. /** * LTI enrolment plugin version information * * @package enrol_lti * @copyright 2016 Mark Nelson * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['allowframeembedding'] = 'Note: It is recommended that the site administration setting \'Allow frame embedding\' is enabled, so that tools are displayed within a frame rather than in a new window.'; $string['authltimustbeenabled'] = 'Note: This plugin requires the LTI authentication plugin to be enabled too.'; $string['couldnotestablishproxy'] = 'Could not establish proxy with consumer.'; $string['enrolenddate'] = 'End date'; $string['enrolenddate_help'] = 'If enabled, users can access until this date only.'; $string['enrolenddateerror'] = 'Enrolment end date cannot be earlier than start date'; $string['enrolisdisabled'] = 'The \'Publish as LTI tool\' plugin is disabled.'; $string['enrolperiod'] = 'Enrolment duration'; $string['enrolperiod_help'] = 'Length of time that the enrolment is valid, starting with the moment the user enrols themselves from the remote system. If disabled, the enrolment duration will be unlimited.'; $string['enrolmentfinished'] = 'Enrolment finished.'; $string['enrolmentnotstarted'] = 'Enrolment has not started.'; $string['enrolstartdate'] = 'Start date'; $string['enrolstartdate_help'] = 'If enabled, users can access from this date onward only.'; $string['frameembeddingnotenabled'] = 'To access the tool, please follow the link below.'; $string['failedrequest'] = 'Failed request. Reason: {$a->reason}'; $string['gradesync'] = 'Grade synchronisation'; $string['gradesync_help'] = 'Whether grades from the tool are sent to the remote system (LTI consumer).'; $string['incorrecttoken'] = 'The token was incorrect. Please check the URL and try again, or contact the administrator of this tool.'; $string['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request'; $string['invalidtoolconsumer'] = 'Invalid tool consumer.'; $string['maxenrolled'] = 'Maximum enrolled users'; $string['maxenrolled_help'] = 'The maximum number of remote users who can access the tool. If set to zero, the number of enrolled users is unlimited.'; $string['maxenrolledreached'] = 'The maximum number of remote users allowed to access the tool has been reached.'; $string['membersync'] = 'User synchronisation'; $string['membersync_help'] = 'Whether a scheduled task synchronises enrolled users in the remote system with enrolments in this course, creating an account for each remote user as necessary, and enrolling or unenrolling them as required. If set to no, at the moment when a remote user accesses the tool, an account will be created for them and they will be automatically enrolled.'; $string['membersyncmode'] = 'User synchronisation mode'; $string['membersyncmode_help'] = 'Whether remote users should be enrolled and/or unenrolled from this course.'; $string['membersyncmodeenrolandunenrol'] = 'Enrol new and unenrol missing users'; $string['membersyncmodeenrolnew'] = 'Enrol new users'; $string['membersyncmodeunenrolmissing'] = 'Unenrol missing users'; $string['notoolsprovided'] = 'No tools provided'; $string['launchdetails'] = 'Launch details'; $string['launchdetails_help'] = 'A cartridge URL (also called configuration URL) plus secret or a launch URL are required for configuring the tool.'; $string['launchurl'] = 'Launch URL'; $string['lti:config'] = 'Configure \'Publish as LTI tool\' instances'; $string['lti:unenrol'] = 'Unenrol users from the course'; $string['opentool'] = 'Open tool'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Publish as LTI tool'; $string['pluginname_desc'] = 'The \'Publish as LTI tool\' plugin, together with the LTI authentication plugin, allows remote users to access selected courses and activities. In other words, Moodle functions as an LTI tool provider.'; $string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users'] = 'The list of users enrolled via an LTI provider'; $string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:userid'] = 'The ID of the user'; $string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:lastgrade'] = 'The last grade the user was recorded of having'; $string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:lastaccess'] = 'The time when the user last accessed the course'; $string['privacy:metadata:enrol_lti_users:timecreated'] = 'The time when the user was enrolled'; $string['registration'] = 'Published tool registration'; $string['registrationurl'] = 'Registration URL'; $string['registrationurl_help'] = 'If a registration URL (also called proxy URL) is used, then the tool is automatically configured.'; $string['remotesystem'] = 'Remote system'; $string['requirecompletion'] = 'Require course or activity completion prior to grade synchronisation'; $string['returnurlnotset'] = 'Return URL was not set.'; $string['roleinstructor'] = 'Role for teacher'; $string['roleinstructor_help'] = 'The role assigned in the tool to the remote teacher.'; $string['rolelearner'] = 'Role for student'; $string['rolelearner_help'] = 'The role assigned in the tool to the remote student.'; $string['secret'] = 'Secret'; $string['secret_help'] = 'A string of characters which is shared with the remote system (LTI consumer) to provide access to the tool.'; $string['sharedexternaltools'] = 'Published as LTI tools'; $string['successfulregistration'] = 'Successful registration'; $string['tasksyncgrades'] = 'Publish as LTI tool grade sync'; $string['tasksyncmembers'] = 'Publish as LTI tool users sync'; $string['toolsprovided'] = 'Published tools'; $string['toolsprovided_help'] = 'A tool may be shared with another site by providing either launch details or a registration URL.'; $string['tooltobeprovided'] = 'Tool to be published'; $string['toolurl'] = 'Tool URL'; $string['userdefaultvalues'] = 'User default values'; $string['cartridgeurl'] = 'Cartridge URL';