. /** * Class \core_h5p\file_storage. * * @package core_h5p * @copyright 2019 Victor Deniz , base on code by Joubel AS * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_h5p; use H5peditorFile; use stored_file; /** * Class to handle storage and export of H5P Content. * * @package core_h5p * @copyright 2019 Victor Deniz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class file_storage implements \H5PFileStorage { /** The component for H5P. */ public const COMPONENT = 'core_h5p'; /** The library file area. */ public const LIBRARY_FILEAREA = 'libraries'; /** The content file area */ public const CONTENT_FILEAREA = 'content'; /** The cached assest file area. */ public const CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA = 'cachedassets'; /** The export file area */ public const EXPORT_FILEAREA = 'export'; /** The icon filename */ public const ICON_FILENAME = 'icon.svg'; /** The editor file area */ public const EDITOR_FILEAREA = 'editor'; /** * @var \context $context Currently we use the system context everywhere. * Don't feel forced to keep it this way in the future. */ protected $context; /** @var \file_storage $fs File storage. */ protected $fs; /** * Initial setup for file_storage. */ public function __construct() { // Currently everything uses the system context. $this->context = \context_system::instance(); $this->fs = get_file_storage(); } /** * Stores a H5P library in the Moodle filesystem. * * @param array $library Library properties. */ public function saveLibrary($library) { $options = [ 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, 'filepath' => '/' . \H5PCore::libraryToString($library, true) . '/', 'itemid' => $library['libraryId'] ]; // Easiest approach: delete the existing library version and copy the new one. $this->delete_library($library); $this->copy_directory($library['uploadDirectory'], $options); } /** * Store the content folder. * * @param string $source Path on file system to content directory. * @param array $content Content properties */ public function saveContent($source, $content) { $options = [ 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, 'itemid' => $content['id'], 'filepath' => '/', ]; $this->delete_directory($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $content['id']); // Copy content directory into Moodle filesystem. $this->copy_directory($source, $options); } /** * Remove content folder. * * @param array $content Content properties */ public function deleteContent($content) { $this->delete_directory($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $content['id']); } /** * Creates a stored copy of the content folder. * * @param string $id Identifier of content to clone. * @param int $newid The cloned content's identifier */ public function cloneContent($id, $newid) { // Not implemented in Moodle. } /** * Get path to a new unique tmp folder. * Please note this needs to not be a directory. * * @return string Path */ public function getTmpPath(): string { return make_request_directory() . '/' . uniqid('h5p-'); } /** * Fetch content folder and save in target directory. * * @param int $id Content identifier * @param string $target Where the content folder will be saved */ public function exportContent($id, $target) { $this->export_file_tree($target, $this->context->id, self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, '/', $id); } /** * Fetch library folder and save in target directory. * * @param array $library Library properties * @param string $target Where the library folder will be saved */ public function exportLibrary($library, $target) { $folder = \H5PCore::libraryToString($library, true); $this->export_file_tree($target . '/' . $folder, $this->context->id, self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, '/' . $folder . '/', $library['libraryId']); } /** * Save export in file system * * @param string $source Path on file system to temporary export file. * @param string $filename Name of export file. */ public function saveExport($source, $filename) { global $USER; // Remove old export. $this->deleteExport($filename); $filerecord = [ 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => self::EXPORT_FILEAREA, 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, 'userid' => $USER->id ]; $this->fs->create_file_from_pathname($filerecord, $source); } /** * Removes given export file * * @param string $filename filename of the export to delete. */ public function deleteExport($filename) { $file = $this->get_export_file($filename); if ($file) { $file->delete(); } } /** * Check if the given export file exists * * @param string $filename The export file to check. * @return boolean True if the export file exists. */ public function hasExport($filename) { return !!$this->get_export_file($filename); } /** * Will concatenate all JavaScrips and Stylesheets into two files in order * to improve page performance. * * @param array $files A set of all the assets required for content to display * @param string $key Hashed key for cached asset */ public function cacheAssets(&$files, $key) { foreach ($files as $type => $assets) { if (empty($assets)) { continue; } // Create new file for cached assets. $ext = ($type === 'scripts' ? 'js' : 'css'); $filename = $key . '.' . $ext; $fileinfo = [ 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA, 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename ]; // Store concatenated content. $this->fs->create_file_from_string($fileinfo, $this->concatenate_files($assets, $type, $this->context)); $files[$type] = [ (object) [ 'path' => '/' . self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . $filename, 'version' => '' ] ]; } } /** * Will check if there are cache assets available for content. * * @param string $key Hashed key for cached asset * @return array */ public function getCachedAssets($key) { $files = []; $js = $this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA, 0, '/', "{$key}.js"); if ($js && $js->get_filesize() > 0) { $files['scripts'] = [ (object) [ 'path' => '/' . self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . "{$key}.js", 'version' => '' ] ]; } $css = $this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA, 0, '/', "{$key}.css"); if ($css && $css->get_filesize() > 0) { $files['styles'] = [ (object) [ 'path' => '/' . self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA . '/' . "{$key}.css", 'version' => '' ] ]; } return empty($files) ? null : $files; } /** * Remove the aggregated cache files. * * @param array $keys The hash keys of removed files */ public function deleteCachedAssets($keys) { if (empty($keys)) { return; } foreach ($keys as $hash) { foreach (['js', 'css'] as $type) { $cachedasset = $this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::CACHED_ASSETS_FILEAREA, 0, '/', "{$hash}.{$type}"); if ($cachedasset) { $cachedasset->delete(); } } } } /** * Read file content of given file and then return it. * * @param string $filepath * @return string contents */ public function getContent($filepath) { list( 'filearea' => $filearea, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename, 'itemid' => $itemid ) = $this->get_file_elements_from_filepath($filepath); if (!$itemid) { throw new \file_serving_exception('Could not retrieve the requested file, check your file permissions.'); } // Locate file. $file = $this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename); // Return content. return $file->get_content(); } /** * Save files uploaded through the editor. * * @param H5peditorFile $file * @param int $contentid * * @return int The id of the saved file. */ public function saveFile($file, $contentid) { $record = array( 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => $contentid === 0 ? self::EDITOR_FILEAREA : self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, 'itemid' => $contentid, 'filepath' => '/' . $file->getType() . 's/', 'filename' => $file->getName() ); $storedfile = $this->fs->create_file_from_pathname($record, $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); return $storedfile->get_id(); } /** * Copy a file from another content or editor tmp dir. * Used when copy pasting content in H5P. * * @param string $file path + name * @param string|int $fromid Content ID or 'editor' string * @param \stdClass $tocontent Target Content * * @return void */ public function cloneContentFile($file, $fromid, $tocontent): void { // Determine source filearea and itemid. if ($fromid === self::EDITOR_FILEAREA) { $sourcefilearea = self::EDITOR_FILEAREA; $sourceitemid = 0; } else { $sourcefilearea = self::CONTENT_FILEAREA; $sourceitemid = (int)$fromid; } $filepath = '/' . dirname($file) . '/'; $filename = basename($file); // Check to see if source exists. $sourcefile = $this->get_file($sourcefilearea, $sourceitemid, $file); if ($sourcefile === null) { return; // Nothing to copy from. } // Check to make sure that file doesn't exist already in target. $targetfile = $this->get_file(self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $tocontent->id, $file); if ( $targetfile !== null) { return; // File exists, no need to copy. } // Create new file record. $record = [ 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, 'itemid' => $tocontent->id, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename, ]; $this->fs->create_file_from_storedfile($record, $sourcefile); } /** * Copy content from one directory to another. * Defaults to cloning content from the current temporary upload folder to the editor path. * * @param string $source path to source directory * @param string $contentid Id of content * */ public function moveContentDirectory($source, $contentid = null) { $contentidint = (int)$contentid; if ($source === null) { return; } // Get H5P and content json. $contentsource = $source . '/content'; // Move all temporary content files to editor. $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($contentsource,\RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ); $it->rewind(); while ($it->valid()) { $item = $it->current(); $pathname = $it->getPathname(); if (!$item->isDir() && !($item->getFilename() === 'content.json')) { $this->move_file($pathname, $contentidint); } $it->next(); } } /** * Get the file URL or given library and then return it. * * @param int $itemid * @param string $machinename * @param int $majorversion * @param int $minorversion * @return string url or false if the file doesn't exist */ public function get_icon_url(int $itemid, string $machinename, int $majorversion, int $minorversion) { $filepath = '/' . "{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}" . '/'; if ($file = $this->fs->get_file( $this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, $itemid, $filepath, self::ICON_FILENAME) ) { $iconurl = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url( $this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, $itemid, $filepath, $file->get_filename()); // Return image URL. return $iconurl->out(); } return false; } /** * Checks to see if an H5P content has the given file. * * @param string $file File path and name. * @param int $content Content id. * * @return int|null File ID or NULL if not found */ public function getContentFile($file, $content): ?int { if (is_object($content)) { $content = $content->id; } $contentfile = $this->get_file(self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $content, $file); return ($contentfile === null ? null : $contentfile->get_id()); } /** * Remove content files that are no longer used. * * Used when saving content. * * @param string $file File path and name. * @param int $contentid Content id. * * @return void */ public function removeContentFile($file, $contentid): void { // Although the interface defines $contentid as int, object given in \H5peditor::processParameters. if (is_object($contentid)) { $contentid = $contentid->id; } $existingfile = $this->get_file(self::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $contentid, $file); if ($existingfile !== null) { $existingfile->delete(); } } /** * Check if server setup has write permission to * the required folders * * @return bool True if server has the proper write access */ public function hasWriteAccess() { // Moodle has access to the files table which is where all of the folders are stored. return true; } /** * Check if the library has a presave.js in the root folder * * @param string $libraryname * @param string $developmentpath * @return bool */ public function hasPresave($libraryname, $developmentpath = null) { return false; } /** * Check if upgrades script exist for library. * * @param string $machinename * @param int $majorversion * @param int $minorversion * @return string Relative path */ public function getUpgradeScript($machinename, $majorversion, $minorversion) { $path = '/' . "{$machinename}-{$majorversion}.{$minorversion}" . '/'; $file = 'upgrade.js'; $itemid = $this->get_itemid_for_file(self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, $path, $file); if ($this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, $itemid, $path, $file)) { return '/' . self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA . $path. $file; } else { return null; } } /** * Store the given stream into the given file. * * @param string $path * @param string $file * @param resource $stream * @return bool|int */ public function saveFileFromZip($path, $file, $stream) { $fullpath = $path . '/' . $file; check_dir_exists(pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); return file_put_contents($fullpath, $stream); } /** * Deletes a library from the file system. * * @param array $library Library details */ public function delete_library(array $library): void { // A library ID of false would result in all library files being deleted, which we don't want. Return instead. if ($library['libraryId'] === false) { return; } $this->delete_directory($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::LIBRARY_FILEAREA, $library['libraryId']); } /** * Remove an H5P directory from the filesystem. * * @param int $contextid context ID * @param string $component component * @param string $filearea file area or all areas in context if not specified * @param int $itemid item ID or all files if not specified */ private function delete_directory(int $contextid, string $component, string $filearea, int $itemid): void { $this->fs->delete_area_files($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid); } /** * Copy an H5P directory from the temporary directory into the file system. * * @param string $source Temporary location for files. * @param array $options File system information. */ private function copy_directory(string $source, array $options): void { $it = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $root = $options['filepath']; $it->rewind(); while ($it->valid()) { $item = $it->current(); $subpath = $it->getSubPath(); if (!$item->isDir()) { $options['filename'] = $it->getFilename(); if (!$subpath == '') { $options['filepath'] = $root . $subpath . '/'; } else { $options['filepath'] = $root; } $this->fs->create_file_from_pathname($options, $item->getPathName()); } $it->next(); } } /** * Copies files from storage to temporary folder. * * @param string $target Path to temporary folder * @param int $contextid context where the files are found * @param string $filearea file area * @param string $filepath file path * @param int $itemid Optional item ID */ private function export_file_tree(string $target, int $contextid, string $filearea, string $filepath, int $itemid = 0): void { // Make sure target folder exists. check_dir_exists($target); // Read source files. $files = $this->fs->get_directory_files($contextid, self::COMPONENT, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, true); foreach ($files as $file) { $path = $target . str_replace($filepath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file->get_filepath()); if ($file->is_directory()) { check_dir_exists(rtrim($path)); } else { $file->copy_content_to($path . $file->get_filename()); } } } /** * Adds all files of a type into one file. * * @param array $assets A list of files. * @param string $type The type of files in assets. Either 'scripts' or 'styles' * @param \context $context Context * @return string All of the file content in one string. */ private function concatenate_files(array $assets, string $type, \context $context): string { $content = ''; foreach ($assets as $asset) { // Find location of asset. list( 'filearea' => $filearea, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename, 'itemid' => $itemid ) = $this->get_file_elements_from_filepath($asset->path); if ($itemid === false) { continue; } // Locate file. $file = $this->fs->get_file($context->id, self::COMPONENT, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename); // Get file content and concatenate. if ($type === 'scripts') { $content .= $file->get_content() . ";\n"; } else { // Rewrite relative URLs used inside stylesheets. $content .= preg_replace_callback( '/url\([\'"]?([^"\')]+)[\'"]?\)/i', function ($matches) use ($filearea, $filepath, $itemid) { if (preg_match("/^(data:|([a-z0-9]+:)?\/)/i", $matches[1]) === 1) { return $matches[0]; // Not relative, skip. } // Find "../" in matches[1]. // If it exists, we have to remove "../". // And switch the last folder in the filepath for the first folder in $matches[1]. // For instance: // $filepath: /H5P.Question-1.4/styles/ // $matches[1]: ../images/plus-one.svg // We want to avoid this: H5P.Question-1.4/styles/ITEMID/../images/minus-one.svg // We want this: H5P.Question-1.4/images/ITEMID/minus-one.svg. if (preg_match('/\.\.\//', $matches[1], $pathmatches)) { $path = preg_split('/\//', $filepath, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $pathfilename = preg_split('/\//', $matches[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // Remove the first element: ../. array_shift($pathfilename); // Replace pathfilename into the filepath. $path[count($path) - 1] = $pathfilename[0]; $filepath = '/' . implode('/', $path) . '/'; // Remove the element used to replace. array_shift($pathfilename); $matches[1] = implode('/', $pathfilename); } return 'url("../' . $filearea . $filepath . $itemid . '/' . $matches[1] . '")'; }, $file->get_content()) . "\n"; } } return $content; } /** * Get files ready for export. * * @param string $filename File name to retrieve. * @return bool|\stored_file Stored file instance if exists, false if not */ public function get_export_file(string $filename) { return $this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, self::EXPORT_FILEAREA, 0, '/', $filename); } /** * Converts a relative system file path into Moodle File API elements. * * @param string $filepath The system filepath to get information from. * @return array File information. */ private function get_file_elements_from_filepath(string $filepath): array { $sections = explode('/', $filepath); // Get the filename. $filename = array_pop($sections); // Discard first element. if (empty($sections[0])) { array_shift($sections); } // Get the filearea. $filearea = array_shift($sections); $itemid = array_shift($sections); // Get the filepath. $filepath = implode('/', $sections); $filepath = '/' . $filepath . '/'; return ['filearea' => $filearea, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename, 'itemid' => $itemid]; } /** * Returns the item id given the other necessary variables. * * @param string $filearea The file area. * @param string $filepath The file path. * @param string $filename The file name. * @return mixed the specified value false if not found. */ private function get_itemid_for_file(string $filearea, string $filepath, string $filename) { global $DB; return $DB->get_field('files', 'itemid', ['component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'filename' => $filename]); } /** * Helper to make it easy to load content files. * * @param string $filearea File area where the file is saved. * @param int $itemid Content instance or content id. * @param string $file File path and name. * * @return stored_file|null */ private function get_file(string $filearea, int $itemid, string $file): ?stored_file { if ($filearea === 'editor') { $itemid = 0; } $filepath = '/'. dirname($file). '/'; $filename = basename($file); // Load file. $existingfile = $this->fs->get_file($this->context->id, self::COMPONENT, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename); if (!$existingfile) { return null; } return $existingfile; } /** * Move a single file * * @param string $sourcefile Path to source file * @param int $contentid Content id or 0 if the file is in the editor file area * * @return void */ private function move_file(string $sourcefile, int $contentid): void { $pathparts = pathinfo($sourcefile); $filename = $pathparts['basename']; $filepath = $pathparts['dirname']; $foldername = basename($filepath); // Create file record for content. $record = array( 'contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => self::COMPONENT, 'filearea' => $contentid > 0 ? self::CONTENT_FILEAREA : self::EDITOR_FILEAREA, 'itemid' => $contentid > 0 ? $contentid : 0, 'filepath' => '/' . $foldername . '/', 'filename' => $filename ); $file = $this->fs->get_file( $record['contextid'], $record['component'], $record['filearea'], $record['itemid'], $record['filepath'], $record['filename'] ); if ($file) { // Delete it to make sure that it is replaced with correct content. $file->delete(); } $this->fs->create_file_from_pathname($record, $sourcefile); } }