. /** * Strings for component 'enrol_ldap', language 'en'. * * @package enrol_ldap * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @copyright 2010 IƱaki Arenaza * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['assignrole'] = "Assigning role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' into course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; $string['assignrolefailed'] = "Failed to assign role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' into course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})\n"; $string['autocreate'] = '

Courses can be created automatically if there are enrolments to a course that doesn\'t yet exist in Moodle

If you are using automatic course creation, it is recommended that you remove the following capabilities: moodle/course:changeidnumber, moodle/course:changeshortname, moodle/course:changefullname and moodle/course:changesummary, from the relevant roles to prevent modifications of the four course fields specified above (ID number, shortname, fullname and summary).

'; $string['autocreate_key'] = 'Auto create'; $string['autocreation_settings'] = 'Automatic course creation settings'; $string['autoupdate_settings'] = 'Automatic course update settings'; $string['autoupdate_settings_desc'] = '

Select fields to update when the \'Synchronise LDAP enrolments\' scheduled task is running.

When at least one field is selected an update will occur.

'; $string['bind_dn'] = 'If you want to use a bind user to search users, specify it here. Someting like \'cn=ldapuser,ou=public,o=org\''; $string['bind_dn_key'] = 'Bind user distinguished name'; $string['bind_pw'] = 'Password for the bind user'; $string['bind_pw_key'] = 'Password'; $string['bind_settings'] = 'Bind settings'; $string['cannotcreatecourse'] = 'Cannot create course: missing required data from the LDAP record!'; $string['cannotupdatecourse'] = "Cannot update course: missing required data from the LDAP record! Course idnumber: '{\$a->idnumber}'"; $string['cannotupdatecourse_duplicateshortname'] = "Cannot update course: Duplicate short name. Skipping course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}'..."; $string['courseupdated'] = "Course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}' was successfully updated."; $string['courseupdateskipped'] = "Course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}' does not require updating. Skipping..."; $string['category'] = 'The category for auto-created courses'; $string['category_key'] = 'Category'; $string['contexts'] = 'LDAP contexts'; $string['couldnotfinduser'] = "Could not find user '{\$a}', skipping\n"; $string['coursenotexistskip'] = "Course '{\$a}' does not exist and autocreation disabled, skipping\n"; $string['course_fullname'] = 'Optional: LDAP attribute to get the full name from'; $string['course_fullname_key'] = 'Full name'; $string['course_fullname_updateonsync'] = 'Update full name during synchronisation script'; $string['course_fullname_updateonsync_key'] = 'Update full name'; $string['course_idnumber'] = 'LDAP attribute to get the course ID number from. Usually \'cn\' or \'uid\'.'; $string['course_idnumber_key'] = 'ID number'; $string['course_search_sub'] = 'Search group memberships from subcontexts'; $string['course_search_sub_key'] = 'Search subcontexts'; $string['course_settings'] = 'Course enrolment settings'; $string['course_shortname'] = 'Optional: LDAP attribute to get the shortname from'; $string['course_shortname_key'] = 'Short name'; $string['course_shortname_updateonsync'] = 'Update short name during synchronisation script'; $string['course_shortname_updateonsync_key'] = 'Update short name'; $string['course_summary'] = 'Optional: LDAP attribute to get the summary from'; $string['course_summary_key'] = 'Summary'; $string['course_summary_updateonsync'] = 'Update summary during synchronisation script'; $string['course_summary_updateonsync_key'] = 'Update summary'; $string['createcourseextid'] = 'CREATE User enrolled to a non-existing course \'{$a->courseextid}\''; $string['createnotcourseextid'] = 'User enrolled to a non-existing course \'{$a->courseextid}\''; $string['creatingcourse'] = 'Creating course \'{$a}\'...'; $string['duplicateshortname'] = "Course creation failed. Duplicate short name. Skipping course with idnumber '{\$a->idnumber}'..."; $string['editlock'] = 'Lock value'; $string['emptyenrolment'] = "Empty enrolment for role '{\$a->role_shortname}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}'\n"; $string['enrolname'] = 'LDAP'; $string['enroluser'] = "Enrol user '{\$a->user_username}' into course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; $string['enroluserenable'] = "Enabled enrolment for user '{\$a->user_username}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; $string['explodegroupusertypenotsupported'] = "ldap_explode_group() does not support selected user type: {\$a}\n"; $string['extcourseidinvalid'] = 'The course external id is invalid!'; $string['extremovedsuspend'] = "Disabled enrolment for user '{\$a->user_username}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; $string['extremovedsuspendnoroles'] = "Disabled enrolment and removed roles for user '{\$a->user_username}' in course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; $string['extremovedunenrol'] = "Unenrol user '{\$a->user_username}' from course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})"; $string['failed'] = "Failed!\n"; $string['general_options'] = 'General options'; $string['group_memberofattribute'] = 'Name of the attribute that specifies which groups a given user or group belongs to (e.g., memberOf, groupMembership, etc.)'; $string['group_memberofattribute_key'] = '\'Member of\' attribute'; $string['host_url'] = 'Specify LDAP host in URL-form like \'ldap://ldap.myorg.com/\' or \'ldaps://ldap.myorg.com/\''; $string['host_url_key'] = 'Host URL'; $string['idnumber_attribute'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify the same attribute you have used for the user \'ID Number\' mapping in the LDAP authentication settings.'; $string['idnumber_attribute_key'] = 'ID number attribute'; $string['ldap_encoding'] = 'Specify encoding used by LDAP server. Most probably utf-8, MS AD v2 uses default platform encoding such as cp1252, cp1250, etc.'; $string['ldap_encoding_key'] = 'LDAP encoding'; $string['ldap:manage'] = 'Manage LDAP enrol instances'; $string['memberattribute'] = 'LDAP member attribute'; $string['memberattribute_isdn'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, you need to specify them here. If so, you also need to configure the remaining settings in this section.'; $string['memberattribute_isdn_key'] = 'Member attribute uses dn'; $string['nested_groups'] = 'Do you want to use nested groups (groups of groups) for enrolment?'; $string['nested_groups_key'] = 'Nested groups'; $string['nested_groups_settings'] = 'Nested groups settings'; $string['nosuchrole'] = "No such role: '{\$a}'\n"; $string['objectclass'] = 'objectClass used to search courses. Usually \'group\' or \'posixGroup\''; $string['objectclass_key'] = 'Object class'; $string['ok'] = "OK!\n"; $string['opt_deref'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify how aliases are handled during a search. Select one of the following values: \'No\' (LDAP_DEREF_NEVER) or \'Yes\' (LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS).'; $string['opt_deref_key'] = 'Dereference aliases'; $string['phpldap_noextension'] = 'The PHP LDAP module does not seem to be present. Please ensure it is installed and enabled if you want to use this enrolment plugin.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'LDAP enrolments'; $string['pluginname_desc'] = '

You can use an LDAP server to control your enrolments. It is assumed your LDAP tree contains groups that map to the courses, and that each of those groups/courses will have membership entries to map to students.

It is assumed that courses are defined as groups in LDAP, with each group having multiple membership fields (member or memberUid) that contain a uniqueidentification of the user.

To use LDAP enrolment, your users must to have a valid idnumber field. The LDAP groups must have that idnumber in the member fields for a user to be enrolled in the course. This will usually work well if you are already using LDAP Authentication.

Enrolments will be updated when the user logs in. You can also run a script to keep enrolments in synch. Look in enrol/ldap/cli/sync.php.

This plugin can also be set to automatically create new courses when new groups appear in LDAP.

'; $string['pluginnotenabled'] = 'Plugin not enabled!'; $string['role_mapping'] = '

For each role, you need to specify all LDAP contexts where the groups that represent the courses are located. Separate different contexts with a semicolon (;).

You also need to specify the attribute your LDAP server uses to hold the members of a group. This is usually \'member\' or \'memberUid\'.

'; $string['role_mapping_attribute'] = 'LDAP member attribute for {$a}'; $string['role_mapping_context'] = 'LDAP contexts for {$a}'; $string['role_mapping_key'] = 'Map roles from LDAP '; $string['roles'] = 'Role mapping'; $string['server_settings'] = 'LDAP server settings'; $string['syncenrolmentstask'] = 'Synchronise LDAP enrolments task'; $string['synccourserole'] = "== Synching course '{\$a->idnumber}' for role '{\$a->role_shortname}'\n"; $string['template'] = 'Optional: auto-created courses can copy their settings from a template course'; $string['template_key'] = 'Template'; $string['unassignrole'] = "Unassigning role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' from course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})\n"; $string['unassignroleid'] = "Unassigning role id '{\$a->role_id}' to user id '{\$a->user_id}'\n"; $string['unassignrolefailed'] = "Failed to unassign role '{\$a->role_shortname}' to user '{\$a->user_username}' from course '{\$a->course_shortname}' (id {\$a->course_id})\n"; $string['updatelocal'] = 'Update local data'; $string['user_attribute'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify the attribute used to name/search for users. If you are using LDAP authentication, this value should match the attribute specified in the \'ID Number\' mapping in the LDAP authentication plugin.'; $string['user_attribute_key'] = 'ID number attribute'; $string['user_contexts'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify the list of contexts where users are located. Separate different contexts with a semi-colon (;). For example: \'ou=users,o=org; ou=others,o=org\'.'; $string['user_contexts_key'] = 'Contexts'; $string['user_search_sub'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify if the search for users is done in sub-contexts too.'; $string['user_search_sub_key'] = 'Search subcontexts'; $string['user_settings'] = 'User lookup settings'; $string['user_type'] = 'If the group membership contains distinguished names, specify how users are stored in LDAP'; $string['user_type_key'] = 'User type'; $string['version'] = 'The version of the LDAP protocol your server is using'; $string['version_key'] = 'Version'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The LDAP enrolments plugin does not store any personal data.';