. /** * Web services relating to fetching of a marking guide for the grading panel. * * @package gradingform_guide * @copyright 2019 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ declare(strict_types = 1); namespace gradingform_guide\grades\grader\gradingpanel\external; global $CFG; use coding_exception; use context; use core_user; use core_grades\component_gradeitem as gradeitem; use core_grades\component_gradeitems; use external_api; use external_format_value; use external_function_parameters; use external_multiple_structure; use external_single_structure; use external_value; use external_warnings; use moodle_exception; use stdClass; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/grade/grading/form/guide/lib.php'); /** * Web services relating to fetching of a marking guide for the grading panel. * * @package gradingform_guide * @copyright 2019 Andrew Nicols * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class fetch extends external_api { /** * Describes the parameters for fetching the grading panel for a simple grade. * * @return external_function_parameters * @since Moodle 3.8 */ public static function execute_parameters(): external_function_parameters { return new external_function_parameters ([ 'component' => new external_value( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The name of the component', VALUE_REQUIRED ), 'contextid' => new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The ID of the context being graded', VALUE_REQUIRED ), 'itemname' => new external_value( PARAM_ALPHANUM, 'The grade item itemname being graded', VALUE_REQUIRED ), 'gradeduserid' => new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The ID of the user show', VALUE_REQUIRED ), ]); } /** * Fetch the data required to build a grading panel for a simple grade. * * @param string $component * @param int $contextid * @param string $itemname * @param int $gradeduserid * @return array * @throws \dml_exception * @throws \invalid_parameter_exception * @throws \restricted_context_exception * @throws coding_exception * @throws moodle_exception * @since Moodle 3.8 */ public static function execute(string $component, int $contextid, string $itemname, int $gradeduserid): array { global $CFG; require_once("{$CFG->libdir}/gradelib.php"); [ 'component' => $component, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'gradeduserid' => $gradeduserid, ] = self::validate_parameters(self::execute_parameters(), [ 'component' => $component, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'gradeduserid' => $gradeduserid, ]); // Validate the context. $context = context::instance_by_id($contextid); self::validate_context($context); // Validate that the supplied itemname is a gradable item. if (!component_gradeitems::is_valid_itemname($component, $itemname)) { throw new coding_exception("The '{$itemname}' item is not valid for the '{$component}' component"); } // Fetch the gradeitem instance. $gradeitem = gradeitem::instance($component, $context, $itemname); if (MARKING_GUIDE !== $gradeitem->get_advanced_grading_method()) { throw new moodle_exception( "The {$itemname} item in {$component}/{$contextid} is not configured for advanced grading with a marking guide" ); } // Fetch the actual data. $gradeduser = core_user::get_user($gradeduserid); return self::get_fetch_data($gradeitem, $gradeduser); } /** * Get the data to be fetched. * * @param gradeitem $gradeitem * @param stdClass $gradeduser * @return array */ public static function get_fetch_data(gradeitem $gradeitem, stdClass $gradeduser): array { global $USER; $hasgrade = $gradeitem->user_has_grade($gradeduser); $grade = $gradeitem->get_grade_for_user($gradeduser, $USER); $instance = $gradeitem->get_advanced_grading_instance($USER, $grade); $controller = $instance->get_controller(); $definition = $controller->get_definition(); $fillings = $instance->get_guide_filling(); $context = $controller->get_context(); $definitionid = (int) $definition->id; // Set up some items we need to return on other interfaces. $gradegrade = \grade_grade::fetch(['itemid' => $gradeitem->get_grade_item()->id, 'userid' => $gradeduser->id]); $gradername = $gradegrade ? fullname(\core_user::get_user($gradegrade->usermodified)) : null; $maxgrade = max(array_keys($controller->get_grade_range())); $criterion = []; if ($definition->guide_criteria) { $criterion = array_map(function($criterion) use ($definitionid, $fillings, $context) { $result = [ 'id' => $criterion['id'], 'name' => $criterion['shortname'], 'maxscore' => $criterion['maxscore'], 'description' => self::get_formatted_text( $context, $definitionid, 'description', $criterion['description'], (int) $criterion['descriptionformat'] ), 'descriptionmarkers' => self::get_formatted_text( $context, $definitionid, 'descriptionmarkers', $criterion['descriptionmarkers'], (int) $criterion['descriptionmarkersformat'] ), 'score' => null, 'remark' => null, ]; if (array_key_exists($criterion['id'], $fillings['criteria'])) { $filling = $fillings['criteria'][$criterion['id']]; $result['score'] = $filling['score']; $result['remark'] = self::get_formatted_text( $context, $definitionid, 'remark', $filling['remark'], (int) $filling['remarkformat'] ); } return $result; }, $definition->guide_criteria); } $comments = []; if ($definition->guide_comments) { $comments = array_map(function($comment) use ($definitionid, $context) { return [ 'id' => $comment['id'], 'sortorder' => $comment['sortorder'], 'description' => self::get_formatted_text( $context, $definitionid, 'description', $comment['description'], (int) $comment['descriptionformat'] ), ]; }, $definition->guide_comments); } return [ 'templatename' => 'gradingform_guide/grades/grader/gradingpanel', 'hasgrade' => $hasgrade, 'grade' => [ 'instanceid' => $instance->get_id(), 'criterion' => $criterion, 'hascomments' => !empty($comments), 'comments' => $comments, 'usergrade' => $grade->grade, 'maxgrade' => $maxgrade, 'gradedby' => $gradername, 'timecreated' => $grade->timecreated, 'timemodified' => $grade->timemodified, ], 'warnings' => [], ]; } /** * Describes the data returned from the external function. * * @return external_single_structure * @since Moodle 3.8 */ public static function execute_returns(): external_single_structure { return new external_single_structure([ 'templatename' => new external_value(PARAM_SAFEPATH, 'The template to use when rendering this data'), 'hasgrade' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Does the user have a grade?'), 'grade' => new external_single_structure([ 'instanceid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The id of the current grading instance'), 'criterion' => new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure([ 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The id of the criterion'), 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the criterion'), 'maxscore' => new external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'The maximum score for this criterion'), 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The description of the criterion'), 'descriptionmarkers' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The description of the criterion for markers'), 'score' => new external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'The current score for user being assessed', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'remark' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Any remarks for this criterion for the user being assessed', VALUE_OPTIONAL), ]), 'The criterion by which this item will be graded' ), 'hascomments' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'Whether there are any frequently-used comments'), 'comments' => new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure([ 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Comment id'), 'sortorder' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The sortorder of this comment'), 'description' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The comment value'), ]), 'Frequently used comments' ), 'usergrade' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Current user grade'), 'maxgrade' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Max possible grade'), 'gradedby' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The assumed grader of this grading instance'), 'timecreated' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The time that the grade was created'), 'timemodified' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The time that the grade was last updated'), ]), 'warnings' => new external_warnings(), ]); } /** * Get a formatted version of the remark/description/etc. * * @param context $context * @param int $definitionid * @param string $filearea The file area of the field * @param string $text The text to be formatted * @param int $format The input format of the string * @return string */ protected static function get_formatted_text(context $context, int $definitionid, string $filearea, string $text, int $format): string { $formatoptions = [ 'noclean' => false, 'trusted' => false, 'filter' => true, ]; [$newtext, ] = external_format_text($text, $format, $context, 'grading', $filearea, $definitionid, $formatoptions); return $newtext; } }