84785 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '3795', 'question' => '3865', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '11694', 'timestamp' => '1177841361', 'event' => '2', 'grade' => '0', 'raw_grade' => '5', 'penalty' => '5', 'id' => 84785, ), 84791 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '3795', 'question' => '3865', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '2', 'answer' => '11694', 'timestamp' => '1177841361', 'event' => '6', 'grade' => '5', 'raw_grade' => '5', 'penalty' => '5', 'id' => 84791, ), ); $qa = $this->updater->convert_question_attempt($quiz, $attempt, $question, $qsession, $qstates); $expectedqa = (object) array( 'behaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', 'questionid' => 3865, 'variant' => 1, 'maxmark' => 5, 'minfraction' => 0, 'maxfraction' => 1, 'flagged' => 0, 'questionsummary' => 'The term ‘integration server’ is another name for an application server, true or false?', 'rightanswer' => 'False', 'responsesummary' => 'False', 'timemodified' => 1177841361, 'steps' => array( 0 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 0, 'state' => 'todo', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1177841172, 'userid' => 1888, 'data' => array(), ), 1 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 1, 'state' => 'complete', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1177841361, 'userid' => 1888, 'data' => array('answer' => 0), ), 2 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 2, 'state' => 'gradedright', 'fraction' => 1, 'timecreated' => 1177841361, 'userid' => 1888, 'data' => array('answer' => 0, '-finish' => 1), ), ), ); $this->compare_qas($expectedqa, $qa); } public function test_truefalse_deferredfeedback_history20() { $quiz = (object) array( 'id' => '551', 'course' => '2828', 'name' => 'Unit 4 Quiz', 'intro' => '', 'introformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'questiondecimalpoints' => '-1', 'showuserpicture' => '1', 'showblocks' => '1', 'timeopen' => '0', 'timeclose' => '0', 'preferredbehaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', 'attempts' => '0', 'attemptonlast' => '0', 'grademethod' => '1', 'decimalpoints' => '2', 'review' => '71760879', 'questionsperpage' => '1', 'shufflequestions' => '0', 'shuffleanswers' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '4', 'grade' => '4', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1190277883', 'password' => '', 'subnet' => '', 'popup' => '0', 'delay1' => '0', 'delay2' => '0', 'timelimit' => '0', ); $attempt = (object) array( 'id' => '23226', 'uniqueid' => '23226', 'quiz' => '551', 'userid' => '80300', 'attempt' => '2', 'sumgrades' => '0', 'timestart' => '1200326384', 'timefinish' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1200326384', 'layout' => '9043,0,9057,0,9062,0,9241,0', 'preview' => '0', ); $question = (object) array( 'id' => '9062', 'category' => '481', 'parent' => '0', 'name' => 'U04_NA_In viaggio_Q3', 'questiontext' => '

my market

What can you buy in this shop? Is this list accurate?

Mark true or false (for the list as a whole).

single tickets

weekly season tickets

monthly season tickets

wine and grappa

fruit and vegetables


', 'questiontextformat' => '1', 'defaultmark' => '1', 'penalty' => '0', 'qtype' => 'truefalse', 'length' => '1', 'stamp' => 'learn.open.ac.uk+070820163735+PqUlDM', 'version' => 'learn.open.ac.uk+080304160318+owhQUb', 'hidden' => '0', 'generalfeedback' => '', 'generalfeedbackformat' => '1', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1204646598', 'createdby' => null, 'modifiedby' => '97230', 'unlimited' => '0', 'maxmark' => '1', 'options' => (object) array( 'id' => '199', 'question' => '9062', 'trueanswer' => '28221', 'falseanswer' => '28222', 'answers' => array( 28221 => (object) array( 'question' => '9062', 'answer' => 'True', 'fraction' => '0', 'feedback' => '

The correct answer is \'false\'. The only items on the list not sold at My Market are tobacco and weekly season tickets. It sells everything else!
Biglietto unico is a single ticket for bus, funicular railway or metro (underground) while abbonamento mensile is a monthly season ticket.
The shop also sells wine and grappa, as you can see them in the window, and fruit and vegetables as it says in the sign. Small shops in Naples often sell a variety of things, not always connected!

', 'id' => 28221, ), 28222 => (object) array( 'question' => '9062', 'answer' => 'False', 'fraction' => '1', 'feedback' => 'The correct anstwer is \'false\'. The only items on the list not sold at My Market are tobacco and weekly season tickets. It sells everything else! Biglietto unico is a single ticket for bus, funicular railway or metro (underground) while \'abbonamento mensile\' is a monthly season ticket. It also sells wine and grappa, as you can see them in the window, and fruit and vegetables as it says in the sign! Small shops in Naples often sell a variety of things, not always connected! ', 'id' => 28222, ), ), ), 'hints' => false, ); $qsession = (object) array( 'id' => '351032', 'attemptid' => '23226', 'questionid' => '9062', 'newest' => '848428', 'newgraded' => '848426', 'sumpenalty' => '0', 'manualcomment' => '', 'manualcommentformat' => '1', 'flagged' => '1', ); $qstates = array( 848426 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '23226', 'question' => '9062', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '0', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1200326384', 'event' => '0', 'grade' => '0', 'raw_grade' => '0', 'penalty' => '0', 'id' => 848426, ), 848428 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '23226', 'question' => '9062', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '28221', 'timestamp' => '1200326384', 'event' => '2', 'grade' => '0', 'raw_grade' => '0', 'penalty' => '1', 'id' => 848428, ), ); $qa = $this->updater->convert_question_attempt($quiz, $attempt, $question, $qsession, $qstates); $expectedqa = (object) array( 'behaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', 'questionid' => 9062, 'variant' => 1, 'maxmark' => 1, 'minfraction' => 0, 'maxfraction' => 1, 'flagged' => 0, 'questionsummary' => "[my market] \n\nWhat can you buy in this shop? Is this list accurate? \n\nMark true or false (for the list as a whole). \n\n_single tickets_ \n\n_weekly season tickets_ \n\n_monthly season tickets_ \n\n_wine and grappa_ \n\n_fruit and vegetables_ \n\n_tobacco _", 'rightanswer' => 'False', 'responsesummary' => 'True', 'timemodified' => 1200326384, 'steps' => array( 0 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 0, 'state' => 'todo', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1200326384, 'userid' => 80300, 'data' => array(), ), 1 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 1, 'state' => 'complete', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1200326384, 'userid' => 80300, 'data' => array('answer' => 1), ), ), ); $this->compare_qas($expectedqa, $qa); } public function test_truefalse_deferredfeedback_history90() { $quiz = (object) array( 'id' => '3', 'course' => '1095', 'name' => 'Introduction quiz', 'intro' => 'Use this self-assessment quiz after you have read the course introduction. ', 'introformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'questiondecimalpoints' => '-1', 'showuserpicture' => '1', 'showblocks' => '1', 'timeopen' => '1150107000', 'timeclose' => '0', 'preferredbehaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', 'attempts' => '0', 'attemptonlast' => '0', 'grademethod' => '1', 'decimalpoints' => '2', 'review' => '71760879', 'questionsperpage' => '0', 'shufflequestions' => '1', 'shuffleanswers' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '9', 'grade' => '9', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1150127779', 'password' => '', 'subnet' => '', 'popup' => '0', 'delay1' => '0', 'delay2' => '0', 'timelimit' => '0', ); $attempt = (object) array( 'id' => '19', 'uniqueid' => '19', 'quiz' => '3', 'userid' => '49542', 'attempt' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '9', 'timestart' => '1150301292', 'timefinish' => '1150301347', 'timemodified' => '1150454872', 'layout' => '96,108,102,101,106,113,104,98,111,0', 'preview' => '0', ); $question = (object) array( 'id' => '111', 'category' => '5', 'parent' => '0', 'name' => 'Q7', 'questiontext' => 'Web services, integration servers, XML, application servers, message-oriented middleware and remote procedure call can be used to enable integrated systems?', 'questiontextformat' => '1', 'defaultgrade' => '1', 'penalty' => '0', 'qtype' => 'truefalse', 'length' => '1', 'stamp' => 'learn.open.ac.uk+060612113518+uuFWow', 'version' => 'learn.open.ac.uk+060612154736+HeFOV0', 'hidden' => '0', 'generalfeedback' => '', 'generalfeedbackformat' => '1', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '0', 'createdby' => null, 'modifiedby' => null, 'unlimited' => null, 'maxmark' => '1', 'options' => (object) array( 'id' => '24', 'question' => '111', 'trueanswer' => '312', 'falseanswer' => '313', 'answers' => array( 312 => (object) array( 'question' => '111', 'answer' => 'True', 'fraction' => '1', 'feedback' => 'They are all used in storing data or connecting together components of an integrated system.', 'id' => 312, ), 313 => (object) array( 'question' => '111', 'answer' => 'False', 'fraction' => '0', 'feedback' => 'They are all used in storing data or connecting together components of an integrated system.', 'id' => 313, ), ), ), 'hints' => false, ); $qsession = (object) array( 'id' => '169', 'attemptid' => '19', 'questionid' => '111', 'newest' => '252', 'newgraded' => '252', 'sumpenalty' => '0', 'manualcomment' => '', 'manualcommentformat' => '1', 'flagged' => '1', ); $qstates = array( 242 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '19', 'question' => '111', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '0', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1150301292', 'event' => '0', 'grade' => '0', 'raw_grade' => '0', 'penalty' => '0', 'id' => 242, ), 252 => (object) array( 'attempt' => '19', 'question' => '111', 'originalquestion' => '0', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1150454872', 'event' => '9', 'grade' => '1', 'raw_grade' => '1', 'penalty' => '0', 'id' => 252, ), ); $qa = $this->updater->convert_question_attempt($quiz, $attempt, $question, $qsession, $qstates); $expectedqa = (object) array( 'behaviour' => 'deferredfeedback', 'questionid' => 111, 'variant' => 1, 'maxmark' => 1, 'minfraction' => 0, 'maxfraction' => 1, 'flagged' => 0, 'questionsummary' => 'Web services, integration servers, XML, application servers, message-oriented middleware and remote procedure call can be used to enable integrated systems?', 'rightanswer' => 'True', 'responsesummary' => '', 'timemodified' => 1150454872, 'steps' => array( 0 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 0, 'state' => 'todo', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1150301292, 'userid' => 49542, 'data' => array(), ), 1 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 1, 'state' => 'gradedwrong', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1150454872, 'userid' => 49542, 'data' => array('-finish' => 1), ), 2 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 2, 'state' => 'mangrright', 'fraction' => 1, 'timecreated' => 1150454872, 'userid' => null, 'data' => array('-comment' => '', '-maxmark' => 1, '-mark' => 1), ), ), ); $this->compare_qas($expectedqa, $qa); } public function test_truefalse_adaptive_qsession119() { $quiz = (object) array( 'id' => '6', 'course' => '3', 'name' => 'Simply quiz', 'intro' => '

One quiz with 1 true/false Q

', 'introformat' => '1', 'timeopen' => '0', 'timeclose' => '0', 'attempts' => '0', 'attemptonlast' => '0', 'grademethod' => '1', 'decimalpoints' => '2', 'questiondecimalpoints' => '-1', 'review' => '4459503', 'questionsperpage' => '1', 'shufflequestions' => '0', 'shuffleanswers' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '10.00000', 'grade' => '10.00000', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1309103209', 'timelimit' => '0', 'password' => '', 'subnet' => '', 'popup' => '0', 'delay1' => '0', 'delay2' => '0', 'showuserpicture' => '0', 'showblocks' => '0', 'preferredbehaviour' => 'adaptive', ); $attempt = (object) array( 'id' => '20', 'uniqueid' => '20', 'quiz' => '6', 'userid' => '7', 'attempt' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '10.00000', 'timestart' => '1309103112', 'timefinish' => '1309103120', 'timemodified' => '1309103120', 'layout' => '30,0', 'preview' => '0', ); $question = (object) array( 'id' => '30', 'category' => '10', 'parent' => '0', 'name' => '1 + 1 = 2 ?', 'questiontext' => '

1 +1 = 2 ?

', 'questiontextformat' => '1', 'generalfeedback' => '

this is general feedback

', 'generalfeedbackformat' => '1', 'penalty' => '1.0000000', 'qtype' => 'truefalse', 'length' => '1', 'stamp' => '', 'version' => '', 'hidden' => '0', 'timecreated' => '1309103050', 'timemodified' => '1309103050', 'createdby' => '6', 'modifiedby' => '6', 'maxmark' => '10.0000000', 'options' => (object) array( 'id' => '4', 'question' => '30', 'trueanswer' => '53', 'falseanswer' => '54', 'answers' => array( 53 => (object) array( 'id' => '53', 'question' => '30', 'answer' => 'True', 'answerformat' => '0', 'fraction' => '1.0000000', 'feedback' => '

this is correct (for true) feedback

', 'feedbackformat' => '1', ), 54 => (object) array( 'id' => '54', 'question' => '30', 'answer' => 'False', 'answerformat' => '0', 'fraction' => '0.0000000', 'feedback' => '

this is incorrect (for false) feedback

', 'feedbackformat' => '1', ), ), ), 'defaultmark' => '1.0000000', ); $qsession = (object) array( 'id' => '119', 'attemptid' => '20', 'questionid' => '30', 'newest' => '312', 'newgraded' => '312', 'sumpenalty' => '10.0000000', 'manualcomment' => '', 'manualcommentformat' => '1', 'flagged' => '0', ); $qstates = array( 310 => (object) array( 'id' => '310', 'attempt' => '20', 'question' => '30', 'seq_number' => '0', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1309103112', 'event' => '0', 'grade' => '0.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '0.0000000', 'penalty' => '0.0000000', ), 311 => (object) array( 'id' => '311', 'attempt' => '20', 'question' => '30', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '53', 'timestamp' => '1309103115', 'event' => '3', 'grade' => '10.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '10.0000000', 'penalty' => '10.0000000', ), 312 => (object) array( 'id' => '312', 'attempt' => '20', 'question' => '30', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '53', 'timestamp' => '1309103115', 'event' => '6', 'grade' => '10.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '10.0000000', 'penalty' => '10.0000000', ), ); $qa = $this->updater->convert_question_attempt($quiz, $attempt, $question, $qsession, $qstates); $expectedqa = (object) array( 'behaviour' => 'adaptive', 'questionid' => 30, 'variant' => 1, 'maxmark' => 10.0000000, 'minfraction' => 0, 'maxfraction' => 1, 'flagged' => 0, 'questionsummary' => '1 +1 = 2 ?', 'rightanswer' => 'True', 'responsesummary' => 'True', 'timemodified' => 1309103115, 'steps' => array( 0 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 0, 'state' => 'todo', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1309103112, 'userid' => 7, 'data' => array(), ), 1 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 1, 'state' => 'complete', 'fraction' => 1.0, 'timecreated' => 1309103115, 'userid' => 7, 'data' => array('answer' => '1', '-_try' => '1', '-_rawfraction' => '1', '-submit' => '1'), ), 2 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 2, 'state' => 'gradedright', 'fraction' => 1.0, 'timecreated' => 1309103115, 'userid' => 7, 'data' => array('answer' => '1', '-_try' => '1', '-_rawfraction' => '1', '-finish' => '1'), ), ), ); $this->compare_qas($expectedqa, $qa); } public function test_truefalse_adaptive_qsession120() { $quiz = (object) array( 'id' => '6', 'course' => '3', 'name' => 'Simply quiz', 'intro' => '

One quiz with 1 true/false Q

', 'introformat' => '1', 'timeopen' => '0', 'timeclose' => '0', 'attempts' => '0', 'attemptonlast' => '0', 'grademethod' => '1', 'decimalpoints' => '2', 'questiondecimalpoints' => '-1', 'review' => '4459503', 'questionsperpage' => '1', 'shufflequestions' => '0', 'shuffleanswers' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '10.00000', 'grade' => '10.00000', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1309103209', 'timelimit' => '0', 'password' => '', 'subnet' => '', 'popup' => '0', 'delay1' => '0', 'delay2' => '0', 'showuserpicture' => '0', 'showblocks' => '0', 'preferredbehaviour' => 'adaptive', ); $attempt = (object) array( 'id' => '21', 'uniqueid' => '21', 'quiz' => '6', 'userid' => '7', 'attempt' => '2', 'sumgrades' => '0.00000', 'timestart' => '1309103130', 'timefinish' => '1309103136', 'timemodified' => '1309103136', 'layout' => '30,0', 'preview' => '0', ); $question = (object) array( 'id' => '30', 'category' => '10', 'parent' => '0', 'name' => '1 + 1 = 2 ?', 'questiontext' => '

1 +1 = 2 ?

', 'questiontextformat' => '1', 'generalfeedback' => '

this is general feedback

', 'generalfeedbackformat' => '1', 'penalty' => '1.0000000', 'qtype' => 'truefalse', 'length' => '1', 'stamp' => '', 'version' => '', 'hidden' => '0', 'timecreated' => '1309103050', 'timemodified' => '1309103050', 'createdby' => '6', 'modifiedby' => '6', 'maxmark' => '10.0000000', 'options' => (object) array( 'id' => '4', 'question' => '30', 'trueanswer' => '53', 'falseanswer' => '54', 'answers' => array( 53 => (object) array( 'id' => '53', 'question' => '30', 'answer' => 'True', 'answerformat' => '0', 'fraction' => '1.0000000', 'feedback' => '

this is correct (for true) feedback

', 'feedbackformat' => '1', ), 54 => (object) array( 'id' => '54', 'question' => '30', 'answer' => 'False', 'answerformat' => '0', 'fraction' => '0.0000000', 'feedback' => '

this is incorrect (for false) feedback

', 'feedbackformat' => '1', ), ), ), 'defaultmark' => '1.0000000', ); $qsession = (object) array( 'id' => '120', 'attemptid' => '21', 'questionid' => '30', 'newest' => '315', 'newgraded' => '315', 'sumpenalty' => '10.0000000', 'manualcomment' => '', 'manualcommentformat' => '1', 'flagged' => '0', ); $qstates = array( 313 => (object) array( 'id' => '313', 'attempt' => '21', 'question' => '30', 'seq_number' => '0', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1309103130', 'event' => '0', 'grade' => '0.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '0.0000000', 'penalty' => '0.0000000', ), 314 => (object) array( 'id' => '314', 'attempt' => '21', 'question' => '30', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '54', 'timestamp' => '1309103132', 'event' => '2', 'grade' => '0.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '0.0000000', 'penalty' => '10.0000000', ), 315 => (object) array( 'id' => '315', 'attempt' => '21', 'question' => '30', 'seq_number' => '2', 'answer' => '54', 'timestamp' => '1309103132', 'event' => '6', 'grade' => '0.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '0.0000000', 'penalty' => '10.0000000', ), ); $qa = $this->updater->convert_question_attempt($quiz, $attempt, $question, $qsession, $qstates); $expectedqa = (object) array( 'behaviour' => 'adaptive', 'questionid' => 30, 'variant' => 1, 'maxmark' => 10.0000000, 'minfraction' => 0, 'maxfraction' => 1, 'flagged' => 0, 'questionsummary' => '1 +1 = 2 ?', 'rightanswer' => 'True', 'responsesummary' => 'False', 'timemodified' => 1309103132, 'steps' => array( 0 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 0, 'state' => 'todo', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1309103130, 'userid' => 7, 'data' => array(), ), 1 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 1, 'state' => 'complete', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1309103132, 'userid' => 7, 'data' => array('answer' => '0'), ), 2 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 2, 'state' => 'gradedwrong', 'fraction' => 0.0, 'timecreated' => 1309103132, 'userid' => 7, 'data' => array('answer' => 0, '-finish' => 1, '-_try' => 1, '-_rawfraction' => 0), ), ), ); $this->compare_qas($expectedqa, $qa); } public function test_truefalse_adaptive_qsession3() { $quiz = (object) array( 'id' => '1', 'course' => '2', 'name' => 'Test Quiz', 'intro' => '', 'introformat' => '1', 'timeopen' => '0', 'timeclose' => '0', 'preferredbehaviour' => 'adaptive', 'attempts' => '0', 'attemptonlast' => '0', 'grademethod' => '1', 'decimalpoints' => '2', 'questiondecimalpoints' => '-1', 'reviewattempt' => '69888', 'reviewcorrectness' => '69888', 'reviewmarks' => '69888', 'reviewspecificfeedback' => '69888', 'reviewgeneralfeedback' => '69888', 'reviewrightanswer' => '69888', 'reviewoverallfeedback' => '4352', 'questionsperpage' => '1', 'shufflequestions' => '0', 'shuffleanswers' => '1', 'sumgrades' => '1.00000', 'grade' => '10.00000', 'timecreated' => '0', 'timemodified' => '1309441728', 'timelimit' => '0', 'password' => '', 'subnet' => '', 'popup' => '0', 'delay1' => '0', 'delay2' => '0', 'showuserpicture' => '0', 'showblocks' => '0', ); $attempt = (object) array( 'id' => '3', 'uniqueid' => '3', 'quiz' => '1', 'userid' => '4', 'attempt' => '2', 'sumgrades' => null, 'timestart' => '1309441460', 'timefinish' => '1309441471', 'timemodified' => '1309441969', 'layout' => '1,0', 'preview' => '0', ); $question = (object) array( 'id' => '1', 'category' => '2', 'parent' => '0', 'name' => 'Does 1 + 1 = 2?', 'questiontext' => '', 'questiontextformat' => '1', 'generalfeedback' => '', 'generalfeedbackformat' => '1', 'defaultmark' => '1.0000000', 'penalty' => '1.0000000', 'qtype' => 'truefalse', 'length' => '1', 'stamp' => 'localhost:8888+110630134237+QzfsHZ', 'version' => 'localhost:8888+110630134237+IaYGE6', 'hidden' => '0', 'timecreated' => '1309441357', 'timemodified' => '1309441357', 'createdby' => '3', 'modifiedby' => '3', 'maxmark' => '1.0000000', 'options' => (object) array( 'id' => '1', 'question' => '1', 'trueanswer' => '1', 'falseanswer' => '2', 'answers' => array( 1 => (object) array( 'id' => '1', 'question' => '1', 'answer' => 'True', 'answerformat' => '0', 'fraction' => '1.0000000', 'feedback' => '', 'feedbackformat' => '1', ), 2 => (object) array( 'id' => '2', 'question' => '1', 'answer' => 'False', 'answerformat' => '0', 'fraction' => '0.0000000', 'feedback' => '', 'feedbackformat' => '1', ), ), ), ); $qsession = (object) array( 'id' => '3', 'attemptid' => '3', 'questionid' => '1', 'newest' => '7', 'newgraded' => '7', 'sumpenalty' => '1.0000000', 'manualcomment' => '', 'manualcommentformat' => '1', 'flagged' => '0', ); $qstates = array( 5 => (object) array( 'id' => '5', 'attempt' => '3', 'question' => '1', 'seq_number' => '0', 'answer' => '', 'timestamp' => '1309441460', 'event' => '0', 'grade' => '0.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '0.0000000', 'penalty' => '0.0000000', ), 6 => (object) array( 'id' => '6', 'attempt' => '3', 'question' => '1', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '1', 'timestamp' => '1309441463', 'event' => '3', 'grade' => '1.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '1.0000000', 'penalty' => '1.0000000', ), 7 => (object) array( 'id' => '7', 'attempt' => '3', 'question' => '1', 'seq_number' => '1', 'answer' => '1', 'timestamp' => '1309441463', 'event' => '6', 'grade' => '1.0000000', 'raw_grade' => '1.0000000', 'penalty' => '1.0000000', ), ); $qa = $this->updater->convert_question_attempt($quiz, $attempt, $question, $qsession, $qstates); $expectedqa = (object) array( 'behaviour' => 'adaptive', 'questionid' => 1, 'variant' => 1, 'maxmark' => 1.0000000, 'minfraction' => 0, 'maxfraction' => 1, 'flagged' => 0, 'questionsummary' => '', 'rightanswer' => 'True', 'responsesummary' => 'True', 'timemodified' => 1309441463, 'steps' => array( 0 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 0, 'state' => 'todo', 'fraction' => null, 'timecreated' => 1309441460, 'userid' => 4, 'data' => array(), ), 1 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 1, 'state' => 'complete', 'fraction' => 1, 'timecreated' => 1309441463, 'userid' => 4, 'data' => array('answer' => 1, '-submit' => 1, '-_try' => 1, '-_rawfraction' => 1), ), 2 => (object) array( 'sequencenumber' => 2, 'state' => 'gradedright', 'fraction' => 1, 'timecreated' => 1309441463, 'userid' => 4, 'data' => array('answer' => 1, '-finish' => 1, '-_try' => 1, '-_rawfraction' => 1), ), ), ); $this->compare_qas($expectedqa, $qa); } }