. /** * Test helpers for the calculated question type. * * @package qtype * @subpackage calculated * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/calculated/question.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/numerical/question.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/numerical/questiontype.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/tests/helpers.php'); /** * Test helper class for the calculated question type. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_calculated_test_helper extends question_test_helper { public function get_test_questions() { return array('sum'); } /** * Makes a calculated question about summing two numbers. * @return qtype_calculated_question */ public function make_calculated_question_sum() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('calculated'); $q = new qtype_calculated_question(); test_question_maker::initialise_a_question($q); $q->name = 'Simple sum'; $q->questiontext = 'What is {a} + {b}?'; $q->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: {={a} + {b}} is the right answer.'; $q->answers = array( 13 => new qtype_numerical_answer(13, '{a} + {b}', 1.0, 'Very good.', FORMAT_HTML, 0), 14 => new qtype_numerical_answer(14, '{a} - {b}', 0.0, 'Add. not subtract!.', FORMAT_HTML, 0), 17 => new qtype_numerical_answer(17, '*', 0.0, 'Completely wrong.', FORMAT_HTML, 0), ); foreach ($q->answers as $answer) { $answer->correctanswerlength = 2; $answer->correctanswerformat = 1; } $q->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('calculated'); $q->unitdisplay = qtype_numerical::UNITNONE; $q->unitgradingtype = 0; $q->unitpenalty = 0; $q->ap = new qtype_numerical_answer_processor(array()); $q->synchronised = false; $q->datasetloader = new qtype_calculated_test_dataset_loader(0, array( array('a' => 1, 'b' => 5), array('a' => 3, 'b' => 4), array('a' => 3, 'b' => 0.01416), array('a' => 31, 'b' => 0.01416), )); return $q; } /** * Makes a calculated question about summing two numbers. * @return qtype_calculated_question */ public function get_calculated_question_data_sum() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('calculated'); $qdata = new stdClass(); test_question_maker::initialise_question_data($qdata); $qdata->qtype = 'calculated'; $qdata->name = 'Simple sum'; $qdata->questiontext = 'What is {a} + {b}?'; $qdata->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: {={a} + {b}} is the right answer.'; $qdata->options = new stdClass(); $qdata->options->unitgradingtype = 0; $qdata->options->unitpenalty = 0.0; $qdata->options->showunits = qtype_numerical::UNITNONE; $qdata->options->unitsleft = 0; $qdata->options->synchronize = 0; $qdata->options->answers = array( 13 => new qtype_numerical_answer(13, '{a} + {b}', 1.0, 'Very good.', FORMAT_HTML, 0.001), 14 => new qtype_numerical_answer(14, '{a} - {b}', 0.0, 'Add. not subtract!.', FORMAT_HTML, 0.001), 17 => new qtype_numerical_answer(17, '*', 0.0, 'Completely wrong.', FORMAT_HTML, 0), ); foreach ($qdata->options->answers as $answer) { $answer->correctanswerlength = 2; $answer->correctanswerformat = 1; } $qdata->options->units = array(); return $qdata; } /** * Makes a calculated question about summing two numbers. * @return qtype_calculated_question */ public function get_calculated_question_form_data_sum() { question_bank::load_question_definition_classes('calculated'); $fromform = new stdClass(); $fromform->name = 'Simple sum'; $fromform->questiontext = 'What is {a} + {b}?'; $fromform->defaultmark = 1.0; $fromform->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: {={a} + {b}} is the right answer.'; $fromform->unitrole = '3'; $fromform->unitpenalty = 0.1; $fromform->unitgradingtypes = '1'; $fromform->unitsleft = '0'; $fromform->nounits = 1; $fromform->multiplier = array(); $fromform->multiplier[0] = '1.0'; $fromform->synchronize = 0; $fromform->answernumbering = 0; $fromform->shuffleanswers = 0; $fromform->noanswers = 6; $fromform->answer = array(); $fromform->answer[0] = '{a} + {b}'; $fromform->answer[1] = '{a} - {b}'; $fromform->answer[2] = '*'; $fromform->fraction = array(); $fromform->fraction[0] = '1.0'; $fromform->fraction[1] = '0.0'; $fromform->fraction[2] = '0.0'; $fromform->tolerance = array(); $fromform->tolerance[0] = 0.001; $fromform->tolerance[1] = 0.001; $fromform->tolerance[2] = 0; $fromform->tolerancetype[0] = 1; $fromform->tolerancetype[1] = 1; $fromform->tolerancetype[2] = 1; $fromform->correctanswerlength[0] = 2; $fromform->correctanswerlength[1] = 2; $fromform->correctanswerlength[2] = 2; $fromform->correctanswerformat[0] = 1; $fromform->correctanswerformat[1] = 1; $fromform->correctanswerformat[2] = 1; $fromform->feedback = array(); $fromform->feedback[0] = array(); $fromform->feedback[0]['format'] = FORMAT_HTML; $fromform->feedback[0]['text'] = 'Very good.'; $fromform->feedback[1] = array(); $fromform->feedback[1]['format'] = FORMAT_HTML; $fromform->feedback[1]['text'] = 'Add. not subtract!'; $fromform->feedback[2] = array(); $fromform->feedback[2]['format'] = FORMAT_HTML; $fromform->feedback[2]['text'] = 'Completely wrong.'; return $fromform; } } /** * Test implementation of {@link qtype_calculated_dataset_loader}. Gets the values * from an array passed to the constructor, rather than querying the database. * * @copyright 2011 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qtype_calculated_test_dataset_loader extends qtype_calculated_dataset_loader{ protected $valuesets; protected $aresynchronised = array(); public function __construct($questionid, array $valuesets) { parent::__construct($questionid); $this->valuesets = $valuesets; } public function get_number_of_items() { return count($this->valuesets); } public function load_values($itemnumber) { return $this->valuesets[$itemnumber - 1]; } public function datasets_are_synchronised($category) { return !empty($this->aresynchronised[$category]); } /** * Allows the test to mock the return value of {@link datasets_are_synchronised()}. * @param int $category * @param bool $aresychronised */ public function set_are_synchronised($category, $aresychronised) { $this->aresynchronised[$category] = $aresychronised; } }