. /** * Unit tests for core targets. * * @package core_course * @copyright 2019 Victor Deniz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/completion/criteria/completion_criteria.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/completion/criteria/completion_criteria_activity.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/grade/grade_item.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/grade/grade_grade.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/grade/grade_category.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/grade/constants.php'); /** * Unit tests for core targets. * * @package core_course * @copyright 2019 Victor Deniz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_analytics_targets_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Provides course params for the {@link self::test_core_target_course_completion_analysable()} method. * * @return array */ public function analysable_provider() { $now = new DateTime("now", core_date::get_server_timezone_object()); $year = $now->format('Y'); $month = $now->format('m'); return [ 'coursenotyetstarted' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 24, $year + 1) ], 'isvalid' => get_string('coursenotyetstarted', 'course') ], 'coursenostudents' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 24, $year - 2), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 24, $year - 1) ], 'isvalid' => get_string('nocoursestudents', 'course') ], 'coursenosections' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'format' => 'social', 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('nocoursesections', 'course') ], 'coursenoendtime' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'format' => 'topics', 'enddate' => 0, 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('nocourseendtime', 'course') ], 'courseendbeforestart' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 23, $year - 2), 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('errorendbeforestart', 'course') ], 'coursetoolong' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 24, $year - 2), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 23, $year), 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('coursetoolong', 'course') ], 'coursealreadyfinished' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 24, $year - 2), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 23, $year - 1), 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('coursealreadyfinished', 'course'), 'fortraining' => false ], 'coursenotyetfinished' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 24, $year), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 2, 23, $year), 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('coursenotyetfinished', 'course') ], 'coursenocompletion' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 0, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 2, 24, $year), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 23, $year), 'students' => true ], 'isvalid' => get_string('completionnotenabledforcourse', 'completion') ], 'coursehiddentraining' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 24, $year - 1), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 23, $year), 'students' => true, 'visible' => '0', ], 'isvalid' => true, ], 'coursehiddenprediction' => [ 'params' => [ 'enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 24, $year), 'enddate' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 23, $year + 1), 'students' => true, 'visible' => '0', ], 'isvalid' => get_string('hiddenfromstudents'), 'fortraining' => false ], ]; } /** * Provides enrolment params for the {@link self::test_core_target_course_completion_samples()} method. * * @return array */ public function sample_provider() { $now = time(); return [ 'enrolmentendbeforecourse' => [ 'coursestart' => $now, 'courseend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 8), 'timestart' => $now, 'timeend' => $now - DAYSECS, 'isvalidfortraining' => false, 'isvalidforprediction' => false ], 'enrolmenttoolong' => [ 'coursestart' => $now, 'courseend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 8), 'timestart' => $now - (YEARSECS + (WEEKSECS * 8)), 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 8), 'isvalidfortraining' => false, 'isvalidforprediction' => false ], 'enrolmentstartaftercourse' => [ 'coursestart' => $now, 'courseend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 8), 'timestart' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 9), 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'isvalidfortraining' => false, 'isvalidforprediction' => false ], 'enrolmentstartsafternow' => [ 'coursestart' => $now, 'courseend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 8), 'timestart' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 7), 'isvalidfortraining' => false, 'isvalidforprediction' => false ], 'enrolmentfinishedbeforenow' => [ 'coursestart' => $now - (WEEKSECS * 4), 'courseend' => $now - (WEEKSECS * 1), 'timestart' => $now - (WEEKSECS * 3), 'timeend' => $now - (WEEKSECS * 2), 'isvalidfortraining' => true, 'isvalidforprediction' => false ], ]; } /** * Provides enrolment params for the {@link self::test_core_target_course_completion_samples()} method. * * @return array */ public function active_during_analysis_time_provider() { $now = time(); return [ 'enrol-after-end' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timestart' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 3), 'nullcalculation' => true, ], 'enrol-before-start' => [ 'starttime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 3), 'timestart' => $now, 'timeend' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'nullcalculation' => true, ], 'enrol-active-exact-match' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 1), 'timestart' => $now, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 1), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-active' => [ 'starttime' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'timestart' => $now, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 3), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-during-analysis-active-just-for-a-while' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'nullcalculation' => true, ], 'enrol-during-analysis-mostly-active' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 20), 'timestart' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 19), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-partly-active-starts-before' => [ 'starttime' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'nullcalculation' => true, ], 'enrol-mostly-active-starts-before' => [ 'starttime' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 9), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-partly-active-ends-afterwards' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 9), 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 11), 'nullcalculation' => true, ], 'enrol-mostly-active-ends-afterwards' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 11), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-partly-active-no-enrolment-end' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 9), 'timeend' => false, 'nullcalculation' => true, ], 'enrol-mostly-active-no-enrolment-end-false' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timeend' => false, 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-mostly-active-no-enrolment-end-zero' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timeend' => 0, 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-no-enrolment-start-false' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => false, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 9), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'enrol-no-enrolment-start-zero' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 10), 'timestart' => 0, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 9), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'no-start' => [ 'starttime' => 0, 'endtime' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'timestart' => $now + WEEKSECS, 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 3), 'nullcalculation' => false, ], 'no-end' => [ 'starttime' => $now, 'endtime' => 0, 'timestart' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 2), 'timeend' => $now + (WEEKSECS * 3), 'nullcalculation' => false, ] ]; } /** * Test the conditions of a valid analysable, both common and specific to this target (course_completion). * * @dataProvider analysable_provider * @param mixed $courseparams Course data * @param true|string $isvalid True when analysable is valid, string when it is not * @param boolean $fortraining True if the course is for training the model */ public function test_core_target_course_completion_analysable($courseparams, $isvalid, $fortraining = true) { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(true); try { $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course($courseparams); } catch (moodle_exception $e) { $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $courserecord = $courseparams; $courserecord['id'] = $course->id; unset($courserecord['students']); $DB->update_record_raw('course', $courserecord); $course = get_course($course->id); } $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); if (!empty($courseparams['enablecompletion'])) { $assign = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('assign', ['course' => $course->id, 'completion' => 1]); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('assign', $assign->cmid); $criteriadata = (object) [ 'id' => $course->id, 'criteria_activity' => [ $cm->id => 1 ] ]; $criterion = new completion_criteria_activity(); $criterion->update_config($criteriadata); } $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_completion(); // Test valid analysables. if (!empty($courseparams['students'])) { // Enroll user in course. $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id); } $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($course); $this->assertEquals($isvalid, $target->is_valid_analysable($analysable, $fortraining)); } /** * Test the conditions of a valid sample, both common and specific to this target (course_completion). * * @dataProvider sample_provider * @param int $coursestart Course start date * @param int $courseend Course end date * @param int $timestart Enrol start date * @param int $timeend Enrol end date * @param boolean $isvalidfortraining True when sample is valid for training, false when it is not * @param boolean $isvalidforprediction True when sample is valid for prediction, false when it is not */ public function test_core_target_course_completion_samples($coursestart, $courseend, $timestart, $timeend, $isvalidfortraining, $isvalidforprediction) { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $courserecord = new stdClass(); $courserecord->startdate = $coursestart; $courserecord->enddate = $courseend; $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course($courserecord); $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, null, 'manual', $timestart, $timeend); $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_completion(); $analyser = new \core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments(1, $target, [], [], []); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($course); $class = new ReflectionClass('\core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments'); $method = $class->getMethod('get_all_samples'); $method->setAccessible(true); list($sampleids, $samplesdata) = $method->invoke($analyser, $analysable); $target->add_sample_data($samplesdata); $sampleid = reset($sampleids); $this->assertEquals($isvalidfortraining, $target->is_valid_sample($sampleid, $analysable, true)); $this->assertEquals($isvalidforprediction, $target->is_valid_sample($sampleid, $analysable, false)); } /** * Test the conditions of a valid calculation (course_completion). * * @dataProvider active_during_analysis_time_provider * @param int $starttime Analysis start time * @param int $endtime Analysis end time * @param int $timestart Enrol start date * @param int $timeend Enrol end date * @param boolean $nullcalculation Whether the calculation should be null or not */ public function test_core_target_course_completion_active_during_analysis_time($starttime, $endtime, $timestart, $timeend, $nullcalculation) { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, null, 'manual', $timestart, $timeend); $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_completion(); $analyser = new \core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments(1, $target, [], [], []); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($course); $class = new ReflectionClass('\core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments'); $method = $class->getMethod('get_all_samples'); $method->setAccessible(true); list($sampleids, $samplesdata) = $method->invoke($analyser, $analysable); $target->add_sample_data($samplesdata); $sampleid = reset($sampleids); $reftarget = new ReflectionObject($target); $refmethod = $reftarget->getMethod('calculate_sample'); $refmethod->setAccessible(true); if ($nullcalculation) { $this->assertNull($refmethod->invoke($target, $sampleid, $analysable, $starttime, $endtime)); } else { $this->assertNotNull($refmethod->invoke($target, $sampleid, $analysable, $starttime, $endtime)); } } /** * Setup user, framework, competencies and course competencies. */ protected function setup_competencies_environment() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $now = time(); $this->setAdminUser(); $dg = $this->getDataGenerator(); $lpg = $dg->get_plugin_generator('core_competency'); $course = $dg->create_course(array('startdate' => $now - WEEKSECS, 'enddate' => $now - DAYSECS)); $coursenocompetencies = $dg->create_course(array('startdate' => $now - WEEKSECS, 'enddate' => $now - DAYSECS)); $u1 = $dg->create_user(); $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($u1->id, $course->id); $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($u1->id, $coursenocompetencies->id); $f1 = $lpg->create_framework(); $c1 = $lpg->create_competency(array('competencyframeworkid' => $f1->get('id'))); $c2 = $lpg->create_competency(array('competencyframeworkid' => $f1->get('id'))); $c3 = $lpg->create_competency(array('competencyframeworkid' => $f1->get('id'))); $c4 = $lpg->create_competency(array('competencyframeworkid' => $f1->get('id'))); $cc1 = $lpg->create_course_competency(array('competencyid' => $c1->get('id'), 'courseid' => $course->id, 'ruleoutcome' => \core_competency\course_competency::OUTCOME_NONE)); $cc2 = $lpg->create_course_competency(array('competencyid' => $c2->get('id'), 'courseid' => $course->id, 'ruleoutcome' => \core_competency\course_competency::OUTCOME_EVIDENCE)); $cc3 = $lpg->create_course_competency(array('competencyid' => $c3->get('id'), 'courseid' => $course->id, 'ruleoutcome' => \core_competency\course_competency::OUTCOME_RECOMMEND)); $cc4 = $lpg->create_course_competency(array('competencyid' => $c4->get('id'), 'courseid' => $course->id, 'ruleoutcome' => \core_competency\course_competency::OUTCOME_COMPLETE)); return array( 'course' => $course, 'coursenocompetencies' => $coursenocompetencies, 'user' => $u1, 'course_competencies' => array($cc1, $cc2, $cc3, $cc4) ); } /** * Test the specific conditions of a valid analysable for the course_competencies target. */ public function test_core_target_course_competencies_analysable() { $data = $this->setup_competencies_environment(); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($data['course']); $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_competencies(); $this->assertTrue($target->is_valid_analysable($analysable)); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($data['coursenocompetencies']); $this->assertEquals(get_string('nocompetenciesincourse', 'tool_lp'), $target->is_valid_analysable($analysable)); } /** * Test the target value calculation. */ public function test_core_target_course_competencies_calculate() { $data = $this->setup_competencies_environment(); $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_competencies(); $analyser = new \core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments(1, $target, [], [], []); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($data['course']); $class = new ReflectionClass('\core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments'); $method = $class->getMethod('get_all_samples'); $method->setAccessible(true); list($sampleids, $samplesdata) = $method->invoke($analyser, $analysable); $target->add_sample_data($samplesdata); $sampleid = reset($sampleids); $class = new ReflectionClass('\core_course\analytics\target\course_competencies'); $method = $class->getMethod('calculate_sample'); $method->setAccessible(true); // Method calculate_sample() returns 1 when the user has not achieved all the competencies assigned to the course. $this->assertEquals(1, $method->invoke($target, $sampleid, $analysable)); // Grading of all the competences assigned to the course, in such way that the user achieves them all. foreach ($data['course_competencies'] as $competency) { \core_competency\api::grade_competency_in_course($data['course']->id, $data['user']->id, $competency->get('competencyid'), 3, 'Unit test'); } // Method calculate_sample() returns 0 when the user has achieved all the competencies assigned to the course. $this->assertEquals(0, $method->invoke($target, $sampleid, $analysable)); } /** * Test the specific conditions of a valid analysable for the course_gradetopass target. */ public function test_core_target_course_gradetopass_analysable() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $now = time(); $dg = $this->getDataGenerator(); // Course without grade to pass set. $course1 = $dg->create_course(array('startdate' => $now - WEEKSECS, 'enddate' => $now - DAYSECS)); $student1 = $dg->create_user(); $studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student')); $dg->enrol_user($student1->id, $course1->id, $studentrole->id); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($course1); $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_gradetopass(); $this->assertEquals(get_string('gradetopassnotset', 'course'), $target->is_valid_analysable($analysable)); // Set grade to pass. $courseitem = grade_item::fetch_course_item($course1->id); $courseitem->gradepass = 50; $DB->update_record('grade_items', $courseitem); // Since the grade to pass value is cached in the target, a new one it is instanciated. $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_gradetopass(); $this->assertTrue($target->is_valid_analysable($analysable)); } /** * Test the target value calculation of the course_gradetopass target. */ public function test_core_target_course_gradetopass_calculate() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $dg = $this->getDataGenerator(); $course1 = $dg->create_course(); // Set grade to pass. $student1 = $dg->create_user(); $student2 = $dg->create_user(); $student3 = $dg->create_user(); $studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student')); $dg->enrol_user($student1->id, $course1->id, $studentrole->id); $dg->enrol_user($student2->id, $course1->id, $studentrole->id); $dg->enrol_user($student3->id, $course1->id, $studentrole->id); // get_all_samples() does not guarantee any order, so let's // explicitly define the expectations here for later comparing. // Expectations format being array($userid => expectation, ...) $expectations = []; $courseitem = grade_item::fetch_course_item($course1->id); // Student1 (< gradepass) fails, so it's non achieved sample. $courseitem->update_final_grade($student1->id, 30); $expectations[$student1->id] = 1; // Student2 (> gradepass) passes, so it's achieved sample. $courseitem->update_final_grade($student2->id, 60); $expectations[$student2->id] = 0; // Student 3 (has no grade) fails, so it's non achieved sample. $expectations[$student3->id] = 1; $courseitem->gradepass = 50; $DB->update_record('grade_items', $courseitem); $target = new \core_course\analytics\target\course_gradetopass(); $analyser = new \core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments(1, $target, [], [], []); $analysable = new \core_analytics\course($course1); $class = new ReflectionClass('\core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments'); $method = $class->getMethod('get_all_samples'); $method->setAccessible(true); list($sampleids, $samplesdata) = $method->invoke($analyser, $analysable); $target->add_sample_data($samplesdata); $class = new ReflectionClass('\core_course\analytics\target\course_gradetopass'); $method = $class->getMethod('calculate_sample'); $method->setAccessible(true); // Verify all the expectations are fulfilled. foreach ($sampleids as $sampleid => $key) { $this->assertEquals($expectations[$samplesdata[$key]['user']->id], $method->invoke($target, $sampleid, $analysable)); } } }