. /** * Issued badge renderable. * * @package core * @subpackage badges * @copyright 2012 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link http://www.totaralms.com/} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @author Yuliya Bozhko */ namespace core_badges\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php'); use renderable; /** * An issued badges for badge.php page * * @copyright 2012 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link http://www.totaralms.com/} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class issued_badge implements renderable { /** @var issued badge */ public $issued; /** @var badge recipient */ public $recipient; /** @var badge class */ public $badgeclass; /** @var badge visibility to others */ public $visible = 0; /** @var badge class */ public $badgeid = 0; /** @var unique hash identifying the issued badge */ public $hash; /** * Initializes the badge to display * * @param string $hash Issued badge hash */ public function __construct($hash) { global $DB; $this->hash = $hash; $assertion = new \core_badges_assertion($hash, badges_open_badges_backpack_api()); $this->issued = $assertion->get_badge_assertion(); $this->badgeclass = $assertion->get_badge_class(); $rec = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT userid, visible, badgeid FROM {badge_issued} WHERE ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('uniquehash', 40) . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text(':hash', 40), array('hash' => $hash), IGNORE_MISSING); if ($rec) { // Get a recipient from database. $namefields = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u'); $user = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT u.id, $namefields, u.deleted, u.email FROM {user} u WHERE u.id = :userid", array('userid' => $rec->userid)); $this->recipient = $user; $this->visible = $rec->visible; $this->badgeid = $rec->badgeid; } } }