. /** * Renderable class for gradehistory report. * * @package gradereport_history * @copyright 2014 onwards Ankit Agarwal * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace gradereport_history\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php'); /** * Renderable class for gradehistory report. * * @since Moodle 2.8 * @package gradereport_history * @copyright 2014 onwards Ankit Agarwal * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class tablelog extends \table_sql implements \renderable { /** * @var int course id. */ protected $courseid; /** * @var \context context of the page to be rendered. */ protected $context; /** * @var \stdClass A list of filters to be applied to the sql query. */ protected $filters; /** * @var array A list of grade items present in the course. */ protected $gradeitems = array(); /** * @var \course_modinfo|null A list of cm instances in course. */ protected $cms; /** * @var int The default number of decimal points to use in this course * when a grade item does not itself define the number of decimal points. */ protected $defaultdecimalpoints; /** * Sets up the table_log parameters. * * @param string $uniqueid unique id of table. * @param \context_course $context Context of the report. * @param \moodle_url $url url of the page where this table would be displayed. * @param array $filters options are: * userids : limit to specific users (default: none) * itemid : limit to specific grade item (default: all) * grader : limit to specific graders (default: all) * datefrom : start of date range * datetill : end of date range * revisedonly : only show revised grades (default: false) * format : page | csv | excel (default: page) * @param string $download Represents download format, pass '' no download at this time. * @param int $page The current page being displayed. * @param int $perpage Number of rules to display per page. */ public function __construct($uniqueid, \context_course $context, $url, $filters = array(), $download = '', $page = 0, $perpage = 100) { global $CFG; parent::__construct($uniqueid); $this->set_attribute('class', 'gradereport_history generaltable generalbox'); // Set protected properties. $this->context = $context; $this->courseid = $this->context->instanceid; $this->pagesize = $perpage; $this->page = $page; $this->filters = (object)$filters; $this->gradeitems = \grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid' => $this->courseid)); $this->cms = get_fast_modinfo($this->courseid); $this->useridfield = 'userid'; $this->defaultdecimalpoints = grade_get_setting($this->courseid, 'decimalpoints', $CFG->grade_decimalpoints); // Define columns in the table. $this->define_table_columns(); // Define configs. $this->define_table_configs($url); // Set download status. $this->is_downloading($download, get_string('exportfilename', 'gradereport_history')); } /** * Define table configs. * * @param \moodle_url $url url of the page where this table would be displayed. */ protected function define_table_configs(\moodle_url $url) { // Set table url. $urlparams = (array)$this->filters; unset($urlparams['submitbutton']); unset($urlparams['userfullnames']); $url->params($urlparams); $this->define_baseurl($url); // Set table configs. $this->collapsible(true); $this->sortable(true, 'timemodified', SORT_DESC); $this->pageable(true); $this->no_sorting('grader'); } /** * Setup the headers for the html table. */ protected function define_table_columns() { $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->context); // Define headers and columns. $cols = array( 'timemodified' => get_string('datetime', 'gradereport_history'), 'fullname' => get_string('name') ); // Add headers for extra user fields. foreach ($extrafields as $field) { if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($field, 'moodle')) { $cols[$field] = get_string($field); } else { $cols[$field] = $field; } } // Add remaining headers. $cols = array_merge($cols, array( 'itemname' => get_string('gradeitem', 'grades'), 'prevgrade' => get_string('gradeold', 'gradereport_history'), 'finalgrade' => get_string('gradenew', 'gradereport_history'), 'grader' => get_string('grader', 'gradereport_history'), 'source' => get_string('source', 'gradereport_history'), 'overridden' => get_string('overridden', 'grades'), 'locked' => get_string('locked', 'grades'), 'excluded' => get_string('excluded', 'gradereport_history'), 'feedback' => get_string('feedbacktext', 'gradereport_history') ) ); $this->define_columns(array_keys($cols)); $this->define_headers(array_values($cols)); } /** * Method to display the final grade. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_finalgrade(\stdClass $history) { if (!empty($this->gradeitems[$history->itemid])) { $decimalpoints = $this->gradeitems[$history->itemid]->get_decimals(); } else { $decimalpoints = $this->defaultdecimalpoints; } return format_float($history->finalgrade, $decimalpoints); } /** * Method to display the previous grade. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_prevgrade(\stdClass $history) { if (!empty($this->gradeitems[$history->itemid])) { $decimalpoints = $this->gradeitems[$history->itemid]->get_decimals(); } else { $decimalpoints = $this->defaultdecimalpoints; } return format_float($history->prevgrade, $decimalpoints); } /** * Method to display column timemodifed. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_timemodified(\stdClass $history) { return userdate($history->timemodified); } /** * Method to display column itemname. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_itemname(\stdClass $history) { // Make sure grade item is still present and link it to the module if possible. $itemid = $history->itemid; if (!empty($this->gradeitems[$itemid])) { if ($history->itemtype === 'mod' && !$this->is_downloading()) { if (!empty($this->cms->instances[$history->itemmodule][$history->iteminstance])) { $cm = $this->cms->instances[$history->itemmodule][$history->iteminstance]; $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/' . $history->itemmodule . '/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); return \html_writer::link($url, $this->gradeitems[$itemid]->get_name()); } } return $this->gradeitems[$itemid]->get_name(); } return get_string('deleteditemid', 'gradereport_history', $history->itemid); } /** * Method to display column grader. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_grader(\stdClass $history) { if (empty($history->usermodified)) { // Not every row has a valid usermodified. return ''; } $grader = new \stdClass(); $grader = username_load_fields_from_object($grader, $history, 'grader'); $name = fullname($grader); if ($this->download) { return $name; } $userid = $history->usermodified; $profileurl = new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $userid, 'course' => $this->courseid)); return \html_writer::link($profileurl, $name); } /** * Method to display column overridden. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_overridden(\stdClass $history) { return $history->overridden ? get_string('yes') : get_string('no'); } /** * Method to display column locked. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_locked(\stdClass $history) { return $history->locked ? get_string('yes') : get_string('no'); } /** * Method to display column excluded. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_excluded(\stdClass $history) { return $history->excluded ? get_string('yes') : get_string('no'); } /** * Method to display column feedback. * * @param \stdClass $history an entry of history record. * * @return string HTML to display */ public function col_feedback(\stdClass $history) { if ($this->is_downloading()) { return $history->feedback; } else { // We need the activity context, not the course context. $gradeitem = $this->gradeitems[$history->itemid]; $context = $gradeitem->get_context(); $feedback = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls( $history->feedback, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, GRADE_FILE_COMPONENT, GRADE_HISTORY_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $history->id ); return format_text($feedback, $history->feedbackformat, array('context' => $context)); } } /** * Builds the sql and param list needed, based on the user selected filters. * * @return array containing sql to use and an array of params. */ protected function get_filters_sql_and_params() { global $DB, $USER; $coursecontext = $this->context; $filter = 'gi.courseid = :courseid'; $params = array( 'courseid' => $coursecontext->instanceid, ); if (!empty($this->filters->itemid)) { $filter .= ' AND ggh.itemid = :itemid'; $params['itemid'] = $this->filters->itemid; } if (!empty($this->filters->userids)) { $list = explode(',', $this->filters->userids); list($insql, $plist) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($list, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $filter .= " AND ggh.userid $insql"; $params += $plist; } if (!empty($this->filters->datefrom)) { $filter .= " AND ggh.timemodified >= :datefrom"; $params += array('datefrom' => $this->filters->datefrom); } if (!empty($this->filters->datetill)) { $filter .= " AND ggh.timemodified <= :datetill"; $params += array('datetill' => $this->filters->datetill); } if (!empty($this->filters->grader)) { $filter .= " AND ggh.usermodified = :grader"; $params += array('grader' => $this->filters->grader); } // If the course is separate group mode and the current user is not allowed to see all groups make sure // that we display only users from the same groups as current user. $groupmode = get_course($coursecontext->instanceid)->groupmode; if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext)) { $groupids = array_column(groups_get_all_groups($coursecontext->instanceid, $USER->id, 0, 'g.id'), 'id'); list($gsql, $gparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'gmuparam', true, 0); $filter .= " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {groups_members} gmu WHERE gmu.userid=ggh.userid AND gmu.groupid $gsql)"; $params += $gparams; } return array($filter, $params); } /** * Builds the complete sql with all the joins to get the grade history data. * * @param bool $count setting this to true, returns an sql to get count only instead of the complete data records. * * @return array containing sql to use and an array of params. */ protected function get_sql_and_params($count = false) { $fields = 'ggh.id, ggh.timemodified, ggh.itemid, ggh.userid, ggh.finalgrade, ggh.usermodified, ggh.source, ggh.overridden, ggh.locked, ggh.excluded, ggh.feedback, ggh.feedbackformat, gi.itemtype, gi.itemmodule, gi.iteminstance, gi.itemnumber, '; // Add extra user fields that we need for the graded user. $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->context); foreach ($extrafields as $field) { $fields .= 'u.' . $field . ', '; } $gradeduserfields = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u'); $fields .= $gradeduserfields . ', '; $groupby = $fields; // Add extra user fields that we need for the grader user. $fields .= get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'ug', '', 'grader'); $groupby .= get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'ug'); // Filtering on revised grades only. $revisedonly = !empty($this->filters->revisedonly); if ($count && !$revisedonly) { // We can only directly use count when not using the filter revised only. $select = "COUNT(1)"; } else { // Fetching the previous grade. We use MAX() to ensure that we only get one result if // more than one histories happened at the same second. $prevgrade = "SELECT MAX(finalgrade) FROM {grade_grades_history} h WHERE h.itemid = ggh.itemid AND h.userid = ggh.userid AND h.timemodified < ggh.timemodified AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM {grade_grades_history} h2 WHERE h2.itemid = ggh.itemid AND h2.userid = ggh.userid AND h2.timemodified < ggh.timemodified AND h.timemodified < h2.timemodified)"; $select = "$fields, ($prevgrade) AS prevgrade, CASE WHEN gi.itemname IS NULL THEN gi.itemtype ELSE gi.itemname END AS itemname"; } list($where, $params) = $this->get_filters_sql_and_params(); $sql = "SELECT $select FROM {grade_grades_history} ggh JOIN {grade_items} gi ON gi.id = ggh.itemid JOIN {user} u ON u.id = ggh.userid LEFT JOIN {user} ug ON ug.id = ggh.usermodified WHERE $where"; // As prevgrade is a dynamic field, we need to wrap the query. This is the only filtering // that should be defined outside the method self::get_filters_sql_and_params(). if ($revisedonly) { $allorcount = $count ? 'COUNT(1)' : '*'; $sql = "SELECT $allorcount FROM ($sql) pg WHERE pg.finalgrade != pg.prevgrade OR (pg.prevgrade IS NULL AND pg.finalgrade IS NOT NULL) OR (pg.prevgrade IS NOT NULL AND pg.finalgrade IS NULL)"; } // Add order by if needed. if (!$count && $sqlsort = $this->get_sql_sort()) { $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $sqlsort; } return array($sql, $params); } /** * Get the SQL fragment to sort by. * * This is overridden to sort by timemodified and ID by default. Many items happen at the same time * and a second sorting by ID is valuable to distinguish the order in which the history happened. * * @return string SQL fragment. */ public function get_sql_sort() { $columns = $this->get_sort_columns(); if (count($columns) == 1 && isset($columns['timemodified']) && $columns['timemodified'] == SORT_DESC) { // Add the 'id' column when we are using the default sorting. $columns['id'] = SORT_DESC; return self::construct_order_by($columns); } return parent::get_sql_sort(); } /** * Query the reader. Store results in the object for use by build_table. * * @param int $pagesize size of page for paginated displayed table. * @param bool $useinitialsbar do you want to use the initials bar. */ public function query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar = true) { global $DB; list($countsql, $countparams) = $this->get_sql_and_params(true); list($sql, $params) = $this->get_sql_and_params(); $total = $DB->count_records_sql($countsql, $countparams); $this->pagesize($pagesize, $total); if ($this->is_downloading()) { $histories = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); } else { $histories = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $this->pagesize * $this->page, $this->pagesize); } foreach ($histories as $history) { $this->rawdata[] = $history; } // Set initial bars. if ($useinitialsbar) { $this->initialbars($total > $pagesize); } } /** * Returns a list of selected users. * * @return array returns an array in the format $userid => $userid */ public function get_selected_users() { global $DB; $idlist = array(); if (!empty($this->filters->userids)) { $idlist = explode(',', $this->filters->userids); list($where, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($idlist); return $DB->get_records_select('user', "id $where", $params); } return $idlist; } }