. /** * Testing the service layer within core_favourites. * * @package core_favourites * @category test * @copyright 2019 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ use \core_favourites\local\entity\favourite; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Test class covering the component_favourite_service within the service layer of favourites. * * @copyright 2019 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class component_favourite_service_testcase extends advanced_testcase { public function setUp() { $this->resetAfterTest(); } // Basic setup stuff to be reused in most tests. protected function setup_users_and_courses() { $user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $user1context = \context_user::instance($user1->id); $user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $user2context = \context_user::instance($user2->id); $course1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $course2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $course1context = context_course::instance($course1->id); $course2context = context_course::instance($course2->id); return [$user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context]; } /** * Generates an in-memory repository for testing, using an array store for CRUD stuff. * * @param array $mockstore * @return \PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject */ protected function get_mock_repository(array $mockstore) { // This mock will just store data in an array. $mockrepo = $this->getMockBuilder(\core_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository_interface::class) ->setMethods([]) ->getMock(); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('add') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(favourite $favourite) use (&$mockstore) { // Mock implementation of repository->add(), where an array is used instead of the DB. // Duplicates are confirmed via the unique key, and exceptions thrown just like a real repo. $key = $favourite->userid . $favourite->component . $favourite->itemtype . $favourite->itemid . $favourite->contextid; // Check the objects for the unique key. foreach ($mockstore as $item) { if ($item->uniquekey == $key) { throw new \moodle_exception('Favourite already exists'); } } $index = count($mockstore); // Integer index. $favourite->uniquekey = $key; // Simulate the unique key constraint. $favourite->id = $index; $mockstore[$index] = $favourite; return $mockstore[$index]; }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('find_by') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria, int $limitfrom = 0, int $limitnum = 0) use (&$mockstore) { // Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria. foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) { $mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow; if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) { $returns[$index] = $mockrow; } } // Return a subset of the records, according to the paging options, if set. if ($limitnum != 0) { return array_slice($returns, $limitfrom, $limitnum); } // Otherwise, just return the full set. return $returns; }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('find_favourite') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $userid, string $comp, string $type, int $id, int $ctxid) use (&$mockstore) { // Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria. $crit = ['userid' => $userid, 'component' => $comp, 'itemtype' => $type, 'itemid' => $id, 'contextid' => $ctxid]; foreach ($mockstore as $fakerow) { $fakerowarr = (array)$fakerow; if (array_diff_assoc($crit, $fakerowarr) == []) { return $fakerow; } } throw new \dml_missing_record_exception("Item not found"); }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('find') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $id) use (&$mockstore) { return $mockstore[$id]; }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('exists') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $id) use (&$mockstore) { return array_key_exists($id, $mockstore); }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('count_by') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria) use (&$mockstore) { $count = 0; // Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria. foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) { $mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow; if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) { $count++; } } return $count; }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('delete') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $id) use (&$mockstore) { foreach ($mockstore as $mockrow) { if ($mockrow->id == $id) { unset($mockstore[$id]); } } }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('delete_by') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria) use (&$mockstore) { // Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria. foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) { $mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow; if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) { unset($mockstore[$index]); } } }) ); $mockrepo->expects($this->any()) ->method('exists_by') ->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria) use (&$mockstore) { // Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria. foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) { $mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow; echo "Here"; if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) { return true; } } return false; }) ); return $mockrepo; } /** * Test confirming the deletion of favourites by type and item, but with no optional context filter provided. */ public function test_delete_favourites_by_type_and_item() { list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses(); // Get a user_favourite_service for each user. $repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]); // Mock repository, using the array as a mock DB. $user1service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo); $user2service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user2context, $repo); // Favourite both courses for both users. $fav1 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); $fav2 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); $fav3 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context); $fav4 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav1->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav2->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav3->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav4->id)); // Favourite something else arbitrarily. $fav5 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_user', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context); $fav6 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'whatnow', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context); // Get a component_favourite_service to perform the type based deletion. $service = new \core_favourites\local\service\component_favourite_service('core_course', $repo); // Delete all 'course' type favourites (for all users who have favourited course1). $service->delete_favourites_by_type_and_item('course', $course1context->instanceid); // Delete all 'course' type favourites (for all users who have favourited course2). $service->delete_favourites_by_type_and_item('course', $course2context->instanceid); // Verify the favourites don't exist. $this->assertFalse($repo->exists($fav1->id)); $this->assertFalse($repo->exists($fav2->id)); $this->assertFalse($repo->exists($fav3->id)); $this->assertFalse($repo->exists($fav4->id)); // Verify favourites of other types or for other components are not affected. $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav5->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav6->id)); // Try to delete favourites for a type which we know doesn't exist. Verify no exception. $this->assertNull($service->delete_favourites_by_type_and_item('course', $course1context->instanceid)); } /** * Test confirming the deletion of favourites by type and item and with the optional context filter provided. */ public function test_delete_favourites_by_type_and_item_with_context() { list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses(); // Get a user_favourite_service for each user. $repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]); // Mock repository, using the array as a mock DB. $user1service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo); $user2service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user2context, $repo); // Favourite both courses for both users. $fav1 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); $fav2 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); $fav3 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context); $fav4 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav1->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav2->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav3->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav4->id)); // Favourite something else arbitrarily. $fav5 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_user', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); $fav6 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'whatnow', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); // Favourite the courses again, but this time in another context. $fav7 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, context_system::instance()); $fav8 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, context_system::instance()); $fav9 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, context_system::instance()); $fav10 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, context_system::instance()); // Get a component_favourite_service to perform the type based deletion. $service = new \core_favourites\local\service\component_favourite_service('core_course', $repo); // Delete all 'course' type favourites (for all users at ONLY the course 1 context). $service->delete_favourites_by_type_and_item('course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context); // Verify the favourites for course 1 context don't exist. $this->assertFalse($repo->exists($fav1->id)); $this->assertFalse($repo->exists($fav2->id)); // Verify the favourites for the same component and type, but NOT for the same contextid and unaffected. $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav3->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav4->id)); // Verify favourites of other types or for other components are not affected. $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav5->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav6->id)); // Verify the course favourite at the system context are unaffected. $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav7->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav8->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav9->id)); $this->assertTrue($repo->exists($fav10->id)); // Try to delete favourites for a type which we know doesn't exist. Verify no exception. $this->assertNull($service->delete_favourites_by_type_and_item('course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context)); } }