. /** * The abstract custom fields handler * * @package core_customfield * @copyright 2018 David Matamoros * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_customfield; use core_customfield\output\field_data; use stdClass; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * Base class for custom fields handlers * * This handler provides callbacks for field configuration form and also allows to add the fields to the instance editing form * * Every plugin that wants to use custom fields must define a handler class: * \customfield\_handler extends \core_customfield\handler * * To initiate a class use an appropriate static method: * - ::create - to create an instance of a known handler * - \core_customfield\handler::get_handler - to create an instance of a handler for given component/area/itemid * * Also handler is automatically created when the following methods are called: * - \core_customfield\api::get_field($fieldid) * - \core_customfield\api::get_category($categoryid) * * @package core_customfield * @copyright 2018 David Matamoros * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class handler { /** * The component this handler handles * * @var string $component */ private $component; /** * The area within the component * * @var string $area */ private $area; /** * The id of the item within the area and component * @var int $itemid */ private $itemid; /** * @var category_controller[] */ protected $categories = null; /** * Handler constructor. * * @param int $itemid */ protected final function __construct(int $itemid = 0) { if (!preg_match('|^(\w+_[\w_]+)\\\\customfield\\\\([\w_]+)_handler$|', static::class, $matches)) { throw new \coding_exception('Handler class name must have format: \\customfield\\_handler'); } $this->component = $matches[1]; $this->area = $matches[2]; $this->itemid = $itemid; } /** * Returns an instance of the handler * * Some areas may choose to use singleton/caching here * * @param int $itemid * @return handler */ public static function create(int $itemid = 0) : handler { return new static($itemid); } /** * Returns an instance of handler by component/area/itemid * * @param string $component component name of full frankenstyle plugin name * @param string $area name of the area (each component/plugin may define handlers for multiple areas) * @param int $itemid item id if the area uses them (usually not used) * @return handler */ public static function get_handler(string $component, string $area, int $itemid = 0) : handler { $classname = $component . '\\customfield\\' . $area . '_handler'; if (class_exists($classname) && is_subclass_of($classname, self::class)) { return $classname::create($itemid); } $a = ['component' => s($component), 'area' => s($area)]; throw new \moodle_exception('unknownhandler', 'core_customfield', (object)$a); } /** * Get component * * @return string */ public function get_component() : string { return $this->component; } /** * Get area * * @return string */ public function get_area() : string { return $this->area; } /** * Context that should be used for new categories created by this handler * * @return \context */ abstract public function get_configuration_context() : \context; /** * URL for configuration of the fields on this handler. * * @return \moodle_url */ abstract public function get_configuration_url() : \moodle_url; /** * Context that should be used for data stored for the given record * * @param int $instanceid id of the instance or 0 if the instance is being created * @return \context */ abstract public function get_instance_context(int $instanceid = 0) : \context; /** * Get itemid * * @return int|null */ public function get_itemid() : int { return $this->itemid; } /** * Uses categories * * @return bool */ public function uses_categories() : bool { return true; } /** * The form to create or edit a field * * @param field_controller $field * @return field_config_form */ public function get_field_config_form(field_controller $field) : field_config_form { $form = new field_config_form(null, ['field' => $field]); $form->set_data(api::prepare_field_for_config_form($field)); return $form; } /** * Generates a name for the new category * * @param int $suffix * @return string */ protected function generate_category_name($suffix = 0) : string { if ($suffix) { return get_string('otherfieldsn', 'core_customfield', $suffix); } else { return get_string('otherfields', 'core_customfield'); } } /** * Creates a new category and inserts it to the database * * @param string $name name of the category, null to generate automatically * @return int id of the new category */ public function create_category(string $name = null) : int { global $DB; $params = ['component' => $this->get_component(), 'area' => $this->get_area(), 'itemid' => $this->get_itemid()]; if (empty($name)) { for ($suffix = 0; $suffix < 100; $suffix++) { $name = $this->generate_category_name($suffix); if (!$DB->record_exists(category::TABLE, $params + ['name' => $name])) { break; } } } $category = category_controller::create(0, (object)['name' => $name], $this); api::save_category($category); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); return $category->get('id'); } /** * Validate that the given category belongs to this handler * * @param category_controller $category * @return category_controller * @throws \moodle_exception */ protected function validate_category(category_controller $category) : category_controller { $categories = $this->get_categories_with_fields(); if (!array_key_exists($category->get('id'), $categories)) { throw new \moodle_exception('categorynotfound', 'core_customfield'); } return $categories[$category->get('id')]; } /** * Validate that the given field belongs to this handler * * @param field_controller $field * @return field_controller * @throws \moodle_exception */ protected function validate_field(field_controller $field) : field_controller { if (!array_key_exists($field->get('categoryid'), $this->get_categories_with_fields())) { throw new \moodle_exception('fieldnotfound', 'core_customfield'); } $category = $this->get_categories_with_fields()[$field->get('categoryid')]; if (!array_key_exists($field->get('id'), $category->get_fields())) { throw new \moodle_exception('fieldnotfound', 'core_customfield'); } return $category->get_fields()[$field->get('id')]; } /** * Change name for a field category * * @param category_controller $category * @param string $name */ public function rename_category(category_controller $category, string $name) { $this->validate_category($category); $category->set('name', $name); api::save_category($category); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); } /** * Change sort order of the categories * * @param category_controller $category category that needs to be moved * @param int $beforeid id of the category this category needs to be moved before, 0 to move to the end */ public function move_category(category_controller $category, int $beforeid = 0) { $category = $this->validate_category($category); api::move_category($category, $beforeid); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); } /** * Permanently delete category, all fields in it and all associated data * * @param category_controller $category * @return bool */ public function delete_category(category_controller $category) : bool { $category = $this->validate_category($category); $result = api::delete_category($category); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); return $result; } /** * Deletes all data and all fields and categories defined in this handler */ public function delete_all() { $categories = $this->get_categories_with_fields(); foreach ($categories as $category) { api::delete_category($category); } $this->clear_configuration_cache(); } /** * Permanently delete a custom field configuration and all associated data * * @param field_controller $field * @return bool */ public function delete_field_configuration(field_controller $field) : bool { $field = $this->validate_field($field); $result = api::delete_field_configuration($field); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); return $result; } /** * Change fields sort order, move field to another category * * @param field_controller $field field that needs to be moved * @param int $categoryid category that needs to be moved * @param int $beforeid id of the category this category needs to be moved before, 0 to move to the end */ public function move_field(field_controller $field, int $categoryid, int $beforeid = 0) { $field = $this->validate_field($field); api::move_field($field, $categoryid, $beforeid); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); } /** * The current user can configure custom fields on this component. * * @return bool */ abstract public function can_configure() : bool; /** * The current user can edit given custom fields on the given instance * * Called to filter list of fields displayed on the instance edit form * * Capability to edit/create instance is checked separately * * @param field_controller $field * @param int $instanceid id of the instance or 0 if the instance is being created * @return bool */ abstract public function can_edit(field_controller $field, int $instanceid = 0) : bool; /** * The current user can view the value of the custom field for a given custom field and instance * * Called to filter list of fields returned by methods get_instance_data(), get_instances_data(), * export_instance_data(), export_instance_data_object() * * Access to the instance itself is checked by handler before calling these methods * * @param field_controller $field * @param int $instanceid * @return bool */ abstract public function can_view(field_controller $field, int $instanceid) : bool; /** * Returns the custom field values for an individual instance * * The caller must check access to the instance itself before invoking this method * * The result is an array of data_controller objects * * @param int $instanceid * @param bool $returnall return data for all fields (by default only visible fields) * @return data_controller[] array of data_controller objects indexed by fieldid. All fields are present, * some data_controller objects may have 'id', some not * In the last case data_controller::get_value() and export_value() functions will return default values. */ public function get_instance_data(int $instanceid, bool $returnall = false) : array { $fields = $returnall ? $this->get_fields() : $this->get_visible_fields($instanceid); return api::get_instance_fields_data($fields, $instanceid); } /** * Returns the custom fields values for multiple instances * * The caller must check access to the instance itself before invoking this method * * The result is an array of data_controller objects * * @param int[] $instanceids * @param bool $returnall return data for all fields (by default only visible fields) * @return data_controller[][] 2-dimension array, first index is instanceid, second index is fieldid. * All instanceids and all fieldids are present, some data_controller objects may have 'id', some not. * In the last case data_controller::get_value() and export_value() functions will return default values. */ public function get_instances_data(array $instanceids, bool $returnall = false) : array { $result = api::get_instances_fields_data($this->get_fields(), $instanceids); if (!$returnall) { // Filter only by visible fields (list of visible fields may be different for each instance). $handler = $this; foreach ($instanceids as $instanceid) { $result[$instanceid] = array_filter($result[$instanceid], function(data_controller $d) use ($handler) { return $handler->can_view($d->get_field(), $d->get('instanceid')); }); } } return $result; } /** * Returns the custom field values for an individual instance ready to be displayed * * The caller must check access to the instance itself before invoking this method * * The result is an array of \core_customfield\output\field_data objects * * @param int $instanceid * @param bool $returnall * @return \core_customfield\output\field_data[] */ public function export_instance_data(int $instanceid, bool $returnall = false) : array { return array_map(function($d) { return new field_data($d); }, $this->get_instance_data($instanceid, $returnall)); } /** * Returns the custom field values for an individual instance ready to be displayed * * The caller must check access to the instance itself before invoking this method * * The result is a class where properties are fields short names and the values their export values for this instance * * @param int $instanceid * @param bool $returnall * @return stdClass */ public function export_instance_data_object(int $instanceid, bool $returnall = false) : stdClass { $rv = new stdClass(); foreach ($this->export_instance_data($instanceid, $returnall) as $d) { $rv->{$d->get_shortname()} = $d->get_value(); } return $rv; } /** * Display visible custom fields. * This is a sample implementation that can be overridden in each handler. * * @param data_controller[] $fieldsdata * @return string */ public function display_custom_fields_data(array $fieldsdata) : string { global $PAGE; $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_customfield'); $content = ''; foreach ($fieldsdata as $data) { $fd = new field_data($data); $content .= $output->render($fd); } return $content; } /** * Returns array of categories, each of them contains a list of fields definitions. * * @return category_controller[] */ public function get_categories_with_fields() : array { if ($this->categories === null) { $this->categories = api::get_categories_with_fields($this->get_component(), $this->get_area(), $this->get_itemid()); } $handler = $this; array_walk($this->categories, function(category_controller $c) use ($handler) { $c->set_handler($handler); }); return $this->categories; } /** * Clears a list of categories with corresponding fields definitions. */ protected function clear_configuration_cache() { $this->categories = null; } /** * Checks if current user can backup a given field * * Capability to backup the instance does not need to be checked here * * @param field_controller $field * @param int $instanceid * @return bool */ protected function can_backup(field_controller $field, int $instanceid) : bool { return $this->can_view($field, $instanceid) || $this->can_edit($field, $instanceid); } /** * Get raw data associated with all fields current user can view or edit * * @param int $instanceid * @return array */ public function get_instance_data_for_backup(int $instanceid) : array { $finalfields = []; $data = $this->get_instance_data($instanceid, true); foreach ($data as $d) { if ($d->get('id') && $this->can_backup($d->get_field(), $instanceid)) { $finalfields[] = [ 'id' => $d->get('id'), 'shortname' => $d->get_field()->get('shortname'), 'type' => $d->get_field()->get('type'), 'value' => $d->get_value(), 'valueformat' => $d->get('valueformat')]; } } return $finalfields; } /** * Form data definition callback. * * This method is called from moodleform::definition_after_data and allows to tweak * mform with some data coming directly from the field plugin data controller. * * @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform * @param int $instanceid */ public function instance_form_definition_after_data(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, int $instanceid = 0) { $editablefields = $this->get_editable_fields($instanceid); $fields = api::get_instance_fields_data($editablefields, $instanceid); foreach ($fields as $formfield) { $formfield->instance_form_definition_after_data($mform); } } /** * Prepares the custom fields data related to the instance to pass to mform->set_data() * * Example: * $instance = $DB->get_record(...); * // .... prepare editor, filemanager, add tags, etc. * $handler->instance_form_before_set_data($instance); * $form->set_data($instance); * * @param stdClass $instance the instance that has custom fields, if 'id' attribute is present the custom * fields for this instance will be added, otherwise the default values will be added. */ public function instance_form_before_set_data(stdClass $instance) { $instanceid = !empty($instance->id) ? $instance->id : 0; $fields = api::get_instance_fields_data($this->get_editable_fields($instanceid), $instanceid); foreach ($fields as $formfield) { $formfield->instance_form_before_set_data($instance); } } /** * Saves the given data for custom fields, must be called after the instance is saved and id is present * * Example: * if ($data = $form->get_data()) { * // ... save main instance, set $data->id if instance was created. * $handler->instance_form_save($data); * redirect(...); * } * * @param stdClass $instance data received from a form * @param bool $isnewinstance if this is call is made during instance creation */ public function instance_form_save(stdClass $instance, bool $isnewinstance = false) { if (empty($instance->id)) { throw new \coding_exception('Caller must ensure that id is already set in data before calling this method'); } if (!preg_grep('/^customfield_/', array_keys((array)$instance))) { // For performance. return; } $editablefields = $this->get_editable_fields($isnewinstance ? 0 : $instance->id); $fields = api::get_instance_fields_data($editablefields, $instance->id); foreach ($fields as $data) { if (!$data->get('id')) { $data->set('contextid', $this->get_instance_context($instance->id)->id); } $data->instance_form_save($instance); } } /** * Validates the given data for custom fields, used in moodleform validation() function * * Example: * public function validation($data, $files) { * $errors = []; * // .... check other fields. * $errors = array_merge($errors, $handler->instance_form_validation($data, $files)); * return $errors; * } * * @param array $data * @param array $files * @return array validation errors */ public function instance_form_validation(array $data, array $files) { $instanceid = empty($data['id']) ? 0 : $data['id']; $editablefields = $this->get_editable_fields($instanceid); $fields = api::get_instance_fields_data($editablefields, $instanceid); $errors = []; foreach ($fields as $formfield) { $errors += $formfield->instance_form_validation($data, $files); } return $errors; } /** * Adds custom fields to instance editing form * * Example: * public function definition() { * // ... normal instance definition, including hidden 'id' field. * $handler->instance_form_definition($this->_form, $instanceid); * $this->add_action_buttons(); * } * * @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform * @param int $instanceid id of the instance, can be null when instance is being created * @param string $headerlangidentifier If specified, a lang string will be used for field category headings * @param string $headerlangcomponent */ public function instance_form_definition(\MoodleQuickForm $mform, int $instanceid = 0, ?string $headerlangidentifier = null, ?string $headerlangcomponent = null) { $editablefields = $this->get_editable_fields($instanceid); $fieldswithdata = api::get_instance_fields_data($editablefields, $instanceid); $lastcategoryid = null; foreach ($fieldswithdata as $data) { $categoryid = $data->get_field()->get_category()->get('id'); if ($categoryid != $lastcategoryid) { $categoryname = format_string($data->get_field()->get_category()->get('name')); // Load category header lang string if specified. if (!empty($headerlangidentifier)) { $categoryname = get_string($headerlangidentifier, $headerlangcomponent, $categoryname); } $mform->addElement('header', 'category_' . $categoryid, $categoryname); $lastcategoryid = $categoryid; } $data->instance_form_definition($mform); $field = $data->get_field()->to_record(); if (strlen($field->description)) { // Add field description. $context = $this->get_configuration_context(); $value = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($field->description, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'core_customfield', 'description', $field->id); $value = format_text($value, $field->descriptionformat, ['context' => $context]); $mform->addElement('static', 'customfield_' . $field->shortname . '_static', '', $value); } } } /** * Get field types array * * @return array */ public function get_available_field_types() :array { return api::get_available_field_types(); } /** * Options for processing embedded files in the field description. * * Handlers may want to extend it to disable files support and/or specify 'noclean'=>true * Context is not necessary here * * @return array */ public function get_description_text_options() : array { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/formslib.php'); return [ 'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes' => $CFG->maxbytes, 'context' => $this->get_configuration_context() ]; } /** * Save the field configuration with the data from the form * * @param field_controller $field * @param stdClass $data data from the form */ public function save_field_configuration(field_controller $field, stdClass $data) { if ($field->get('id')) { $field = $this->validate_field($field); } else { $this->validate_category($field->get_category()); } api::save_field_configuration($field, $data); $this->clear_configuration_cache(); } /** * Creates or updates custom field data for a instanceid from backup data. * * The handlers have to override it if they support backup * * @param \restore_task $task * @param array $data */ public function restore_instance_data_from_backup(\restore_task $task, array $data) { throw new \coding_exception('Must be implemented in the handler'); } /** * Returns list of fields defined for this instance as an array (not groupped by categories) * * Fields are sorted in the same order they would appear on the instance edit form * * Note that this function returns all fields in all categories regardless of whether the current user * can view or edit data associated with them * * @return field_controller[] */ public function get_fields() : array { $categories = $this->get_categories_with_fields(); $fields = []; foreach ($categories as $category) { foreach ($category->get_fields() as $field) { $fields[$field->get('id')] = $field; } } return $fields; } /** * Get visible fields * * @param int $instanceid * @return field_controller[] */ protected function get_visible_fields(int $instanceid) : array { $handler = $this; return array_filter($this->get_fields(), function($field) use($handler, $instanceid) { return $handler->can_view($field, $instanceid); } ); } /** * Get editable fields * * @param int $instanceid * @return field_controller[] */ public function get_editable_fields(int $instanceid) : array { $handler = $this; return array_filter($this->get_fields(), function($field) use($handler, $instanceid) { return $handler->can_edit($field, $instanceid); } ); } /** * Allows to add custom controls to the field configuration form that will be saved in configdata * * @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform */ public function config_form_definition(\MoodleQuickForm $mform) { } /** * Deletes all data related to all fields of an instance. * * @param int $instanceid */ public function delete_instance(int $instanceid) { $fielddata = api::get_instance_fields_data($this->get_fields(), $instanceid, false); foreach ($fielddata as $data) { $data->delete(); } } /** * Set up page customfield/edit.php * * Handler should override this method and set page context * * @param field_controller $field * @return string page heading */ public function setup_edit_page(field_controller $field) : string { global $PAGE; // Page context. $context = $this->get_configuration_context(); if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) { list($course, $cm) = get_course_and_cm_from_cmid($context->instanceid, '', $context->get_course_context()->instanceid); require_login($course, false, $cm); } else if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) { require_login($context->instanceid, false); } else { $PAGE->set_context(null); // This will set to system context only if the context was not set before. if ($PAGE->context->id != $context->id) { // In case of user or block context level this method must be overridden. debugging('Handler must override setup_edit_page() and set the page context before calling parent method.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } // Set up url and title. if ($field->get('id')) { $field = $this->validate_field($field); } else { $this->validate_category($field->get_category()); } $url = new \moodle_url('/customfield/edit.php', ['id' => $field->get('id'), 'type' => $field->get('type'), 'categoryid' => $field->get('categoryid')]); $PAGE->set_url($url); $typestr = get_string('pluginname', 'customfield_' . $field->get('type')); if ($field->get('id')) { $title = get_string('editingfield', 'core_customfield', $field->get_formatted_name()); } else { $title = get_string('addingnewcustomfield', 'core_customfield', $typestr); } $PAGE->set_title($title); return $title; } }