@core @core_group Feature: Automatic creation of groups In order to quickly create groups As a teacher I need to create groups automatically and allocate them in groupings if necessary Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | And the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com | | student1 | Student | 1 | student1@example.com | | student2 | Student | 2 | student2@example.com | | student3 | Student | 3 | student3@example.com | | student4 | Student | 4 | student4@example.com | | student5 | Student | 5 | student5@example.com | | student6 | Student | 6 | student6@example.com | | student7 | Student | 7 | student7@example.com | | student8 | Student | 8 | student8@example.com | | student9 | Student | 9 | student9@example.com | | student10 | Student | 10 | student10@example.com | | suspendedstudent11 | Suspended student | 11 | suspendedstudent11@example.com | And the following "course enrolments" exist: | user | course | role | status | | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher | 0 | | student1 | C1 | student | 0 | | student2 | C1 | student | 0 | | student3 | C1 | student | 0 | | student4 | C1 | student | 0 | | student5 | C1 | student | 0 | | student6 | C1 | student | 0 | | student7 | C1 | student | 0 | | student8 | C1 | student | 0 | | student9 | C1 | student | 0 | | student10 | C1 | student | 0 | | suspendedstudent11 | C1 | student | 1 | And I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I navigate to "Users > Groups" in current page administration When I press "Auto-create groups" And I expand all fieldsets @javascript Scenario: Split automatically the course users in groups and add the groups to a new grouping Given I set the following fields to these values: | Auto create based on | Number of groups | | Group/member count | 2 | | Grouping of auto-created groups | New grouping | | Grouping name | Grouping name | And I press "Preview" Then I should see "Group members" And I should see "User count" And I should see "Group A" And I should see "Group B" And I press "Submit" And the "groups" select box should contain "Group A (5)" And the "groups" select box should contain "Group B (5)" # Check that group messaging is not enabled for the auto-created groups. And I set the field "groups" to "Group A" And I press "Edit group settings" And I should see "No" in the "Group messaging" "select" And I press "Cancel" And I set the field "groups" to "Group B" And I press "Edit group settings" And I should see "No" in the "Group messaging" "select" And I press "Cancel" # Check groupings. And I follow "Groupings" And I should see "Grouping name" And I click on "Show groups in grouping" "link" in the "Grouping name" "table_row" And the "removeselect" select box should contain "Group A" And the "removeselect" select box should contain "Group B" @javascript Scenario: Split automatically the course users in groups based on group member count Given I set the following fields to these values: | Auto create based on | Members per group | | Group/member count | 4 | | Grouping of auto-created groups | New grouping | | Grouping name | Grouping name | | Allocate members | Alphabetically by last name, first name | And I press "Preview" Then the following should exist in the "generaltable" table: | Groups (3) | Group members | User count (10) | | Group A | Student 1 (student1@example.com) | 4 | | Group B | Student 5 (student5@example.com) | 4 | | Group C | Student 9 (student9@example.com) | 2 | And I set the field "Prevent last small group" to "1" And I press "Preview" And I should see "Group A" in the ".generaltable" "css_element" And I should see "Group B" in the ".generaltable" "css_element" And I should see "5" in the "Group A" "table_row" And I should see "5" in the "Group B" "table_row" @javascript Scenario: Split automatically the course users in groups that are not in groups Given I press "Cancel" And I press "Create group" And I set the following fields to these values: | Group name | Group 1 | And I press "Save changes" And I press "Create group" And I set the following fields to these values: | Group name | Group 2 | And I press "Save changes" When I add "Student 1" user to "Group 1" group members And I add "Student 2" user to "Group 1" group members And I add "Student 3" user to "Group 2" group members And I add "Student 4" user to "Group 2" group members And I press "Auto-create groups" And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Auto create based on" to "Number of groups" And I set the field "Group/member count" to "2" And I set the field "Grouping of auto-created groups" to "No grouping" And I set the field "Ignore users in groups" to "1" And I press "Submit" And the "groups" select box should contain "Group A (3)" And the "groups" select box should contain "Group B (3)" @javascript Scenario: Split users into groups based on existing groups or groupings Given I set the following fields to these values: | Naming scheme | Group @ | | Auto create based on | Number of groups | | Group/member count | 2 | | Grouping of auto-created groups | No grouping | And I press "Submit" And I press "Auto-create groups" And I set the following fields to these values: | Naming scheme | Test @ | | Auto create based on | Number of groups | | Group/member count | 2 | | groupid | Group A | | Grouping of auto-created groups | New grouping | | Grouping name | Sub Grouping | And I press "Submit" And the "groups" select box should contain "Test A (3)" And the "groups" select box should contain "Test B (2)" And I press "Auto-create groups" And I set the following fields to these values: | Naming scheme | Test # | | Auto create based on | Number of groups | | Group/member count | 2 | | Select members from grouping | Sub Grouping | | Grouping of auto-created groups | No grouping | And I press "Submit" And the "groups" select box should contain "Test 1 (3)" And the "groups" select box should contain "Test 2 (2)" Scenario: Exclude suspended users when auto-creating groups Given I set the field "Include only active enrolments" to "1" And I set the field "Auto create based on" to "Members per group" When I set the field "Group/member count" to "11" And I press "Preview" Then I should not see "Suspended Student 11" Scenario: Include suspended users when auto-creating groups Given I set the field "Include only active enrolments" to "0" And I set the field "Auto create based on" to "Members per group" When I set the field "Group/member count" to "11" And I press "Preview" Then I should see "Suspended student 11 (suspendedstudent11@example.com)" Scenario: Do not display 'Include only active enrolments' if user does not have the 'moodle/course:viewsuspendedusers' capability Given I log out And I log in as "admin" And I set the following system permissions of "Teacher" role: | capability | permission | | moodle/course:viewsuspendedusers | Prevent | And I log out And I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I navigate to "Users > Groups" in current page administration When I press "Auto-create groups" Then I should not see "Include only active enrolments" And I set the field "Group/member count" to "11" And I press "Preview" And I should not see "Suspended Student 11" @javascript Scenario: Auto-create groups with group messaging Given I set the following fields to these values: | Naming scheme | Group @ | | Auto create based on | Number of groups | | Group/member count | 2 | | Grouping of auto-created groups | No grouping | | Group messaging | Yes | And I press "Submit" And I set the field "groups" to "Group A" When I press "Edit group settings" Then I should see "Yes" in the "Group messaging" "select" And I press "Cancel" And I set the field "groups" to "Group B" And I press "Edit group settings" And I should see "Yes" in the "Group messaging" "select"