. /** * @package qtype * @subpackage multichoice * @copyright 2011 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Multichoice question type conversion handler */ class moodle1_qtype_multichoice_handler extends moodle1_qtype_handler { /** * @return array */ public function get_question_subpaths() { return array( 'ANSWERS/ANSWER', 'MULTICHOICE', ); } /** * Appends the multichoice specific information to the question */ public function process_question(array $data, array $raw) { // Convert and write the answers first. if (isset($data['answers'])) { $this->write_answers($data['answers'], $this->pluginname); } // Convert and write the multichoice. if (!isset($data['multichoice'])) { // This should never happen, but it can do if the 1.9 site contained // corrupt data. $data['multichoice'] = array(array( 'single' => 1, 'shuffleanswers' => 1, 'correctfeedback' => '', 'correctfeedbackformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'partiallycorrectfeedback' => '', 'partiallycorrectfeedbackformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'incorrectfeedback' => '', 'incorrectfeedbackformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answernumbering' => 'abc', 'showstandardinstruction' => 0 )); } $this->write_multichoice($data['multichoice'], $data['oldquestiontextformat'], $data['id']); } /** * Converts the multichoice info and writes it into the question.xml * * @param array $multichoices the grouped structure * @param int $oldquestiontextformat - {@see moodle1_question_bank_handler::process_question()} * @param int $questionid question id */ protected function write_multichoice(array $multichoices, $oldquestiontextformat, $questionid) { global $CFG; // The grouped array is supposed to have just one element - let us use foreach anyway // just to be sure we do not loose anything. foreach ($multichoices as $multichoice) { // Append an artificial 'id' attribute (is not included in moodle.xml). $multichoice['id'] = $this->converter->get_nextid(); // Replay the upgrade step 2009021801. $multichoice['correctfeedbackformat'] = 0; $multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedbackformat'] = 0; $multichoice['incorrectfeedbackformat'] = 0; if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea' and $oldquestiontextformat == FORMAT_MOODLE) { $multichoice['correctfeedback'] = text_to_html($multichoice['correctfeedback'], false, false, true); $multichoice['correctfeedbackformat'] = FORMAT_HTML; $multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedback'] = text_to_html($multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedback'], false, false, true); $multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedbackformat'] = FORMAT_HTML; $multichoice['incorrectfeedback'] = text_to_html($multichoice['incorrectfeedback'], false, false, true); $multichoice['incorrectfeedbackformat'] = FORMAT_HTML; } else { $multichoice['correctfeedbackformat'] = $oldquestiontextformat; $multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedbackformat'] = $oldquestiontextformat; $multichoice['incorrectfeedbackformat'] = $oldquestiontextformat; } $multichoice['correctfeedback'] = $this->migrate_files( $multichoice['correctfeedback'], 'question', 'correctfeedback', $questionid); $multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedback'] = $this->migrate_files( $multichoice['partiallycorrectfeedback'], 'question', 'partiallycorrectfeedback', $questionid); $multichoice['incorrectfeedback'] = $this->migrate_files( $multichoice['incorrectfeedback'], 'question', 'incorrectfeedback', $questionid); $this->write_xml('multichoice', $multichoice, array('/multichoice/id')); } } }