. /** * Testing the H5PEditorAjaxInterface interface implementation. * * @package core_h5p * @category test * @copyright 2020 Victor Deniz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_h5p; use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader; use ReflectionMethod; /** * * Test class covering the H5PEditorAjaxInterface interface implementation. * * @package core_h5p * @copyright 2020 Victor Deniz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses */ class editor_ajax_testcase extends \advanced_testcase { /** @var editor_ajax H5P editor ajax instance */ protected $editorajax; /** * Set up function for tests. */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); autoloader::register(); $this->editorajax = new editor_ajax(); } /** * Test that getLatestLibraryVersions method retrieves the latest installed library versions. */ public function test_getLatestLibraryVersions(): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator(); $h5pgenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p'); // Create several libraries records. $h5pgenerator->create_library_record('Library1', 'Lib1', 2, 0); $lib2 = $h5pgenerator->create_library_record('Library2', 'Lib2', 2, 1); $expectedlibraries[] = $lib2->id; $lib3 = $h5pgenerator->create_library_record('Library3', 'Lib3', 1, 3); $expectedlibraries[] = $lib3->id; $h5pgenerator->create_library_record('Library1', 'Lib1', 2, 1); $lib12 = $h5pgenerator->create_library_record('Library1', 'Lib1', 3, 0); $expectedlibraries[] = $lib12->id; $actuallibraries = $this->editorajax->getLatestLibraryVersions(); ksort($actuallibraries); $this->assertEquals($expectedlibraries, array_keys($actuallibraries)); } /** * Test that the method getTranslations retrieves the translations of several libraries. * * @dataProvider get_translations_provider * * @param array $datalibs Libraries to create * @param string $lang Language to get the translations * @param bool $emptyexpected True if empty translations are expected; false otherwise * @param array $altstringlibs When defined, libraries are no created and the content here is used to call the method */ public function test_get_translations(array $datalibs, string $lang, bool $emptyexpected, ?array $altstringlibs = []): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Fetch generator. $generator = \testing_util::get_data_generator(); $h5pgenerator = $generator->get_plugin_generator('core_h5p'); $h5pfilestorage = new file_storage(); $h5ptempath = $h5pfilestorage->getTmpPath(); if (!empty($altstringlibs)) { // Libraries won't be created and the getTranslation method will be called with this $altstringlibs. $stringlibs = $altstringlibs; } else { $stringlibs = []; foreach ($datalibs as $datalib) { // Create DB entry for this library. $tmplib = $h5pgenerator->create_library_record($datalib['machinename'], $datalib['title'], $datalib['majorversion'], $datalib['minorversion']); // Create the files for this libray. [$library, $files] = $h5pgenerator->create_library($h5ptempath, $tmplib->id, $datalib['machinename'], $datalib['majorversion'], $datalib['minorversion'], $datalib['translation']); $h5pfilestorage->saveLibrary($library); $stringlibs[] = \H5PCore::libraryToString($library); } } $translations = $this->editorajax->getTranslations($stringlibs, $lang); if ($emptyexpected) { $this->assertEmpty($translations); } else { foreach ($translations as $stringlib => $translation) { $this->assertEquals($datalibs[$stringlib]['translation'][$lang], $translation); } } } /** * Data provider for test_get_translations(). * * @return array */ public function get_translations_provider(): array { return [ 'No library' => [ [], 'es', true, ['Library1 1.2'] ], 'One library with existing translation (es)' => [ [ 'Library1 1.2' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library1', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 1, 'minorversion' => 2, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ] ], 'es', false ], 'One library with existing translation (fr)' => [ [ 'Library1 1.2' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library1', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 1, 'minorversion' => 2, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ] ], 'fr', false ], 'One library with unexisting translation (de)' => [ [ 'Library1 1.2' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library1', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 1, 'minorversion' => 2, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ] ], 'de', true ], 'Two libraries with existing translation (es)' => [ [ 'Library1 1.2' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library1', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 1, 'minorversion' => 2, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ], 'Library2 3.4' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library2', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 3, 'minorversion' => 4, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ] ], 'es', false ], 'Two libraries with unexisting translation (de)' => [ [ 'Library1 1.2' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library1', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 1, 'minorversion' => 2, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ], 'Library2 3.4' => [ 'machinename' => 'Library2', 'title' => 'Lib1', 'majorversion' => 3, 'minorversion' => 4, 'translation' => [ 'es' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valor"}}', 'fr' => '{"libraryStrings": {"key": "valeur"}}', ], ] ], 'de', true ], ]; } }