. /** * Airnotifier message processor to send messages to the APNS provider: airnotfier. (https://github.com/dongsheng/airnotifier) * * @package message_airnotifier * @category external * @copyright 2012 Jerome Mouneyrac * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.7 */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/message/output/lib.php'); /** * Message processor class * * @package message_airnotifier * @copyright 2012 Jerome Mouneyrac * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class message_output_airnotifier extends message_output { /** * Processes the message and sends a notification via airnotifier * * @param stdClass $eventdata the event data submitted by the message sender plus $eventdata->savedmessageid * @return true if ok, false if error */ public function send_message($eventdata) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php'); if (!empty($CFG->noemailever)) { // Hidden setting for development sites, set in config.php if needed. debugging('$CFG->noemailever active, no airnotifier message sent.', DEBUG_MINIMAL); return true; } // Skip any messaging suspended and deleted users. if ($eventdata->userto->auth === 'nologin' or $eventdata->userto->suspended or $eventdata->userto->deleted) { return true; } // If username is empty we try to retrieve it, since it's required to generate the siteid. if (empty($eventdata->userto->username)) { $eventdata->userto->username = $DB->get_field('user', 'username', array('id' => $eventdata->userto->id)); } // Site id, to map with Moodle Mobile stored sites. $siteid = md5($CFG->wwwroot . $eventdata->userto->username); // Airnotifier can handle custom requests using processors (that are Airnotifier plugins). // In the extra parameter we indicate which processor to use and also additional data to be handled by the processor. // Here we clone the eventdata object because will be deleting/adding attributes. $extra = clone $eventdata; // Delete attributes that may content private information. if (!empty($eventdata->userfrom)) { $extra->userfromid = $eventdata->userfrom->id; $extra->userfromfullname = fullname($eventdata->userfrom); unset($extra->userfrom); } $extra->usertoid = $eventdata->userto->id; unset($extra->userto); $extra->processor = 'moodle'; $extra->site = $siteid; $extra->date = (!empty($eventdata->timecreated)) ? $eventdata->timecreated : time(); $extra->notification = (!empty($eventdata->notification)) ? 1 : 0; // Site name. $site = get_site(); $extra->sitefullname = clean_param(format_string($site->fullname), PARAM_NOTAGS); $extra->siteshortname = clean_param(format_string($site->shortname), PARAM_NOTAGS); // Clean HTML, push notifications must arrive clean. if (!empty($extra->smallmessage)) { $extra->smallmessage = clean_param($extra->smallmessage, PARAM_NOTAGS); } if (!empty($extra->fullmessage)) { $extra->fullmessage = clean_param($extra->fullmessage, PARAM_NOTAGS); } if (!empty($extra->fullmessagehtml)) { $extra->fullmessagehtml = clean_param($extra->fullmessagehtml, PARAM_NOTAGS); } // Send wwwroot to airnotifier. $extra->wwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot; // We are sending to message to all devices. $airnotifiermanager = new message_airnotifier_manager(); $devicetokens = $airnotifiermanager->get_user_devices($CFG->airnotifiermobileappname, $eventdata->userto->id); foreach ($devicetokens as $devicetoken) { if (!$devicetoken->enable) { continue; } // Sending the message to the device. $serverurl = $CFG->airnotifierurl . ':' . $CFG->airnotifierport . '/api/v2/push/'; $header = array('Accept: application/json', 'X-AN-APP-NAME: ' . $CFG->airnotifierappname, 'X-AN-APP-KEY: ' . $CFG->airnotifieraccesskey); $curl = new curl; // Push notifications are supposed to be instant, do not wait to long blocking the execution. $curl->setopt(array('CURLOPT_TIMEOUT' => 2, 'CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT' => 2)); $curl->setHeader($header); $params = array( 'device' => $devicetoken->platform, 'token' => $devicetoken->pushid, 'extra' => $extra ); // JSON POST raw body request. $resp = $curl->post($serverurl, json_encode($params)); } return true; } /** * Creates necessary fields in the messaging config form. * * @param array $preferences An array of user preferences */ public function config_form($preferences) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $USER, $PAGE; $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); if (!has_capability('message/airnotifier:managedevice', $systemcontext)) { return get_string('nopermissiontomanagedevices', 'message_airnotifier'); } if (!$this->is_system_configured()) { return get_string('notconfigured', 'message_airnotifier'); } else { $airnotifiermanager = new message_airnotifier_manager(); $devicetokens = $airnotifiermanager->get_user_devices($CFG->airnotifiermobileappname, $USER->id); if (!empty($devicetokens)) { $output = ''; foreach ($devicetokens as $devicetoken) { if ($devicetoken->enable) { $hideshowiconname = 't/hide'; $dimmed = ''; } else { $hideshowiconname = 't/show'; $dimmed = 'dimmed_text'; } $hideshowicon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon($hideshowiconname, get_string('showhide', 'message_airnotifier')); $name = "{$devicetoken->name} {$devicetoken->model} {$devicetoken->platform} {$devicetoken->version}"; $output .= html_writer::start_tag('li', array('id' => $devicetoken->id, 'class' => 'airnotifierdevice ' . $dimmed)) . "\n"; $output .= html_writer::label($name, 'deviceid-' . $devicetoken->id, array('class' => 'devicelabel ')) . ' ' . html_writer::link('#', $hideshowicon, array('class' => 'hidedevice', 'alt' => 'show/hide')) . "\n"; $output .= html_writer::end_tag('li') . "\n"; } // Include the AJAX script to automatically trigger the action. $airnotifiermanager->include_device_ajax(); $output = html_writer::tag('ul', $output, array('class' => 'list-unstyled unstyled', 'id' => 'airnotifierdevices')); } else { $output = get_string('nodevices', 'message_airnotifier'); } return $output; } } /** * Parses the submitted form data and saves it into preferences array. * * @param stdClass $form preferences form class * @param array $preferences preferences array */ public function process_form($form, &$preferences) { return true; } /** * Loads the config data from database to put on the form during initial form display * * @param array $preferences preferences array * @param int $userid the user id */ public function load_data(&$preferences, $userid) { return true; } /** * Tests whether the airnotifier settings have been configured * @return boolean true if airnotifier is configured */ public function is_system_configured() { $airnotifiermanager = new message_airnotifier_manager(); return $airnotifiermanager->is_system_configured(); } }