. /** * Strings for component 'message_email', language 'en' * * @package message_email * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['email'] = 'Send email notifications to'; $string['emaildigestunreadmessages'] = 'Unread messages'; $string['emaildigestviewallmessages'] = 'View all messages'; $string['emailonlyfromnoreplyaddress'] = 'Always send email from the no-reply address?'; $string['ifemailleftempty'] = 'Leave empty to send notifications to {$a}'; $string['messagedigestemailsubject'] = '{$a}: Messages digest'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Email'; $string['privacy:metadata:attachment'] = 'A file on the filesystem.'; $string['privacy:metadata:attachname'] = 'The name of the attached file (extension indicates MIME).'; $string['privacy:metadata:externalpurpose'] = 'This information is sent to an external SMTP server to be ultimately delivered as an email to the recipient.'; $string['privacy:metadata:fullmessage'] = 'The full message in a given format.'; $string['privacy:metadata:fullmessagehtml'] = 'The full version of the message.'; $string['privacy:metadata:message_email_messages'] = 'The list of users enrolled via an LTI provider'; $string['privacy:metadata:message_email_messages:conversationid'] = 'The ID of the conversation being sent to'; $string['privacy:metadata:message_email_messages:messageid'] = 'The ID of the message being sent'; $string['privacy:metadata:message_email_messages:useridto'] = 'The ID of the user receiving the message'; $string['privacy:metadata:recipient'] = 'The recipient of the message.'; $string['privacy:metadata:replyto'] = 'The email address to reply to.'; $string['privacy:metadata:replytoname'] = 'Name of reply to recipient.'; $string['privacy:metadata:subject'] = 'The subject line of the message.'; $string['privacy:metadata:userfrom'] = 'The user sending the message.'; $string['tasksendemail'] = 'Messages digest mailings'; // Deprecated since Moodle 3.9. $string['emaildigestsubject'] = 'Messages digest';