. /** * Contains the content_item_service class. * * @package core * @subpackage course * @copyright 2020 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_course\local\service; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use core_course\local\exporters\course_content_items_exporter; use core_course\local\repository\content_item_readonly_repository_interface; /** * The content_item_service class, providing the api for interacting with content items. * * @copyright 2020 Jake Dallimore * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class content_item_service { /** @var content_item_readonly_repository_interface $repository a repository for content items. */ private $repository; /** string the component for this favourite. */ public const COMPONENT = 'core_course'; /** string the favourite prefix itemtype in the favourites table. */ public const FAVOURITE_PREFIX = 'contentitem_'; /** string the recommendation prefix itemtype in the favourites table. */ public const RECOMMENDATION_PREFIX = 'recommend_'; /** string the cache name for recommendations. */ public const RECOMMENDATION_CACHE = 'recommendation_favourite_course_content_items'; /** * The content_item_service constructor. * * @param content_item_readonly_repository_interface $repository a content item repository. */ public function __construct(content_item_readonly_repository_interface $repository) { $this->repository = $repository; } /** * Returns an array of objects representing favourited content items. * * Each object contains the following properties: * itemtype: a string containing the 'itemtype' key used by the favourites subsystem. * ids[]: an array of ids, representing the content items within a component. * * Since two components can return (via their hook implementation) the same id, the itemtype is used for uniqueness. * * @param \stdClass $user * @return array */ private function get_favourite_content_items_for_user(\stdClass $user): array { $favcache = \cache::make('core', 'user_favourite_course_content_items'); $key = $user->id; $favmods = $favcache->get($key); if ($favmods !== false) { return $favmods; } $favourites = $this->get_content_favourites(self::FAVOURITE_PREFIX, \context_user::instance($user->id)); $favcache->set($key, $favourites); return $favourites; } /** * Returns an array of objects representing recommended content items. * * Each object contains the following properties: * itemtype: a string containing the 'itemtype' key used by the favourites subsystem. * ids[]: an array of ids, representing the content items within a component. * * Since two components can return (via their hook implementation) the same id, the itemtype is used for uniqueness. * * @return array */ private function get_recommendations(): array { global $CFG; $recommendationcache = \cache::make('core', self::RECOMMENDATION_CACHE); $key = $CFG->siteguest; $favmods = $recommendationcache->get($key); if ($favmods !== false) { return $favmods; } // Make sure the guest user exists in the database. if (!\core_user::get_user($CFG->siteguest)) { throw new \coding_exception('The guest user does not exist in the database.'); } $favourites = $this->get_content_favourites(self::RECOMMENDATION_PREFIX, \context_user::instance($CFG->siteguest)); $recommendationcache->set($CFG->siteguest, $favourites); return $favourites; } /** * Gets content favourites from the favourites system depending on the area. * * @param string $prefix Prefix for the item type. * @param \context_user $usercontext User context for the favourite * @return array An array of favourite objects. */ private function get_content_favourites(string $prefix, \context_user $usercontext): array { // Get all modules and any submodules which implement get_course_content_items() hook. // This gives us the set of all itemtypes which we'll use to register favourite content items. // The ids that each plugin returns will be used together with the itemtype to uniquely identify // each content item for favouriting. $pluginmanager = \core_plugin_manager::instance(); $plugins = $pluginmanager->get_plugins_of_type('mod'); $itemtypes = []; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { // Add the mod itself. $itemtypes[] = $prefix . 'mod_' . $plugin->name; // Add any subplugins to the list of item types. $subplugins = $pluginmanager->get_subplugins_of_plugin('mod_' . $plugin->name); foreach ($subplugins as $subpluginname => $subplugininfo) { if (component_callback_exists($subpluginname, 'get_course_content_items')) { $itemtypes[] = $prefix . $subpluginname; } } } $ufservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($usercontext); $favourites = []; $favs = $ufservice->find_all_favourites(self::COMPONENT, $itemtypes); $favsreduced = array_reduce($favs, function($carry, $item) { $carry[$item->itemtype][$item->itemid] = 0; return $carry; }, []); foreach ($itemtypes as $type) { $favourites[] = (object) [ 'itemtype' => $type, 'ids' => isset($favsreduced[$type]) ? array_keys($favsreduced[$type]) : [] ]; } return $favourites; } /** * Get all content items which may be added to courses, irrespective of course caps, for site admin views, etc. * * @param \stdClass $user the user object. * @return array the array of exported content items. */ public function get_all_content_items(\stdClass $user): array { $allcontentitems = $this->repository->find_all(); return $this->export_content_items($user, $allcontentitems); } /** * Get content items which name matches a certain pattern and may be added to courses, * irrespective of course caps, for site admin views, etc. * * @param \stdClass $user The user object. * @param string $pattern The search pattern. * @return array The array of exported content items. */ public function get_content_items_by_name_pattern(\stdClass $user, string $pattern): array { $allcontentitems = $this->repository->find_all(); $filteredcontentitems = array_filter($allcontentitems, function($contentitem) use ($pattern) { return preg_match("/$pattern/i", $contentitem->get_title()->get_value()); }); return $this->export_content_items($user, $filteredcontentitems); } /** * Export content items. * * @param \stdClass $user The user object. * @param array $contentitems The content items array. * @return array The array of exported content items. */ private function export_content_items(\stdClass $user, $contentitems) { global $PAGE; // Export the objects to get the formatted objects for transfer/display. $favourites = $this->get_favourite_content_items_for_user($user); $recommendations = $this->get_recommendations(); $ciexporter = new course_content_items_exporter( $contentitems, [ 'context' => \context_system::instance(), 'favouriteitems' => $favourites, 'recommended' => $recommendations ] ); $exported = $ciexporter->export($PAGE->get_renderer('core')); // Sort by title for return. usort($exported->content_items, function($a, $b) { return $a->title > $b->title; }); return $exported->content_items; } /** * Return a representation of the available content items, for a user in a course. * * @param \stdClass $user the user to check access for. * @param \stdClass $course the course to scope the content items to. * @param array $linkparams the desired section to return to. * @return \stdClass[] the content items, scoped to a course. */ public function get_content_items_for_user_in_course(\stdClass $user, \stdClass $course, array $linkparams = []): array { global $PAGE; if (!has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', \context_course::instance($course->id), $user)) { return []; } // Get all the visible content items. $allcontentitems = $this->repository->find_all_for_course($course, $user); // Content items can only originate from modules or submodules. $pluginmanager = \core_plugin_manager::instance(); $components = \core_component::get_component_list(); $parents = []; foreach ($allcontentitems as $contentitem) { if (!in_array($contentitem->get_component_name(), array_keys($components['mod']))) { // It could be a subplugin. $info = $pluginmanager->get_plugin_info($contentitem->get_component_name()); if (!is_null($info)) { $parent = $info->get_parent_plugin(); if ($parent != false) { if (in_array($parent, array_keys($components['mod']))) { $parents[$contentitem->get_component_name()] = $parent; continue; } } } throw new \moodle_exception('Only modules and submodules can generate content items. \'' . $contentitem->get_component_name() . '\' is neither.'); } $parents[$contentitem->get_component_name()] = $contentitem->get_component_name(); } // Now, check access to these items for the user. $availablecontentitems = array_filter($allcontentitems, function($contentitem) use ($course, $user, $parents) { // Check the parent module access for the user. return course_allowed_module($course, explode('_', $parents[$contentitem->get_component_name()])[1], $user); }); // Add the link params to the link, if any have been provided. if (!empty($linkparams)) { $availablecontentitems = array_map(function ($item) use ($linkparams) { $item->get_link()->params($linkparams); return $item; }, $availablecontentitems); } // Export the objects to get the formatted objects for transfer/display. $favourites = $this->get_favourite_content_items_for_user($user); $recommended = $this->get_recommendations(); $ciexporter = new course_content_items_exporter( $availablecontentitems, [ 'context' => \context_course::instance($course->id), 'favouriteitems' => $favourites, 'recommended' => $recommended ] ); $exported = $ciexporter->export($PAGE->get_renderer('course')); // Sort by title for return. usort($exported->content_items, function($a, $b) { return $a->title > $b->title; }); return $exported->content_items; } /** * Add a content item to a user's favourites. * * @param \stdClass $user the user whose favourite this is. * @param string $componentname the name of the component from which the content item originates. * @param int $contentitemid the id of the content item. * @return \stdClass the exported content item. */ public function add_to_user_favourites(\stdClass $user, string $componentname, int $contentitemid): \stdClass { $usercontext = \context_user::instance($user->id); $ufservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($usercontext); // Because each plugin decides its own ids for content items, a combination of // itemtype and id is used to guarantee uniqueness across all content items. $itemtype = self::FAVOURITE_PREFIX . $componentname; $ufservice->create_favourite(self::COMPONENT, $itemtype, $contentitemid, $usercontext); $favcache = \cache::make('core', 'user_favourite_course_content_items'); $favcache->delete($user->id); $items = $this->get_all_content_items($user); return $items[array_search($contentitemid, array_column($items, 'id'))]; } /** * Remove the content item from a user's favourites. * * @param \stdClass $user the user whose favourite this is. * @param string $componentname the name of the component from which the content item originates. * @param int $contentitemid the id of the content item. * @return \stdClass the exported content item. */ public function remove_from_user_favourites(\stdClass $user, string $componentname, int $contentitemid): \stdClass { $usercontext = \context_user::instance($user->id); $ufservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($usercontext); // Because each plugin decides its own ids for content items, a combination of // itemtype and id is used to guarantee uniqueness across all content items. $itemtype = self::FAVOURITE_PREFIX . $componentname; $ufservice->delete_favourite(self::COMPONENT, $itemtype, $contentitemid, $usercontext); $favcache = \cache::make('core', 'user_favourite_course_content_items'); $favcache->delete($user->id); $items = $this->get_all_content_items($user); return $items[array_search($contentitemid, array_column($items, 'id'))]; } /** * Toggle an activity to being recommended or not. * * @param string $itemtype The component such as mod_assign, or assignsubmission_file * @param int $itemid The id related to this component item. * @return bool True on creating a favourite, false on deleting it. */ public function toggle_recommendation(string $itemtype, int $itemid): bool { global $CFG; $context = \context_system::instance(); $itemtype = self::RECOMMENDATION_PREFIX . $itemtype; // Favourites are created using a user context. We'll use the site guest user ID as that should not change and there // can be only one. $usercontext = \context_user::instance($CFG->siteguest); $recommendationcache = \cache::make('core', self::RECOMMENDATION_CACHE); $favouritefactory = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($usercontext); if ($favouritefactory->favourite_exists(self::COMPONENT, $itemtype, $itemid, $context)) { $favouritefactory->delete_favourite(self::COMPONENT, $itemtype, $itemid, $context); $result = $recommendationcache->delete($CFG->siteguest); return false; } else { $favouritefactory->create_favourite(self::COMPONENT, $itemtype, $itemid, $context); $result = $recommendationcache->delete($CFG->siteguest); return true; } } }