. /** * Strings for component 'qtype_calculated', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package qtype * @subpackage calculated * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['additem'] = 'Add item'; $string['addmoreanswerblanks'] = 'Add another answer blank.'; $string['addsets'] = 'Add set(s)'; $string['answerformula'] = 'Answer {$a} formula'; $string['answerdisplay'] = 'Answer display'; $string['answerhdr'] = 'Answer'; $string['answerstoleranceparam'] = 'Answers tolerance parameters'; $string['answerwithtolerance'] = '{$a->answer} (±{$a->tolerance} {$a->tolerancetype})'; $string['anyvalue'] = 'Any value'; $string['atleastoneanswer'] = 'You need to provide at least one answer.'; $string['atleastonerealdataset'] = 'There should be at least one real dataset in question text'; $string['atleastonewildcard'] = 'There should be at least one wild card in answer formula or question text'; $string['calcdistribution'] = 'Distribution'; $string['calclength'] = 'Decimal places'; $string['calcmax'] = 'Maximum'; $string['calcmin'] = 'Minimum'; $string['choosedatasetproperties'] = 'Choose wildcards dataset properties'; $string['choosedatasetproperties_help'] = 'A dataset is a set of values inserted in place of a wildcard. You can create a private dataset for a specific question, or a shared dataset that can be used for other calculated questions within the category.'; $string['correctanswerformula'] = 'Correct answer formula'; $string['correctanswershows'] = 'Correct answer shows'; $string['correctanswershowsformat'] = 'Format'; $string['correctfeedback'] = 'For any correct response'; $string['dataitemdefined'] = 'with {$a} numerical values already defined is available'; $string['datasetrole'] = ' The wild cards {x..} will be substituted by a numerical value from their dataset'; $string['decimals'] = 'with {$a}'; $string['deleteitem'] = 'Delete item'; $string['deletelastitem'] = 'Delete last item'; $string['distributionoption'] = 'Select distribution option'; $string['editdatasets'] = 'Edit the wildcards datasets'; $string['editdatasets_help'] = 'Wildcard values may be created by entering a number in each wild card field then clicking the add button. To automatically generate 10 or more values, select the number of values required before clicking the add button. A uniform distribution means any value between the limits is equally likely to be generated; a loguniform distribution means that values towards the lower limit are more likely.'; $string['editdatasets_link'] = 'question/type/calculated'; $string['existingcategory1'] = 'will use an already existing shared dataset'; $string['existingcategory2'] = 'a file from an already existing set of files that are also used by other questions in this category'; $string['existingcategory3'] = 'a link from an already existing set of links that are also used by other questions in this category'; $string['forceregeneration'] = 'force regeneration'; $string['forceregenerationall'] = 'forceregeneration of all wildcards'; $string['forceregenerationshared'] = 'forceregeneration of only non-shared wildcards'; $string['functiontakesatleasttwo'] = 'The function {$a} must have at least two arguments'; $string['functiontakesnoargs'] = 'The function {$a} does not take any arguments'; $string['functiontakesonearg'] = 'The function {$a} must have exactly one argument'; $string['functiontakesoneortwoargs'] = 'The function {$a} must have either one or two arguments'; $string['functiontakestwoargs'] = 'The function {$a} must have exactly two arguments'; $string['generatevalue'] = 'Generate a new value between'; $string['getnextnow'] = 'Get new \'Item to Add\' now'; $string['hexanotallowed'] = 'Dataset {$a->name} hexadecimal format value {$a->value} is not allowed'; $string['illegalformulasyntax'] = 'Illegal formula syntax starting with \'{$a}\''; $string['incorrectfeedback'] = 'For any incorrect response'; $string['item(s)'] = 'item(s)'; $string['itemno'] = 'Item {$a}'; $string['itemscount'] = 'Items
Count'; $string['itemtoadd'] = 'Item to add'; $string['keptcategory1'] = 'will use the same existing shared dataset as before'; $string['keptcategory2'] = 'a file from the same category reusable set of files as before'; $string['keptcategory3'] = 'a link from the same category reusable set of links as before'; $string['keptlocal1'] = 'will use the same existing private dataset as before'; $string['keptlocal2'] = 'a file from the same question private set of files as before'; $string['keptlocal3'] = 'a link from the same question private set of links as before'; $string['lastitem(s)'] = 'last items(s)'; $string['lengthoption'] = 'Select length option'; $string['loguniform'] = 'Loguniform'; $string['loguniformbit'] = 'digits, from a loguniform distribution'; $string['makecopynextpage'] = 'Next page (new question)'; $string['mandatoryhdr'] = 'Mandatory wild cards present in answers'; $string['max'] = 'Max'; $string['min'] = 'Min'; $string['minmax'] = 'Range of Values'; $string['missingformula'] = 'Missing formula'; $string['missingname'] = 'Missing question name'; $string['missingquestiontext'] = 'Missing question text'; $string['mustenteraformulaorstar'] = 'You must enter a formula or \'*\'.'; $string['newcategory1'] = 'will use a new shared dataset'; $string['newcategory2'] = 'a file from a new set of files that may also be used by other questions in this category'; $string['newcategory3'] = 'a link from a new set of links that may also be used by other questions in this category'; $string['newlocal1'] = 'will use a new private dataset'; $string['newlocal2'] = 'a file from a new set of files that will only be used by this question'; $string['newlocal3'] = 'a link from a new set of links that will only be used by this question'; $string['nextitemtoadd'] = 'Next \'Item to Add\''; $string['nextpage'] = 'Next page'; $string['nocoherencequestionsdatyasetcategory'] = 'For question id {$a->qid}, the category id {$a->qcat} is not identical with the shared wild card {$a->name} category id {$a->sharedcat}. Edit the question.'; $string['nocommaallowed'] = 'The , cannot be used, use . as in 0.013 or 1.3e-2'; $string['nodataset'] = 'nothing - it is not a wild card'; $string['nosharedwildcard'] = 'No shared wild card in this category'; $string['notvalidnumber'] = 'Wild card value is not a valid number '; $string['oneanswertrueansweroutsidelimits'] = 'At least one correct answer outside the true value limits.
Modify the answers tolerance settings available as Advanced parameters'; $string['param'] = 'Param {{$a}}'; $string['partiallycorrectfeedback'] = 'For any partially correct response'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Calculated'; $string['pluginname_help'] = 'Calculated questions enable individual numerical questions to be created using wildcards in curly brackets that are substituted with individual values when the quiz is taken. For example, the question "What is the area of a rectangle of length {l} and width {w}?" would have correct answer formula "{l}*{w}" (where * denotes multiplication).'; $string['pluginname_link'] = 'question/type/calculated'; $string['pluginnameadding'] = 'Adding a Calculated question'; $string['pluginnameediting'] = 'Editing a Calculated question'; $string['pluginnamesummary'] = 'Calculated questions are like numerical questions but with the numbers used selected randomly from a set when the quiz is taken.'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Calculated question type plugin does not store any personal data.'; $string['possiblehdr'] = 'Possible wild cards present only in the question text'; $string['questiondatasets'] = 'Question datasets'; $string['questiondatasets_help'] = 'Question datasets of wild cards that will be used in each individual question'; $string['questionstoredname'] = 'Question stored name'; $string['replacewithrandom'] = 'Replace with a random value'; $string['reuseifpossible'] = 'reuse previous value if available'; $string['sharedwildcard'] = 'Shared wild card {{$a}}'; $string['sharedwildcardname'] = 'Shared wild card '; $string['sharedwildcards'] = 'Shared wild cards'; $string['significantfigures'] = 'with {$a}'; $string['significantfiguresformat'] = 'significant figures'; $string['synchronize'] = 'Synchronise the data from shared datasets with other questions in a quiz'; $string['synchronizeno'] = 'Do not synchronise'; $string['synchronizeyes'] = 'Synchronise'; $string['synchronizeyesdisplay'] = 'Synchronise and display the shared datasets name as prefix of the question name'; $string['tolerance'] = 'Tolerance ±'; $string['tolerancetype'] = 'Type'; $string['trueanswerinsidelimits'] = 'Correct answer : {$a->correct} inside limits of true value {$a->true}'; $string['trueansweroutsidelimits'] = 'ERROR Correct answer : {$a->correct} outside limits of true value {$a->true}'; $string['uniform'] = 'Uniform'; $string['uniformbit'] = 'decimals, from a uniform distribution'; $string['updatecategory'] = 'Update the category'; $string['updatedatasetparam'] = 'Update the datasets parameters'; $string['updatetolerancesparam'] = 'Update the answers tolerance parameters'; $string['usedinquestion'] = 'Used in Question'; $string['youmustaddatleastoneitem'] = 'You must add at least one dataset item before you can save this question.'; $string['youmustaddatleastonevalue'] = 'You must add at least one set of wild card(s) values before you can save this question.'; $string['newsetwildcardvalues'] = 'new set(s) of wild card(s) values'; $string['setno'] = 'Set {$a}'; $string['setwildcardvalues'] = 'set(s) of wild card(s) values'; $string['showitems'] = 'Display'; $string['updatewildcardvalues'] = 'Update the wild card(s) values'; $string['unsupportedformulafunction'] = 'The function {$a} is not supported'; $string['useadvance'] = 'Use the advance button to see the errors'; $string['wildcard'] = 'Wild card {{$a}}'; $string['wildcardparam'] = 'Wild cards parameters used to generate the values'; $string['wildcardrole'] = 'The wild cards {x..} will be substituted by a numerical value from the generated values'; $string['wildcards'] = 'Wild cards {a}...{z}'; $string['wildcardvalues'] = 'Wild card(s) values'; $string['wildcardvaluesgenerated'] = 'Wild card(s) values generated'; $string['zerosignificantfiguresnotallowed'] = 'The correct answer cannot have zero significant figures!';