. /** * A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu. * * @package core_question * @copyright 2019 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_question\bank; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu. * * This question bank column, if added to the question bank, will * replace all of the other columns which implement the * {@link menuable_action} interface and replace them with a single * column containing an Edit menu. * * @copyright 2019 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class edit_menu_column extends column_base { /** * @var menuable_action[] */ protected $actions; /** * Set up the list of actions that should be shown in the menu. * * This takes a list of column object (the list from a question * bank view). It extracts all the ones that should go in the menu * and stores them for later use. Then it returns the remaining columns. * * @param column_base[] $allcolumns a set of columns. * @return column_base[] the non-action columns from the set. */ public function claim_menuable_columns($allcolumns) { $remainingcolumns = []; foreach ($allcolumns as $key => $column) { if ($column instanceof menuable_action) { $this->actions[$key] = $column; } else { $remainingcolumns[$key] = $column; } } return $remainingcolumns; } protected function get_title() { return get_string('actions'); } public function get_name() { return 'editmenu'; } protected function display_content($question, $rowclasses) { global $OUTPUT; $menu = new \action_menu(); $menu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('edit')); $menu->set_alignment(\action_menu::TL, \action_menu::BL); foreach ($this->actions as $actioncolumn) { $action = $actioncolumn->get_action_menu_link($question); if ($action) { $menu->add($action); } } $qtypeactions = \question_bank::get_qtype($question->qtype, false) ->get_extra_question_bank_actions($question); foreach ($qtypeactions as $action) { $menu->add($action); } echo $OUTPUT->render($menu); } public function get_required_fields() { return ['q.qtype']; } }