. /** * This file contains the moodle format implementation of the content writer. * * @package core_privacy * @copyright 2018 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_privacy\local\request; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * The moodle_content_writer is the default Moodle implementation of a content writer. * * It exports data to a rich tree structure using Moodle's context system, * and produces a single zip file with all content. * * Objects of data are stored as JSON. * * @copyright 2018 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class moodle_content_writer implements content_writer { /** * Maximum context name char size. */ const MAX_CONTEXT_NAME_LENGTH = 32; /** * @var string The base path on disk for this instance. */ protected $path = null; /** * @var \context The current context of the writer. */ protected $context = null; /** * @var \stored_file[] The list of files to be exported. */ protected $files = []; /** * @var array The list of plugins that have been checked to see if they are installed. */ protected $checkedplugins = []; /** * Constructor for the content writer. * * Note: The writer factory must be passed. * * @param writer $writer The factory. */ public function __construct(writer $writer) { $this->path = make_request_directory(); } /** * Set the context for the current item being processed. * * @param \context $context The context to use */ public function set_context(\context $context) : content_writer { $this->context = $context; return $this; } /** * Export the supplied data within the current context, at the supplied subcontext. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param \stdClass $data The data to be exported * @return content_writer */ public function export_data(array $subcontext, \stdClass $data) : content_writer { $path = $this->get_path($subcontext, 'data.json'); $this->write_data($path, json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); return $this; } /** * Export metadata about the supplied subcontext. * * Metadata consists of a key/value pair and a description of the value. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param string $key The metadata name. * @param string $value The metadata value. * @param string $description The description of the value. * @return content_writer */ public function export_metadata(array $subcontext, string $key, $value, string $description) : content_writer { $path = $this->get_full_path($subcontext, 'metadata.json'); if (file_exists($path)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($path)); } else { $data = (object) []; } $data->$key = (object) [ 'value' => $value, 'description' => $description, ]; $path = $this->get_path($subcontext, 'metadata.json'); $this->write_data($path, json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); return $this; } /** * Export a piece of related data. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param string $name The name of the file to be exported. * @param \stdClass $data The related data to export. * @return content_writer */ public function export_related_data(array $subcontext, $name, $data) : content_writer { return $this->export_custom_file($subcontext, "{$name}.json", json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } /** * Export a piece of data in a custom format. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param string $filename The name of the file to be exported. * @param string $filecontent The content to be exported. */ public function export_custom_file(array $subcontext, $filename, $filecontent) : content_writer { $filename = clean_param($filename, PARAM_FILE); $path = $this->get_path($subcontext, $filename); $this->write_data($path, $filecontent); return $this; } /** * Prepare a text area by processing pluginfile URLs within it. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param string $component The name of the component that the files belong to. * @param string $filearea The filearea within that component. * @param string $itemid Which item those files belong to. * @param string $text The text to be processed * @return string The processed string */ public function rewrite_pluginfile_urls(array $subcontext, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $text) : string { // Need to take into consideration the subcontext to provide the full path to this file. $subcontextpath = ''; if (!empty($subcontext)) { $subcontextpath = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $subcontext); } $path = $this->get_context_path(); $path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path) . $subcontextpath; $returnstring = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->get_files_target_url($component, $filearea, $itemid) . '/'; $returnstring = clean_param($returnstring, PARAM_PATH); return str_replace('@@PLUGINFILE@@/', $returnstring, $text); } /** * Export all files within the specified component, filearea, itemid combination. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param string $component The name of the component that the files belong to. * @param string $filearea The filearea within that component. * @param string $itemid Which item those files belong to. */ public function export_area_files(array $subcontext, $component, $filearea, $itemid) : content_writer { $fs = get_file_storage(); $files = $fs->get_area_files($this->context->id, $component, $filearea, $itemid); foreach ($files as $file) { $this->export_file($subcontext, $file); } return $this; } /** * Export the specified file in the target location. * * @param array $subcontext The location within the current context that this data belongs. * @param \stored_file $file The file to be exported. */ public function export_file(array $subcontext, \stored_file $file) : content_writer { if (!$file->is_directory()) { $pathitems = array_merge( $subcontext, [$this->get_files_target_path($file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(), $file->get_itemid())], [$file->get_filepath()] ); $path = $this->get_path($pathitems, $file->get_filename()); $fullpath = $this->get_full_path($pathitems, $file->get_filename()); check_dir_exists(dirname($fullpath), true, true); $this->files[$path] = $file; } return $this; } /** * Export the specified user preference. * * @param string $component The name of the component. * @param string $key The name of th key to be exported. * @param string $value The value of the preference * @param string $description A description of the value * @return content_writer */ public function export_user_preference(string $component, string $key, string $value, string $description) : content_writer { $subcontext = [ get_string('userpreferences'), ]; $fullpath = $this->get_full_path($subcontext, "{$component}.json"); $path = $this->get_path($subcontext, "{$component}.json"); if (file_exists($fullpath)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($fullpath)); } else { $data = (object) []; } $data->$key = (object) [ 'value' => $value, 'description' => $description, ]; $this->write_data($path, json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); return $this; } /** * Determine the path for the current context. * * @return array The context path. * @throws \coding_exception */ protected function get_context_path() : array { $path = []; $contexts = array_reverse($this->context->get_parent_contexts(true)); foreach ($contexts as $context) { $name = $context->get_context_name(); $id = ' _.' . $context->id; $path[] = shorten_text(clean_param($name, PARAM_FILE), self::MAX_CONTEXT_NAME_LENGTH, true, json_decode('"' . '\u2026' . '"')) . $id; } return $path; } /** * Get the relative file path within the current context, and subcontext, using the specified filename. * * @param string[] $subcontext The location within the current context to export this data. * @param string $name The intended filename, including any extensions. * @return string The fully-qualfiied file path. */ protected function get_path(array $subcontext, string $name) : string { $subcontext = shorten_filenames($subcontext, MAX_FILENAME_SIZE, true); $name = shorten_filename($name, MAX_FILENAME_SIZE, true); // This weird code is to look for a subcontext that contains a number and append an '_' to the front. // This is because there seems to be some weird problem with array_merge_recursive used in finalise_content(). $subcontext = array_map(function($data) { if (stripos($data, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $newpath = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $data); $newpath = array_map(function($value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return '_' . $value; } return $value; }, $newpath); $data = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $newpath); } else if (is_numeric($data)) { $data = '_' . $data; } // Because clean_param() normalises separators to forward-slashes // and because there is code DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR dependent after // this array_map(), we ensure we get the original separator. // Note that maybe we could leave the clean_param() alone, but // surely that means that the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR dependent // code is not needed at all. So better keep existing behavior // until this is revisited. return str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, clean_param($data, PARAM_PATH)); }, $subcontext); // Combine the context path, and the subcontext data. $path = array_merge( $this->get_context_path(), $subcontext ); // Join the directory together with the name. $filepath = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; // To use backslash, it must be doubled ("\\\\" PHP string). $separator = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); return preg_replace('@(' . $separator . '|/)+@', $separator, $filepath); } /** * Get the fully-qualified file path within the current context, and subcontext, using the specified filename. * * @param string[] $subcontext The location within the current context to export this data. * @param string $name The intended filename, including any extensions. * @return string The fully-qualfiied file path. */ protected function get_full_path(array $subcontext, string $name) : string { $path = array_merge( [$this->path], [$this->get_path($subcontext, $name)] ); // Join the directory together with the name. $filepath = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); // To use backslash, it must be doubled ("\\\\" PHP string). $separator = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); return preg_replace('@(' . $separator . '|/)+@', $separator, $filepath); } /** * Get a path within a subcontext where exported files should be written to. * * @param string $component The name of the component that the files belong to. * @param string $filearea The filearea within that component. * @param string $itemid Which item those files belong to. * @return string The path */ protected function get_files_target_path($component, $filearea, $itemid) : string { // We do not need to include the component because we organise things by context. $parts = ['_files', $filearea]; if (!empty($itemid)) { $parts[] = $itemid; } return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parts); } /** * Get a relative url to the directory of the exported files within a subcontext. * * @param string $component The name of the component that the files belong to. * @param string $filearea The filearea within that component. * @param string $itemid Which item those files belong to. * @return string The url */ protected function get_files_target_url($component, $filearea, $itemid) : string { // We do not need to include the component because we organise things by context. $parts = ['_files', $filearea]; if (!empty($itemid)) { $parts[] = '_' . $itemid; } return implode('/', $parts); } /** * Write the data to the specified path. * * @param string $path The path to export the data at. * @param string $data The data to be exported. * @throws \moodle_exception If the file cannot be written for some reason. */ protected function write_data(string $path, string $data) { $targetpath = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; check_dir_exists(dirname($targetpath), true, true); if (file_put_contents($targetpath, $data) === false) { throw new \moodle_exception('cannotsavefile', 'error', '', $targetpath); } $this->files[$path] = $targetpath; } /** * Copy a file to the specified path. * * @param array $path Current location of the file. * @param array $destination Destination path to copy the file to. */ protected function copy_data(array $path, array $destination) { global $CFG; $filename = array_pop($destination); $destdirectory = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $destination); $fulldestination = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $destdirectory; check_dir_exists($fulldestination, true, true); $fulldestination .= $filename; $currentpath = $CFG->dirroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); copy($currentpath, $fulldestination); $this->files[$destdirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename] = $fulldestination; } /** * This creates three different bits of data from all of the files that will be * exported. * $tree - A multidimensional array of the navigation tree structure. * $treekey - An array with the short path of the file and element data for * html (data_file_{number} or 'No var') * $allfiles - All *.json files that need to be added as an index to be referenced * by the js files to display the user data. * * @return array returns a tree, tree key, and a list of all files. */ protected function prepare_for_export() : Array { $tree = []; $treekey = []; $allfiles = []; $i = 1; foreach ($this->files as $shortpath => $fullfile) { // Generate directory tree as an associative array. $items = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $shortpath); $newitems = $this->condense_array($items); $tree = array_merge_recursive($tree, $newitems); if (is_string($fullfile)) { $filearray = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $shortpath); $filename = array_pop($filearray); $filenamearray = explode('.', $filename); // Don't process files that are not json files. if (end($filenamearray) !== 'json') { continue; } // Chop the last two characters of the extension. json => js. $filename = substr($filename, 0, -2); array_push($filearray, $filename); $newshortpath = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filearray); $varname = 'data_file_' . $i; $i++; $quicktemp = clean_param($shortpath, PARAM_PATH); $treekey[$quicktemp] = $varname; $allfiles[$varname] = clean_param($newshortpath, PARAM_PATH); // Need to load up the current json file and add a variable (varname mentioned above) at the start. // Then save it as a js file. $content = $this->get_file_content($fullfile); $jsondecodedcontent = json_decode($content); $jsonencodedcontent = json_encode($jsondecodedcontent, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $variablecontent = 'var ' . $varname . ' = ' . $jsonencodedcontent; $this->write_data($newshortpath, $variablecontent); } else { $treekey[clean_param($shortpath, PARAM_PATH)] = 'No var'; } } return [$tree, $treekey, $allfiles]; } /** * Add more detail to the tree to help with sorting and display in the renderer. * * @param array $tree The file structure currently as a multidimensional array. * @param array $treekey An array of the current file paths. * @param array $currentkey The current short path of the tree. * @return array An array of objects that has additional data. */ protected function make_tree_object(array $tree, array $treekey, array $currentkey = []) : Array { $newtree = []; // Try to extract the context id and then add the context object. $addcontext = function($index, $object) { if (stripos($index, '_.') !== false) { $namearray = explode('_.', $index); $contextid = array_pop($namearray); if (is_numeric($contextid)) { $object[$index]->name = implode('_.', $namearray); $object[$index]->context = \context::instance_by_id($contextid); } } else { $object[$index]->name = $index; } }; // Just add the final data to the tree object. $addfinalfile = function($directory, $treeleaf, $file) use ($treekey) { $url = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directory); $url = clean_param($url, PARAM_PATH); $treeleaf->name = $file; $treeleaf->itemtype = 'item'; $gokey = clean_param($url . '/' . $file, PARAM_PATH); if (isset($treekey[$gokey]) && $treekey[$gokey] !== 'No var') { $treeleaf->datavar = $treekey[$gokey]; } else { $treeleaf->url = new \moodle_url($url . '/' . $file); } }; foreach ($tree as $key => $value) { $newtree[$key] = new \stdClass(); if (is_array($value)) { $newtree[$key]->itemtype = 'treeitem'; // The array merge recursive adds a numeric index, and so we only add to the current // key if it is now numeric. $currentkey = is_numeric($key) ? $currentkey : array_merge($currentkey, [$key]); // Try to extract the context id and then add the context object. $addcontext($key, $newtree); $newtree[$key]->children = $this->make_tree_object($value, $treekey, $currentkey); if (!is_numeric($key)) { // We're heading back down the tree, so remove the last key. array_pop($currentkey); } } else { // If the key is not numeric then we want to add a directory and put the file under that. if (!is_numeric($key)) { $newtree[$key]->itemtype = 'treeitem'; // Try to extract the context id and then add the context object. $addcontext($key, $newtree); array_push($currentkey, $key); $newtree[$key]->children[$value] = new \stdClass(); $addfinalfile($currentkey, $newtree[$key]->children[$value], $value); array_pop($currentkey); } else { // If the key is just a number then we just want to show the file instead. $addfinalfile($currentkey, $newtree[$key], $value); } } } return $newtree; } /** * Sorts the tree list into an order that makes more sense. * Order is: * 1 - Items with a context first, the lower the number the higher up the tree. * 2 - Items that are directories. * 3 - Items that are log directories. * 4 - Links to a page. * * @param array $tree The tree structure to order. */ protected function sort_my_list(array &$tree) { uasort($tree, function($a, $b) { if (isset($a->context) && isset($b->context)) { return $a->context->contextlevel <=> $b->context->contextlevel; } if (isset($a->context) && !isset($b->context)) { return -1; } if (isset($b->context) && !isset($a->context)) { return 1; } if ($a->itemtype == 'treeitem' && $b->itemtype == 'treeitem') { // Ugh need to check that this plugin has not been uninstalled. if ($this->check_plugin_is_installed('tool_log')) { if (trim($a->name) == get_string('privacy:path:logs', 'tool_log')) { return 1; } else if (trim($b->name) == get_string('privacy:path:logs', 'tool_log')) { return -1; } return 0; } } if ($a->itemtype == 'treeitem' && $b->itemtype == 'item') { return -1; } if ($b->itemtype == 'treeitem' && $a->itemtype == 'item') { return 1; } return 0; }); foreach ($tree as $treeobject) { if (isset($treeobject->children)) { $this->sort_my_list($treeobject->children); } } } /** * Check to see if a specified plugin is installed. * * @param string $component The component name e.g. tool_log * @return bool Whether this component is installed. */ protected function check_plugin_is_installed(string $component) : Bool { if (!isset($this->checkedplugins[$component])) { $pluginmanager = \core_plugin_manager::instance(); $plugin = $pluginmanager->get_plugin_info($component); $this->checkedplugins[$component] = !is_null($plugin); } return $this->checkedplugins[$component]; } /** * Writes the appropriate files for creating an HTML index page for human navigation of the user data export. */ protected function write_html_data() { global $PAGE, $SITE, $USER, $CFG; // Do this first before adding more files to $this->files. list($tree, $treekey, $allfiles) = $this->prepare_for_export(); // Add more detail to the tree such as contexts. $richtree = $this->make_tree_object($tree, $treekey); // Now that we have more detail we can use that to sort it. $this->sort_my_list($richtree); // Copy over the JavaScript required to display the html page. $jspath = ['privacy', 'export_files', 'general.js']; $targetpath = ['js', 'general.js']; $this->copy_data($jspath, $targetpath); $jquery = ['lib', 'jquery', 'jquery-3.4.1.min.js']; $jquerydestination = ['js', 'jquery-3.4.1.min.js']; $this->copy_data($jquery, $jquerydestination); $requirecurrentpath = ['lib', 'requirejs', 'require.min.js']; $destination = ['js', 'require.min.js']; $this->copy_data($requirecurrentpath, $destination); $treepath = ['lib', 'amd', 'build', 'tree.min.js']; $destination = ['js', 'tree.min.js']; $this->copy_data($treepath, $destination); // Icons to be used. $expandediconpath = ['pix', 't', 'expanded.svg']; $this->copy_data($expandediconpath, ['pix', 'expanded.svg']); $collapsediconpath = ['pix', 't', 'collapsed.svg']; $this->copy_data($collapsediconpath, ['pix', 'collapsed.svg']); $naviconpath = ['pix', 'i', 'navigationitem.svg']; $this->copy_data($naviconpath, ['pix', 'navigationitem.svg']); $moodleimgpath = ['pix', 'moodlelogo.svg']; $this->copy_data($moodleimgpath, ['pix', 'moodlelogo.svg']); // Additional required css. $csspath = ['theme', 'boost', 'style', 'moodle.css']; $destination = ['moodle.css']; $this->copy_data($csspath, $destination); $csspath = ['privacy', 'export_files', 'general.css']; $destination = ['general.css']; $this->copy_data($csspath, $destination); // Create an index file that lists all, to be newly created, js files. $encoded = json_encode($allfiles, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $encoded = 'var user_data_index = ' . $encoded; $path = 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data_index.js'; $this->write_data($path, $encoded); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_privacy'); $navigationpage = new \core_privacy\output\exported_navigation_page(current($richtree)); $navigationhtml = $output->render_navigation($navigationpage); $systemname = format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['context' => \context_system::instance()]); $fullusername = fullname($USER); $siteurl = $CFG->wwwroot; // Create custom index.html file. $rtl = right_to_left(); $htmlpage = new \core_privacy\output\exported_html_page($navigationhtml, $systemname, $fullusername, $rtl, $siteurl); $outputpage = $output->render_html_page($htmlpage); $this->write_data('index.html', $outputpage); } /** * Perform any required finalisation steps and return the location of the finalised export. * * @return string */ public function finalise_content() : string { $this->write_html_data(); $exportfile = make_request_directory() . '/export.zip'; $fp = get_file_packer(); $fp->archive_to_pathname($this->files, $exportfile); // Reset the writer to prevent any further writes. writer::reset(); return $exportfile; } /** * Creates a multidimensional array out of array elements. * * @param array $array Array which items are to be condensed into a multidimensional array. * @return array The multidimensional array. */ protected function condense_array(array $array) : Array { if (count($array) === 2) { return [$array[0] => $array[1]]; } if (isset($array[0])) { return [$array[0] => $this->condense_array(array_slice($array, 1))]; } return []; } /** * Get the contents of a file. * * @param string $filepath The file path. * @return string contents of the file. * @throws \moodle_exception If the file cannot be opened. */ protected function get_file_content(string $filepath) : String { $content = file_get_contents($filepath); if ($content === false) { throw new \moodle_exception('cannotopenfile', 'error', '', $filepath); } return $content; } }