BSONArray::class, 'document' => BSONDocument::class, 'root' => BSONDocument::class, ]; /** @var string */ private static $streamWrapperProtocol = 'gridfs'; /** @var CollectionWrapper */ private $collectionWrapper; /** @var string */ private $databaseName; /** @var Manager */ private $manager; /** @var string */ private $bucketName; /** @var boolean */ private $disableMD5; /** @var integer */ private $chunkSizeBytes; /** @var ReadConcern */ private $readConcern; /** @var ReadPreference */ private $readPreference; /** @var array */ private $typeMap; /** @var WriteConcern */ private $writeConcern; /** * Constructs a GridFS bucket. * * Supported options: * * * bucketName (string): The bucket name, which will be used as a prefix * for the files and chunks collections. Defaults to "fs". * * * chunkSizeBytes (integer): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to * 261120 (i.e. 255 KiB). * * * disableMD5 (boolean): When true, no MD5 sum will be generated for * each stored file. Defaults to "false". * * * readConcern (MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern): Read concern. * * * readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference): Read preference. * * * typeMap (array): Default type map for cursors and BSON documents. * * * writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern. * * @param Manager $manager Manager instance from the driver * @param string $databaseName Database name * @param array $options Bucket options * @throws InvalidArgumentException for parameter/option parsing errors */ public function __construct(Manager $manager, $databaseName, array $options = []) { $options += [ 'bucketName' => self::$defaultBucketName, 'chunkSizeBytes' => self::$defaultChunkSizeBytes, 'disableMD5' => false, ]; if (isset($options['bucketName']) && ! is_string($options['bucketName'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"bucketName" option', $options['bucketName'], 'string'); } if (isset($options['chunkSizeBytes']) && ! is_integer($options['chunkSizeBytes'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"chunkSizeBytes" option', $options['chunkSizeBytes'], 'integer'); } if (isset($options['chunkSizeBytes']) && $options['chunkSizeBytes'] < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected "chunkSizeBytes" option to be >= 1, %d given', $options['chunkSizeBytes'])); } if (isset($options['disableMD5']) && ! is_bool($options['disableMD5'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"disableMD5" option', $options['disableMD5'], 'boolean'); } if (isset($options['readConcern']) && ! $options['readConcern'] instanceof ReadConcern) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readConcern" option', $options['readConcern'], ReadConcern::class); } if (isset($options['readPreference']) && ! $options['readPreference'] instanceof ReadPreference) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"readPreference" option', $options['readPreference'], ReadPreference::class); } if (isset($options['typeMap']) && ! is_array($options['typeMap'])) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"typeMap" option', $options['typeMap'], 'array'); } if (isset($options['writeConcern']) && ! $options['writeConcern'] instanceof WriteConcern) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('"writeConcern" option', $options['writeConcern'], WriteConcern::class); } $this->manager = $manager; $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName; $this->bucketName = $options['bucketName']; $this->chunkSizeBytes = $options['chunkSizeBytes']; $this->disableMD5 = $options['disableMD5']; $this->readConcern = isset($options['readConcern']) ? $options['readConcern'] : $this->manager->getReadConcern(); $this->readPreference = isset($options['readPreference']) ? $options['readPreference'] : $this->manager->getReadPreference(); $this->typeMap = isset($options['typeMap']) ? $options['typeMap'] : self::$defaultTypeMap; $this->writeConcern = isset($options['writeConcern']) ? $options['writeConcern'] : $this->manager->getWriteConcern(); $collectionOptions = array_intersect_key($options, ['readConcern' => 1, 'readPreference' => 1, 'typeMap' => 1, 'writeConcern' => 1]); $this->collectionWrapper = new CollectionWrapper($manager, $databaseName, $options['bucketName'], $collectionOptions); $this->registerStreamWrapper(); } /** * Return internal properties for debugging purposes. * * @see * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { return [ 'bucketName' => $this->bucketName, 'databaseName' => $this->databaseName, 'manager' => $this->manager, 'chunkSizeBytes' => $this->chunkSizeBytes, 'readConcern' => $this->readConcern, 'readPreference' => $this->readPreference, 'typeMap' => $this->typeMap, 'writeConcern' => $this->writeConcern, ]; } /** * Delete a file from the GridFS bucket. * * If the files collection document is not found, this method will still * attempt to delete orphaned chunks. * * @param mixed $id File ID * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file could be selected * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function delete($id) { $file = $this->collectionWrapper->findFileById($id); $this->collectionWrapper->deleteFileAndChunksById($id); if ($file === null) { throw FileNotFoundException::byId($id, $this->getFilesNamespace()); } } /** * Writes the contents of a GridFS file to a writable stream. * * @param mixed $id File ID * @param resource $destination Writable Stream * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file could be selected * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $destination is not a stream * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function downloadToStream($id, $destination) { if (! is_resource($destination) || get_resource_type($destination) != "stream") { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$destination', $destination, 'resource'); } stream_copy_to_stream($this->openDownloadStream($id), $destination); } /** * Writes the contents of a GridFS file, which is selected by name and * revision, to a writable stream. * * Supported options: * * * revision (integer): Which revision (i.e. documents with the same * filename and different uploadDate) of the file to retrieve. Defaults * to -1 (i.e. the most recent revision). * * Revision numbers are defined as follows: * * * 0 = the original stored file * * 1 = the first revision * * 2 = the second revision * * etc… * * -2 = the second most recent revision * * -1 = the most recent revision * * @param string $filename Filename * @param resource $destination Writable Stream * @param array $options Download options * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file could be selected * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $destination is not a stream * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function downloadToStreamByName($filename, $destination, array $options = []) { if (! is_resource($destination) || get_resource_type($destination) != "stream") { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$destination', $destination, 'resource'); } stream_copy_to_stream($this->openDownloadStreamByName($filename, $options), $destination); } /** * Drops the files and chunks collections associated with this GridFS * bucket. * * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function drop() { $this->collectionWrapper->dropCollections(); } /** * Finds documents from the GridFS bucket's files collection matching the * query. * * @see Find::__construct() for supported options * @param array|object $filter Query by which to filter documents * @param array $options Additional options * @return Cursor * @throws UnsupportedException if options are not supported by the selected server * @throws InvalidArgumentException for parameter/option parsing errors * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function find($filter = [], array $options = []) { return $this->collectionWrapper->findFiles($filter, $options); } /** * Finds a single document from the GridFS bucket's files collection * matching the query. * * @see FindOne::__construct() for supported options * @param array|object $filter Query by which to filter documents * @param array $options Additional options * @return array|object|null * @throws UnsupportedException if options are not supported by the selected server * @throws InvalidArgumentException for parameter/option parsing errors * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function findOne($filter = [], array $options = []) { return $this->collectionWrapper->findOneFile($filter, $options); } /** * Return the bucket name. * * @return string */ public function getBucketName() { return $this->bucketName; } /** * Return the chunks collection. * * @return Collection */ public function getChunksCollection() { return $this->collectionWrapper->getChunksCollection(); } /** * Return the chunk size in bytes. * * @return integer */ public function getChunkSizeBytes() { return $this->chunkSizeBytes; } /** * Return the database name. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseName() { return $this->databaseName; } /** * Gets the file document of the GridFS file associated with a stream. * * @param resource $stream GridFS stream * @return array|object * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $stream is not a GridFS stream * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function getFileDocumentForStream($stream) { $file = $this->getRawFileDocumentForStream($stream); // Filter the raw document through the specified type map return apply_type_map_to_document($file, $this->typeMap); } /** * Gets the file document's ID of the GridFS file associated with a stream. * * @param resource $stream GridFS stream * @return mixed * @throws CorruptFileException if the file "_id" field does not exist * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $stream is not a GridFS stream * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function getFileIdForStream($stream) { $file = $this->getRawFileDocumentForStream($stream); /* Filter the raw document through the specified type map, but override * the root type so we can reliably access the ID. */ $typeMap = ['root' => 'stdClass'] + $this->typeMap; $file = apply_type_map_to_document($file, $typeMap); if (! isset($file->_id) && ! property_exists($file, '_id')) { throw new CorruptFileException('file._id does not exist'); } return $file->_id; } /** * Return the files collection. * * @return Collection */ public function getFilesCollection() { return $this->collectionWrapper->getFilesCollection(); } /** * Return the read concern for this GridFS bucket. * * @see * @return ReadConcern */ public function getReadConcern() { return $this->readConcern; } /** * Return the read preference for this GridFS bucket. * * @return ReadPreference */ public function getReadPreference() { return $this->readPreference; } /** * Return the type map for this GridFS bucket. * * @return array */ public function getTypeMap() { return $this->typeMap; } /** * Return the write concern for this GridFS bucket. * * @see * @return WriteConcern */ public function getWriteConcern() { return $this->writeConcern; } /** * Opens a readable stream for reading a GridFS file. * * @param mixed $id File ID * @return resource * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file could be selected * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function openDownloadStream($id) { $file = $this->collectionWrapper->findFileById($id); if ($file === null) { throw FileNotFoundException::byId($id, $this->getFilesNamespace()); } return $this->openDownloadStreamByFile($file); } /** * Opens a readable stream stream to read a GridFS file, which is selected * by name and revision. * * Supported options: * * * revision (integer): Which revision (i.e. documents with the same * filename and different uploadDate) of the file to retrieve. Defaults * to -1 (i.e. the most recent revision). * * Revision numbers are defined as follows: * * * 0 = the original stored file * * 1 = the first revision * * 2 = the second revision * * etc… * * -2 = the second most recent revision * * -1 = the most recent revision * * @param string $filename Filename * @param array $options Download options * @return resource * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file could be selected * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function openDownloadStreamByName($filename, array $options = []) { $options += ['revision' => -1]; $file = $this->collectionWrapper->findFileByFilenameAndRevision($filename, $options['revision']); if ($file === null) { throw FileNotFoundException::byFilenameAndRevision($filename, $options['revision'], $this->getFilesNamespace()); } return $this->openDownloadStreamByFile($file); } /** * Opens a writable stream for writing a GridFS file. * * Supported options: * * * _id (mixed): File document identifier. Defaults to a new ObjectId. * * * chunkSizeBytes (integer): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to the * bucket's chunk size. * * * disableMD5 (boolean): When true, no MD5 sum will be generated for * the stored file. Defaults to "false". * * * metadata (document): User data for the "metadata" field of the files * collection document. * * @param string $filename Filename * @param array $options Upload options * @return resource */ public function openUploadStream($filename, array $options = []) { $options += ['chunkSizeBytes' => $this->chunkSizeBytes]; $path = $this->createPathForUpload(); $context = stream_context_create([ self::$streamWrapperProtocol => [ 'collectionWrapper' => $this->collectionWrapper, 'filename' => $filename, 'options' => $options, ], ]); return fopen($path, 'w', false, $context); } /** * Renames the GridFS file with the specified ID. * * @param mixed $id File ID * @param string $newFilename New filename * @throws FileNotFoundException if no file could be selected * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function rename($id, $newFilename) { $updateResult = $this->collectionWrapper->updateFilenameForId($id, $newFilename); if ($updateResult->getModifiedCount() === 1) { return; } /* If the update resulted in no modification, it's possible that the * file did not exist, in which case we must raise an error. Checking * the write result's matched count will be most efficient, but fall * back to a findOne operation if necessary (i.e. legacy writes). */ $found = $updateResult->getMatchedCount() !== null ? $updateResult->getMatchedCount() === 1 : $this->collectionWrapper->findFileById($id) !== null; if (! $found) { throw FileNotFoundException::byId($id, $this->getFilesNamespace()); } } /** * Writes the contents of a readable stream to a GridFS file. * * Supported options: * * * _id (mixed): File document identifier. Defaults to a new ObjectId. * * * chunkSizeBytes (integer): The chunk size in bytes. Defaults to the * bucket's chunk size. * * * disableMD5 (boolean): When true, no MD5 sum will be generated for * the stored file. Defaults to "false". * * * metadata (document): User data for the "metadata" field of the files * collection document. * * @param string $filename Filename * @param resource $source Readable stream * @param array $options Stream options * @return mixed ID of the newly created GridFS file * @throws InvalidArgumentException if $source is not a GridFS stream * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors) */ public function uploadFromStream($filename, $source, array $options = []) { if (! is_resource($source) || get_resource_type($source) != "stream") { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$source', $source, 'resource'); } $destination = $this->openUploadStream($filename, $options); stream_copy_to_stream($source, $destination); return $this->getFileIdForStream($destination); } /** * Creates a path for an existing GridFS file. * * @param stdClass $file GridFS file document * @return string */ private function createPathForFile(stdClass $file) { if (! is_object($file->_id) || method_exists($file->_id, '__toString')) { $id = (string) $file->_id; } else { $id = toJSON(fromPHP(['_id' => $file->_id])); } return sprintf( '%s://%s/%s.files/%s', self::$streamWrapperProtocol, urlencode($this->databaseName), urlencode($this->bucketName), urlencode($id) ); } /** * Creates a path for a new GridFS file, which does not yet have an ID. * * @return string */ private function createPathForUpload() { return sprintf( '%s://%s/%s.files', self::$streamWrapperProtocol, urlencode($this->databaseName), urlencode($this->bucketName) ); } /** * Returns the names of the files collection. * * @return string */ private function getFilesNamespace() { return sprintf('%s.%s.files', $this->databaseName, $this->bucketName); } /** * Gets the file document of the GridFS file associated with a stream. * * This returns the raw document from the StreamWrapper, which does not * respect the Bucket's type map. * * @param resource $stream GridFS stream * @return stdClass * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function getRawFileDocumentForStream($stream) { if (! is_resource($stream) || get_resource_type($stream) != "stream") { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$stream', $stream, 'resource'); } $metadata = stream_get_meta_data($stream); if (! isset($metadata['wrapper_data']) || ! $metadata['wrapper_data'] instanceof StreamWrapper) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidType('$stream wrapper data', isset($metadata['wrapper_data']) ? $metadata['wrapper_data'] : null, StreamWrapper::class); } return $metadata['wrapper_data']->getFile(); } /** * Opens a readable stream for the GridFS file. * * @param stdClass $file GridFS file document * @return resource */ private function openDownloadStreamByFile(stdClass $file) { $path = $this->createPathForFile($file); $context = stream_context_create([ self::$streamWrapperProtocol => [ 'collectionWrapper' => $this->collectionWrapper, 'file' => $file, ], ]); return fopen($path, 'r', false, $context); } /** * Registers the GridFS stream wrapper if it is not already registered. */ private function registerStreamWrapper() { if (in_array(self::$streamWrapperProtocol, stream_get_wrappers())) { return; } StreamWrapper::register(self::$streamWrapperProtocol); } }