. /** * Configurable OAuth2 client class. * * @package core_badges * @subpackage badges * @copyright 2020 Tung Thai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @author Tung Thai */ namespace core_badges\oauth2; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/oauthlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php'); require_once('badge_backpack_oauth2.php'); use moodle_url; use moodle_exception; use stdClass; define('BACKPACK_CHALLENGE_METHOD', 'S256'); define('BACKPACK_CODE_VERIFIER_TIME', 60); /** * Configurable OAuth2 client to request authorization and store token. Use the PKCE method to verifier authorization. * * @copyright 2020 Tung Thai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @author Tung Thai */ class client extends \core\oauth2\client { /** @var \core\oauth2\issuer */ private $issuer; /** @var string $clientid client identifier issued to the client */ private $clientid = ''; /** @var string $clientsecret The client secret. */ private $clientsecret = ''; /** @var moodle_url $returnurl URL to return to after authenticating */ private $returnurl = null; /** @var string $grantscope */ protected $grantscope = ''; /** @var string $scope */ protected $scope = ''; /** @var bool basicauth */ protected $basicauth = true; /** @var string|null backpack object */ public $backpack = ''; /** * client constructor. * * @param issuer $issuer oauth2 service. * @param string $returnurl return url after login * @param string $additionalscopes the scopes has been granted * @param null $backpack backpack object. * @throws \coding_exception error message. */ public function __construct(\core\oauth2\issuer $issuer, $returnurl = '', $additionalscopes = '', $backpack = null) { $this->issuer = $issuer; $this->clientid = $issuer->get('clientid'); $this->returnurl = $returnurl; $this->clientsecret = $issuer->get('clientsecret'); $this->backpack = $backpack; $this->grantscope = $additionalscopes; $this->scope = $additionalscopes; parent::__construct($issuer, $returnurl, $additionalscopes, false); } /** * Get login url. * * @return moodle_url * @throws \coding_exception * @throws moodle_exception */ public function get_login_url() { $callbackurl = self::callback_url(); $scopes = $this->issuer->get('scopessupported'); // Removed the scopes does not support in authorization. $excludescopes = ['profile', 'openid']; $arrascopes = explode(' ', $scopes); foreach ($excludescopes as $exscope) { $key = array_search($exscope, $arrascopes); if (isset($key)) { unset($arrascopes[$key]); } } $scopes = implode(' ', $arrascopes); $params = array_merge( [ 'client_id' => $this->clientid, 'response_type' => 'code', 'redirect_uri' => $callbackurl->out(false), 'state' => $this->returnurl->out_as_local_url(false), 'scope' => $scopes, 'code_challenge' => $this->code_challenge(), 'code_challenge_method' => BACKPACK_CHALLENGE_METHOD, ] ); return new moodle_url($this->auth_url(), $params); } /** * Generate code challenge. * * @return string */ public function code_challenge() { $random = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(43)); $verifier = $this->base64url_encode(pack('H*', $random)); $challenge = $this->base64url_encode(pack('H*', hash('sha256', $verifier))); $_SESSION['SESSION']->code_verifier = $verifier; return $challenge; } /** * Get code verifier. * * @return bool */ public function code_verifier() { if (isset($_SESSION['SESSION']) && !empty($_SESSION['SESSION']->code_verifier)) { return $_SESSION['SESSION']->code_verifier; } return false; } /** * Generate base64url encode. * * @param string $plaintext text to convert. * @return string */ public function base64url_encode($plaintext) { $base64 = base64_encode($plaintext); $base64 = trim($base64, "="); $base64url = strtr($base64, '+/', '-_'); return ($base64url); } /** * Callback url where the request is returned to. * * @return moodle_url url of callback */ public static function callback_url() { return new moodle_url('/badges/oauth2callback.php'); } /** * Check and refresh token to keep login on backpack site. * * @return bool * @throws \coding_exception * @throws moodle_exception */ public function is_logged_in() { // Has the token expired? if (isset($this->accesstoken->expires) && time() >= $this->accesstoken->expires) { if (isset($this->accesstoken->refreshtoken)) { return $this->upgrade_token($this->accesstoken->refreshtoken, 'refresh_token'); } else { throw new moodle_exception('Could not refresh oauth token, please try again.'); } } if (isset($this->accesstoken->token) && isset($this->accesstoken->scope)) { return true; } // If we've been passed then authorization code generated by the // authorization server try and upgrade the token to an access token. $code = optional_param('oauth2code', null, PARAM_RAW); // Note - sometimes we may call is_logged_in twice in the same request - we don't want to attempt // to upgrade the same token twice. if ($code && $this->upgrade_token($code, 'authorization_code')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Request new token. * * @param string $code code verify from Auth site. * @param string $granttype grant type. * @return bool * @throws moodle_exception */ public function upgrade_token($code, $granttype = 'authorization_code') { $callbackurl = self::callback_url(); if ($granttype == 'authorization_code') { $params = array('code' => $code, 'grant_type' => $granttype, 'redirect_uri' => $callbackurl->out(false), 'scope' => $this->get_scopes(), 'code_verifier' => $this->code_verifier() ); } else if ($granttype == 'refresh_token') { $this->basicauth = false; $params = array('refresh_token' => $code, 'grant_type' => $granttype, 'scope' => $this->get_scopes(), ); } if ($this->basicauth) { $idsecret = urlencode($this->clientid) . ':' . urlencode($this->clientsecret); $this->setHeader('Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($idsecret)); } else { $params['client_id'] = $this->clientid; $params['client_secret'] = $this->clientsecret; } // Requests can either use http GET or POST. $response = $this->post($this->token_url(), $this->build_post_data($params)); $r = json_decode($response); if ($this->info['http_code'] !== 200) { throw new moodle_exception('Could not upgrade oauth token'); } if (is_null($r)) { throw new moodle_exception("Could not decode JSON token response"); } if (!empty($r->error)) { throw new moodle_exception($r->error . ' ' . $r->error_description); } if (!isset($r->access_token)) { return false; } // Store the token an expiry time. $accesstoken = new stdClass; $accesstoken->token = $r->access_token; if (isset($r->expires_in)) { // Expires 10 seconds before actual expiry. $accesstoken->expires = (time() + ($r->expires_in - 10)); } if (isset($r->refresh_token)) { $this->refreshtoken = $r->refresh_token; $accesstoken->refreshtoken = $r->refresh_token; } $accesstoken->scope = $r->scope; // Also add the scopes. $this->store_token($accesstoken); return true; } /** * Store a token to verify for send request. * * @param null|stdClass $token */ protected function store_token($token) { global $USER; $this->accesstoken = $token; // Create or update a DB record with the new token. $persistedtoken = badge_backpack_oauth2::get_record(['externalbackpackid' => $this->backpack->id, 'userid' => $USER->id]); if ($token !== null) { if (!$persistedtoken) { $persistedtoken = new badge_backpack_oauth2(); $persistedtoken->set('issuerid', $this->backpack->oauth2_issuerid); $persistedtoken->set('externalbackpackid', $this->backpack->id); $persistedtoken->set('userid', $USER->id); } else { $persistedtoken->set('timemodified', time()); } // Update values from $token. Don't use from_record because that would skip validation. $persistedtoken->set('usermodified', $USER->id); $persistedtoken->set('token', $token->token); $persistedtoken->set('refreshtoken', $token->refreshtoken); $persistedtoken->set('expires', $token->expires); $persistedtoken->set('scope', $token->scope); $persistedtoken->save(); } else { if ($persistedtoken) { $persistedtoken->delete(); } } } /** * Get token of current user. * * @return stdClass|null token object */ protected function get_stored_token() { global $USER; $token = badge_backpack_oauth2::get_record(['externalbackpackid' => $this->backpack->id, 'userid' => $USER->id]); if ($token !== false) { $token = $token->to_record(); return $token; } return null; } /** * Get scopes granted. * * @return null|string */ protected function get_scopes() { if (!empty($this->grantscope)) { return $this->grantscope; } $token = $this->get_stored_token(); if ($token) { return $token->scope; } return null; } }