. /** * Customfield text plugin * * @package customfield_text * @copyright 2018 Toni Barbera * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['displaysize'] = 'Form input size'; $string['errorconfigdisplaysize'] = 'The form input size must be between 1 and 200 characters.'; $string['errorconfiglinkplaceholder'] = 'The link must contain a placeholder $$.'; $string['errorconfiglinksyntax'] = 'The link must be a valid URL starting with either http:// or https://.'; $string['errorconfigmaxlen'] = 'The maximum number of characters allowed must be between 1 and 1333.'; $string['errormaxlength'] = 'The maximum number of characters allowed in this field is {$a}.'; $string['islink'] = 'Link field'; $string['islink_help'] = 'To transform the text into a link, enter a URL containing $$ as a placeholder, where $$ will be replaced with the text. For example, to transform a Twitter ID to a link, enter https://twitter.com/$$.'; $string['ispassword'] = 'Password field'; $string['linktarget'] = 'Link target'; $string['maxlength'] = 'Maximum number of characters'; $string['newwindow'] = 'New window'; $string['none'] = 'None'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Short text'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Short text field type plugin doesn\'t store any personal data; it uses tables defined in core.'; $string['sameframe'] = 'Same frame'; $string['samewindow'] = 'Same window'; $string['specificsettings'] = 'Short text field settings';