. /** * Event factory test. * * @package core_calendar * @copyright 2017 Cameron Ball * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/calendar/lib.php'); use core_calendar\local\event\factories\event_factory; use core_calendar\local\event\entities\event_interface; /** * Event factory testcase. * * @copyright 2017 Cameron Ball * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_calendar_event_factory_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Test event class getters. * * @dataProvider create_instance_testcases() * @param \stdClass $dbrow Row from the event table. * @param callable $actioncallbackapplier Action callback applier. * @param callable $visibilitycallbackapplier Visibility callback applier. * @param callable $bailoutcheck Early bail out check function. * @param string $expectedclass Class the factory is expected to produce. * @param mixed $expectedattributevalue Expected value of the modified attribute. */ public function test_create_instance( $dbrow, callable $actioncallbackapplier, callable $visibilitycallbackapplier, callable $bailoutcheck, $expectedclass, $expectedattributevalue ) { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $event = $this->create_event(); $coursecache = []; $modulecache = []; $factory = new event_factory( $actioncallbackapplier, $visibilitycallbackapplier, $bailoutcheck, $coursecache, $modulecache ); $dbrow->id = $event->id; $instance = $factory->create_instance($dbrow); if ($expectedclass) { $this->assertInstanceOf($expectedclass, $instance); } if (is_null($expectedclass)) { $this->assertNull($instance); } if ($expectedattributevalue) { $this->assertEquals($instance->testattribute, $expectedattributevalue); } } /** * Test invalid callback exception. */ public function test_invalid_action_callback() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $event = $this->create_event(); $coursecache = []; $modulecache = []; $factory = new event_factory( function () { return 'hello'; }, function () { return true; }, function () { return false; }, $coursecache, $modulecache ); $this->expectException('\core_calendar\local\event\exceptions\invalid_callback_exception'); $factory->create_instance( (object)[ 'id' => $event->id, 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test description', 'format' => 2, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'assign', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 12, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => 1, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ] ); } /** * Test invalid callback exception. */ public function test_invalid_visibility_callback() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $event = $this->create_event(); $coursecache = []; $modulecache = []; $factory = new event_factory( function ($event) { return $event; }, function () { return 'asdf'; }, function () { return false; }, $coursecache, $modulecache ); $this->expectException('\core_calendar\local\event\exceptions\invalid_callback_exception'); $factory->create_instance( (object)[ 'id' => $event->id, 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test description', 'format' => 2, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'assign', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 12, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => 1, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ] ); } /** * Test invalid callback exception. */ public function test_invalid_bail_callback() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $event = $this->create_event(); $coursecache = []; $modulecache = []; $factory = new event_factory( function ($event) { return $event; }, function () { return true; }, function () { return 'asdf'; }, $coursecache, $modulecache ); $this->expectException('\core_calendar\local\event\exceptions\invalid_callback_exception'); $factory->create_instance( (object)[ 'id' => $event->id, 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test description', 'format' => 2, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'assign', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 12, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => 1, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ] ); } /** * Test the factory's course cache. */ public function test_course_cache() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $course = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $event = $this->create_event(['courseid' => $course->id]); $coursecache = []; $modulecache = []; $factory = new event_factory( function ($event) { return $event; }, function () { return true; }, function () { return false; }, $coursecache, $modulecache ); $instance = $factory->create_instance( (object)[ 'id' => $event->id, 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test description', 'format' => 2, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => $course->id, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'assign', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 12, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => 1, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ] ); $instance->get_course()->get('fullname'); $this->assertArrayHasKey($course->id, $coursecache); } /** * Test the factory's module cache. */ public function test_module_cache() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $course = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $event = $this->create_event(['courseid' => $course->id]); $plugingenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_assign'); $assigninstance = $plugingenerator->create_instance(['course' => $course->id]); $coursecache = []; $modulecache = []; $factory = new event_factory( function ($event) { return $event; }, function () { return true; }, function () { return false; }, $coursecache, $modulecache ); $instance = $factory->create_instance( (object)[ 'id' => $event->id, 'name' => 'test', 'description' => 'Test description', 'format' => 2, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 0, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'assign', 'instance' => $assigninstance->id, 'eventtype' => 'due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 12, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => 1, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ] ); $instance->get_course_module()->get('course'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('assign' . '_' . $assigninstance->id, $modulecache); } /** * Testcases for the create instance test. * * @return array Array of testcases. */ public function create_instance_testcases() { return [ 'Sample event record with event exposed' => [ 'dbrow' => (object)[ 'name' => 'Test event', 'description' => 'Hello', 'format' => 1, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'Test module', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'Due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 123456789, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => true, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ], 'actioncallbackapplier' => function(event_interface $event) { $event->testattribute = 'Hello'; return $event; }, 'visibilitycallbackapplier' => function(event_interface $event) { return true; }, 'bailoutcheck' => function() { return false; }, event_interface::class, 'Hello' ], 'Sample event record with event hidden' => [ 'dbrow' => (object)[ 'name' => 'Test event', 'description' => 'Hello', 'format' => 1, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'Test module', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'Due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 123456789, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => true, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ], 'actioncallbackapplier' => function(event_interface $event) { $event->testattribute = 'Hello'; return $event; }, 'visibilitycallbackapplier' => function(event_interface $event) { return false; }, 'bailoutcheck' => function() { return false; }, null, null ], 'Sample event record with early bail' => [ 'dbrow' => (object)[ 'name' => 'Test event', 'description' => 'Hello', 'format' => 1, 'categoryid' => 0, 'courseid' => 1, 'groupid' => 1, 'userid' => 1, 'repeatid' => 0, 'modulename' => 'Test module', 'instance' => 1, 'eventtype' => 'Due', 'type' => CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION, 'timestart' => 123456789, 'timeduration' => 123456789, 'timemodified' => 123456789, 'timesort' => 123456789, 'visible' => true, 'subscriptionid' => 1, 'location' => 'Test location', ], 'actioncallbackapplier' => function(event_interface $event) { $event->testattribute = 'Hello'; return $event; }, 'visibilitycallbackapplier' => function(event_interface $event) { return true; }, 'bailoutcheck' => function() { return true; }, null, null ] ]; } /** * Helper function to create calendar events using the old code. * * @param array $properties A list of calendar event properties to set * @return calendar_event */ protected function create_event($properties = []) { $record = new \stdClass(); $record->name = 'event name'; $record->eventtype = 'site'; $record->timestart = time(); $record->timeduration = 0; $record->timesort = 0; $record->type = 1; $record->courseid = 0; $record->categoryid = 0; foreach ($properties as $name => $value) { $record->$name = $value; } $event = new calendar_event($record); return $event->create($record, false); } }