/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Abstract class for the export plugins
 * @package PhpMyAdmin

namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins;

use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\ExportPluginProperties;
use PhpMyAdmin\Relation;

 * Provides a common interface that will have to be implemented by all of the
 * export plugins. Some of the plugins will also implement other public
 * methods, but those are not declared here, because they are not implemented
 * by all export plugins.
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
abstract class ExportPlugin
     * PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\ExportPluginProperties object containing
     * the specific export plugin type properties
     * @var \PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\ExportPluginProperties
    protected $properties;

     * @var Relation $relation
    protected $relation;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        $this->relation = new Relation();

     * Outputs export header
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    abstract public function exportHeader();

     * Outputs export footer
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    abstract public function exportFooter();

     * Outputs database header
     * @param string $db       Database name
     * @param string $db_alias Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    abstract public function exportDBHeader($db, $db_alias = '');

     * Outputs database footer
     * @param string $db Database name
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    abstract public function exportDBFooter($db);

     * Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement
     * @param string $db          Database name
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param string $db_alias    Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    abstract public function exportDBCreate($db, $export_type, $db_alias = '');

     * Outputs the content of a table
     * @param string $db        database name
     * @param string $table     table name
     * @param string $crlf      the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
     * @param array  $aliases   Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    abstract public function exportData(
        array $aliases = array()

     * The following methods are used in export.php or in db_operations.php,
     * but they are not implemented by all export plugins

     * Exports routines (procedures and functions)
     * @param string $db      Database
     * @param array  $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportRoutines($db, array $aliases = array())

     * Exports events
     * @param string $db Database
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportEvents($db)

     * Outputs table's structure
     * @param string $db          database name
     * @param string $table       table name
     * @param string $crlf        the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url   the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $export_mode 'create_table','triggers','create_view',
     *                            'stand_in'
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param bool   $relation    whether to include relation comments
     * @param bool   $comments    whether to include the pmadb-style column comments
     *                            as comments in the structure; this is deprecated
     *                            but the parameter is left here because export.php
     *                            calls exportStructure() also for other export
     *                            types which use this parameter
     * @param bool   $mime        whether to include mime comments
     * @param bool   $dates       whether to include creation/update/check dates
     * @param array  $aliases     Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportStructure(
        $relation = false,
        $comments = false,
        $mime = false,
        $dates = false,
        array $aliases = array()
    ) {

     * Exports metadata from Configuration Storage
     * @param string       $db            database being exported
     * @param string|array $tables        table(s) being exported
     * @param array        $metadataTypes types of metadata to export
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportMetadata(
        array $metadataTypes
    ) {

     * Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies
     * @param string $db      the database name
     * @param string $view    the view name
     * @param string $crlf    the end of line sequence
     * @param array  $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return string resulting definition
    public function getTableDefStandIn($db, $view, $crlf, $aliases = array())

     * Outputs triggers
     * @param string $db    database name
     * @param string $table table name
     * @return string Formatted triggers list
    protected function getTriggers($db, $table)

     * Initialize the specific variables for each export plugin
     * @return void
    protected function initSpecificVariables()

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getters and Setters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

     * Gets the export specific format plugin properties
     * @return ExportPluginProperties
    public function getProperties()
        return $this->properties;

     * Sets the export plugins properties and is implemented by each export
     * plugin
     * @return void
    abstract protected function setProperties();

     * The following methods are implemented here so that they
     * can be used by all export plugin without overriding it.
     * Note: If you are creating a export plugin then don't include
     * below methods unless you want to override them.

     * Initialize aliases
     * @param array  $aliases Alias information for db/table/column
     * @param string &$db     the database
     * @param string &$table  the table
     * @return void
    public function initAlias($aliases, &$db, &$table = null)
        if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['alias'])) {
            $table = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['alias'];
        if (!empty($aliases[$db]['alias'])) {
            $db = $aliases[$db]['alias'];

     * Search for alias of a identifier.
     * @param array  $aliases Alias information for db/table/column
     * @param string $id      the identifier to be searched
     * @param string $type    db/tbl/col or any combination of them
     *                        representing what to be searched
     * @param string $db      the database in which search is to be done
     * @param string $tbl     the table in which search is to be done
     * @return string alias of the identifier if found or ''
    public function getAlias(array $aliases, $id, $type = 'dbtblcol', $db = '', $tbl = '')
        if (!empty($db) && isset($aliases[$db])) {
            $aliases = array(
                $db => $aliases[$db],
        // search each database
        foreach ($aliases as $db_key => $db) {
            // check if id is database and has alias
            if (stristr($type, 'db') !== false
                && $db_key === $id
                && !empty($db['alias'])
            ) {
                return $db['alias'];
            if (empty($db['tables'])) {
            if (!empty($tbl) && isset($db['tables'][$tbl])) {
                $db['tables'] = array(
                    $tbl => $db['tables'][$tbl],
            // search each of its tables
            foreach ($db['tables'] as $table_key => $table) {
                // check if id is table and has alias
                if (stristr($type, 'tbl') !== false
                    && $table_key === $id
                    && !empty($table['alias'])
                ) {
                    return $table['alias'];
                if (empty($table['columns'])) {
                // search each of its columns
                foreach ($table['columns'] as $col_key => $col) {
                    // check if id is column
                    if (stristr($type, 'col') !== false
                        && $col_key === $id
                        && !empty($col)
                    ) {
                        return $col;

        return '';

     * Gives the relation string and
     * also substitutes with alias if required
     * in this format:
     * [Foreign Table] ([Foreign Field])
     * @param array  $res_rel    the foreigners array
     * @param string $field_name the field name
     * @param string $db         the field name
     * @param array  $aliases    Alias information for db/table/column
     * @return string the Relation string
    public function getRelationString(
        array $res_rel,
        array $aliases = array()
    ) {
        $relation = '';
        $foreigner = $this->relation->searchColumnInForeigners($res_rel, $field_name);
        if ($foreigner) {
            $ftable = $foreigner['foreign_table'];
            $ffield = $foreigner['foreign_field'];
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$ftable]['columns'][$ffield])) {
                $ffield = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$ftable]['columns'][$ffield];
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$ftable]['alias'])) {
                $ftable = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$ftable]['alias'];
            $relation = $ftable . ' (' . $ffield . ')';

        return $relation;