. /** * Customfields text plugin * * @package customfield_text * @copyright 2018 David Matamoros * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace customfield_text; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * Class field * * @copyright 2018 David Matamoros * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package customfield_text */ class field_controller extends \core_customfield\field_controller { /** * Plugin type text */ const TYPE = 'text'; /** * Add fields for editing a text field. * * @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform */ public function config_form_definition(\MoodleQuickForm $mform) { $mform->addElement('header', 'header_specificsettings', get_string('specificsettings', 'customfield_text')); $mform->setExpanded('header_specificsettings', true); $mform->addElement('text', 'configdata[defaultvalue]', get_string('defaultvalue', 'core_customfield'), ['size' => 50]); $mform->setType('configdata[defaultvalue]', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addElement('text', 'configdata[displaysize]', get_string('displaysize', 'customfield_text'), ['size' => 6]); $mform->setType('configdata[displaysize]', PARAM_INT); $mform->setDefault('configdata[displaysize]', 50); $mform->addRule('configdata[displaysize]', null, 'numeric', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('text', 'configdata[maxlength]', get_string('maxlength', 'customfield_text'), ['size' => 6]); $mform->setType('configdata[maxlength]', PARAM_INT); $mform->setDefault('configdata[maxlength]', 1333); $mform->addRule('configdata[maxlength]', null, 'numeric', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'configdata[ispassword]', get_string('ispassword', 'customfield_text')); $mform->setType('configdata[ispassword]', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('text', 'configdata[link]', get_string('islink', 'customfield_text'), ['size' => 50]); $mform->setType('configdata[link]', PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED); $mform->addHelpButton('configdata[link]', 'islink', 'customfield_text'); $mform->disabledIf('configdata[link]', 'configdata[ispassword]', 'eq', 1); $linkstargetoptions = array( '' => get_string('none', 'customfield_text'), '_blank' => get_string('newwindow', 'customfield_text'), '_self' => get_string('sameframe', 'customfield_text'), '_top' => get_string('samewindow', 'customfield_text') ); $mform->addElement('select', 'configdata[linktarget]', get_string('linktarget', 'customfield_text'), $linkstargetoptions); $mform->disabledIf('configdata[linktarget]', 'configdata[link]', 'eq', ''); } /** * Validate the data on the field configuration form * * @param array $data from the add/edit profile field form * @param array $files * @return array associative array of error messages */ public function config_form_validation(array $data, $files = array()) : array { global $CFG; $errors = parent::config_form_validation($data, $files); $maxlength = (int)$data['configdata']['maxlength']; if ($maxlength < 1 || $maxlength > 1333) { $errors['configdata[maxlength]'] = get_string('errorconfigmaxlen', 'customfield_text'); } $displaysize = (int)$data['configdata']['displaysize']; if ($displaysize < 1 || $displaysize > 200) { $errors['configdata[displaysize]'] = get_string('errorconfigdisplaysize', 'customfield_text'); } if (isset($data['configdata']['link'])) { $link = $data['configdata']['link']; if (strlen($link)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/validateurlsyntax.php'); if (strpos($link, '$$') === false) { $errors['configdata[link]'] = get_string('errorconfiglinkplaceholder', 'customfield_text'); } else if (!validateUrlSyntax(str_replace('$$', 'XYZ', $link), 's+H?S?F-E-u-P-a?I?p?f?q?r?')) { // This validation is more strict than PARAM_URL - it requires the protocol and it must be either http or https. $errors['configdata[link]'] = get_string('errorconfigdisplaysize', 'customfield_text'); } } } return $errors; } /** * Does this custom field type support being used as part of the block_myoverview * custom field grouping? * @return bool */ public function supports_course_grouping(): bool { return true; } /** * If this field supports course grouping, then this function needs overriding to * return the formatted values for this. * @param array $values the used values that need formatting * @return array */ public function course_grouping_format_values($values): array { $ret = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $ret[$value] = format_string($value); } $ret[BLOCK_MYOVERVIEW_CUSTOMFIELD_EMPTY] = get_string('nocustomvalue', 'block_myoverview', $this->get_formatted_name()); return $ret; } }