. /** * Upgrade library code for the multianswer question type. * * @package qtype * @subpackage multianswer * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Class for converting attempt data for multianswer questions when upgrading * attempts to the new question engine. * * This class is used by the code in question/engine/upgrade/upgradelib.php. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_multianswer_qe2_attempt_updater extends question_qtype_attempt_updater { public function question_summary() { $summary = $this->to_text($this->question->questiontext); foreach ($this->question->options->questions as $i => $subq) { switch ($subq->qtype) { case 'multichoice': $choices = array(); foreach ($subq->options->answers as $ans) { $choices[] = $this->to_text($ans->answer); } $answerbit = '{' . implode('; ', $choices) . '}'; break; case 'numerical': case 'shortanswer': $answerbit = '_____'; break; default: $answerbit = '{ERR unknown sub-question type}'; } $summary = str_replace('{#' . $i . '}', $answerbit, $summary); } return $summary; } public function right_answer() { $right = array(); foreach ($this->question->options->questions as $i => $subq) { foreach ($subq->options->answers as $ans) { if ($ans->fraction > 0.999) { $right[$i] = $ans->answer; break; } } } return $this->display_response($right); } public function explode_answer($answer) { $response = array(); foreach (explode(',', $answer) as $part) { list($index, $partanswer) = explode('-', $part, 2); $response[$index] = str_replace( array(',', '-'), array(",", "-"), $partanswer); } return $response; } public function display_response($response) { $summary = array(); foreach ($this->question->options->questions as $i => $subq) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->i = $i; $a->response = $this->to_text($response[$i]); $summary[] = get_string('subqresponse', 'qtype_multianswer', $a); } return implode('; ', $summary); } public function response_summary($state) { $response = $this->explode_answer($state->answer); foreach ($this->question->options->questions as $i => $subq) { if ($response[$i] && $subq->qtype == 'multichoice') { $response[$i] = $subq->options->answers[$response[$i]]->answer; } } return $this->display_response($response); } public function was_answered($state) { return !empty($state->answer); } public function set_first_step_data_elements($state, &$data) { foreach ($this->question->options->questions as $i => $subq) { switch ($subq->qtype) { case 'multichoice': $data[$this->add_prefix('_order', $i)] = implode(',', array_keys($subq->options->answers)); break; case 'numerical': $data[$this->add_prefix('_separators', $i)] = '.$,'; break; } } } public function supply_missing_first_step_data(&$data) { } public function set_data_elements_for_step($state, &$data) { $response = $this->explode_answer($state->answer); foreach ($this->question->options->questions as $i => $subq) { if (empty($response[$i])) { continue; } switch ($subq->qtype) { case 'multichoice': $choices = array(); $order = 0; foreach ($subq->options->answers as $ans) { if ($ans->id == $response[$i]) { $data[$this->add_prefix('answer', $i)] = $order; } $order++; } $answerbit = '{' . implode('; ', $choices) . '}'; break; case 'numerical': case 'shortanswer': $data[$this->add_prefix('answer', $i)] = $response[$i]; break; } } } public function add_prefix($field, $i) { $prefix = 'sub' . $i . '_'; if (substr($field, 0, 2) === '!_') { return '-_' . $prefix . substr($field, 2); } else if (substr($field, 0, 1) === '-') { return '-' . $prefix . substr($field, 1); } else if (substr($field, 0, 1) === '_') { return '_' . $prefix . substr($field, 1); } else { return $prefix . $field; } } }