@editor @core_h5p @_file_upload Feature: Upload and list H5P libraries and content types installed @javascript Scenario: No library installed in new installations. Given I log in as "admin" When I navigate to "H5P > Manage H5P content types" in site administration Then I should see "Upload H5P content types" And I should not see "Installed H5P" @javascript Scenario: Upload an invalid content type. Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "H5P > Manage H5P content types" in site administration When I upload "h5p/tests/fixtures/h5ptest.zip" file to "H5P content type" filemanager And I click on "Upload H5P content types" "button" in the "#fitem_id_uploadlibraries" "css_element" And I wait until the page is ready Then I should see "Invalid H5P content type" And I should not see "Installed H5P" @javascript Scenario: Upload a valid content type. Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "H5P > Manage H5P content types" in site administration When I upload "h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p" file to "H5P content type" filemanager And I click on "Upload H5P content types" "button" in the "#fitem_id_uploadlibraries" "css_element" And I wait until the page is ready Then I should see "H5P content types uploaded successfully" And I should see "Installed H5P" And I should see "Installed H5P content types" And I should see "Fill in the Blanks" And I should not see "Essay" And I should see "Installed H5P libraries" And I click on "Installed H5P libraries" "link" And I should see "Question" And I should see "1.4" in the "Question" "table_row" And I should not see "1.3" in the "Question" "table_row" And I upload "h5p/tests/fixtures/essay.zip" file to "H5P content type" filemanager And I click on "Upload H5P content types" "button" in the "#fitem_id_uploadlibraries" "css_element" And I wait until the page is ready # Existing content types are kept and new added And I should see "Fill in the Blanks" And I should see "Essay" And I click on "Installed H5P libraries" "link" And I should see "1.3" in the "Question" "table_row" And I should see "1.4" @javascript Scenario: Delete H5P library. Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "H5P > Manage H5P content types" in site administration And I upload "h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p" file to "H5P content type" filemanager And I click on "Upload H5P content types" "button" in the "#fitem_id_uploadlibraries" "css_element" And I wait until the page is ready And I click on "Installed H5P libraries" "link" When I click on "Delete version" "link" in the "H5P.FontIcons" "table_row" And I press "Continue" And I click on "Installed H5P content types" "link" Then I should not see "Fill in the Blanks" And I click on "Installed H5P libraries" "link" And I should not see "H5P.FontIcons" And I should not see "Joubel UI" And I should see "Transition"