@core @core_course Feature: Search recommended activities As an admin I am able to search for activities in the "Recommended activities" admin setting page Scenario: Search results are returned if the search query matches any activity names Given I log in as "admin" And I am on site homepage And I navigate to "Courses > Activity chooser > Recommended activities" in site administration When I set the field "search" to "assign" And I click on "Submit search" "button" Then I should see "Search results" And "Assignment" "table_row" should exist And "Book" "table_row" should not exist Scenario: Search results are not returned if the search query does not match with any activity names Given I log in as "admin" And I am on site homepage And I navigate to "Courses > Activity chooser > Recommended activities" in site administration When I set the field "search" to "random query" And I click on "Submit search" "button" Then I should see "Search results: 0"