. /** * Strings for plugin 'media_videojs' * * @package media_videojs * @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['audiocssclass'] = 'CSS class for audio'; $string['audioextensions'] = 'Audio file extensions'; $string['configaudiocssclass'] = 'A CSS class that will be added to the <audio> element.'; $string['configaudioextensions'] = 'A comma-separated list of supported audio file extensions. VideoJS will try to use the browser\'s native video player when available or native VideoJS functionality, and fall back to a Flash player for other formats if Flash is supported by the browser and Flash fallback is enabled below.'; $string['configlimitsize'] = 'If enabled, and width and height are not specified, the video will display with default width and height. Otherwise it will stretch to the maximum possible width.'; $string['configrtmp'] = 'If enabled, links that start with rtmp:// will be handled by the plugin, irrespective of whether the extension is enabled in the Video file extensions (videoextensions) setting. Flash fallback must be enabled for RTMP to work.'; $string['configvideocssclass'] = 'A CSS class that will be added to the <video> element. For example, the CSS class "vjs-big-play-centered" will place the play button in the middle. For details, including how to set a custom skin, see docs.videojs.com.'; $string['configvideoextensions'] = 'A comma-separated list of supported video file extensions. VideoJS will try to use the browser\'s native video player when available, and fall back to a Flash player for other formats if Flash is supported by the browser and Flash fallback is enabled below.'; $string['configyoutube'] = 'Use VideoJS to play YouTube videos. Note that YouTube playlists are not yet supported by VideoJS.'; $string['configuseflash'] = 'Use Flash player if video format is not natively supported by the browser and/or natively by the VideoJS player. If enabled, VideoJS will be engaged for any file extension from the above list without browser check. Please note that Flash is not available in mobile browsers and discouraged in many desktop ones.'; $string['limitsize'] = 'Limit size'; $string['pluginname'] = 'VideoJS player'; $string['pluginname_help'] = 'A JavaScript wrapper for video files played by the browser\'s native video player with a Flash player fallback. (Format support depends on the browser.)'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The VideoJS player media plugin does not store any personal data.'; $string['rtmp'] = 'RTMP streams'; $string['videoextensions'] = 'Video file extensions'; $string['useflash'] = 'Use Flash fallback'; $string['videocssclass'] = 'CSS class for video'; $string['youtube'] = 'YouTube videos';