$index) { if ($i !== $expectedIndex) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$indexes is not a list (unexpected index: "%s")', $i)); } if (! is_array($index)) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType(sprintf('$index[%d]', $i), $index, 'array'); } if (! isset($index['ns'])) { $index['ns'] = $databaseName . '.' . $collectionName; } if (isset($index['collation'])) { $this->isCollationUsed = true; } $this->indexes[] = new IndexInput($index); $expectedIndex += 1; } if (isset($options['maxTimeMS']) && ! is_integer($options['maxTimeMS'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"maxTimeMS" option', $options['maxTimeMS'], 'integer'); } if (isset($options['session']) && ! $options['session'] instanceof Session) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"session" option', $options['session'], Session::class); } if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && ! $options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], WriteConcern::class); } if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && $options['writeConcern']->isDefault()) { unset($options['writeConcern']); } $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName; $this->collectionName = (string) $collectionName; $this->options = $options; } /** * Execute the operation. * * @see Executable::execute() * @param Server $server * @return string[] The names of the created indexes * @throws UnsupportedException if collation or write concern is used and unsupported * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function execute(Server $server) { if ($this->isCollationUsed && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForCollation)) { throw UnsupportedException::collationNotSupported(); } if (isset($this->options['writeConcern']) && ! server_supports_feature($server, self::$wireVersionForWriteConcern)) { throw UnsupportedException::writeConcernNotSupported(); } $inTransaction = isset($this->options['session']) && $this->options['session']->isInTransaction(); if ($inTransaction && isset($this->options['writeConcern'])) { throw UnsupportedException::writeConcernNotSupportedInTransaction(); } $this->executeCommand($server); return array_map(function (IndexInput $index) { return (string) $index; }, $this->indexes); } /** * Create options for executing the command. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/mongodb-driver-server.executewritecommand.php * @return array */ private function createOptions() { $options = []; if (isset($this->options['session'])) { $options['session'] = $this->options['session']; } if (isset($this->options['writeConcern'])) { $options['writeConcern'] = $this->options['writeConcern']; } return $options; } /** * Create one or more indexes for the collection using the createIndexes * command. * * @param Server $server * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ private function executeCommand(Server $server) { $cmd = [ 'createIndexes' => $this->collectionName, 'indexes' => $this->indexes, ]; if (isset($this->options['maxTimeMS'])) { $cmd['maxTimeMS'] = $this->options['maxTimeMS']; } $server->executeWriteCommand($this->databaseName, new Command($cmd), $this->createOptions()); } }