. /** * Grading method controller for the guide plugin * * @package gradingform_guide * @copyright 2012 Dan Marsden * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/grade/grading/form/lib.php'); /** guide: Used to compare our gradeitem_type against. */ const MARKING_GUIDE = 'guide'; /** * This controller encapsulates the guide grading logic * * @package gradingform_guide * @copyright 2012 Dan Marsden * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class gradingform_guide_controller extends gradingform_controller { // Modes of displaying the guide (used in gradingform_guide_renderer). /** guide display mode: For editing (moderator or teacher creates a guide) */ const DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL = 1; /** guide display mode: Preview the guide design with hidden fields */ const DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN = 2; /** guide display mode: Preview the guide design (for person with manage permission) */ const DISPLAY_PREVIEW = 3; /** guide display mode: Preview the guide (for people being graded) */ const DISPLAY_PREVIEW_GRADED= 8; /** guide display mode: For evaluation, enabled (teacher grades a student) */ const DISPLAY_EVAL = 4; /** guide display mode: For evaluation, with hidden fields */ const DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN = 5; /** guide display mode: Teacher reviews filled guide */ const DISPLAY_REVIEW = 6; /** guide display mode: Dispaly filled guide (i.e. students see their grades) */ const DISPLAY_VIEW = 7; /** @var stdClass|false the definition structure */ protected $moduleinstance = false; /** * Extends the module settings navigation with the guide grading settings * * This function is called when the context for the page is an activity module with the * FEATURE_ADVANCED_GRADING, the user has the permission moodle/grade:managegradingforms * and there is an area with the active grading method set to 'guide'. * * @param settings_navigation $settingsnav {@link settings_navigation} * @param navigation_node $node {@link navigation_node} */ public function extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settingsnav, navigation_node $node=null) { $node->add(get_string('definemarkingguide', 'gradingform_guide'), $this->get_editor_url(), settings_navigation::TYPE_CUSTOM, null, null, new pix_icon('icon', '', 'gradingform_guide')); } /** * Extends the module navigation * * This function is called when the context for the page is an activity module with the * FEATURE_ADVANCED_GRADING and there is an area with the active grading method set to the given plugin. * * @param global_navigation $navigation {@link global_navigation} * @param navigation_node $node {@link navigation_node} * @return void */ public function extend_navigation(global_navigation $navigation, navigation_node $node=null) { if (has_capability('moodle/grade:managegradingforms', $this->get_context())) { // No need for preview if user can manage forms, he will have link to manage.php in settings instead. return; } if ($this->is_form_defined() && ($options = $this->get_options()) && !empty($options['alwaysshowdefinition'])) { $node->add(get_string('gradingof', 'gradingform_guide', get_grading_manager($this->get_areaid())->get_area_title()), new moodle_url('/grade/grading/form/'.$this->get_method_name().'/preview.php', array('areaid' => $this->get_areaid())), settings_navigation::TYPE_CUSTOM); } } /** * Saves the guide definition into the database * * @see parent::update_definition() * @param stdClass $newdefinition guide definition data as coming from gradingform_guide_editguide::get_data() * @param int $usermodified optional userid of the author of the definition, defaults to the current user */ public function update_definition(stdClass $newdefinition, $usermodified = null) { $this->update_or_check_guide($newdefinition, $usermodified, true); if (isset($newdefinition->guide['regrade']) && $newdefinition->guide['regrade']) { $this->mark_for_regrade(); } } /** * Either saves the guide definition into the database or check if it has been changed. * * Returns the level of changes: * 0 - no changes * 1 - only texts or criteria sortorders are changed, students probably do not require re-grading * 2 - added levels but maximum score on guide is the same, students still may not require re-grading * 3 - removed criteria or changed number of points, students require re-grading but may be re-graded automatically * 4 - removed levels - students require re-grading and not all students may be re-graded automatically * 5 - added criteria - all students require manual re-grading * * @param stdClass $newdefinition guide definition data as coming from gradingform_guide_editguide::get_data() * @param int|null $usermodified optional userid of the author of the definition, defaults to the current user * @param bool $doupdate if true actually updates DB, otherwise performs a check * @return int */ public function update_or_check_guide(stdClass $newdefinition, $usermodified = null, $doupdate = false) { global $DB; // Firstly update the common definition data in the {grading_definition} table. if ($this->definition === false) { if (!$doupdate) { // If we create the new definition there is no such thing as re-grading anyway. return 5; } // If definition does not exist yet, create a blank one // (we need id to save files embedded in description). parent::update_definition(new stdClass(), $usermodified); parent::load_definition(); } if (!isset($newdefinition->guide['options'])) { $newdefinition->guide['options'] = self::get_default_options(); } $newdefinition->options = json_encode($newdefinition->guide['options']); $editoroptions = self::description_form_field_options($this->get_context()); $newdefinition = file_postupdate_standard_editor($newdefinition, 'description', $editoroptions, $this->get_context(), 'grading', 'description', $this->definition->id); // Reload the definition from the database. $currentdefinition = $this->get_definition(true); // Update guide data. $haschanges = array(); if (empty($newdefinition->guide['criteria'])) { $newcriteria = array(); } else { $newcriteria = $newdefinition->guide['criteria']; // New ones to be saved. } $currentcriteria = $currentdefinition->guide_criteria; $criteriafields = array('sortorder', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'descriptionmarkers', 'descriptionmarkersformat', 'shortname', 'maxscore'); foreach ($newcriteria as $id => $criterion) { if (preg_match('/^NEWID\d+$/', $id)) { // Insert criterion into DB. $data = array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id, 'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE, 'descriptionmarkersformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE); // TODO format is not supported yet. foreach ($criteriafields as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $criterion)) { $data[$key] = $criterion[$key]; } } if ($doupdate) { $id = $DB->insert_record('gradingform_guide_criteria', $data); } $haschanges[5] = true; } else { // Update criterion in DB. $data = array(); foreach ($criteriafields as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $criterion) && $criterion[$key] != $currentcriteria[$id][$key]) { $data[$key] = $criterion[$key]; } } if (!empty($data)) { // Update only if something is changed. $data['id'] = $id; if ($doupdate) { $DB->update_record('gradingform_guide_criteria', $data); } $haschanges[1] = true; } } } // Remove deleted criteria from DB. foreach (array_keys($currentcriteria) as $id) { if (!array_key_exists($id, $newcriteria)) { if ($doupdate) { $DB->delete_records('gradingform_guide_criteria', array('id' => $id)); } $haschanges[3] = true; } } // Now handle comments. if (empty($newdefinition->guide['comments'])) { $newcomment = array(); } else { $newcomment = $newdefinition->guide['comments']; // New ones to be saved. } $currentcomments = $currentdefinition->guide_comments; $commentfields = array('sortorder', 'description'); foreach ($newcomment as $id => $comment) { if (preg_match('/^NEWID\d+$/', $id)) { // Insert criterion into DB. $data = array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id, 'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE); foreach ($commentfields as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $comment)) { // Check if key is the comment's description. if ($key === 'description') { // Get a trimmed value for the comment description. $description = trim($comment[$key]); // Check if the comment description is empty. if (empty($description)) { // Continue to the next comment object if the description is empty. continue 2; } } $data[$key] = $comment[$key]; } } if ($doupdate) { $id = $DB->insert_record('gradingform_guide_comments', $data); } } else { // Update criterion in DB. $data = array(); foreach ($commentfields as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $comment) && $comment[$key] != $currentcomments[$id][$key]) { $data[$key] = $comment[$key]; } } if (!empty($data)) { // Update only if something is changed. $data['id'] = $id; if ($doupdate) { $DB->update_record('gradingform_guide_comments', $data); } } } } // Remove deleted criteria from DB. foreach (array_keys($currentcomments) as $id) { if (!array_key_exists($id, $newcomment)) { if ($doupdate) { $DB->delete_records('gradingform_guide_comments', array('id' => $id)); } } } // End comments handle. foreach (array('status', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'name', 'options') as $key) { if (isset($newdefinition->$key) && $newdefinition->$key != $this->definition->$key) { $haschanges[1] = true; } } if ($usermodified && $usermodified != $this->definition->usermodified) { $haschanges[1] = true; } if (!count($haschanges)) { return 0; } if ($doupdate) { parent::update_definition($newdefinition, $usermodified); $this->load_definition(); } // Return the maximum level of changes. $changelevels = array_keys($haschanges); sort($changelevels); return array_pop($changelevels); } /** * Marks all instances filled with this guide with the status INSTANCE_STATUS_NEEDUPDATE */ public function mark_for_regrade() { global $DB; if ($this->has_active_instances()) { $conditions = array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id, 'status' => gradingform_instance::INSTANCE_STATUS_ACTIVE); $DB->set_field('grading_instances', 'status', gradingform_instance::INSTANCE_STATUS_NEEDUPDATE, $conditions); } } /** * Loads the guide form definition if it exists * * There is a new array called 'guide_criteria' appended to the list of parent's definition properties. */ protected function load_definition() { global $DB; // Check to see if the user prefs have changed - putting here as this function is called on post even when // validation on the page fails. - hard to find a better place to locate this as it is specific to the guide. $showdesc = optional_param('showmarkerdesc', null, PARAM_BOOL); // Check if we need to change pref. $showdescstudent = optional_param('showstudentdesc', null, PARAM_BOOL); // Check if we need to change pref. if ($showdesc !== null) { set_user_preference('gradingform_guide-showmarkerdesc', $showdesc); } if ($showdescstudent !== null) { set_user_preference('gradingform_guide-showstudentdesc', $showdescstudent); } // Get definition. $definition = $DB->get_record('grading_definitions', array('areaid' => $this->areaid, 'method' => $this->get_method_name()), '*'); if (!$definition) { // The definition doesn't have to exist. It may be that we are only now creating it. $this->definition = false; return false; } $this->definition = $definition; // Now get criteria. $this->definition->guide_criteria = array(); $this->definition->guide_comments = array(); $criteria = $DB->get_recordset('gradingform_guide_criteria', array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id), 'sortorder'); foreach ($criteria as $criterion) { foreach (array('id', 'sortorder', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'maxscore', 'descriptionmarkers', 'descriptionmarkersformat', 'shortname') as $fieldname) { if ($fieldname == 'maxscore') { // Strip any trailing 0. $this->definition->guide_criteria[$criterion->id][$fieldname] = (float)$criterion->{$fieldname}; } else { $this->definition->guide_criteria[$criterion->id][$fieldname] = $criterion->{$fieldname}; } } } $criteria->close(); // Now get comments. $comments = $DB->get_recordset('gradingform_guide_comments', array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id), 'sortorder'); foreach ($comments as $comment) { foreach (array('id', 'sortorder', 'description', 'descriptionformat') as $fieldname) { $this->definition->guide_comments[$comment->id][$fieldname] = $comment->{$fieldname}; } } $comments->close(); if (empty($this->moduleinstance)) { // Only set if empty. $modulename = $this->get_component(); $context = $this->get_context(); if (strpos($modulename, 'mod_') === 0) { $dbman = $DB->get_manager(); $modulename = substr($modulename, 4); if ($dbman->table_exists($modulename)) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id($modulename, $context->instanceid); if (!empty($cm)) { // This should only occur when the course is being deleted. $this->moduleinstance = $DB->get_record($modulename, array("id"=>$cm->instance)); } } } } } /** * Returns the default options for the guide display * * @return array */ public static function get_default_options() { $options = array( 'alwaysshowdefinition' => 1, 'showmarkspercriterionstudents' => 1, ); return $options; } /** * Gets the options of this guide definition, fills the missing options with default values * * @return array */ public function get_options() { $options = self::get_default_options(); if (!empty($this->definition->options)) { $thisoptions = json_decode($this->definition->options); foreach ($thisoptions as $option => $value) { $options[$option] = $value; } } return $options; } /** * Converts the current definition into an object suitable for the editor form's set_data() * * @param bool $addemptycriterion whether to add an empty criterion if the guide is completely empty (just being created) * @return stdClass */ public function get_definition_for_editing($addemptycriterion = false) { $definition = $this->get_definition(); $properties = new stdClass(); $properties->areaid = $this->areaid; if (isset($this->moduleinstance->grade)) { $properties->modulegrade = $this->moduleinstance->grade; } if ($definition) { foreach (array('id', 'name', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'status') as $key) { $properties->$key = $definition->$key; } $options = self::description_form_field_options($this->get_context()); $properties = file_prepare_standard_editor($properties, 'description', $options, $this->get_context(), 'grading', 'description', $definition->id); } $properties->guide = array('criteria' => array(), 'options' => $this->get_options(), 'comments' => array()); if (!empty($definition->guide_criteria)) { $properties->guide['criteria'] = $definition->guide_criteria; } else if (!$definition && $addemptycriterion) { $properties->guide['criteria'] = array('addcriterion' => 1); } if (!empty($definition->guide_comments)) { $properties->guide['comments'] = $definition->guide_comments; } else if (!$definition && $addemptycriterion) { $properties->guide['comments'] = array('addcomment' => 1); } return $properties; } /** * Returns the form definition suitable for cloning into another area * * @see parent::get_definition_copy() * @param gradingform_controller $target the controller of the new copy * @return stdClass definition structure to pass to the target's {@link update_definition()} */ public function get_definition_copy(gradingform_controller $target) { $new = parent::get_definition_copy($target); $old = $this->get_definition_for_editing(); $new->description_editor = $old->description_editor; $new->guide = array('criteria' => array(), 'options' => $old->guide['options'], 'comments' => array()); $newcritid = 1; foreach ($old->guide['criteria'] as $oldcritid => $oldcrit) { unset($oldcrit['id']); $new->guide['criteria']['NEWID'.$newcritid] = $oldcrit; $newcritid++; } $newcomid = 1; foreach ($old->guide['comments'] as $oldcritid => $oldcom) { unset($oldcom['id']); $new->guide['comments']['NEWID'.$newcomid] = $oldcom; $newcomid++; } return $new; } /** * Options for displaying the guide description field in the form * * @param context $context * @return array options for the form description field */ public static function description_form_field_options($context) { global $CFG; return array( 'maxfiles' => -1, 'maxbytes' => get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes), 'context' => $context, ); } /** * Formats the definition description for display on page * * @return string */ public function get_formatted_description() { if (!isset($this->definition->description)) { return ''; } $context = $this->get_context(); $options = self::description_form_field_options($this->get_context()); $description = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->definition->description, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'grading', 'description', $this->definition->id, $options); $formatoptions = array( 'noclean' => false, 'trusted' => false, 'filter' => true, 'context' => $context ); return format_text($description, $this->definition->descriptionformat, $formatoptions); } /** * Returns the guide plugin renderer * * @param moodle_page $page the target page * @return gradingform_guide_renderer */ public function get_renderer(moodle_page $page) { return $page->get_renderer('gradingform_'. $this->get_method_name()); } /** * Returns the HTML code displaying the preview of the grading form * * @param moodle_page $page the target page * @return string */ public function render_preview(moodle_page $page) { if (!$this->is_form_defined()) { throw new coding_exception('It is the caller\'s responsibility to make sure that the form is actually defined'); } // Check if current user is able to see preview $options = $this->get_options(); if (empty($options['alwaysshowdefinition']) && !has_capability('moodle/grade:managegradingforms', $page->context)) { return ''; } $criteria = $this->definition->guide_criteria; $comments = $this->definition->guide_comments; $output = $this->get_renderer($page); $guide = ''; $guide .= $output->box($this->get_formatted_description(), 'gradingform_guide-description'); if (has_capability('moodle/grade:managegradingforms', $page->context)) { $guide .= $output->display_guide_mapping_explained($this->get_min_max_score()); $guide .= $output->display_guide($criteria, $comments, $options, self::DISPLAY_PREVIEW, 'guide'); } else { $guide .= $output->display_guide($criteria, $comments, $options, self::DISPLAY_PREVIEW_GRADED, 'guide'); } return $guide; } /** * Deletes the guide definition and all the associated information */ protected function delete_plugin_definition() { global $DB; // Get the list of instances. $instances = array_keys($DB->get_records('grading_instances', array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id), '', 'id')); // Delete all fillings. $DB->delete_records_list('gradingform_guide_fillings', 'instanceid', $instances); // Delete instances. $DB->delete_records_list('grading_instances', 'id', $instances); // Get the list of criteria records. $criteria = array_keys($DB->get_records('gradingform_guide_criteria', array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id), '', 'id')); // Delete critera. $DB->delete_records_list('gradingform_guide_criteria', 'id', $criteria); // Delete comments. $DB->delete_records('gradingform_guide_comments', array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id)); } /** * If instanceid is specified and grading instance exists and it is created by this rater for * this item, this instance is returned. * If there exists a draft for this raterid+itemid, take this draft (this is the change from parent) * Otherwise new instance is created for the specified rater and itemid * * @param int $instanceid * @param int $raterid * @param int $itemid * @return gradingform_instance */ public function get_or_create_instance($instanceid, $raterid, $itemid) { global $DB; if ($instanceid && $instance = $DB->get_record('grading_instances', array('id' => $instanceid, 'raterid' => $raterid, 'itemid' => $itemid), '*', IGNORE_MISSING)) { return $this->get_instance($instance); } if ($itemid && $raterid) { $params = array('definitionid' => $this->definition->id, 'raterid' => $raterid, 'itemid' => $itemid); if ($rs = $DB->get_records('grading_instances', $params, 'timemodified DESC', '*', 0, 1)) { $record = reset($rs); $currentinstance = $this->get_current_instance($raterid, $itemid); if ($record->status == gradingform_guide_instance::INSTANCE_STATUS_INCOMPLETE && (!$currentinstance || $record->timemodified > $currentinstance->get_data('timemodified'))) { $record->isrestored = true; return $this->get_instance($record); } } } return $this->create_instance($raterid, $itemid); } /** * Returns html code to be included in student's feedback. * * @param moodle_page $page * @param int $itemid * @param array $gradinginfo result of function grade_get_grades * @param string $defaultcontent default string to be returned if no active grading is found * @param bool $cangrade whether current user has capability to grade in this context * @return string */ public function render_grade($page, $itemid, $gradinginfo, $defaultcontent, $cangrade) { return $this->get_renderer($page)->display_instances($this->get_active_instances($itemid), $defaultcontent, $cangrade); } // Full-text search support. /** * Prepare the part of the search query to append to the FROM statement * * @param string $gdid the alias of grading_definitions.id column used by the caller * @return string */ public static function sql_search_from_tables($gdid) { return " LEFT JOIN {gradingform_guide_criteria} gc ON (gc.definitionid = $gdid)"; } /** * Prepare the parts of the SQL WHERE statement to search for the given token * * The returned array cosists of the list of SQL comparions and the list of * respective parameters for the comparisons. The returned chunks will be joined * with other conditions using the OR operator. * * @param string $token token to search for * @return array An array containing two more arrays * Array of search SQL fragments * Array of params for the search fragments */ public static function sql_search_where($token) { global $DB; $subsql = array(); $params = array(); // Search in guide criteria description. $subsql[] = $DB->sql_like('gc.description', '?', false, false); $params[] = '%'.$DB->sql_like_escape($token).'%'; return array($subsql, $params); } /** * Calculates and returns the possible minimum and maximum score (in points) for this guide * * @return array */ public function get_min_max_score() { if (!$this->is_form_available()) { return null; } $returnvalue = array('minscore' => 0, 'maxscore' => 0); $maxscore = 0; foreach ($this->get_definition()->guide_criteria as $id => $criterion) { $maxscore += $criterion['maxscore']; } $returnvalue['maxscore'] = $maxscore; $returnvalue['minscore'] = 0; if (!empty($this->moduleinstance->grade)) { $graderange = make_grades_menu($this->moduleinstance->grade); $returnvalue['modulegrade'] = count($graderange) - 1; } return $returnvalue; } /** * @return array An array containing 2 key/value pairs which hold the external_multiple_structure * for the 'guide_criteria' and the 'guide_comments'. * @see gradingform_controller::get_external_definition_details() * @since Moodle 2.5 */ public static function get_external_definition_details() { $guide_criteria = new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure( array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'criterion id', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'sortorder' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'sortorder', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'descriptionformat' => new external_format_value('description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'shortname' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'description'), 'descriptionmarkers' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'markers description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'descriptionmarkersformat' => new external_format_value('descriptionmarkers', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'maxscore' => new external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'maximum score') ) ) ); $guide_comments = new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure( array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'criterion id', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'sortorder' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'sortorder', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'description', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'descriptionformat' => new external_format_value('description', VALUE_OPTIONAL) ) ), 'comments', VALUE_OPTIONAL ); return array('guide_criteria' => $guide_criteria, 'guide_comments' => $guide_comments); } /** * Returns an array that defines the structure of the guide's filling. This function is used by * the web service function core_grading_external::get_gradingform_instances(). * * @return An array containing a single key/value pair with the 'criteria' external_multiple_structure * @see gradingform_controller::get_external_instance_filling_details() * @since Moodle 2.6 */ public static function get_external_instance_filling_details() { $criteria = new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure( array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'filling id'), 'criterionid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'criterion id'), 'levelid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'level id', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'remark' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'remark', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'remarkformat' => new external_format_value('remark', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'score' => new external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'maximum score') ) ), 'filling', VALUE_OPTIONAL ); return array ('criteria' => $criteria); } } /** * Class to manage one guide grading instance. Stores information and performs actions like * update, copy, validate, submit, etc. * * @package gradingform_guide * @copyright 2012 Dan Marsden * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class gradingform_guide_instance extends gradingform_instance { /** @var array */ protected $guide; /** @var array An array of validation errors */ protected $validationerrors = array(); /** * Deletes this (INCOMPLETE) instance from database. */ public function cancel() { global $DB; parent::cancel(); $DB->delete_records('gradingform_guide_fillings', array('instanceid' => $this->get_id())); } /** * Duplicates the instance before editing (optionally substitutes raterid and/or itemid with * the specified values) * * @param int $raterid value for raterid in the duplicate * @param int $itemid value for itemid in the duplicate * @return int id of the new instance */ public function copy($raterid, $itemid) { global $DB; $instanceid = parent::copy($raterid, $itemid); $currentgrade = $this->get_guide_filling(); foreach ($currentgrade['criteria'] as $criterionid => $record) { $params = array('instanceid' => $instanceid, 'criterionid' => $criterionid, 'score' => $record['score'], 'remark' => $record['remark'], 'remarkformat' => $record['remarkformat']); $DB->insert_record('gradingform_guide_fillings', $params); } return $instanceid; } /** * Determines whether the submitted form was empty. * * @param array $elementvalue value of element submitted from the form * @return boolean true if the form is empty */ public function is_empty_form($elementvalue) { $criteria = $this->get_controller()->get_definition()->guide_criteria; foreach ($criteria as $id => $criterion) { $score = $elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['score']; $remark = $elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['remark']; if ((isset($score) && $score !== '') || ((isset($remark) && $remark !== ''))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Validates that guide is fully completed and contains valid grade on each criterion * * @param array $elementvalue value of element as came in form submit * @return boolean true if the form data is validated and contains no errors */ public function validate_grading_element($elementvalue) { $criteria = $this->get_controller()->get_definition()->guide_criteria; if (!isset($elementvalue['criteria']) || !is_array($elementvalue['criteria']) || count($elementvalue['criteria']) < count($criteria)) { return false; } // Reset validation errors. $this->validationerrors = null; foreach ($criteria as $id => $criterion) { if (!isset($elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['score']) || $criterion['maxscore'] < $elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['score'] || !is_numeric($elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['score']) || $elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['score'] < 0) { $this->validationerrors[$id]['score'] = $elementvalue['criteria'][$id]['score']; } } if (!empty($this->validationerrors)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieves from DB and returns the data how this guide was filled * * @param bool $force whether to force DB query even if the data is cached * @return array */ public function get_guide_filling($force = false) { global $DB; if ($this->guide === null || $force) { $records = $DB->get_records('gradingform_guide_fillings', array('instanceid' => $this->get_id())); $this->guide = array('criteria' => array()); foreach ($records as $record) { $record->score = (float)$record->score; // Strip trailing 0. $this->guide['criteria'][$record->criterionid] = (array)$record; } } return $this->guide; } /** * Updates the instance with the data received from grading form. This function may be * called via AJAX when grading is not yet completed, so it does not change the * status of the instance. * * @param array $data */ public function update($data) { global $DB; $currentgrade = $this->get_guide_filling(); parent::update($data); foreach ($data['criteria'] as $criterionid => $record) { if (!array_key_exists($criterionid, $currentgrade['criteria'])) { $newrecord = array('instanceid' => $this->get_id(), 'criterionid' => $criterionid, 'score' => $record['score'], 'remarkformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE); if (isset($record['remark'])) { $newrecord['remark'] = $record['remark']; } $DB->insert_record('gradingform_guide_fillings', $newrecord); } else { $newrecord = array('id' => $currentgrade['criteria'][$criterionid]['id']); foreach (array('score', 'remark'/*, 'remarkformat' TODO */) as $key) { if (isset($record[$key]) && $currentgrade['criteria'][$criterionid][$key] != $record[$key]) { $newrecord[$key] = $record[$key]; } } if (count($newrecord) > 1) { $DB->update_record('gradingform_guide_fillings', $newrecord); } } } foreach ($currentgrade['criteria'] as $criterionid => $record) { if (!array_key_exists($criterionid, $data['criteria'])) { $DB->delete_records('gradingform_guide_fillings', array('id' => $record['id'])); } } $this->get_guide_filling(true); } /** * Removes the attempt from the gradingform_guide_fillings table * @param array $data the attempt data */ public function clear_attempt($data) { global $DB; foreach ($data['criteria'] as $criterionid => $record) { $DB->delete_records('gradingform_guide_fillings', array('criterionid' => $criterionid, 'instanceid' => $this->get_id())); } } /** * Calculates the grade to be pushed to the gradebook * * @return float|int the valid grade from $this->get_controller()->get_grade_range() */ public function get_grade() { $grade = $this->get_guide_filling(); if (!($scores = $this->get_controller()->get_min_max_score()) || $scores['maxscore'] <= $scores['minscore']) { return -1; } $graderange = array_keys($this->get_controller()->get_grade_range()); if (empty($graderange)) { return -1; } sort($graderange); $mingrade = $graderange[0]; $maxgrade = $graderange[count($graderange) - 1]; $curscore = 0; foreach ($grade['criteria'] as $record) { $curscore += $record['score']; } $gradeoffset = ($curscore-$scores['minscore'])/($scores['maxscore']-$scores['minscore'])* ($maxgrade-$mingrade); if ($this->get_controller()->get_allow_grade_decimals()) { return $gradeoffset + $mingrade; } return round($gradeoffset, 0) + $mingrade; } /** * Returns html for form element of type 'grading'. * * @param moodle_page $page * @param MoodleQuickForm_grading $gradingformelement * @return string */ public function render_grading_element($page, $gradingformelement) { if (!$gradingformelement->_flagFrozen) { $module = array('name'=>'gradingform_guide', 'fullpath'=>'/grade/grading/form/guide/js/guide.js'); $page->requires->js_init_call('M.gradingform_guide.init', array( array('name' => $gradingformelement->getName())), true, $module); $mode = gradingform_guide_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL; } else { if ($gradingformelement->_persistantFreeze) { $mode = gradingform_guide_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN; } else { $mode = gradingform_guide_controller::DISPLAY_REVIEW; } } $criteria = $this->get_controller()->get_definition()->guide_criteria; $comments = $this->get_controller()->get_definition()->guide_comments; $options = $this->get_controller()->get_options(); $value = $gradingformelement->getValue(); $html = ''; if ($value === null) { $value = $this->get_guide_filling(); } else if (!$this->validate_grading_element($value)) { $html .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('guidenotcompleted', 'gradingform_guide'), array('class' => 'gradingform_guide-error')); if (!empty($this->validationerrors)) { foreach ($this->validationerrors as $id => $err) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->criterianame = s($criteria[$id]['shortname']); $a->maxscore = $criteria[$id]['maxscore']; if ($this->validationerrors[$id]['score'] < 0) { $html .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('err_scoreisnegative', 'gradingform_guide', $a), array('class' => 'gradingform_guide-error')); } else { $html .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('err_scoreinvalid', 'gradingform_guide', $a), array('class' => 'gradingform_guide-error')); } } } } $currentinstance = $this->get_current_instance(); if ($currentinstance && $currentinstance->get_status() == gradingform_instance::INSTANCE_STATUS_NEEDUPDATE) { $html .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('needregrademessage', 'gradingform_guide'), array('class' => 'gradingform_guide-regrade', 'role' => 'alert')); } $haschanges = false; if ($currentinstance) { $curfilling = $currentinstance->get_guide_filling(); foreach ($curfilling['criteria'] as $criterionid => $curvalues) { $value['criteria'][$criterionid]['score'] = $curvalues['score']; $newremark = null; $newscore = null; if (isset($value['criteria'][$criterionid]['remark'])) { $newremark = $value['criteria'][$criterionid]['remark']; } if (isset($value['criteria'][$criterionid]['score'])) { $newscore = $value['criteria'][$criterionid]['score']; } if ($newscore != $curvalues['score'] || $newremark != $curvalues['remark']) { $haschanges = true; } } } if ($this->get_data('isrestored') && $haschanges) { $html .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('restoredfromdraft', 'gradingform_guide'), array('class' => 'gradingform_guide-restored')); } $html .= html_writer::tag('div', $this->get_controller()->get_formatted_description(), array('class' => 'gradingform_guide-description')); $html .= $this->get_controller()->get_renderer($page)->display_guide($criteria, $comments, $options, $mode, $gradingformelement->getName(), $value, $this->validationerrors); return $html; } } /** * Get the icon mapping for font-awesome. * * @return array */ function gradingform_guide_get_fontawesome_icon_map(): array { return [ 'gradingform_guide:info' => 'fa-info-circle', 'gradingform_guide:plus' => 'fa-plus', ]; }