@qtype @qtype_numerical Feature: Preview a Numerical question As a teacher In order to check my Numerical questions will work for students I need to preview them Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | teacher1 | T1 | Teacher1 | teacher1@example.com | And the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | And the following "course enrolments" exist: | user | course | role | | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher | And the following "question categories" exist: | contextlevel | reference | name | | Course | C1 | Test questions | And the following "questions" exist: | questioncategory | qtype | name | template | | Test questions | numerical | Numerical-001 | pi | | Test questions | numerical | Numerical-002 | pi3tries | And the following "language customisations" exist: | component | stringid | value | | core_langconfig | decsep | # | Given I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I navigate to "Question bank" in current page administration @javascript @_switch_window Scenario: Preview a Numerical question and submit a correct response. When I choose "Preview" action for "Numerical-001" in the question bank And I switch to "questionpreview" window Then I should see "What is pi to two d.p.?" When I set the field "How questions behave" to "Immediate feedback" And I press "Start again with these options" And I set the field with xpath "//span[@class='answer']//input[contains(@id, '1_answer')]" to "3.14" And I press "Check" Then I should see "Very good." And I should see "Mark 1#00 out of 1#00" When I press "Start again" And I set the field with xpath "//span[@class='answer']//input[contains(@id, '1_answer')]" to "3,14" And I press "Check" Then I should see "Please enter your answer without using the thousand separator (,)." When I press "Start again" And I set the field with xpath "//span[@class='answer']//input[contains(@id, '1_answer')]" to "3#14" And I press "Check" Then I should see "Very good." And I should see "Mark 1#00 out of 1#00" And I switch to the main window