@core @core_badges @_file_upload Feature: Backpack badges The settings to connect to backpack with OAuth2 service As an learner I need to verify display backpack in the my profile Background: Given the following "badge external backpack" exist: | backpackapiurl | backpackweburl | apiversion | | https://dc.imsglobal.org/obchost/ims/ob/v2p1 | https://dc.imsglobal.org | 2.1 | And the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | student1 | Student | 1 | student1@example.com | And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Badges > Badges settings" in site administration And I set the field "Badge issuer name" to "Test Badge Site" And I set the field "Badge issuer email address" to "testuser@example.com" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Verify backback settings Given I am on homepage And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Badges > Backpack settings" in site administration And I set the following fields to these values: | External backpack connection | 1 | | Active external backpack | https://dc.imsglobal.org | And I press "Save changes" And I navigate to "Badges > Add a new badge" in site administration And I set the following fields to these values: | Name | Test badge verify backpack | | Version | v1 | | Language | English | | Description | Test badge description | | Image author | http://author.example.com | | Image caption | Test caption image | And I upload "badges/tests/behat/badge.png" file to "Image" filemanager And I press "Create badge" And I set the field "type" to "Manual issue by role" And I set the field "Manager" to "1" And I press "Save" And I press "Enable access" And I press "Continue" And I follow "Recipients (0)" And I press "Award badge" And I set the field "potentialrecipients[]" to "Student 1 (student1@example.com)" And I press "Award badge" And I log out When I am on homepage And I log in as "student1" And I follow "Preferences" in the user menu And I follow "Backpack settings" Then I should see "https://dc.imsglobal.org" And I should see "Not connected" @javascript Scenario: User has been connected backpack Given I am on homepage And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Badges > Backpack settings" in site administration And I set the following fields to these values: | External backpack connection | 1 | | Active external backpack | https://dc.imsglobal.org | And I press "Save changes" And I navigate to "Badges > Add a new badge" in site administration And I set the following fields to these values: | Name | Test badge verify backpack | | Version | v1 | | Language | English | | Description | Test badge description | | Image author | http://author.example.com | | Image caption | Test caption image | And I upload "badges/tests/behat/badge.png" file to "Image" filemanager And I press "Create badge" And I set the field "type" to "Manual issue by role" And I set the field "Manager" to "1" And I press "Save" And I press "Enable access" And I press "Continue" And I follow "Recipients (0)" And I press "Award badge" And I set the field "potentialrecipients[]" to "Student 1 (student1@example.com)" And I press "Award badge" And I log out And the following "setup backpack connected" exist: | user | externalbackpack | | student1 | https://dc.imsglobal.org | When I log in as "student1" And I follow "Preferences" in the user menu And I follow "Backpack settings" Then I should see "Connected" And I follow "Preferences" in the user menu And I follow "Manage badges" And I should see "Test badge verify backpack" And "Add to backpack" "link" should exist @javascript Scenario: Add a new site backpack Given I am on homepage And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Badges > Manage backpacks" in site administration When I press "Add a new backpack" And I set the field "backpackapiurl" to "http://backpackapiurl.cat" And I set the field "backpackweburl" to "aaa" And I press "Save changes" And I should see "Invalid URL" And I set the field "backpackweburl" to "http://backpackweburl.cat" And I press "Save changes" Then I should see "http://backpackweburl.cat" And "Delete" "button" should exist @javascript Scenario: Remove a site backpack Given I am on homepage And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Badges > Manage backpacks" in site administration When I click on "Delete" "link" in the "https://dc.imsglobal.org" "table_row" And I should see "Delete site backpack 'https://dc.imsglobal.org'?" And I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Delete site backpack" "dialogue" Then I should see "The site backpack has been deleted." And I should not see "https://dc.imsglobal.org" And "Delete" "button" should not exist