. /** * A base class for question editing forms. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage questiontypes * @copyright 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/formslib.php'); abstract class question_wizard_form extends moodleform { /** * Add all the hidden form fields used by question/question.php. */ protected function add_hidden_fields() { $mform = $this->_form; $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id'); $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'inpopup'); $mform->setType('inpopup', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'cmid'); $mform->setType('cmid', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'courseid'); $mform->setType('courseid', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'returnurl'); $mform->setType('returnurl', PARAM_LOCALURL); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'scrollpos'); $mform->setType('scrollpos', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'appendqnumstring'); $mform->setType('appendqnumstring', PARAM_ALPHA); } } /** * Form definition base class. This defines the common fields that * all question types need. Question types should define their own * class that inherits from this one, and implements the definition_inner() * method. * * @copyright 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License */ abstract class question_edit_form extends question_wizard_form { const DEFAULT_NUM_HINTS = 2; /** * Question object with options and answers already loaded by get_question_options * Be careful how you use this it is needed sometimes to set up the structure of the * form in definition_inner but data is always loaded into the form with set_data. * @var object */ protected $question; protected $contexts; protected $category; protected $categorycontext; /** @var object current context */ public $context; /** @var array html editor options */ public $editoroptions; /** @var array options to preapre draft area */ public $fileoptions; /** @var object instance of question type */ public $instance; public function __construct($submiturl, $question, $category, $contexts, $formeditable = true) { global $DB; $this->question = $question; $this->contexts = $contexts; $record = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $question->category), 'contextid'); $this->context = context::instance_by_id($record->contextid); $this->editoroptions = array('subdirs' => 1, 'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'context' => $this->context); $this->fileoptions = array('subdirs' => 1, 'maxfiles' => -1, 'maxbytes' => -1); $this->category = $category; $this->categorycontext = context::instance_by_id($category->contextid); parent::__construct($submiturl, null, 'post', '', null, $formeditable); } /** * Build the form definition. * * This adds all the form fields that the default question type supports. * If your question type does not support all these fields, then you can * override this method and remove the ones you don't want with $mform->removeElement(). */ protected function definition() { global $COURSE, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE; $qtype = $this->qtype(); $langfile = "qtype_{$qtype}"; $mform = $this->_form; // Standard fields at the start of the form. $mform->addElement('header', 'generalheader', get_string("general", 'form')); if (!isset($this->question->id)) { if (!empty($this->question->formoptions->mustbeusable)) { $contexts = $this->contexts->having_add_and_use(); } else { $contexts = $this->contexts->having_cap('moodle/question:add'); } // Adding question. $mform->addElement('questioncategory', 'category', get_string('category', 'question'), array('contexts' => $contexts)); } else if (!($this->question->formoptions->canmove || $this->question->formoptions->cansaveasnew)) { // Editing question with no permission to move from category. $mform->addElement('questioncategory', 'category', get_string('category', 'question'), array('contexts' => array($this->categorycontext))); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'usecurrentcat', 1); $mform->setType('usecurrentcat', PARAM_BOOL); $mform->setConstant('usecurrentcat', 1); } else { // Editing question with permission to move from category or save as new q. $currentgrp = array(); $currentgrp[0] = $mform->createElement('questioncategory', 'category', get_string('categorycurrent', 'question'), array('contexts' => array($this->categorycontext))); if ($this->question->formoptions->canedit || $this->question->formoptions->cansaveasnew) { // Not move only form. $currentgrp[1] = $mform->createElement('checkbox', 'usecurrentcat', '', get_string('categorycurrentuse', 'question')); $mform->setDefault('usecurrentcat', 1); } $currentgrp[0]->freeze(); $currentgrp[0]->setPersistantFreeze(false); $mform->addGroup($currentgrp, 'currentgrp', get_string('categorycurrent', 'question'), null, false); $mform->addElement('questioncategory', 'categorymoveto', get_string('categorymoveto', 'question'), array('contexts' => array($this->categorycontext))); if ($this->question->formoptions->canedit || $this->question->formoptions->cansaveasnew) { // Not move only form. $mform->disabledIf('categorymoveto', 'usecurrentcat', 'checked'); } } $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('questionname', 'question'), array('size' => 50, 'maxlength' => 255)); $mform->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addRule('name', null, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('editor', 'questiontext', get_string('questiontext', 'question'), array('rows' => 15), $this->editoroptions); $mform->setType('questiontext', PARAM_RAW); $mform->addRule('questiontext', null, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('float', 'defaultmark', get_string('defaultmark', 'question'), array('size' => 7)); $mform->setDefault('defaultmark', 1); $mform->addRule('defaultmark', null, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('editor', 'generalfeedback', get_string('generalfeedback', 'question'), array('rows' => 10), $this->editoroptions); $mform->setType('generalfeedback', PARAM_RAW); $mform->addHelpButton('generalfeedback', 'generalfeedback', 'question'); $mform->addElement('text', 'idnumber', get_string('idnumber', 'question'), 'maxlength="100" size="10"'); $mform->addHelpButton('idnumber', 'idnumber', 'question'); $mform->setType('idnumber', PARAM_RAW); // Any questiontype specific fields. $this->definition_inner($mform); if (core_tag_tag::is_enabled('core_question', 'question')) { $this->add_tag_fields($mform); } if (!empty($this->question->id)) { $mform->addElement('header', 'createdmodifiedheader', get_string('createdmodifiedheader', 'question')); $a = new stdClass(); if (!empty($this->question->createdby)) { $a->time = userdate($this->question->timecreated); $a->user = fullname($DB->get_record( 'user', array('id' => $this->question->createdby))); } else { $a->time = get_string('unknown', 'question'); $a->user = get_string('unknown', 'question'); } $mform->addElement('static', 'created', get_string('created', 'question'), get_string('byandon', 'question', $a)); if (!empty($this->question->modifiedby)) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->time = userdate($this->question->timemodified); $a->user = fullname($DB->get_record( 'user', array('id' => $this->question->modifiedby))); $mform->addElement('static', 'modified', get_string('modified', 'question'), get_string('byandon', 'question', $a)); } } $this->add_hidden_fields(); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'qtype'); $mform->setType('qtype', PARAM_ALPHA); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'makecopy'); $mform->setType('makecopy', PARAM_INT); $buttonarray = array(); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'updatebutton', get_string('savechangesandcontinueediting', 'question')); if ($this->can_preview()) { $previewlink = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_question')->question_preview_link( $this->question->id, $this->context, true); $buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('static', 'previewlink', '', $previewlink); } $mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'updatebuttonar', '', array(' '), false); $mform->closeHeaderBefore('updatebuttonar'); $this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('savechanges')); if ((!empty($this->question->id)) && (!($this->question->formoptions->canedit || $this->question->formoptions->cansaveasnew))) { $mform->hardFreezeAllVisibleExcept(array('categorymoveto', 'buttonar', 'currentgrp')); } } /** * Add any question-type specific form fields. * * @param object $mform the form being built. */ protected function definition_inner($mform) { // By default, do nothing. } /** * Is the question being edited in a state where it can be previewed? * @return bool whether to show the preview link. */ protected function can_preview() { return empty($this->question->beingcopied) && !empty($this->question->id) && $this->question->formoptions->canedit; } /** * Get the list of form elements to repeat, one for each answer. * @param object $mform the form being built. * @param $label the label to use for each option. * @param $gradeoptions the possible grades for each answer. * @param $repeatedoptions reference to array of repeated options to fill * @param $answersoption reference to return the name of $question->options * field holding an array of answers * @return array of form fields. */ protected function get_per_answer_fields($mform, $label, $gradeoptions, &$repeatedoptions, &$answersoption) { $repeated = array(); $answeroptions = array(); $answeroptions[] = $mform->createElement('text', 'answer', $label, array('size' => 40)); $answeroptions[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'fraction', get_string('grade'), $gradeoptions); $repeated[] = $mform->createElement('group', 'answeroptions', $label, $answeroptions, null, false); $repeated[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'feedback', get_string('feedback', 'question'), array('rows' => 5), $this->editoroptions); $repeatedoptions['answer']['type'] = PARAM_RAW; $repeatedoptions['fraction']['default'] = 0; $answersoption = 'answers'; return $repeated; } /** * Add the tag and course tag fields to the mform. * * If the form is being built in a course context then add the field * for course tags. * * If the question category doesn't belong to a course context or we * aren't editing in a course context then add the tags element to allow * tags to be added to the question category context. * * @param object $mform The form being built */ protected function add_tag_fields($mform) { global $CFG, $DB; $hastagcapability = question_has_capability_on($this->question, 'tag'); // Is the question category in a course context? $qcontext = $this->categorycontext; $qcoursecontext = $qcontext->get_course_context(false); $iscourseoractivityquestion = !empty($qcoursecontext); // Is the current context we're editing in a course context? $editingcontext = $this->contexts->lowest(); $editingcoursecontext = $editingcontext->get_course_context(false); $iseditingcontextcourseoractivity = !empty($editingcoursecontext); $mform->addElement('header', 'tagsheader', get_string('tags')); $tags = \core_tag_tag::get_tags_by_area_in_contexts('core_question', 'question', $this->contexts->all()); $tagstrings = []; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagstrings[$tag->name] = $tag->name; } $showstandard = core_tag_area::get_showstandard('core_question', 'question'); if ($showstandard != core_tag_tag::HIDE_STANDARD) { $namefield = empty($CFG->keeptagnamecase) ? 'name' : 'rawname'; $standardtags = $DB->get_records('tag', array('isstandard' => 1, 'tagcollid' => core_tag_area::get_collection('core', 'question')), $namefield, 'id,' . $namefield); foreach ($standardtags as $standardtag) { $tagstrings[$standardtag->$namefield] = $standardtag->$namefield; } } $options = [ 'tags' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'noselectionstring' => get_string('anytags', 'quiz'), ]; $mform->addElement('autocomplete', 'tags', get_string('tags'), $tagstrings, $options); if (!$hastagcapability) { $mform->hardFreeze('tags'); } if ($iseditingcontextcourseoractivity && !$iscourseoractivityquestion) { // If the question is being edited in a course or activity context // and the question isn't a course or activity level question then // allow course tags to be added to the course. $coursetagheader = get_string('questionformtagheader', 'core_question', $editingcoursecontext->get_context_name(true)); $mform->addElement('header', 'coursetagsheader', $coursetagheader); $mform->addElement('autocomplete', 'coursetags', get_string('tags'), $tagstrings, $options); if (!$hastagcapability) { $mform->hardFreeze('coursetags'); } } } /** * Add a set of form fields, obtained from get_per_answer_fields, to the form, * one for each existing answer, with some blanks for some new ones. * @param object $mform the form being built. * @param $label the label to use for each option. * @param $gradeoptions the possible grades for each answer. * @param $minoptions the minimum number of answer blanks to display. * Default QUESTION_NUMANS_START. * @param $addoptions the number of answer blanks to add. Default QUESTION_NUMANS_ADD. */ protected function add_per_answer_fields(&$mform, $label, $gradeoptions, $minoptions = QUESTION_NUMANS_START, $addoptions = QUESTION_NUMANS_ADD) { $mform->addElement('header', 'answerhdr', get_string('answers', 'question'), ''); $mform->setExpanded('answerhdr', 1); $answersoption = ''; $repeatedoptions = array(); $repeated = $this->get_per_answer_fields($mform, $label, $gradeoptions, $repeatedoptions, $answersoption); if (isset($this->question->options)) { $repeatsatstart = count($this->question->options->$answersoption); } else { $repeatsatstart = $minoptions; } $this->repeat_elements($repeated, $repeatsatstart, $repeatedoptions, 'noanswers', 'addanswers', $addoptions, $this->get_more_choices_string(), true); } /** * Language string to use for 'Add {no} more {whatever we call answers}'. */ protected function get_more_choices_string() { return get_string('addmorechoiceblanks', 'question'); } protected function add_combined_feedback_fields($withshownumpartscorrect = false) { $mform = $this->_form; $mform->addElement('header', 'combinedfeedbackhdr', get_string('combinedfeedback', 'question')); $fields = array('correctfeedback', 'partiallycorrectfeedback', 'incorrectfeedback'); foreach ($fields as $feedbackname) { $element = $mform->addElement('editor', $feedbackname, get_string($feedbackname, 'question'), array('rows' => 5), $this->editoroptions); $mform->setType($feedbackname, PARAM_RAW); // Using setValue() as setDefault() does not work for the editor class. $element->setValue(array('text' => get_string($feedbackname.'default', 'question'))); if ($withshownumpartscorrect && $feedbackname == 'partiallycorrectfeedback') { $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'shownumcorrect', get_string('options', 'question'), get_string('shownumpartscorrectwhenfinished', 'question')); $mform->setDefault('shownumcorrect', true); } } } /** * Create the form elements required by one hint. * @param string $withclearwrong whether this quesiton type uses the 'Clear wrong' option on hints. * @param string $withshownumpartscorrect whether this quesiton type uses the 'Show num parts correct' option on hints. * @return array form field elements for one hint. */ protected function get_hint_fields($withclearwrong = false, $withshownumpartscorrect = false) { $mform = $this->_form; $repeatedoptions = array(); $repeated = array(); $repeated[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'hint', get_string('hintn', 'question'), array('rows' => 5), $this->editoroptions); $repeatedoptions['hint']['type'] = PARAM_RAW; $optionelements = array(); if ($withclearwrong) { $optionelements[] = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'hintclearwrong', get_string('options', 'question'), get_string('clearwrongparts', 'question')); } if ($withshownumpartscorrect) { $optionelements[] = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'hintshownumcorrect', '', get_string('shownumpartscorrect', 'question')); } if (count($optionelements)) { $repeated[] = $mform->createElement('group', 'hintoptions', get_string('hintnoptions', 'question'), $optionelements, null, false); } return array($repeated, $repeatedoptions); } protected function add_interactive_settings($withclearwrong = false, $withshownumpartscorrect = false) { $mform = $this->_form; $mform->addElement('header', 'multitriesheader', get_string('settingsformultipletries', 'question')); $penalties = array( 1.0000000, 0.5000000, 0.3333333, 0.2500000, 0.2000000, 0.1000000, 0.0000000 ); if (!empty($this->question->penalty) && !in_array($this->question->penalty, $penalties)) { $penalties[] = $this->question->penalty; sort($penalties); } $penaltyoptions = array(); foreach ($penalties as $penalty) { $penaltyoptions["{$penalty}"] = (100 * $penalty) . '%'; } $mform->addElement('select', 'penalty', get_string('penaltyforeachincorrecttry', 'question'), $penaltyoptions); $mform->addHelpButton('penalty', 'penaltyforeachincorrecttry', 'question'); $mform->setDefault('penalty', 0.3333333); if (isset($this->question->hints)) { $counthints = count($this->question->hints); } else { $counthints = 0; } if ($this->question->formoptions->repeatelements) { $repeatsatstart = max(self::DEFAULT_NUM_HINTS, $counthints); } else { $repeatsatstart = $counthints; } list($repeated, $repeatedoptions) = $this->get_hint_fields( $withclearwrong, $withshownumpartscorrect); $this->repeat_elements($repeated, $repeatsatstart, $repeatedoptions, 'numhints', 'addhint', 1, get_string('addanotherhint', 'question'), true); } public function set_data($question) { question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype)->set_default_options($question); // Prepare question text. $draftid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('questiontext'); if (!empty($question->questiontext)) { $questiontext = $question->questiontext; } else { $questiontext = $this->_form->getElement('questiontext')->getValue(); $questiontext = $questiontext['text']; } $questiontext = file_prepare_draft_area($draftid, $this->context->id, 'question', 'questiontext', empty($question->id) ? null : (int) $question->id, $this->fileoptions, $questiontext); $question->questiontext = array(); $question->questiontext['text'] = $questiontext; $question->questiontext['format'] = empty($question->questiontextformat) ? editors_get_preferred_format() : $question->questiontextformat; $question->questiontext['itemid'] = $draftid; // Prepare general feedback. $draftid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('generalfeedback'); if (empty($question->generalfeedback)) { $generalfeedback = $this->_form->getElement('generalfeedback')->getValue(); $question->generalfeedback = $generalfeedback['text']; } $feedback = file_prepare_draft_area($draftid, $this->context->id, 'question', 'generalfeedback', empty($question->id) ? null : (int) $question->id, $this->fileoptions, $question->generalfeedback); $question->generalfeedback = array(); $question->generalfeedback['text'] = $feedback; $question->generalfeedback['format'] = empty($question->generalfeedbackformat) ? editors_get_preferred_format() : $question->generalfeedbackformat; $question->generalfeedback['itemid'] = $draftid; // Remove unnecessary trailing 0s form grade fields. if (isset($question->defaultgrade)) { $question->defaultgrade = 0 + $question->defaultgrade; } if (isset($question->penalty)) { $question->penalty = 0 + $question->penalty; } // Set any options. $extraquestionfields = question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype)->extra_question_fields(); if (is_array($extraquestionfields) && !empty($question->options)) { array_shift($extraquestionfields); foreach ($extraquestionfields as $field) { if (property_exists($question->options, $field)) { $question->$field = $question->options->$field; } } } // Subclass adds data_preprocessing code here. $question = $this->data_preprocessing($question); parent::set_data($question); } /** * Perform an preprocessing needed on the data passed to {@link set_data()} * before it is used to initialise the form. * @param object $question the data being passed to the form. * @return object $question the modified data. */ protected function data_preprocessing($question) { return $question; } /** * Perform the necessary preprocessing for the fields added by * {@link add_per_answer_fields()}. * @param object $question the data being passed to the form. * @return object $question the modified data. */ protected function data_preprocessing_answers($question, $withanswerfiles = false) { if (empty($question->options->answers)) { return $question; } $key = 0; foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) { if ($withanswerfiles) { // Prepare the feedback editor to display files in draft area. $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('answer['.$key.']'); $question->answer[$key]['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area( $draftitemid, // Draftid $this->context->id, // context 'question', // component 'answer', // filarea !empty($answer->id) ? (int) $answer->id : null, // itemid $this->fileoptions, // options $answer->answer // text. ); $question->answer[$key]['itemid'] = $draftitemid; $question->answer[$key]['format'] = $answer->answerformat; } else { $question->answer[$key] = $answer->answer; } $question->fraction[$key] = 0 + $answer->fraction; $question->feedback[$key] = array(); // Evil hack alert. Formslib can store defaults in two ways for // repeat elements: // ->_defaultValues['fraction[0]'] and // ->_defaultValues['fraction'][0]. // The $repeatedoptions['fraction']['default'] = 0 bit above means // that ->_defaultValues['fraction[0]'] has already been set, but we // are using object notation here, so we will be setting // ->_defaultValues['fraction'][0]. That does not work, so we have // to unset ->_defaultValues['fraction[0]']. unset($this->_form->_defaultValues["fraction[{$key}]"]); // Prepare the feedback editor to display files in draft area. $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('feedback['.$key.']'); $question->feedback[$key]['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area( $draftitemid, // Draftid $this->context->id, // context 'question', // component 'answerfeedback', // filarea !empty($answer->id) ? (int) $answer->id : null, // itemid $this->fileoptions, // options $answer->feedback // text. ); $question->feedback[$key]['itemid'] = $draftitemid; $question->feedback[$key]['format'] = $answer->feedbackformat; $key++; } // Now process extra answer fields. $extraanswerfields = question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype)->extra_answer_fields(); if (is_array($extraanswerfields)) { // Omit table name. array_shift($extraanswerfields); $question = $this->data_preprocessing_extra_answer_fields($question, $extraanswerfields); } return $question; } /** * Perform the necessary preprocessing for the extra answer fields. * * Questions that do something not trivial when editing extra answer fields * will want to override this. * @param object $question the data being passed to the form. * @param array $extraanswerfields extra answer fields (without table name). * @return object $question the modified data. */ protected function data_preprocessing_extra_answer_fields($question, $extraanswerfields) { // Setting $question->$field[$key] won't work in PHP, so we need set an array of answer values to $question->$field. // As we may have several extra fields with data for several answers in each, we use an array of arrays. // Index in $extrafieldsdata is an extra answer field name, value - array of it's data for each answer. $extrafieldsdata = array(); // First, prepare an array if empty arrays for each extra answer fields data. foreach ($extraanswerfields as $field) { $extrafieldsdata[$field] = array(); } // Fill arrays with data from $question->options->answers. $key = 0; foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) { foreach ($extraanswerfields as $field) { // See hack comment in {@link data_preprocessing_answers()}. unset($this->_form->_defaultValues["{$field}[{$key}]"]); $extrafieldsdata[$field][$key] = $this->data_preprocessing_extra_answer_field($answer, $field); } $key++; } // Set this data in the $question object. foreach ($extraanswerfields as $field) { $question->$field = $extrafieldsdata[$field]; } return $question; } /** * Perfmorm preprocessing for particular extra answer field. * * Questions with non-trivial DB - form element relationship will * want to override this. * @param object $answer an answer object to get extra field from. * @param string $field extra answer field name. * @return field value to be set to the form. */ protected function data_preprocessing_extra_answer_field($answer, $field) { return $answer->$field; } /** * Perform the necessary preprocessing for the fields added by * {@link add_combined_feedback_fields()}. * @param object $question the data being passed to the form. * @return object $question the modified data. */ protected function data_preprocessing_combined_feedback($question, $withshownumcorrect = false) { if (empty($question->options)) { return $question; } $fields = array('correctfeedback', 'partiallycorrectfeedback', 'incorrectfeedback'); foreach ($fields as $feedbackname) { $draftid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid($feedbackname); $feedback = array(); $feedback['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area( $draftid, // Draftid $this->context->id, // context 'question', // component $feedbackname, // filarea !empty($question->id) ? (int) $question->id : null, // itemid $this->fileoptions, // options $question->options->$feedbackname // text. ); $feedbackformat = $feedbackname . 'format'; $feedback['format'] = $question->options->$feedbackformat; $feedback['itemid'] = $draftid; $question->$feedbackname = $feedback; } if ($withshownumcorrect) { $question->shownumcorrect = $question->options->shownumcorrect; } return $question; } /** * Perform the necessary preprocessing for the hint fields. * @param object $question the data being passed to the form. * @return object $question the modified data. */ protected function data_preprocessing_hints($question, $withclearwrong = false, $withshownumpartscorrect = false) { if (empty($question->hints)) { return $question; } $key = 0; foreach ($question->hints as $hint) { $question->hint[$key] = array(); // Prepare feedback editor to display files in draft area. $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('hint['.$key.']'); $question->hint[$key]['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area( $draftitemid, // Draftid $this->context->id, // context 'question', // component 'hint', // filarea !empty($hint->id) ? (int) $hint->id : null, // itemid $this->fileoptions, // options $hint->hint // text. ); $question->hint[$key]['itemid'] = $draftitemid; $question->hint[$key]['format'] = $hint->hintformat; $key++; if ($withclearwrong) { $question->hintclearwrong[] = $hint->clearwrong; } if ($withshownumpartscorrect) { $question->hintshownumcorrect[] = $hint->shownumcorrect; } } return $question; } public function validation($fromform, $files) { global $DB; $errors = parent::validation($fromform, $files); if (empty($fromform['makecopy']) && isset($this->question->id) && ($this->question->formoptions->canedit || $this->question->formoptions->cansaveasnew) && empty($fromform['usecurrentcat']) && !$this->question->formoptions->canmove) { $errors['currentgrp'] = get_string('nopermissionmove', 'question'); } // Category. if (empty($fromform['category'])) { // User has provided an invalid category. $errors['category'] = get_string('required'); } // Default mark. if (array_key_exists('defaultmark', $fromform) && $fromform['defaultmark'] < 0) { $errors['defaultmark'] = get_string('defaultmarkmustbepositive', 'question'); } // Can only have one idnumber per category. if (strpos($fromform['category'], ',') !== false) { list($category, $categorycontextid) = explode(',', $fromform['category']); } else { $category = $fromform['category']; } if (isset($fromform['idnumber']) && ((string) $fromform['idnumber'] !== '')) { if (empty($fromform['usecurrentcat']) && !empty($fromform['categorymoveto'])) { $categoryinfo = $fromform['categorymoveto']; } else { $categoryinfo = $fromform['category']; } list($categoryid, $notused) = explode(',', $categoryinfo); $conditions = 'category = ? AND idnumber = ?'; $params = [$categoryid, $fromform['idnumber']]; if (!empty($this->question->id)) { $conditions .= ' AND id <> ?'; $params[] = $this->question->id; } if ($DB->record_exists_select('question', $conditions, $params)) { $errors['idnumber'] = get_string('idnumbertaken', 'error'); } } return $errors; } /** * Override this in the subclass to question type name. * @return the question type name, should be the same as the name() method * in the question type class. */ public abstract function qtype(); /** * Returns an array of editor options with collapsed options turned off. * @deprecated since 2.6 * @return array */ protected function get_non_collabsible_editor_options() { debugging('get_non_collabsible_editor_options() is deprecated, use $this->editoroptions instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return $this->editoroptions; } }