. /** * Unit tests for the multianswer question definition class. * * @package qtype * @subpackage multianswer * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/tests/helpers.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/multianswer/questiontype.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/edit_question_form.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/multianswer/edit_multianswer_form.php'); /** * Unit tests for the multianswer question definition class. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_multianswer_test extends advanced_testcase { /** @var qtype_multianswer instance of the question type class to test. */ protected $qtype; protected function setUp() { $this->qtype = new qtype_multianswer(); } protected function tearDown() { $this->qtype = null; } protected function get_test_question_data() { global $USER; $q = new stdClass(); $q->id = 0; $q->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $q->category = 0; $q->contextid = 0; $q->parent = 0; $q->questiontext = 'Complete this opening line of verse: "The {#1} and the {#2} went to sea".'; $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: It\'s from "The Owl and the Pussy-cat" by Lear: ' . '"The owl and the pussycat went to see'; $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $q->defaultmark = 2; $q->penalty = 0.3333333; $q->length = 1; $q->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); $q->version = make_unique_id_code(); $q->hidden = 0; $q->timecreated = time(); $q->timemodified = time(); $q->createdby = $USER->id; $q->modifiedby = $USER->id; $sadata = new stdClass(); $sadata->id = 1; $sadata->qtype = 'shortanswer'; $sadata->defaultmark = 1; $sadata->options->usecase = true; $sadata->options->answers[1] = (object) array('answer' => 'Bow-wow', 'fraction' => 0); $sadata->options->answers[2] = (object) array('answer' => 'Wiggly worm', 'fraction' => 0); $sadata->options->answers[3] = (object) array('answer' => 'Pussy-cat', 'fraction' => 1); $mcdata = new stdClass(); $mcdata->id = 1; $mcdata->qtype = 'multichoice'; $mcdata->defaultmark = 1; $mcdata->options->single = true; $mcdata->options->answers[1] = (object) array('answer' => 'Dog', 'fraction' => 0); $mcdata->options->answers[2] = (object) array('answer' => 'Owl', 'fraction' => 1); $mcdata->options->answers[3] = (object) array('answer' => '*', 'fraction' => 0); $q->options->questions = array( 1 => $sadata, 2 => $mcdata, ); return $q; } public function test_name() { $this->assertEquals($this->qtype->name(), 'multianswer'); } public function test_can_analyse_responses() { $this->assertFalse($this->qtype->can_analyse_responses()); } public function test_get_random_guess_score() { $q = test_question_maker::get_question_data('multianswer', 'twosubq'); $this->assertEquals(0.1666667, $this->qtype->get_random_guess_score($q), '', 0.0000001); } public function test_load_question() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $syscontext = context_system::instance(); /** @var core_question_generator $generator */ $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); $category = $generator->create_question_category(['contextid' => $syscontext->id]); $fromform = test_question_maker::get_question_form_data('multianswer'); $fromform->category = $category->id . ',' . $syscontext->id; $question = new stdClass(); $question->category = $category->id; $question->qtype = 'multianswer'; $question->createdby = 0; // Note, $question gets modified during save because of the way subquestions // are extracted. $question = $this->qtype->save_question($question, $fromform); $questiondata = question_bank::load_question_data($question->id); $this->assertEquals(['id', 'category', 'parent', 'name', 'questiontext', 'questiontextformat', 'generalfeedback', 'generalfeedbackformat', 'defaultmark', 'penalty', 'qtype', 'length', 'stamp', 'version', 'hidden', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'createdby', 'modifiedby', 'idnumber', 'contextid', 'options', 'hints', 'categoryobject'], array_keys(get_object_vars($questiondata))); $this->assertEquals($category->id, $questiondata->category); $this->assertEquals(0, $questiondata->parent); $this->assertEquals($fromform->name, $questiondata->name); $this->assertEquals($fromform->questiontext, $questiondata->questiontext); $this->assertEquals($fromform->questiontextformat, $questiondata->questiontextformat); $this->assertEquals($fromform->generalfeedback['text'], $questiondata->generalfeedback); $this->assertEquals($fromform->generalfeedback['format'], $questiondata->generalfeedbackformat); $this->assertEquals($fromform->defaultmark, $questiondata->defaultmark); $this->assertEquals(0, $questiondata->penalty); $this->assertEquals('multianswer', $questiondata->qtype); $this->assertEquals(1, $questiondata->length); $this->assertEquals(0, $questiondata->hidden); $this->assertEquals($question->createdby, $questiondata->createdby); $this->assertEquals($question->createdby, $questiondata->modifiedby); $this->assertEquals('', $questiondata->idnumber); $this->assertEquals($syscontext->id, $questiondata->contextid); // Build the expected hint base. $hintbase = [ 'questionid' => $questiondata->id, 'shownumcorrect' => 0, 'clearwrong' => 0, 'options' => null]; $expectedhints = []; foreach ($fromform->hint as $key => $value) { $hint = $hintbase + [ 'hint' => $value['text'], 'hintformat' => $value['format'], ]; $expectedhints[] = (object)$hint; } // Need to get rid of ids. $gothints = array_map(function($hint) { unset($hint->id); return $hint; }, $questiondata->hints); // Compare hints. $this->assertEquals($expectedhints, array_values($gothints)); // Options. $this->assertEquals(['answers', 'questions'], array_keys(get_object_vars($questiondata->options))); $this->assertEquals(count($fromform->options->questions), count($questiondata->options->questions)); // Option answers. $this->assertEquals([], $questiondata->options->answers); // Build the expected questions. We aren't going deeper to subquestion answers, options... that's another qtype job. $expectedquestions = []; foreach ($fromform->options->questions as $key => $value) { $question = [ 'id' => $value->id, 'category' => $category->id, 'parent' => $questiondata->id, 'name' => $value->name, 'questiontext' => $value->questiontext, 'questiontextformat' => $value->questiontextformat, 'generalfeedback' => $value->generalfeedback, 'generalfeedbackformat' => $value->generalfeedbackformat, 'defaultmark' => (float) $value->defaultmark, 'penalty' => (float)$value->penalty, 'qtype' => $value->qtype, 'length' => $value->length, 'stamp' => $value->stamp, 'hidden' => 0, 'timecreated' => $value->timecreated, 'timemodified' => $value->timemodified, 'createdby' => $value->createdby, 'modifiedby' => $value->modifiedby, ]; $expectedquestions[] = (object)$question; } // Need to get rid of (version, idnumber, options, hints, maxmark). They are missing @ fromform. $gotquestions = array_map(function($question) { unset($question->version); unset($question->idnumber); unset($question->options); unset($question->hints); unset($question->maxmark); return $question; }, $questiondata->options->questions); // Compare questions. $this->assertEquals($expectedquestions, array_values($gotquestions)); } public function test_question_saving_twosubq() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $questiondata = test_question_maker::get_question_data('multianswer'); $formdata = test_question_maker::get_question_form_data('multianswer'); $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); $cat = $generator->create_question_category(array()); $formdata->category = "{$cat->id},{$cat->contextid}"; qtype_multianswer_edit_form::mock_submit((array)$formdata); $form = qtype_multianswer_test_helper::get_question_editing_form($cat, $questiondata); $this->assertTrue($form->is_validated()); $fromform = $form->get_data(); $returnedfromsave = $this->qtype->save_question($questiondata, $fromform); $actualquestionsdata = question_load_questions(array($returnedfromsave->id)); $actualquestiondata = end($actualquestionsdata); foreach ($questiondata as $property => $value) { if (!in_array($property, array('id', 'version', 'timemodified', 'timecreated', 'options', 'hints', 'stamp'))) { $this->assertAttributeEquals($value, $property, $actualquestiondata); } } foreach ($questiondata->options as $optionname => $value) { if ($optionname != 'questions') { $this->assertAttributeEquals($value, $optionname, $actualquestiondata->options); } } foreach ($questiondata->hints as $hint) { $actualhint = array_shift($actualquestiondata->hints); foreach ($hint as $property => $value) { if (!in_array($property, array('id', 'questionid', 'options'))) { $this->assertAttributeEquals($value, $property, $actualhint); } } } $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('questions', $actualquestiondata->options); $subqpropstoignore = array('id', 'category', 'parent', 'contextid', 'question', 'options', 'stamp', 'version', 'timemodified', 'timecreated'); foreach ($questiondata->options->questions as $subqno => $subq) { $actualsubq = $actualquestiondata->options->questions[$subqno]; foreach ($subq as $subqproperty => $subqvalue) { if (!in_array($subqproperty, $subqpropstoignore)) { $this->assertAttributeEquals($subqvalue, $subqproperty, $actualsubq); } } foreach ($subq->options as $optionname => $value) { if (!in_array($optionname, array('answers'))) { $this->assertAttributeEquals($value, $optionname, $actualsubq->options); } } foreach ($subq->options->answers as $answer) { $actualanswer = array_shift($actualsubq->options->answers); foreach ($answer as $ansproperty => $ansvalue) { // These questions do not use 'answerformat', will ignore it. if (!in_array($ansproperty, array('id', 'question', 'answerformat'))) { $this->assertAttributeEquals($ansvalue, $ansproperty, $actualanswer); } } } } } /** * Verify that the multiplechoice variants parameters are correctly interpreted from * the question text * * */ public function test_questiontext_extraction_of_multiplechoice_subquestions_variants() { $questiontext = array(); $questiontext['format'] = FORMAT_HTML; $questiontext['itemid'] = ''; $questiontext['text'] = '

Match the following cities with the correct state:

'; $q = qtype_multianswer_extract_question($questiontext); foreach ($q->options->questions as $key => $sub) { $this->assertSame($sub->qtype, 'multichoice'); if ($key == 1 || $key == 2 || $key == 5 || $key == 6 || $key == 9 || $key == 10) { $this->assertSame($sub->shuffleanswers, 0); } else { $this->assertSame($sub->shuffleanswers, 1); } if ($key == 1 || $key == 2 || $key == 3 || $key == 4) { $this->assertSame($sub->layout, qtype_multichoice_base::LAYOUT_DROPDOWN); } else if ($key == 5 || $key == 6 || $key == 7 || $key == 8) { $this->assertSame($sub->layout, qtype_multichoice_base::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL); } else if ($key == 9 || $key == 10 || $key == 11 || $key == 12) { $this->assertSame($sub->layout, qtype_multichoice_base::LAYOUT_VERTICAL); } } } }