. /** * Test helpers for the multianswer question type. * * @package qtype_multianswer * @copyright 2013 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/multianswer/question.php'); /** * Test helper class for the multianswer question type. * * @copyright 2013 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_multianswer_test_helper extends question_test_helper { public function get_test_questions() { return array('twosubq', 'fourmc', 'numericalzero', 'dollarsigns', 'multiple'); } /** * Makes a multianswer question about completing two blanks in some text. * @return qtype_multianswer_question */ public function make_multianswer_question_twosubq() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('multianswer'); $q = new qtype_multianswer_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($q); $q->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $q->questiontext = 'Complete this opening line of verse: "The {#1} and the {#2} went to sea".'; $q->generalfeedback = 'General feedback: It\'s from "The Owl and the Pussy-cat" by Lear: ' . '"The owl and the pussycat went to sea'; $q->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('multianswer'); $q->textfragments = array( 'Complete this opening line of verse: "The ', ' and the ', ' went to sea".', ); $q->places = array('1' => '1', '2' => '2'); // Shortanswer subquestion. question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('shortanswer'); $sa = new qtype_shortanswer_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($sa); $sa->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $sa->questiontext = '{1:SHORTANSWER:Dog#Wrong, silly!~=Owl#Well done!~*#Wrong answer}'; $sa->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $sa->generalfeedback = ''; $sa->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $sa->usecase = true; $sa->answers = array( 13 => new question_answer(13, 'Dog', 0.0, 'Wrong, silly!', FORMAT_HTML), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'Owl', 1.0, 'Well done!', FORMAT_HTML), 15 => new question_answer(15, '*', 0.0, 'Wrong answer', FORMAT_HTML), ); $sa->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('shortanswer'); $sa->maxmark = 1; // Multiple-choice subquestion. question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('multichoice'); $mc = new qtype_multichoice_single_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($mc); $mc->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $mc->questiontext = '{1:MULTICHOICE:Bow-wow#You seem to have a dog obsessions!' . '~Wiggly worm#Now you are just being rediculous!~=Pussy-cat#Well done!}'; $mc->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML; $mc->generalfeedback = ''; $mc->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML; $mc->shuffleanswers = 0; $mc->answernumbering = 'none'; $mc->layout = qtype_multichoice_base::LAYOUT_DROPDOWN; $mc->answers = array( 13 => new question_answer(13, 'Bow-wow', 0, 'You seem to have a dog obsessions!', FORMAT_HTML), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'Wiggly worm', 0, 'Now you are just being rediculous!', FORMAT_HTML), 15 => new question_answer(15, 'Pussy-cat', 1, 'Well done!', FORMAT_HTML), ); $mc->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('multichoice'); $mc->maxmark = 1; $q->subquestions = array( 1 => $sa, 2 => $mc, ); return $q; } /** * Makes a multianswer question about completing two blanks in some text. * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from * get_question_options. */ public function get_multianswer_question_data_twosubq() { $qdata = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($qdata); $qdata->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $qdata->questiontext = 'Complete this opening line of verse: "The {#1} and the {#2} went to sea".'; $qdata->generalfeedback = 'General feedback: It\'s from "The Owl and the Pussy-cat" by Lear: ' . '"The owl and the pussycat went to sea'; $qdata->defaultmark = 2.0; $qdata->qtype = 'multianswer'; $sa = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($sa); $sa->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $sa->questiontext = '{1:SHORTANSWER:Dog#Wrong, silly!~=Owl#Well done!~*#Wrong answer}'; $sa->generalfeedback = ''; $sa->penalty = 0.0; $sa->qtype = 'shortanswer'; $sa->options = new stdClass(); $sa->options->usecase = 0; $sa->options->answers = array( 13 => new question_answer(13, 'Dog', 0, 'Wrong, silly!', FORMAT_HTML), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'Owl', 1, 'Well done!', FORMAT_HTML), 15 => new question_answer(15, '*', 0, 'Wrong answer', FORMAT_HTML), ); $mc = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($mc); $mc->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $mc->questiontext = '{1:MULTICHOICE:Bow-wow#You seem to have a dog obsessions!~' . 'Wiggly worm#Now you are just being ridiculous!~=Pussy-cat#Well done!}'; $mc->generalfeedback = ''; $mc->penalty = 0.0; $mc->qtype = 'multichoice'; $mc->options = new stdClass(); $mc->options->layout = 0; $mc->options->single = 1; $mc->options->shuffleanswers = 0; $mc->options->correctfeedback = ''; $mc->options->correctfeedbackformat = 1; $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = ''; $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = 1; $mc->options->incorrectfeedback = ''; $mc->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = 1; $mc->options->answernumbering = 0; $mc->options->shownumcorrect = 0; $mc->options->answers = array( 23 => new question_answer(23, 'Bow-wow', 0, 'You seem to have a dog obsessions!', FORMAT_HTML), 24 => new question_answer(24, 'Wiggly worm', 0, 'Now you are just being ridiculous!', FORMAT_HTML), 25 => new question_answer(25, 'Pussy-cat', 1, 'Well done!', FORMAT_HTML), ); $qdata->options = new stdClass(); $qdata->options->questions = array( 1 => $sa, 2 => $mc, ); $qdata->hints = array( new question_hint_with_parts(0, 'Hint 1', FORMAT_HTML, 0, 0), new question_hint_with_parts(0, 'Hint 2', FORMAT_HTML, 0, 0), ); return $qdata; } /** * Makes a multianswer question onetaining one blank in some text. * This question has no hints. * * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from * get_question_options. */ public function get_multianswer_question_data_dollarsigns() { $qdata = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($qdata); $qdata->name = 'Multianswer with $s'; $qdata->questiontext = 'Which is the right order? {#1}'; $qdata->generalfeedback = ''; $qdata->defaultmark = 1.0; $qdata->qtype = 'multianswer'; $mc = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($mc); $mc->name = 'Multianswer with $s'; $mc->questiontext = '{1:MULTICHOICE:=y,y,$3~$3,y,y}'; $mc->generalfeedback = ''; $mc->penalty = 0.0; $mc->qtype = 'multichoice'; $mc->options = new stdClass(); $mc->options->layout = 0; $mc->options->single = 1; $mc->options->shuffleanswers = 0; $mc->options->correctfeedback = ''; $mc->options->correctfeedbackformat = 1; $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = ''; $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = 1; $mc->options->incorrectfeedback = ''; $mc->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = 1; $mc->options->answernumbering = 0; $mc->options->shownumcorrect = 0; $mc->options->answers = array( 23 => new question_answer(23, 'y,y,$3', 0, '', FORMAT_HTML), 24 => new question_answer(24, '$3,y,y', 0, '', FORMAT_HTML), ); $qdata->options = new stdClass(); $qdata->options->questions = array( 1 => $mc, ); $qdata->hints = array( ); return $qdata; } /** * Makes a multianswer question about completing two blanks in some text. * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from * the question editing form. */ public function get_multianswer_question_form_data_twosubq() { $formdata = new stdClass(); $formdata->name = 'Simple multianswer'; $formdata->questiontext = array('text' => 'Complete this opening line of verse: "The ' . '{1:SHORTANSWER:Dog#Wrong, silly!~=Owl#Well done!~*#Wrong answer} ' . 'and the {1:MULTICHOICE:Bow-wow#You seem to have a dog obsessions!' . '~Wiggly worm#Now you are just being ridiculous!~=Pussy-cat#Well done!}' . ' went to sea".', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); $formdata->generalfeedback = array('text' => 'General feedback: It\'s from "The Owl and the Pussy-cat" ' . 'by Lear: "The owl and the pussycat went to sea', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); $formdata->hint = array( 0 => array('text' => 'Hint 1', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0), 1 => array('text' => 'Hint 2', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'itemid' => 0), ); return $formdata; } /** * Makes a multianswer question about completing two blanks in some text. * @return qtype_multianswer_question */ public function make_multianswer_question_fourmc() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('multianswer'); $q = new qtype_multianswer_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($q); $q->name = 'Multianswer four multi-choice'; $q->questiontext = '
Match the following cities with the correct state:
Match the following cities with the correct state: